
Incarnation Quotes

There are 1047 quotes

"All the world's great major religions talk about us as being souls, as truly being spiritual beings that are incarnated here in our bodies."
"Jesus, the divine Son of God, dwelt in human flesh and He desires to have a relationship with us."
"Until this moment, God remained invisible; now the authentic incarnate begotten Son, the blueprint of our design, who represents the innermost being of God... brings Him into full view."
"The Christian view of God is very different than the other views of God because the Christian God is that God came down, came into this world, and suffered."
"The church in the end continued to affirm that Christ was God come down, that it was God incarnate."
"The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory."
"God became human that humans might become God."
"The greatest thing that God did for us is the Incarnation. God took on human form in the person of Jesus."
"For as much as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetimes subject to bondage."
"When the fulness of time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons."
"God loved you so bad that He had to wrap flesh around His love."
"I am Fire and Life incarnate. Now and forever I am the Phoenix."
"The gospel took place in real time and real space, in flesh and blood, dusty dirty reality. God came into this world."
"Why did He become man? Because He loves us. Why did He suffer and die on the cross? Because He loves us."
"Christmas, if it means anything, it's a celebration of Jesus, his Incarnation, God saving the world through his son because he loves us so much."
"We need Jesus, not just as a cutesy baby but as the Incarnate God of all creation."
"Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh."
"This is a time that you elected to come to, this is a time that you elected to incarnate in, so you are needed, and now is your time."
"To think that something as holy as God would make legal entry into the world, respecting His own presidency, and come in, born of a virgin, that eternity would touch time, that the celestial would touch the terrestrial, that the holy would become human, that the Word would become incarnate in flesh, is absolutely staggering."
"The nativity is where God is revealed to us by becoming a man... the main point of the incarnation."
"The Creator became a Man and dwelt among us. And His appearance is the central event of all history."
"Christians are not claiming that Jesus became God when he was born of Mary."
"God becomes a man, walks on this earth as a man, lives an absolutely perfect life, and then, according to the foreknowledge, the sovereign plan of God, he has lifted up by the hands of us and nailed to a cross."
"Only in our Christian religion did God become a man."
"Jesus Christ is God himself incarnate as man."
"God become man's so that man can become god."
"What a gift we were all given when we were given the opportunity to incarnate here now on this planet at this time."
"He showed His love on earth when He became one of us."
"Your being here is the product of an empowered choice that you made before incarnation."
"If a UFO actually crashed then it had to be something that is solid material."
"The Son of God had two births: one from the Father in eternity, and one from Mary in time."
"Christ became a man to bring man and God together."
"So in our view, the purpose of the Incarnation was not a death to pay off God paying off himself that's not how it works."
"God was standing up in that body of flesh and blood."
"Athanasius teaches that God became man so that man might become God."
"Theosis teaches the absolute necessity of the Incarnation."
"Even if we didn't sin, the Incarnation still would have had to happen for Humanity to be divinized."
"The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth."
"The Creator became a man, the central event of all history."
"God in His love and His mercy became one of us in the person of his son Jesus."
"There is a God who put himself in a human being."
"He was still in heaven, always one but able to take human form."
"God loved us so much that he showed it, he became one of us."
"The word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld the wonder of his glory."
"Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus Christ, when He walked on this Earth, He was the Word made flesh."
"I came to see that God became man for no other purpose than to secure man's salvation."
"The truth of incarnation seems simple enough, but particularly profound."
"God ain't never become flesh, God made flesh and got in that flesh."
"In order to save us from that wrath, God became a man, bore our sin, and was separated in our place."
"God didn't have to get off the throne, but He came here, lived as a man, a perfect life, and He got on the cross."
"When God was manifest in the flesh, in the flesh, that flesh was God's shape."
"The myths surrounding the God incarnate tell of great upheaval and strife."
"Jesus lived among us full of grace and truth, he put on human skin, put on the sandals of humility."
"The word became flesh and picked up a hammer."
"God became a person in the person of Christ like Shakespeare writing himself into Hamlet, the author becoming a character in the story."
"From the moment Christ was incarnated... the vibrations of the earth started raising."
"He sent His only son, Jesus, God in the flesh."
"The point is that Christ took on flesh to give us his life through his flesh and so his his flesh and blood are life-giving."
"The central element of the Christian faith is that theology became history in the Incarnation."
"Each Soul chooses Incarnation and you all have won the lottery."
"The Incarnation is a huge sacrifice God taking on human form tying himself to humanity now inextricably bound."
"Thank you, Jesus, that you came to this earth because you saw us."
"God intended from the beginning fully to express himself in the sun in in the Incarnation and thereby bring creation to its fulfillment."
"The Incarnation means that Jesus is the meeting point between God and human beings."
"The Incarnation depended on the yes of Mary, the Mother of God."
"Above all it is through the Incarnation that the mercy of God is most clearly revealed."
"There is great humility of the Son of God in the Incarnation."
"The Incarnation according to sapochko is the ultimate Mercy."
"The Lord Jesus Christ is God Almighty manifest in the flesh."
"I am so thankful for Jesus, as in God manifesting God itself in human form, and the punishment that Jesus suffered on Calvary's cross."
"My God came and was born into this world like me. He allowed himself to feel everything I feel."
"Jesus came into the world as the ultimate Shekinah, the ultimate dwelling of God with men."
"God came to live among us. What an amazing thought!"
"God came to earth, taking on flesh and bones, needed explanation."
"Jesus is both God and human um and they most people have a kind of a fuzzy idea about it how it works but they do think that he was a pre-existent Divine being who was born through the Virgin Mary."
"We acknowledge you sent your son Jesus Christ to the Earth in the form of a man and the word became flesh and dwelt among us."
"Oh yes I know his name will be Jesus he is salvation but how can he save because he is God Among Us with us condescending."
"Our god came from heaven took on flesh and became the person of Jesus Christ for the specific reason of dying for our sins."
"If He can express the truth and God's disposition, and do God's work, then He is God in the flesh, He is Christ."
"It's as if we all chose the most intense exciting climax point of the movie to enter in this incarnation."
"The Christian answer is precisely what we're celebrating at Christmas: the Incarnation."
"The heart of the matter is this strange claim that God became one of us."
"The primary revelation of the doctrine of the trinity is the incarnation of the Son."
"God became one of us that we might become deified, divinized."
"You have a very Royal energy to you in this Incarnation as well."
"For the Bible says, 'And the word became flesh and dwelt among us.'"
"The Divine came down as a human, took on a human form."
"He came down in the form of a man, and his name is Jesus Christ."
"Jesus Christ was God, yes, manifesting the flesh, that's right."
"At this time in our cycle near the end, approximately 54% of the entities incarnating are making their own choices."
"God is the most compassionate one, to the point that he became flesh and dwelt among men and was killed by them."
"The Incarnation is not does not involve an admixture of anything. It does not involve anything that causes the divine to change. God took on human flesh."
"Earth is the planet where God Himself became incarnate."
"A human incarnation is meant for spiritual growth, personal growth, self-discovery."
"Christ's Incarnation on Earth was what had made it possible for us to perform this balance."
"Your life itself is an incarnation of a part of an immortal energy, and that's your soul."
"She left her heavenly glory and her glorious spiritual body behind and came all the way to this earth in the flesh of a sinner."
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
"The God-man Jesus Christ who took on human flesh is the one who mediates between the Father and humanity."
"Jesus is the fullness of God in body, the Incarnate version of God; He is God in the physical."
"The infinite God of the universe loved us so much that in order to redeem us, He became one of us."
"Jesus said he was God. He claimed to be God in human flesh."
"A birth is the voluntary incarnation of an immortal soul into physicality, into the domain of time and space and matter and duality for the purpose of learning in that domain."
"As long as there's desire, there's Incarnation."
"The savior of the world didn't come on a thundercloud surrounded with an army, he came as a helpless baby."
"God's appearance as a man in the Old Testament prepared people to receive God as man in Jesus."
"God came into the world almost Incognito so that people could get to know him and see how he cared."
"Perfect theology is found in the Incarnation."
"For Paul, Jesus is hailed as God's second self because in and through Jesus, God is taking his power and reigning. But get this: incarnational theology is the key in which the music is set, but the tune is that God is becoming king."
"The neat thing is that the same Most High became a man, Jesus of Nazareth, and he died on the cross and he rose from the dead."
"Mary was the walking mercy of God because through Mary, God was going to put His holy seed into her and give birth to the Son of God, the Messiah."
"Isn't that interesting that the figure who sets up shop as the captor of souls, the torturer of souls, the supervisor of all those innocent infants in limbo, is the one who can't tolerate incarnation, embodiment?"
"Jesus himself came in a form that he did not take on this form of grandeur that men give to themselves."
"Some beings incarnate only for a very short time into the womb and then withdraw their consciousness before they're even born."
"The principle of the sacramentality sends the mystery, the reality, the power of the incarnation."
"He didn't deal with the problem as something remote and unimportant in his son Jesus; he personally took on The Human Condition, entered the disordered mess of struggling Humanity in order to set it right once and for all. Hallelujah!"
"Your future incarnation is a much higher level of existence."
"He sent His person, His Son Jesus, to become God in the flesh."
"...the ultimate revelation of the doctrine of the Trinity is found in the incarnation, ministry, death, burial, and resurrection of the second person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ, the Son of God."
"To really incarnate in this lifetime, we have to choose the particular."
"The flesh was a veil for God, his flesh was a veil for God, and in order to get to the spirit, you first had to recognize the deeds of the flesh."
"For the sake of us human beings and for our salvation, He came down and became flesh."
"You can become awareness in which you also acknowledge the incarnation you're in, the desire body doing its thing, and you see through that, but you aren't attached to it."
"The true freedom is the freedom when you figured out what the game is about and until then you are still caught in the prison of the incarnation."
"Jesus Christ is God stepping into space and time."
"From glory to Earth, from eternity to time, from Celestial to terrestrial, the Divine Came Upon Mary and said let me borrow a tent of Flesh so you can see me walk."
"God who created the universe... decided to enter into this world as a baby."
"Your soul incarnated into this lifetime and said, 'I want to live a full life, I want to experience everything life has to offer because that's what it means to live.'"
"Now if you would find it humiliating to go into the body of a dog, what humiliation is it for God to become a man?"
"Jesus is the unique, one-of-a-kind Son of God, incarnate."
"Jesus had to Humble himself and become a man."
"Jesus became human to dwell Among Us and die for us."
"There's no other words, God didn't become an idea, became a poor carpenter in Nazareth."
"God became human, undiminished deity, unprotected humanity, and dwelt among his people."
"The good news is that God loved you, He loved me so much that He actually became one of us in the person of His son, Jesus."
"Jesus came to live your life, as if He lived your life."
"When it comes to Christianity, it is the only place where God came down to meet the men."
"The real story is the Word became Flesh."
"He not only became man but he became the lowest rank in the human race, a slave."
"Jesus came as a bond servant and he came in the likeness of men."
"When God wanted to reveal himself in this little three-dimensional world he came down in the form of a man Jesus Christ."
"To come to the earth, he had to empty himself of all of his divinity, take the form of a slave."
"The word became flesh, and it is in flesh that the world was saved, it is in the flesh that the glory was and is revealed."
"There simply is no reason to think that God could not become a man and perform the greatest act of love possible."
"Thinking the realm of logos become flesh then it must become flesh again our flesh our foot-washing flesh driven by the spirit to be for the world what Jesus was for Israel."
"Our starting point is not sin, therefore our starting point is Incarnation itself. Our ending point is inevitable and predictable, it's resurrection."
"Jesus was Israel in person, the embodiment of Israel's returning God."
"The place where God will finally dwell on this earth is not a building of bricks and mortar but a person, the house is Jesus himself."
"The god of the universe has condescended to meet us in the flesh as a human being who did go to the cross for us."
"Grace isn't a transaction that happened, it's an incarnation that happened."
"Divinity gave us an opportunity to incarnate for a very short time."
"If in the Old Testament Jehovah can appear as a man and eat food as a man why would it be hard then for Jehovah to become a man and be born as a man and experience human limitation and still be God."
"Jesus is The uncreated God Who became flesh."
"Jesus is the only member of the Godhead who has a body."
"That is why God had to come and become human like us so that through humanity delivers the human race by the power of his divinity which is infinite and take away the infinite mistake of the human race."
"The greatest thing that God did for us is the Incarnation."
"You are the Lord who literally became man to experience all the weaknesses and all the limitations of man."
"God became as we are, that we may become as he is."
"God is your mightier self, emptying himself, taking on the form of a slave, becoming human."
"Jesus is the word of God made flesh."
"That's why you chose to incarnate. And like right now, it's literally why you're here."
"The message of Christianity is God condescending to us, taking on human flesh."
"He was both God and human at the same time."
"Jesus is not just like God wearing a raincoat of humanity."
"Everything that you and I can say about God or to God, Jesus had to be able to say the very same thing."
"Jesus is the fullness of God revealed in the one human person of Jesus Christ."
"The Godhead is in Jesus, the fullness of God is revealed in the one human person of Jesus Christ."
"The incarnation makes possible the atonement, the atonement makes possible the new birth, and it's all connected."
"Jesus is the one God of the Old Testament manifested in his glorified humanity."
"Jesus stepped out of heaven, took on flesh, to become our kinsmen redeemer."
"There's truth, and you're looking at Him. It's in human form because I came from God."
"Your twin flame is a simultaneous incarnation of your soul."
"Instead of God coming down to the mountain in a form that is not visible to us, we have God incarnate." - Speaker
"Jesus says this on the cross: Our God becomes one of us."
"He became flesh and blood... to destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil."
"You are space and time and that which is aware of space and time. You are the awareness itself. You are actually loving awareness that has taken incarnation for a little while to try it out in this particular body you've been given."
"It is a fact that God became man in Jesus Christ. There's no explanation for Him. He made it clear repeatedly that He is God."
"He is the Living God who was revealed in the flesh."
"Imagine that life is like a vast Cosmic classroom and each Incarnation is a new semester in this Grand and educational Journey."
"He emptied himself into a human being."
"Every time I incarnated, I purposely went places where I needed to honor something."
"Jesus was God fully in the flesh. Not the child of God, he was God taking the form of a human being."
"God manifested himself in his fullness in bodily form as Jesus."
"Jesus came as an addict. God came as an undercover boss."
"So every scripture that claims to reveal the heart of God must bow to the living God when he came in the flesh because Jesus is the Word of God."
"There are distinctives between the father and the working of the son, father didn't believe, father didn't die, only in the person of Jesus Christ coming back for us in the person of Jesus Christ."
"We believe in multiple comings, including the Incarnation and the final physical worldwide coming of Christ."
"God poured himself into a single human being so that humanity and divinity can be seen to be operating as one in him, and therefore in us."
"God sent his son Jesus Christ to this earth, and Jesus lived a perfect life."
"Jesus Christ is the Godhead. He is God manifest in the flesh."
"When Jesus came, He came to manifest God in the Flesh, to show man what God is like."
"Jesus was God. He is God. It is God who came down and humiliated himself to take on the form of man."
"The essence of Christianity is that spiritual life has to come down from heaven and Jesus, who is life, creator of life, and has life in himself, came down from heaven."
"The ultimate incarnation is when God Himself came into a man."
"Now we really find God dwelling on earth. We'll see it in John chapter 1 verse 14: 'And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...'"
"What a marvel that he should walk upon this planet earth, eat with men, sleep with men, talk with men, and touch man."
"God brought his son into the world God himself came into the world to show us what God is like."
"Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh."
"And the reality is, is that the mystery and the beauty of the incarnation is that God enters into the mess. He doesn't try to fix it from the outside. He enters into the mess, and He will always stay with us."
"So in the beginning was Jesus and Jesus was with the Father and Jesus was the father."