
Space-time Quotes

There are 733 quotes

"Space-time isn't the fundamental reality; it's just our headset, and the reality is this infinite network of conscious agents."
"The amplitahedron captures the structure of space-time, Einstein's special relativity, Quantum theory, and a so-called unitarity of quantum theory."
"Our best science tells us that space-time is not fundamental. This is the conclusion of both physics and evolution by natural selection."
"The physicists are talking about when they thought that space and time are fundamental, they were thinking that this was the fundamental ground of all possible realities."
"Space and time themselves do not exist, independent of us. So most of us think that space-time is fundamental reality, and all the objects inside space-time are part, are on the stage, this preexisting stage of space-time. And I'm saying that, that whole idea is wrong, that space-time is something that you create in this moment. You're the author of space-time, you're not a bit player, that's shown up 14 billion years later, after the stage was set. So we are the authors of space and time, and all the objects that we see. We're not bit players in space-time."
"We're going to have to let go of space-time. It's not fundamental, there's something else that's more fundamental from which space-time arises as an emergent concept or property."
"It's fun to have a tunnel through space, but it is mind-blowing to have a tunnel through time."
"We're trying to build something that tears space-time apart like a toy for our own benefit."
"It's hard to ignore the obviously existing void; the fabric of space-time itself manifested and expanded simultaneously in all directions."
"Space itself is very stiff, so when gravitational waves come through it, luckily for us, it doesn't distort it so much that it affects our ordinary life very much."
"Black hole is a region of space where the curvature of space-time, meaning the gravitational field, is so strong that nothing can get out, including light."
"Space by itself and Time by itself are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of Union of the two will preserve an independent reality."
"Gravity is not a conventional force... it is a feature of space-time itself."
"Gravity is not a force between two objects with mass; instead, gravity is the warping of space and time in the presence of objects with mass."
"Matter warps not only the fabric of space but time as well."
"It's a revolution in thinking about how space-time emerges."
"He understands four-dimensional curved space-time better than any person alive."
"Space-time singularities are among the most fascinating ideas in the history of science. They are also among the most puzzling."
"It is immensely disorienting, in other words, to maintain a close attachment, and at the same time to not be able to make predictions about where that person, animal, or thing is in space and time."
"Space and time are not what our Common Sense tells us it is."
"These days, I am increasingly finding myself wishing for some form of interdimensional travel so that I can not only leave this entire planet behind but also free myself from the pesky constraints of space and time."
"Space and time may not be fundamental structures; they may emerge from more basic ingredients."
"Gravity is...a consequence of the curvature of SpaceTime."
"The quantum mechanical description is more fundamental, and spacetime looks like something emergent."
"As wrong or incomplete as current string theory may be, it may also be the inevitable early step as we seek an even more beautiful and ultimately more right understanding of space-time."
"Gravity is the warping of time, gravity is manifested by the fact that clocks at different distances from a gravitational source will tick off time at different rates."
"The world is made of atoms. This reductionist view may apply to space and time themselves, possibly understanding the 'atoms' of space-time."
"Space-time has always been about digging towards the deepest layers of reality."
"Gravity might emerge from properties of space and time when properly understood."
"Curved space-time geometry is being reinterpreted as gravitational force."
"It's worth remembering that whenever you see 2D illustrations of space-time planes, wire frameworks, and things like this, these are used to illustrate the concepts so that your brain can more easily understand the principles being described."
"Space-time tells matter how to move, but it's matter which tells space-time how to curve."
"Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time. Space-time is incredibly dense, so to cause ripples, you have to have some sort of object that has enormous gravity, like a black hole or a neutron star."
"To the best of our knowledge, the universe as we know it has three spatial dimensions: length, width, and height, and one dimension of time, making a total of four dimensions in space-time."
"Most of us know that space and time got married with Einstein, and so we speak of space-time as opposed to time on its own."
"The next revolution in physics will likely involve thinking about space and time not as fundamentals but as emergent properties."
"In order to keep the speed of light a constant, Einstein's theory implied that time and space have to bend."
"Vacuum space-time metric engineering: some light reading for some of our members."
"Space-time is super interesting. Space-time is like a blanket held tight at all four corners."
"Black holes are FASCINATING regions of spacetime where curvature is really pushed to the extreme."
"Gravity is not a force... It's a feature of space-time itself."
"Space-time replaces the geometry of Euclidean space with a spacetime in which the division between space and time is not absolute."
"Gravity is the manifestation of the curvature of space and time."
"Matter curves space and time, and curved space-time informs how matter moves."
"A black hole is a region of space and time in which once you go inside the black hole, you can never escape."
"A wormhole is a tunnel through the space-time continuum that theoretically could send you to any point in the universe in just a few seconds."
"The plane of space-time is curved by the presence of mass, and the heavier and more concentrated the mass, the more the space-time surrounding it will warp."
"Contrary to what its name might suggest, the Big Bang was not an explosion, but the rapid expansion of space and time in all directions."
"Space-time is the arena for everything that happens in the universe, but it's more than just an arena; it's a participant in reality's grand play."
"Our local presentation of space-time does not preclude some other sort of time or some other sort of space."
"Tesla discovered that magnetic fields could significantly influence time and space, changing their very structure."
"General relativity is a comprehensive description of gravity, the nature of space and time, and their links."
"Gravity gives rise to this curvature... the moon is seeking out the shortest possible trajectory, what we called geodesics, and that shortest possible trajectory in that curved environment yields the curved paths."
"The fabric of space, in fact, space-time, curves and it's that curvature that keeps objects in orbit."
"You can think of the event horizon as a region where space-time is falling inward like a waterfall at the speed of light, and so it just sits there."
"What we call curvature of space and time is in some sense just an illusion because underlying is this more quantum description."
"The force of gravity is due to this bending of space-time."
"We're trying to find...a theory that describes space-time at the quantum mechanical level."
"String theory...manages to join the quantum with space-time."
"Matter warps space-time, and that warping causes gravity."
"Wormholes fix this narrative problem as, theoretically speaking, they can be used as a kind of space shortcut by almost instantaneously folding space-time."
"The holographic principle is built on an observation... that there is a connection between the geometry of space and time and its information content."
"Mass tells space-time how to curve and curved space-time tells mass how to move."
"In the general theory of relativity, space-time is dynamic."
"Because of Einstein's space-time curves, it may be possible to do it across a galaxy in something less than a bazillion years."
"If we accept that remote viewing exists and that the remote viewer can travel across virtually any distance in space, theoretically they should be able to traverse through time as well."
"We knew since Einstein that what we call gravity is the effect of the curvature of this space-time continuum."
"Gravity is a rather special force. It's unusual. It has difference in electrical forces, magnetic forces, and it's connected in some way with geometric properties of space, space and time."
"Curvature of spacetime is essentially the same thing as the effect of a real gravitational field. The real effects of gravitational fields are tidal forces."
"Through space and across time, so we meet again my dear friend."
"That's the weird thing, is like when you think of space and time, like the reason we have multiverses..."
"The cosmic force transcends the neural boundaries of space and time."
"Objects in the universe are attracted to each other because space-time is bent and curved."
"Einstein described the fabric of the universe as four-dimensional space-time."
"Gravitational waves were discovered for the first time in 2015, allowing scientists to observe the wobbles in space-time that occur when black holes collide, causing disruptions that reverberate throughout the universe."
"The fundamentality and primacy of space and time may stem from the fact that we have no alternative way of partitioning our experience."
"Imagine you can see gravitational fields. It would mean seeing the literal threads of the fabric of spacetime."
"Gravity is a theory of the geometry of space-time."
"Space-time ceases to be coherent; it has no operational meaning at that level. It's gone, it's doomed."
"The Universe expands in all directions, stretching out space itself, not matter expanding into some existing empty space from some sort of big explosion."
"Space-time is one four-dimensional thing. It's kind of like space. It's not just three dimensions of space and one dimension of time."
"But what else might be hiding in the ripples’ of spacetime? Oh, I know: how about the gravitational wakes caused by planet-sized alien spacecraft accelerating to near light speed."
"A black hole is a region of space-time which is so dense and has such strong curvature that nothing, including light, can escape from it."
"All of spacetime across the pulsar network, and probably across the universe, is a bit wibbly wobbly."
"It's not so much density as it is a dynamic contraction and expansion of space."
"You're connected to the structure of space-time. This is what you call Consciousness."
"Motion in space-time must be at an angle of greater than 45 degrees."
"There's enough potential energy in the fabric of space-time for the zero point energy field to run the entire planet."
"One way or another, we live in a seriously loopy space time."
"Infinite time and infinite space — that to me is the 'ultimate.'"
"Space time being this trampoline, and there's a big bowling ball sitting in the center, and it's just weighing it down and the space time around it starts to bend and things start to fall in towards it."
"Space-time is doomed; there is no fundamental space time."
"Preston Nichols started to feel like he was doing more harm than good to the people in the program, to the planet, and to space-time itself."
"We live in a fractal universe, and it's fractal not only in terms of space but in time as well."
"The Gateway process induced states of consciousness transcending space-time."
"The mission controller says your time is running slow, the astronaut says there's nothing wrong with my time, it's your distances that are squashed up. It all makes perfect sense."
"One of the most intriguing possibilities proposed by theoretical physics is the concept of wormholes."
"The apparent ability of UFOs to manipulate space and time suggests radically different and richer Alternatives."
"Space and time can get sort of mixed up with each other."
"The walls of space and time are illusions, science is just beginning to grasp the nonlinear nature of reality."
"The issue about time is intimately connected with space, that's why we call it the time-space continuum."
"Einstein predicted this connection when he linked space and time into one unified space-time."
"The universe rapidly expanded creating time and space as it went."
"Gravity is the effect of the bending and warping of space-time."
"Time is not just a ticking clock on the wall; it's a dimension as vast and malleable as space itself."
"Space-time exists as a mathematical model that combines three dimensions of space and one dimension of time into a four-dimensional Continuum."
"The Revelations made by Carlson about the space-time modification technology represents a groundbreaking development in our understanding and manipulation of that Concept."
"Gravity warp space, specifically very massive objects distort space around them and warping space causes light passing through it to bend as well."
"They're made only from warped space and warped time."
"If you have a wormhole, you've got lots of warped space and time and all bets are off."
"Space-time like a sheet... everything below the sheet is this three-dimensional reality."
"We're taking a space-like hypersurface and we're asking on that space-like hypersurface, what will be the future mixing of the evolutions of the things on that space-like hypersurface."
"Bodies do not exert forces on each other directly. Instead, a mass like the sun curves the spacetime in its immediate vicinity."
"The causal set is a skeleton of the Lorentzian manifold."
"A black hole is an area of space-time that has an event horizon."
"Space must adjust itself in tandem with time, so that the ratio for light stays fixed."
"Space has a kind of warp, distorted, curved look; the world around you seems to be curving in around you when your speed approaches the speed of light."
"Once you know that time has weird features, you know that space must have weird features too."
"I modified Einstein's space-time to space memory because no memory, no time."
"The curvature of space-time is what gives rise to what we think of as the gravitational field."
"If we had enough mass, we might be able to warp space so much that it connects to somewhere else."
"Blend space and time together into space-time."
"...that's the gap between quantum theory and general relativity which tells us space is and time are physical entities."
"Gravity... is really just an effect of the warping of space and time."
"The swirling of space will cause the straight line of time to be swirled into a loop."
"Space-time does not claim existence on its own, but only as a structural quality of the gravitational field."
"What I'm about to tell you about your soul and its infinite journey beyond SpaceTime has the potential to change not just your current life but many future births."
"The idea of a warp drive is to stretch the canvas of space into a wave which hypothetically compresses the space in front of an object and expands the space behind it."
"Space-time tells matter how to move; matter tells space-time how to curve."
"Space-time is just a data structure in our perceptions. Once we understand that and get equations for the stuff that's beyond space-time, maybe we won't have to go through space-time. Maybe we can go around it."
"The fabric of space-time can be bent."
"By constricting space-time in front of the craft while expanding space-time behind, the alien ship could propel along like a bullet exiting a rifle."
"Space and time are more fluid than we thought they were."
"You will be forced to let go of the assumption that space-time is fundamental and you'll be forced to look Beyond."
"Space-time is just our headset. It's a VR headset that we've used for a few hundred years, and now we've got the tools and we're ready to go outside the headset for the first time."
"Gravity is not something that lives on top of spacetime. It is a characteristic of the features of spacetime itself."
"This is unlike anything we've ever seen before. The Wormhole was not just a simple tear in SpaceTime; it was a gateway to another dimension entirely."
"The Multiverse theory suggests that the space and time we observe is not the only reality."
"Space and time are not separate things, they're part of this bigger thing called space-time."
"These hypothetical one-dimensional defects in spacetime may have formed in the universe's early moments, resembling cracks or lines of immense gravitational."
"One of the other things Roger Penrose is famous for is his Penrose diagrams - these are ways of mathematically transforming our grid of spacetime to fit infinite distance and time into the one map, while at the same time preserving the 45 degree path of light."
"Gauss, Riemann, and Einstein had between them come up with a description of how the space and time we exist in can be warped."
"Spaghettification: he gets stretched and squeezed by tidal forces, becoming narrower than an atomic nucleus."
"All of Newton's laws of gravity and motion are put inside this measurement of space-time that we see in the middle."
"Mass tells space-time how to move and space-time tells mass how to move."
"The universe really is continuously expanding from a space-time beginning."
"Any universe that expands on average throughout its history must have a space-time beginning."
"For him, the scaffolding of space-time is a mode of perception, it's something that exists in our minds in the way we perceive the world, it is a mental category, it is not an objective space-time scaffolding out there."
"It's a mistake to think of that as the maximum entropy, because the physical system you're looking at is not just a bunch of photons and atoms in a certain spacetime. It's the photons, the atoms, and the spacetime itself."
"But because of the force of the space-time theorems they've been driven to the conclusion there must be some kind of deistic entity beyond space and time that creates a physical reality in which we live"
"The only way to reconcile light's amazing ability to travel the universe is to give up your notions of how space and time work."
"Once we're able to step behind the interface of space-time and play with it, the technologies unleashed will make everything seem trivial."
"In special relativity, space-time is fixed and flat and non-dynamical, and there is no gravity. In general relativity, space-time is dynamical."
"Everything that we're familiar with in ordinary life is made from matter. But not black holes. Black holes are made from warped space and time and nothing else."
"Gravity results from the curvature of space and time."
"The very fabric of space-time seems stained with the neon blue melancholy."
"We're beginning to see a theory that tells us our space and time, presumably, but it's more complicated, emerges from something that does not have those things in it."
"It's almost as if the interior doesn't exist... That's what black holes have been pointing us towards. It's very weird."
"There's a fundamental link between the surface area of a space and the information content it is capable of storing. That's quantum gravity."
"Gravity is a statistical theory. So space-time is made of something else."
"Space-time, this key notion, is a four-dimensional manifold, a topological manifold that carries a smooth atlas."
"Through their ability to understand that their actual actions that they take now in that moment, the moment of now, will create a ripple in SpaceTime that will go out."
"The universe's three dimensions of space and one of time are unified into a single four-dimensional geometry called space-time."
"Gravitational waves and similar kinds of distortions of space-time can effectively have energy."
"Black holes are not solid objects inside; they're just space-time inside."
"In Einstein's vision, the curvature of space and time is what exerts influence, causing objects to move in the trajectories that they do."
"Hitting that singularity, that point of infinite density and space-time curvature, is as inevitable as heading tomorrow."
"If we can warp space and time so much, then we can actually travel on perfectly respectable paths through the universe that nevertheless bring us into contact with our past selves."
"The principles of space-time and quantum mechanics are tied together."
"The very existence of space and time around us is something we take massively for granted."
"It is an emergent fact that space and time sort of work together in the ways that give relativity."
"Dark matter is basically space-time Heat."
"Prayer is a tool that can transcend space-time."
"Well, it's not really matter out of nothing. It's matter being created out of the space-time quantum fluctuations."
"The gravitational force is not a force at a distance; it's a consequence of the curvature of space-time."
"Black holes where time and space converge under gravity's immutable power."
"Space-time distorts as these two black holes orbit each other and get closer and closer."
"Gravitational waves are ripples of space-time that stretch and compress space itself."
"From different reference frames moving relative to one another, there can never be agreement on the simultaneity of events."
"We can only share our delicious taco moment if we describe both space and time."
"Space and time can't be disentangled. You can't talk about space separately from time."
"A birth chart is the map of any space-time event."
"In a black hole, the curvature of space-time actually bends time and bending space exactly because... space-time is not distinct from mass energy."
"The space behind this bubble is expanded, while the space in front is contracted."
"The theory of relativity does, however, force us to change fundamentally our ideas of space and time."
"A pulse of light is emitted at a particular time at a particular point in space then as time goes on it will spread out as a sphere of light whose size and position are independent of the speed of the source."
"The light spreading out from an event forms a three-dimensional cone in the four-dimensional space time."
"Gravity is not a force like other forces but is a consequence of the fact that SpaceTime is not flat."
"The Event Horizon, the boundary of the region of space-time from which it is not possible to escape, acts rather like a one-way membrane around the black hole."
"Why should you care? The implications of such radical finding rock the foundations of our belief system that space-time is fundamental."
"Space and time are not fundamental. You know, that way of thinking about them will have to be understood at a deeper level. We'll have to have a deeper representation beyond space-time."
"Space and time are merely interface concepts. They're what we use to get by, but they're not the reality. The reality is something entirely outside space and time."
"Gravity, unlike any other theory that we know, is a theory about the dynamics of space and time."
"Gravity is a feature of space-time, it's not a force like electromagnetism."
"Well after researching it for many years I I've come to the conclusion that we experienced a space time warp of 100 miles in 30 minutes."
"We exist exactly where quantum computation is done, so we don't exist in this space-time, but in a vast reality out of which space and time are a projection."
"Space and time are not really real, but what is projected on space and time is not pure nonsense."
"Space-time isn't real... it's a relational kind of thing."
"Space and time can twist into each other, something that general relativity allows for and Newtonian gravity never did."
"Causality is ingrained into the fundamental fabric of space-time itself."