
Deregulation Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"There's hope for a better future, and in rural America, they feel like their best days are yet to come now that we've taken off the shackles of high taxes and regulations."
"Under neoliberalism, privatization of public works and de-regulation are both permissible if they are profitable."
"Once you unleash this wrecking crew there really was no stopping them and we are suffering deeply the ill effects of that wrecking today."
"Kenneth Lay was deregulation's ambassador at large and was described as wrapping himself in a cloak of moral rectitude."
"Senator Elizabeth Warren also echoed these statements by saying, 'Congress, the White House, and banking regulators should reverse the dangerous bank deregulation of the Trump era.'"
"Lower taxes would be nice, deregulation... I could get behind that."
"We need to deregulate California and bring business back."
"The President's deregulatory agenda will boost household income by $3,100 annually."
"We are bringing in commercial mining in coal sector. That garment monopoly is now being removed."
"Trillion-dollar wealth is all post WTO because what's called globalization was deregulated Commerce."
"Neoliberalism is basically the idea that society should be shaped by the free market and that the economy should be deregulated and privatized."
"So 2020 who was in charge in 2020 oh that's right it was Donald Trump yeah that deregulation not a good idea but look uh to be fair the Biden Administration should have reversed that."
"We need to remove the regulatory burden and allow companies the ability to move quickly."
"We've cut more regulations than any president in the history of our country."
"Lobbying sharply increased, deregulation began with a real ferocity."
"The biggest problems came from deregulation."
"Not only the judges and not only the biggest tax cuts, but other reasons, including frankly, the regulation cuts."
"Under President Trump, seven deregulatory actions have been taken for every one new regulation."
"This deregulation agenda lowers the cost for every American."
"President Ronald Reagan's deregulation policies made it possible for the campaigners to launch a new animated series to bolster the other two arms, all ultimately aimed at driving toy sales."
"Ronald Reagan convinced many Americans that joining his political crusade would unshackle the economy from regulation and set them free."
"Our real prosperity, our real terms of trade if we just get out of the way of blocking it, we'll have an era of prosperity."
"We are living in a time of serial shocks, where we've deregulated the market, got a lot of market shocks, reverberations, blowback from our oil wars, and now we have climate shocks on top of it."
"The basic right today is the right to remove all possible laws or barriers to deregulation, to privatization, to the making of profits, including removing barriers which were taken for granted in the United States at the end of the 19th and for most of the 20th century."
"2008 wasn't the result of deregulation."
"Thirty years of deregulation, the ripping up of so-called red tape, has had a devastating effect on the fire service."
"Crisis were followed by deregulation partly for very practical reasons."
"Let's talk about the issues. Let's talk about why in the 1990s Wall Street got deregulated. Do you think it has anything to do with the huge amounts of campaign contributions and lobbying?" - Senator Sanders
"Never has the US economy done so well with the policy it has because it's a very pro-business, pro-growth, pro-deregulatory theme."
"Airline deregulation in the late 1970s further expanded the role of Stapleton as a major hub."
"Supply-side economics is a macroeconomic theory that argues economic growth can be most effectively created by lowering taxes and decreasing regulation."
"By and large, economists got it right; we're better off in a deregulated world."
"Deregulating the economy basically what we do is we allow resources to be used more effectively."
"We need to get back to have a functioning single market where deregulation of intra-EU air travel becomes the central policy."
"When you free a market up, when you deregulate... it's seen a massive growth in breweries everywhere. It's just fantastic."
"Anything a government can do, reducing payroll tax or removing regulation that discourages people being taken on, should be done."
"Regulation needs to weaken in order to unlock the American innovation engine."
"The main form of regulation that will help this ecosystem is getting rid of as much of it as possible."
"These businesses have spent years being held back by unnecessary bureaucratic red tape."
"Reagan's economic policy platform pushed for widespread tax cuts, decreased social spending, increased military spending, and the deregulation of domestic markets."
"No longer can we allow these rules and regulations to tie down our economy, chain up our prosperity, and sap our great American spirit."
"The most obvious thing that caused the world economy to experience something dangerously reminiscent of the Great Depression was financial deregulation."