
Environmental Disaster Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The oil rig Deepwater Horizon exploded. It's been called the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history."
"This train derailment was an environmental disaster, not an environmental disaster like climate change is, but an actual environmental disaster."
"This is a true environmental disaster for the people living in Ohio."
"It's never been more important for us to understand the effects of biodiversity loss. Of how it is that we ourselves are responsible for it. Only if we do that will we have any hope of averting disaster."
"The whole incident went down as the largest civilian dioxin exposure in US history."
"Much of it concerns three different questions: How did it happen? What are the long-term consequences of the spill? Why are we drilling there at all? And what can we do to ensure that this kind of accident never happens again?"
"It's estimated that up to half a billion plants and animals are believed to have perished in the fires."
"But make no mistake: We will fight this spill with everything we've got for as long it takes."
"Chernobyl: one of the largest nuclear disasters in history."
"Searing wildfires ignite across Siberia, firefighters battling nearly 200 wildfires."
"Pray those wildfires don't reach the ocean or the whole state is going to be fried worse than Dog the Bounty Hunter."
"I feel terrible for those birds covered in black oil, you know? Not only is their health in danger, but they're also in danger of getting cancelled on Twitter."
"The Chernobyl eruption spewed out some unbelievably nasty stuff, joining plutonium-239 and other scary-sounding things."
"This is a nuclear disaster we're talking about, radiation, something as invisible, the direct effects are extremely hard to measure."
"One of the country's biggest environmental disasters."
"People died here at Troy like lots of people. This death and sorrow and all of the tragedy that befell these people has certainly left behind a dark mark."
"One of the worst environmental disasters in the US occurred at a coal-fired power plant in North Carolina when a sudden breach sent up to 39,000 tons of toxic waste and 27 million gallons of contaminated water into the Dan River."
"China's most severe flooding in decades drove millions out of their homes this summer; food shortages followed the damage."
"They spilled about 200 tons of fuel into the ocean leading to the worst Maritime environmental disaster in New Zealand's history."
"There is an extremely high probability that by the year 2036 our planet will lose its atmosphere."
"Cost cutting and a broken radar caused the Exxon Valdez oil spill."
"It's not a natural disaster but a man-made one."
"A massive ice sheet that will spell disaster if melting continues unabated."
"If every one of these Fusion bombs went off the explosion would lead to so much debris being injected into the atmosphere that it would trigger a nuclear winter."
"It would take decades, if not centuries, for the planet to recover from the catastrophic environmental consequences of the impact."
"There's a conspiracy going around. Fires may have been started in strategic locations to max destruction."
"The Chernobyl accident resulted in the deaths of two workers but leaked radioactive waste into water supplies and the surrounding area."
"One single rogue cycle can potentially bring a planet to the point of becoming an entirely lost cause."
"Over 130 million gallons of crude oil were released into the Gulf of Mexico, further marking it as one of the worst environmental disasters in our world's history."
"The disaster that threatened to last a decade was out within six months."
"A wonderful comeback from BIG, and they will stay alive."
"It was easily the worst environmental disaster in Spanish or Portuguese history."
"You're gonna have over 500,000 pipelines rupture. Completely contaminating that area for millennia."
"The aftermath of Bhopal gives any nuclear accident a run for its money."
"The catastrophic failure at the Fundão tailings dam in Brazil led to devastating consequences, including loss of lives and environmental pollution."
"It looked like a real-life version of Fallout." - Describing the eerie atmosphere of the Fukushima exclusion zone.
"900 tons of fish have died in Lebanon. Lebanon doesn't need any more troubles right now."
"All the waters were in the river were turned to blood."
"To this day it is listed as one of the top 10 worst man-made environmental disasters in America."
"Damn you, Hooker did this to my child."
"The government finally had enough; they piled 10,000 concrete blocks on top of the lake."
"The video showed clips of devastated and lifeless landscapes, the sun blocked out by a thick cloud of radioactive dust."
"...there's enough oil in some of these wells to last a lifetime. That's why they're panicking realizing it's going to get into the Atlantic Ocean."
"This is the location of the giant coal ash spill that happened in the not so distant past."
"Pretty bad, but nothing compared to the great Exxon Valdez oil spill of 1989, when Captain Joseph Hazelwood said, hold my beer, and dumps 10.8 million gallons of oil onto the shores of Alaska."
"The biggest ocean oil spill in history occurred in 1991 during the Gulf War, with 240 million gallons of oil spilled into the Persian Gulf."
"This all started after a coal fire ignited underground, this fire has been burning for almost 50 years and it's predicted to continue for another 200 years."
"Our Story begins on a misty night in 1971 when two oil tankers Collide beneath the Golden Gate Bridge spilling more than a half million gallons of crude into the bay."
"Can you imagine being in your basement and all of a sudden you see a stream of oil pouring in from the outside?"
"Eventually more than $20 million in Damages was awarded to the 1300 residents affected by the Love Canal which included Lois gibbs's family."
"The worst environmental disaster ever to strike the Gulf of Mexico."
"Australia was on fire, the smoke just billowing out... an estimated billion animals lost."
"It's nothing short of an environmental catastrophe."
"The CDC declared that Times Beach was uninhabitable."
"The death toll from the fuel that did manage to escape into the ecosystem was thought to be responsible for over 3,000 shore and seabirds."
"It's not a spill, it's an eruption, it's a damn disaster."
"The Aral Sea was once the fourth largest lake in the world but has essentially vanished, leaving a post-apocalyptic landscape of abandoned ships."