
Illumination Quotes

There are 1979 quotes

"You shining, everything else in your world shines by your light. Everything in your world is revealed by you, the light."
"Why the artist chose to use LED lights to make the horse's eyes glow red, that's always been a lingering question."
"Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of his light is as if there were a niche and within it a lamp; the lamp is in glass, the glass as it were a brilliant star lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow forth of itself though no fire touched it. Light upon light!"
"The hour of calmness is the hour of illumination and correct judgment."
"The sun is enlightenment, something being illuminated, and the moon is secrets."
"He's the light of the world, the love of the world, and the life of the world."
"The Quiet Light is what's put out there, it illuminates the potentials."
"When America brings truth to the world, we bring light. Don't forget that. It's what you do."
"Your light has come. Jesus is the light that enlightens every person that comes into the world."
"We are called to walk in strength and become the priests of this world that fills the world with our Father's light."
"Trust, everything will be illuminated, everything will be okay."
"This solar eclipse will be highlighting the light behind the shadow."
"The Christ is not just a light that illuminates, it's a fire which annihilates the darkness completely."
"To embrace the luciferian impulse is to accept the challenge of navigating the fine line between the pursuit of spiritual illumination and the allure of self-centered ambition."
"Having light is going to be a high priority."
"A full moon can shine light on what you have been resisting."
"I am not the light, I came only as a witness to the light."
"Edison's tower of light was a column 80 feet high covered with colored jewels."
"The prophetic word shines light in the darkness."
"Now you not only have the lighting in the bed of the truck, but it kind of lights up the entire zone of that behind the truck."
"The fire of truth burns away the shadows of deceit."
"While the world is heading for a blackout, the people of God are preparing to turn up the light."
"You are lit up... there is plenty of light around you."
"Sometimes if you want to shed a little light on things you have to go groping around in the dark."
"A little light can reveal some remarkable clues."
"I looked up and I saw an object passing to the south that lit up the area."
"Every meditation is a partial illumination; for you cannot possibly open your mind to God without God immediately responding."
"There's all this light and this beautiful path, and they see it. They feel passionate about it."
"They're illuminating the shadows and focusing on a solution."
"The hermit's always holding the lantern here the the lantern is actually replaced by a an old-fashioned hourglass but but I would say the important thing here is that you could shine a light on how putting focus on a deadline for instance."
"My definition of greatness is shining a light where there needs to be a light."
"If we can bring it to light, we can bring it to a halt."
"Highlighters are filled with a special semi-transparent fluorescent ink that can glow in dim light."
"Those are the two trees, they give light to the world."
"Conduits are basically water beacons. They'll make everything nice and bright, they'll make it so you'd be able to breathe under the water."
"Good criticism, even if it's harsh, is illuminating."
"Every star is a stream of light from your soul family, illuminating your inner world."
"It's best lit through a spirit of truth and truth seeking."
"Having conversation between us and the audience is quite illuminating."
"Shining that bright light is one of the best tools and strategies."
"Your choice to meet these challenges while maintaining a state of surrender to the love of the creator shines the brightest light upon a portion of the creation that is new to the creator."
"You are the light which illuminates your feelings, your emotions."
"The time of reckoning is at hand; the light is penetrating into the deepest shadows."
"When the lights are on, the stars shine brightest."
"The sun is all about Clarity, it's all about illumination."
"Heaven is the presence of God, so tangibly present, so there, that you don't even need sunlight to light the place because His presence is there."
"It's a part of you my light you've embraced it."
"The light of the glorious gospel of Christ should shine unto them."
"You are a shining star in truth, you were born to illuminate the world with your light."
"So there we go, this is the illuminated platen selector."
"Light upon light, God guides to His light whom He wills."
"The Moon is at peak brightness so that the full disc of the Moon is illuminated."
"In a moment's time, you will see the light shine, illuminating."
"Everything at Dreamland was touted to be bigger than Luna Park, including the larger Electric Tower and four times as many incandescent lights."
"In the middle of the lake at the center of the park was a 200-foot tall Electric Tower that was decorated with 20,000 incandescent lamps."
"It's subtle and romantic and beautiful, but you have that wow factor from the glow."
"Illumination, enlightenment, celebration."
"It looks like you are ready to shine your light."
"The light smote full upon the imposing facade of the house."
"And there will no longer be any night; and they will not have any need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God will illuminate them."
"Don't hide your light when we shine the light of God's truth, it wipes away the darkness."
"There's no more lies in the darkness, there's light, and nobody cries, there's only butterflies."
"See this alone time as a time of great illumination, a time of miracles, blessings, things really lining up for you."
"He did not seem afraid of his imminent damnation; instead, he sat down cross-legged on the cold ground, his form illuminated by the burning red of the vortex."
"Stars are shining now, lamps are lit."
"There really is no darkness; it's just an absence of light."
"See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you."
"When the sun sets, the shadows go away."
"The light of God is what illuminates this dark world, and your light is illuminating other people's pathway."
"Don't curse the darkness, light a match."
"Those who are wise will shine like the stars."
"The truth is the truth, and the truth will shine."
"The light of the righteous rejoiceth."
"His word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path."
"You didn't leave any stone unturned in them, you just illuminated."
"A light that is a very high Candela light, you can make it a spilly light."
"As you swallow all the Funky Fungus, your polymorphed body begins radiating rainbow light which illuminates the entire airship and can be seen from beyond the horizon."
"We know the canon by an inward illumination of the Holy Spirit."
"What is in darkness, it always comes to light."
"The sun. To remind you who you are. Your power lies not in your strength, but in your ability to be a light."
"His word is a lamp unto your feet, a light unto your path."
"You've illuminated certain areas and aspects in their life and you've really put things into perspective for them."
"Illumination over what needs to be destroyed is the first step towards transformation."
"It's through our cracks that the light shines the brightest."
"Light can illuminate darkness and expel shadows."
"She slowly sees him as the light in this dark world."
"...the beauty of dark times is even a small candle can bring great light to a very dark room."
"Knowledge enables us to know things. Just like a light illumines this Hall, our knowledge illumines the world for us. In just that way, a very simple way, knowledge illumines, and the illumination is of the nature of what we call Satwaguna, Satwik."
"It's time to welcome her into your heart. When you do, everything you've been searching for becomes illuminated and your path lights up with renewed purpose."
"I realized I need some special art pieces for the walls."
"...Sparks can light up the whole world."
"The lights that ringed it burst into a fiery intensity and the pine tree found itself caught in the beam of brightening orange light."
"Moon Gundam doesn't overstep or contradict other Tomino stories; it adds a new transform light to his ideas, much like the Moon does to the Sun's rays."
"You are a light in the darkness for me."
"There's just something powerful about shining the light on things in our life and allowing the Lord to come in and bring healing."
"This bright white light comes in just like permeates the entire cell."
"For a man who spent his entire life searching for The Grail to just tell Indie let it go because he values their lives over his treasure now that's true illumination right there."
"Jupiter can sometimes, in this case, bring a great quality of presence and illumination."
"When the moon moves and the light of the sun returns everything becomes illuminated clear and Clarity is stronger than ever."
"Having a reliable source of hands-free illumination like the Pathfinder UL Scout headlamp can make all the difference in a survival scenario."
"The Nebo slide King 2K, a flashlight that elevates your illumination capabilities to a whole new level."
"It's less about pointing fingers at individuals and more about illuminating these problematic aspects."
"Our inner surge can illuminate the outer surge and vice versa so they will self-pollinate..."
"Arise shine for your light has come in the glory of yahuwah is risen upon you."
"God's Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
"Flashlights, in a grid down emergency, we're not gonna have street lamps, car lights, all that stuff."
"Full moons illuminate, so something could be illuminated in your life around this time for you to really, really dig deep and reflect."
"Illuminate the night like a pro with Glow Ultra Bright Emergency Glow Sticks."
"I'll take that one. I'm going to turn some lights on."
"Lights up everything in close proximity."
"Lights up the whole range very well."
"Lights, oh no way, it worked, how long has it been since they've seen lights in an establishment like this?"
"This is how they look lit up at night I think that the opacity of the plastic I think it makes them really bright like they really glow white and I think they turned out really fun."
"All human beings have access to Eternal truth concerning the nature of created things by virtue of a general kind of illumination of the human mind."
"The land of dreams was far from what many imagined it to look like, even in the darkness of the underworld where only dim candlelight and bits of sunlight that managed to leak through the rocks overhead illuminated everything."
"When illumination comes, we learn something new so we can do something we couldn't do before."
"At the top of the hour every hour after sunset, the top of the Empire State Building sparkles white."
"You can actually see where you're going in the dark."
"There's something in this that is not that as you obviously are exploring as well as rather beautifully uh Illuminating for us."
"Searchlights were incredibly useful because it meant for."
"A tiny little light will overcome an enormous room of Darkness, the darkness cannot put out the light, the light always puts out the darkness."
"Love the way this works. Illumination is also great to have when we shoot at dusk or at night."
"When light is present, darkness can't exist."
"You are that light which illumines everything that happens in your life."
"Having light for the first time is a big deal, especially when it's dark for 12 hours a day in the tropics."
"In your presence, things become clear as your light shines on our circumstances."
"Turn the light of the emperor upon all fear or anxious thoughts in your mind when they flee away."
"Jesus Christ is the light that guides us and shows us the way."
"Jesus Christ is light, the pure and holy light that drives out all the darkness."
"Turn your lights on in the daytime. There are so many references where there are similar sort of spotlights turned on."
"... imagine you're looking at Thailand from a map but it's covered in the light of this love."
"The fire drew strange dancing silhouettes. At times, the flames became iridescent, they grew bluish and then brilliantly white."
"Contemplate creation, ask Atom to flash a ray of his illumination into your awareness, giving you the power to grasp in thought his sublime being."
"This is somebody that's shining the light in a dark area. Somebody does not want this to get out of the house."
"Faith releases light into the soul"
"Investigate, illuminate, and inspire transformation in ourselves, intimate relationships, and the social ecosystems we are constellated in."
"The pulpit needs to be on fire, giving off both light and heat."
"Things are being illuminated for them."
"Darkness isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, darkness emphasizes light."
"Glowy lantern, beautiful light guiding our way on our most recent hike."
"Whenever Scripture speaks of the glory of God, it speaks of that glory in terms of a shining."
"God's light illuminates things that on their own just aren't that impressive."
"Remember when the lights went out? People moved, exclaimed, bumped into each other, and after that, all that could be seen was the blinding light of the electric torch." - Miss Blacklock
"Now would be the time to turn the flashlight on."
"Everything is now lit up and it looks even better than it does in the daytime."
"Kindness possesses the transformative power to illuminate the world around us."
"The spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord searching all the inward parts of the belly."
"The dusk of evening seemed to grow lighter about him, as if a cloud had been withdrawn."
"It's quite clever when you plug it into a lamp holder. When it's powered up, it will illuminate the lamps like an envelope."
"A light might still shine on them, if only for a moment."
"I believe illumination is a source of knowledge."
"The sun is finally coming into your world and this sun is gonna illuminate everything."
"And there's light, let there be light."
"A profoundly pessimistic love story shot through with muted bolts of humane illumination."
"Our new bodies will be illuminated in brilliance."
"Whatever lays in the dark will always make its way to light."
"Flashlights, headlamps, an assortment of other products that my kids have that take batteries, you're gonna need some."
"This Light of Christ that can make this image is a light that is needed because he is a light in a world where there's a lot of Darkness."
"The light was waning too and since he had no illumined with him he knew he would have to be leaving soon."
"There's always a point where the hair started to look at the light and sometimes this happens don't forget about this, the glare back the globe backward towards the light wherever hair is shiniest it glows back out towards the light."
"Believe it or not, crystals are so powerful, they even light up under pressure. Here's how that is possible."
"Light is here, illuminating and making more potentials available to everyone."
"Thousands of glowing pods were released from the massive plant."
"An indispensable companion that elevates your night hikes, dispelling the veil of darkness."
"The Bulb shines as equally on the fruit of the orchard as it does the leaves of the garden."
"There is no light more welcome than that which first pierces the darkness."
"It was like the transformation seen in a theatre, the whole place all at once was brilliantly illuminated."
"You are the kind of person that's very illuminated spiritually, you're a high frequency individual."
"God's word it really is a lamp it really is a light."
"When we pray, the laser beam of God's light leaps through the black night of the world."
"This thing is an absolute torch at night."
"Everyone who does evil hates the Light."
"Illumination of your shortcomings doesn't eliminate the shortcomings of someone else."
"We need a light source in this painting. We need some light in it."
"Even in the vastness of space, integrity, courage, and unity could illuminate the darkest of plots."
"Acts of goodness and kindness as you light a candle in a dark room, it lights up the whole room."
"Are you ready to light up the night like a pro? Look no further than the Glowm emergency glow sticks."
"It is the light that never goes out."
"I don't think you quite realize what you got here so why don't you just ruminate whilst I illuminate the possibilities"
"The light is Dawning, but your path is being highlighted more and more."
"The Extra Pedal Light is the ultimate accessory for fearless riders who want to light up the night."
"I'm excited to see how the lanterns look here at night."
"...an epicenter of functionality bathed in natural light..."
"The story of Neon Lights is a fascinating Voyage of innovation and progress in the world of Illumination."
"It's pretty bright and that cut off seems awfully High so hopefully this is not going to be an issue as far as blinding people."
"Everything is really quite nicely illuminated."
"The light almost wants to be there, and we don't want to give a Porsche look away."
"The vastness of the polished table gleaming in the soft light."
"When you're looking at a lamp, don't look at it as like a decorative object or a sculpture or a piece of art. Look at the actual light that it's emitting."
"Vexils aren't new per se, they are new to be incorporated into lasers for illumination purposes though."
"It gives the most beautiful glow."
"Let me get some extra light here so you can see what's going on."
"The eye is the lamp of your body."
"If your eye is single, your whole body is flooded with light."
"It's just the most beautiful glowing light."
"I feel like if I were just going to keep one illuminating priming product it would be this."
"It's much easier to see the light when it's surrounded by darkness. Thank you darkness for showing me the light."
"I hope this video has been illuminating for you, and I really appreciate you taking the time to watch."
"You're going to want it, it's going to light up your area."