
New Year Resolution Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"I'm working on being kinder in the new year."
"Don't reinvent yourself for the new year, just rehydrate yourself."
"Make this year be the year that you don't deal with people who aren't worthy of you."
"Make this part of your plan in 2019. Ask for help."
"Don't let another year go by where you're saying you're going to make big changes... make this your year to really go all in."
"Change yourself. That's the first thing you do in the New Year."
"You're possibly determined to make it a better year, to make some changes."
"I'm gonna start putting me first... I'm gonna show up this year for myself."
"I've decided that this year I need to finally actually do something I enjoy."
"Invest in your health and making a change for 2021."
"Spiritual hygiene is going to be key for the year 2020."
"2023 is going to be your best year ever, but you have a duty, a responsibility to actively become a participant in becoming the 2.0 version of yourself."
"Hit the ground running, Virgo, and establish what you see yourself accomplishing in 2023."
"This is the year I'm finally gonna read this book."
"Plow through it, no matter what goes on, plow through this year ahead."
"2024 is your year. Focus on yourself, and everything will come to you when you're ready."
"Give yourself that grace period, okay? And don't be so mean to yourself in this new year."
"This is the year that you're really thinking about changing a lot of habits, patterns, changing health, you'll get healthier."
"Complaining is a waste of time, it's a waste of energy. And this year 2020 you should commit yourself to just not entertaining, not tolerating complaining out of yourself or anyone that would be in your immediate circle."
"What better time than the start of the year to get your health together. Don't let another year go by and you still be stuck in that same old."
"Let's make it the year of reusables. Bye guys!"
"Write your intentions for next year. If your intention next year is to get out of debt, you need to write that down."
"It's time for me to really focus on myself and become the best version of myself this year."
"One of my goals going into the new year is to just be a better person."
"You're releasing something very big in 2020 that has been holding you back, draining you from the past."
"2020 is definitely about you guys getting in touch with who you truly are and you're going to really come into this self-love energy."
"This is the year that I'm saying I'm going to do some of these things."
"I haven't smoked a single cigarette since New Year."
"One of my major goals for 2018 is to start losing weight."
"Another one of my New Year's resolutions is to find a side hustle."
"I don't have any skin in the game, and I'm gonna fully, fully try and do my best this year."
"My only resolution this year is to have better discernment."
"Do what's best for you man. Take care of yourself this year."
"Set your intentions for the year. Speak it into existence. You have everything you need to make 2020 your year."
"2024, I'm going to get on a bit of a fitness drive."
"I'm excited about 2024... I'm really going into this year focused on the things I have the most control over."
"It's the new year, and I would hate for you guys to go a whole another year without prioritizing your mental health."
"Next year I plan on giving it 100% the whole year."
"Let's get a hold of our finances this year, ladies and gentlemen."
"Thinking about your future can be daunting, but the beginning of the year is the perfect time to reflect on your goals and build some good action plans for the future."
"Doing a 50 50 plate is something that I am going to be doing in 2023 for 100 days."
"I'm working on some serious self-care this year."
"I'm hoping to be a bit more consistent in 2023."
"Make this year the year that you astonish yourself with what you can do or be a part of."
"2019 is the year of me being as relaxed as possible."
"I'm growing up. 2024 is, can we just get better at everything that we're not good at for once?"
"Meditation is going to be top priority going into next year."
"I don't believe in new year new you, but I do believe in new year enhanced you."
"I'm going to make more of an effort this year."
"We should all collectively make this our year of learning and growth."
"I'm really motivated to clean and declutter in the new year."
"In the new year I will do an act of kindness every day."
"I'm trying to prioritize moving my body and looking after myself in 2023."
"If you don't already do anything with weights, this is your sign to maybe just try weightlifting in this new year."
"One of my resolutions was to be more creative and intentional about what I cook for dinner."
"At the beginning of the year, a lot of people are trying to get their finances in order."
"All of my goals for 2023 kind of stem from the same umbrella goal, to do more of the things that I enjoy just because I enjoy them."
"It's the new year, and I figured that with the new year I was gonna try and be like a better person or whatever and make amends with people."
"Make sure you think carefully about what your goals are going to be this year."
"Don't put too much stress on just literally don't even make goals for 2021, just go into it slow, be nice to yourself."
"We swore as humble lords and promiscuous ladies to the heavens above us and the earth below us that we will make this year the year of the hustle."
"This is the year that I give myself that rest."
"What I'm trying to focus on in the year to come is to not let so much of that negative energy in and to just be grateful for what we do have in our home."
"I would like 2023 to be the year where I actually do my skincare."
"It's the year of growth, so you know, trying to grow."
"The most popular New Year's resolution... was that people want to just lose weight."
"My New Year's resolution is to be nicer to my brothers."
"Give yourself the gift of calm for a happier and healthier 2019."
"The 2023 is the year of No Excuses, okay?"
"I really want 2023 to be the year that I focus on what makes me happy."
"I want to make it a point to focus on my health this year."