
Political Dialogue Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"The dialogue between the moderate left and the moderate right is what keeps our ship stabilized."
"Political parties do a great disservice to themselves by being willing to speak to power brokers but not willing to speak to each other."
"Understanding people better as individuals allows us to view people on the other side of the aisle as people, not as enemies."
"If speaking to the needs and the pain of a long-neglected working class is polarizing, I think you got the wrong word."
"This polarization cannot be; we cannot continue this way."
"I think that conversation is the biggest thing, and it's what we don't have because there's so much of this... owning the libs... screwing the Republicans."
"I think that it's important to talk to people you disagree with... it's just really important in a functioning democracy to have Americans see one another as fellow Americans."
"The push and pull of the republic, or the democracy, whatever you want to call it, is based on open, free, transparent, and authentic dialogue."
"This is how we get our country back, people talk politics too much."
"I made it a mission of mine to at least... understand [their perspective]."
"Bridge building... amongst... political spectrum... seeking nuance... topics that matter."
"Unfortunately, much of the conversation today, and it's disappointing I think for those Americans who have been watching, has not been focused on those legitimate areas of inquiry but instead conspiracy theories and the like."
"It would be lovely to be able to have discussions that reach across the aisle and to attempt to reverse some of this terrible proclivity towards polarization."
"Let's stop with the freaking nonsense and let's be serious."
"The issue of trust is coming to the fore. How can we negotiate anything? What can we agree upon? Is it possible to come to terms with anyone? And where are the guarantees?" - Putin
"Let's stop treating it like every idea that the other side has is bad just because they had it."
"They are terrified of having the real conversation which is why were we expelled, what is it that we said that terrified people like that show host, people on the Republican right and these extremists?"
"In Canada, we believe in fair, free, and open dialogue. No, you don't. You believe in dialogue that you get to control and put out. You don't want a back and forth."
"She's acknowledging bias that she has she's not moving to the right or anything like that but she's trying to commit to a more honest political conversation."
"Many prominent conservatives come through our office, many Hollywood actors or filmmakers come through and they're just open-minded, they would have an actual discussion."
"If you're going to talk diplomacy, you have to recognize both parties have legitimate concerns."
"There has to be more people willing to have challenging conversations without demonizing the other side."
"Unifying the country means you have to take on the people who are trying to divide it for partisan gain and profit." - Dan Pfeiffer
"So that's Elliot Abrams. The time for dialogue has long passed."
"This constitution has many solutions that can be studied, but it has to happen in the dialogue process. You cannot impose a solution."
"There's no reason not to hear from the left."
"I think a 10-minute conversation with most people, most conservatives, would lead to that outcome."
"We do need to have a very adult discussion about all of these issues."
"Anyway, what I heard for the first time in a long time was a conversation that moved in the direction of race and power and politics and economics but did not derail."
"How do we bring the country back together?" - Nikki Haley
"Why did they put my line up there at the beginning of their performance? That line really got under their skin because it was a clear articulation of the conservative position."
"Political disagreement isn't just intellectual disagreement. You can't be on the left and say the right is just wrong. You can't be on the right and say the left is just wrong."
"How good is your word, McCarthy? Maybe you should keep yours."
"My main concern is that I want to have a spark for a public conversation about this enormous gulf that exists between everybody who wants Medicare for All and the barely half of Democratic representatives who are willing to commit to the bill."
"When's the last time that you did a debate? Well, with the guy at the Heritage, but the only debates they allow now are with other Republicans who believe climate's a problem."
"If they didn't recognize UK coastal waters, they wouldn't be asking about it."
"That's where dialogue starts is to say well do we share the same end goal do we want the country to totally collapse into a bunch of different fiefdoms and have them war against one another."
"Constructive dialogue that can help save lives... calling for a ceasefire and ending the bombing and unrestricted military aid to Israel."
"If Putin were to get on the phone call and say, 'Hey Tony, I believe this, I think this,' nothing that Putin has ever articulated comes close to mirroring what Blinken is saying."
"What are the problems in society that need to be changed? Let's take those away from the radicals by understanding them and presenting liberal solutions to them."
"Debates about gun control only work if both sides are genuinely interested in finding a solution to gun violence."
"Rather than ask the president nine different questions, is it this, is it this, is it that, I just said what do you want from Ukraine? I may have used a four-letter word. He said I want nothing, I want no quid pro quo, I just want Zelensky."
"It was a very humanizing moment and I think it was important, especially given what our country looks like right now, to see that people on opposing sides can sit down and actually be real and genuine and like each other."
"Don't ever let someone tell you that criticism of the CCP is anti-China."
"Whenever I greet a prime minister or a president, they always start off by saying congratulations on your economy."
"So ultimately I think what you found is that it is easy to find common ground with people you do not agree with politically."
"Rick Santorum raises a great question here this is a brilliant question that a lot of times you don't really hear in pro-life advocacy."
"If calling for equal rights for Christians, Muslims, and Jews is a new form of anti-Semitism, then there's no conversation to be had."
"America is ready for a serious conversation. We need a serious, robust, deep conversation on our response to COVID-19."
"He calmly said, 'I guess you're still not willing to deal with the problem.'"
"People didn't want me to say something about the mask thing on Larry Elder's thing, but I did, and then he responded to it because that's how you get results..."
"The democratic process is a process by which a population engages in dialogue for the purpose of better understanding those universal principles."
"Once you call somebody a racist, it allows you the ability to avoid saying what you think is good or bad about a policy."
"Engaging with Palestinians is an advancement of Jewish liberation."
"Rather than fighting, it would be a lot better if the rhetoric actually recognized the potential for common ground."
"If Vladimir Putin were sitting next to me at a table... I could say, 'Would you do me a favor? Would you get out of Syria? Would you get out of Ukraine?'"
"Dialectical conversations Bro think he Karl Marx but because the space for so long has been dominated by white leftists and and still is to be honest unfortunately."
"I hope it's good for our country... you and I will... not agree on a percent of things and that's okay."
"The best way we can improve our politics is more dialogue and there's no better way to have more dialogue than to have in-person debate like this tonight."
"I just really wish that people on the Left were capable of engaging with the ideas a little bit more openly and honestly."
"He looks forward to this opportunity, as well as to speak with some of the senators about the places where they can come together and make this country better."
"If more people in government were willing to respect each other's differing opinions but still talk it out, we would be getting a lot more done."
"It's now time to talk about policy, it's now time to bring the country together."