
Fear Of Change Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"We often fear becoming the next level or version of ourselves... now is no longer the time for that. We are all becoming new at a planetary level."
"The fight for a more equal and just society is met with fear by some, who feel that when other people have the same opportunities, they are somehow being oppressed."
"You're afraid to put an end or change your life and turn it into a beautiful butterfly."
"I believe that a lot of people are scared of change because they don't know what's going to happen."
"Liberals become willing lap dogs of fascists, terrified by the prospect of instability or change."
"The only thing that is more terrifying than change is for things to not change."
"We won't get anywhere by being afraid of change."
"Why you scared of Killmonger's rage? Because you scared of revolution."
"Change can be scary, but it can also be exciting."
"Most people try to hold on to relationships that need to end or that should have ended a long time ago simply because they fear the unknown and worry about finding someone of equal or better quality."
"Those who fear change live a life that's crackled."
"The biggest fear was transformation, was feeling secure with what I got that someone gave me already made."
"We have a fear of change... our routines, our convenience, our cultures, and traditions."
"There's two types of people: those who know they need radical change but will avoid it at all costs because that's scary and then people who are like I know I need it, bring it on."
"Change is scary, change is hard, but sometimes the right decision isn't the easy decision."
"You're just afraid of that process, and you have to embrace it."
"You're settling in experiences even if it's not a relationship because you're either too scared to challenge yourself."
"Change is hard, it's scary, it's uncomfortable."
"Everything happens for a reason. Change is scary but can lead to positive outcomes."
"Change is scary but regret is so much scarier."
"This isn't an easy process and it's always scary to take the first steps to change like this. But remember, as important as food is to you, your life is more important than food."
"Nothing frightens me more than a person unwilling to learn even at their own expense."
"Holding it and being scared to interrogate it because you might change your mind you owe yourself and you will owe the world better."
"Change is scary but you know, I feel like it's very needed."
"The biggest end of the world is being alone in a place you hate because you're too scared to change it."
"Fear of the unknown keeps many in a painful state."
"Change it's so scary it's so unknown but like when you boil it down and like when it actually happens you're just like growing and becoming a better version of yourself so I think yeah it's hard but it's definitely like worth it."
"My fear is losing my groundedness because you know I want to always be grounded."
"We're terrified of change because we have a very specific set of values we want to uphold."
"Change is difficult, change is scary... That's what it's all about."
"When you actually feel yourself changing, it's like, this is actually kind of scary."
"Change is scary, dude. Change is very scary, man."
"Change is scary, even positive change is scary."
"You want love, and it scares the hell out of you. The idea of exploring new love, taking off towards new love, having any sort of option in love at all scares you a great deal. It would mean change."
"There's a silent majority that goes along with the status quo because the unknown is scary."
"It's brilliant because so many times we're afraid to move on."
"It's scary to change; it's scary you have to give up things to gain things."
"Change is scary to a lot of people."
"So, some people with the fear of change go to great lengths to never make a change, to avoid change, even though it might hurt their relationships, it might hurt them as a person. They just resist it and go to great lengths to not make it."
"It's as if we see change as an enemy because it frightens us because we just feel we're barely in control and then change is going to come along and take it away."
"The familiar feels safe, and change feels overwhelming."
"I've been afraid of changing because I've built my life around you."
"It's much easier to go with the devil you know rather than starting over."
"I'm absolutely terrified of the prospect of ending it because maybe I'm never gonna find something I love as much."
"It's almost so good you don't want to mess something up that's that good."
"I always say a lot of people, especially in the West, grew up and were educated and taught things a certain way, and it was fine for them, and then when they see that it's changing, they get scared."
"We as human beings are so scared of big changes in life but at the same time we loathe the routine."
"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want anything to change."
"Different is scary because it's hard."
"We will choose a familiar misery over a happiness that appears foreign."
"I love Diana very much," sobbed Anne, "but what will happen when she marries? I hate her husband already."
"It can be very terrifying to have a new change when it's something you're not used to, you're uncomfortable, and that's normal to feel that way."
"The fear is so many people present different ideas; we're worried that in 10 or 20 years... it is your responsibility to carry on the tradition of Krishna consciousness, not to change."
"Change is always a little bit scary, but it's not necessarily going to be a bad thing."
"It's almost like a fear of letting go of the past because once this person lets go of past pain around love, it opens the door for new love to come in, and they're terrified of that."
"Change is the scariest thing, but if only people knew on the other side of that transformation there is something beautiful."