
Cravings Quotes

There are 486 quotes

"There's some interesting science happening right now in the microbiome, where they're discovering this nexus between the quality of your gut flora and the foods that you crave."
"PCOS cravings are primal; every cell in the body is screaming, 'Eat!'"
"I've been keto for 10 years, but after a couple of weeks on it, you start losing those cravings. You don't really crave it anymore."
"Yo I want some angel food cake that sounds yummy."
"It makes us younger, it makes us smarter, faster, happier, and it turns off the cravings."
"By taking these classes of foods out of your diet, you actually experience hunger instead of experiencing cravings."
"By the end of week one, your cravings should be down."
"Spicy seafood soup: one of my biggest cravings. It's so comforting, it's so cozy."
"The goal for me was to eat pizza and burgers, I can go really crazy with those kind of stuff if I want."
"The wind in the evening is extremely special. It is very, very gentle."
"Understanding what causes the craving makes it much easier to control."
"Craving salt is not the same thing as craving sugar. It's not the same thing as craving processed foods. It's completely different."
"Let go of cravings that word cravings leads to inner freedom and creates well-being."
"Let go of cravings; leads to inner freedom and creates well-being."
"Wow all right all right dudes, it depends on the occasion sometimes it's like midnight and I'm like goddamn I wanted nachos!" - A quote about late-night cravings and spontaneity.
"Brings you food you're craving right now right to your door."
"Under periods of chronic stress, we crave sugar."
"The reality is that you have those cravings and desires, those are your particular attachments we might say that's your karma and that's now something you got to deal with and you need a realistic strategy for how to deal with that."
"If you pursue the satisfying of some of your deepest desires some of your genuine desires with an attitude of mindfulness and consciousness and you put it in the proper context."
"Sometimes you just want some McDonald's, you know?"
"Potatoes are amazing. I don't care what form they come in, get that [expletive] in me."
"Donuts are the dream. Donuts right now I'm craving."
"When you eat to the satisfaction of your body... the cravings go away. It's really that wonderful."
"I'm very impulsive person with my cravings like if I'm craving a hookers but I'm gonna have it."
"Sometimes you just got a craving for matzo sticks when you eat them you're like this owns that's kind of where i'm at."
"I just want some cupcakes here. Oh man, I just want some cupcakes now."
"Jersey Mike is delicious, let's get to the station, let's get the roll back."
"I only want more now. Oh, I wanted for breakfast."
"When I'm really really craving for something sweet to drink, like 'cause, you know, I like my sweet treats."
"The worst thing you can do is to just sit there because when you do that your body is naturally going to start thinking about like its cravings or your hunger level."
"Why can't people crave things like Oreos with ice cream on top?"
"That one hamburger looks so damn good though."
"What is food addiction? It involves an inability to abstain from certain foods, craving them, and cannot control intake."
"I'm craving McDonald's, I want a Double Quarter Pounder."
"The bacteria in your gut can even control some of your cravings."
"I will always honor my body's hunger and cravings."
"I always go through these weird phases like maybe twice a month where I crave pickles."
"I thought I deserve a chicken burger."
"If I'm craving fries I should have an avocado."
"My inner child is craving all sorts of delicious treats."
"Individuals with food addictions may experience intense cravings and an overwhelming urge to consume certain foods."
"So you can't just remove the desire of unhealthy foods and not replace that dopamine high you're going to want dopamine."
"It would be so hard for me to give up popcorn."
"When my boyfriend got home, I asked him if he wanted to go grab McDonald's to get a McFlurry."
"There's generally the foods that are most commonly associated with strong cravings and loss of control over eating are combinations of carbohydrate and fat."
"You have taste buds specific for starch, just as powerful as the ones that cause you to seek sugar."
"If I had to choose one, I think the thing that I will crave is the cheese one, is the Bechamel cheese and uh, ham, but overall, I'm so glad we had these today."
"No matter what my mood that day is, I can find something on the menu that suits my cravings."
"A cigarette makes you feel like you need it but you don't need it, it's designed to give you these small addictive pangs like stomach pangs."
"Satisfied our cravings, quenched our thirst. It's not enough."
"Semaglutide diminishes the motivation and drive towards food, cravings, desire, urge, impulse."
"I want to get so much candy right now."
"Once I've satisfied my cravings, I'm really good to go."
"I think pregnancy is just a whole other level of having so many different elements including cravings and wanting to have the right nutrients."
"If Cravings were a person, think about that childhood bully."
"I'm trying to be healthy, so not too many palami, but I'll definitely be smashing some. Hopefully there's chili Oka and rice, that's me all day."
"Being outdoors is key, key... for controlling your mood and your cravings."
"I can see myself eating that at one in the morning, easily."
"Cravings are often clues telling us that something may need to change, so pay attention."
"Snacks on hand, especially like cheese is something that I used to crave all the time."
"...intense Cravings... it's what makes life enjoyable."
"Cravings are like your reward centers are enslaved by the food industry."
"Cravings had nothing to do with what their stomachs were telling them. It's as though the wires connecting their brains to their stomachs had been crossed with their emotional wiring."
"You have to be stronger than your cravings, you have to be stronger than those sugar cravings that creep up in the middle of the night."
"That's the worst one, hot sauce and fruit, that's probably like the most like weirdest craving that I ever in my life came across."
"Now that you've done the self-assessment and you've updated the reward value now we are going to minimize your Cravings."
"I might treat myself today with raw cookie dough. Oh bro, don't play with me. Don't [ __ ] play with me."
"Wing sauce, Jamaica wings, I need this one."
"Parties crispy curly fries but we want food court stuff."
"...we eat a lot of cereal in our household especially at night it's so weird I always crave cereal at night..."
"One thing I really missed with keto was toasted bread with butter."
"I love carbs, I love chips, I love bread, I love sugar."
"A spike and then subsequent drop in blood sugar tends to promote cravings. Eating the protein first tends to result in better satiety and makes us eat less."
"I'm gonna be craving some sugar, I'm gonna be craving some chocolate during this movie."
"I wish I had had more dessert options."
"Do not shop hungry. The Cravings will win."
"I'm gonna go and get my party size Doritos and I need to eat them now."
"The ingredients in those foods are really engineered to tap into our cravings."
"I am craving it so bad, but guys, what's the first thing you're gonna eat when all this is lifted and everything is back to normal?"
"If you look forward to each meal and enjoy it, your cravings and appetite actually go down."
"I want the biggest breakfast ever. I want bacon, I want eggs, and I want waffles and pancakes."
"I am a chocoholic. I love chocolate, anything chocolate."
"My burger addiction is getting out of hand. I really tried to not order one, like I really tried."
"Drink diet sodas, sparkling water, stuff like that to curb cravings."
"I'm sure we've all been in this position before Scavenging through the fridge to see what there is to eat and finding the most appetizing and unhealthy thing there is."
"Combining the Chex and the caramel corn and the Cheez-Its together does make for a nice sweet salty mix that I really am kind of into, even though the M&Ms are nowhere to be seen."
"I still have cravings for foods that aren't necessarily healthy... and there are times when I make choices that I don't feel great about afterwards."
"With this opiate antagonist, weight gain decreases as the desire for sweet food is decreased."
"If you give them an opiate blocker, they no longer eat those bad things."
"I'm feeling a little under the weather, I just want some noodles and noodle soup."
"No one ever said munchies were only in the afternoon or the evening."
"When you eat well, wholesome foods, you don't really crave sugar."
"Feeding your microbes lots of cultured foods and lots of fruits and vegetables, I kid you not, you'll start craving these foods that your body loves."
"...If you have constant cravings, it's not because you lack willpower, it's because the cravings are a consequence of the glucose roller coaster."
"Freedom from the desire to snack, freedom from cravings, freedom from the noise inside my head around all of this."
"I think whenever I'm on like, let's say a hike, dead ass sometimes I go on a hike and the only thing in my mind during the hike is the Big Mac. I just think about the meal I'm going have after. No facts."
"The best thing you ate Super Bowl treat Super Bowl food we are at different events I feel like all day is just craving chips with salsa."
"Tachos at Hollywood Studios. Tater tots with nacho toppings? Yes, please!"
"Taja just texted me and said that she is craving powdered donuts if you guys don't know, pregnant women have like the craziest cravings."
"...you know, once you're on keto for a while those cravings for all that sugar and those carbs and the muffins and the pancakes and the syrup and the cookies they really do subside."
"If I have a craving for something, if I want to eat something which is really sweet, I do eat it. I don't stop myself."
"I've been eating everything in sight and hasn't been eating a lot of unhealthy foods, but I don't know, my body just called for it, so that's what I'm feeding it. If I want to eat 12 cookies a day, I eat 12 cookies a day."
"I just feel like it's helped me with cravings like after dinner I normally want something sweet but now I just grab my air up fill it up get my Cola pod on it add some fizzy water to make it more like you know the real thing the Happy Days"
"Imagine not even knowing about this place and we over here loving chicken minis wishing that we can get chicken minis 24/7."
"It's midnight and you wake up and you go to the kitchen, what do you grab for a snack? Let me know because I can have some ideas."
"You be craving pickles, this girl craves pickles like nobody's business."
"...them cookies I've been wanting them for a very long time I'm going to go and tidy this all up but lunch wasn't too successful but if I have any snacks or anything I'll update you..."
"Do you want to eat anything? No, but why is it like... kids always want ice cream or slurpees when it's... because they haven't had one in a while. You mean you haven't had one in a while."
"Spicy nuggets are back so, I can't miss that, man."
"...my cravings are all way down. I was addicted to sugar, addicted to bread and flour products..."
"It's like whatever I know I'm going to eat, that's what I crave. So I don't have any... it's so easy for me."
"I think I'm gonna be dreaming about this lamb for the rest of time."
"Gravy on french fries though, now we're talking."
"I think my secret love affair is cheeseburgers."
"If you eat the fat you won't crave the sugar."
"Cravings know no boundaries and sometimes you just want a Big Mac for breakfast you're an adult after all and adulting is hard there's no reason you shouldn't be able to have a Big Mac first thing in the morning so why on Earth would McDonald's deny you."
"Zaxby's hits different when you're in the mood for it."
"Anytime I step foot into a Disney park the only thing I crave is a good Glizzy."
"Anybody can do something for a month or two months or three months, but the problem with most of these diets is they're super restrictive in one way or another. You develop massive cravings."
"This is where a lot of people struggle with PMS mood swings, just feeling low energy and also a lot of cravings."
"I just feel so renewed. I also should find something to eat. I've been weirdly craving Chipotle like what is wrong with me?"
"I'm literally craving lollies and chocolates so this just came at the right time."
"Definitely try that out I know it's like different parts of it cuz some sometimes people can say you have a lot of cravings and other stuff but once you pass over like that barrier bro like your mind and just everything is more clear."
"Breastfeeding cravings I feel like are just as bad as, well for me they're like worse than pregnancy cravings."
"I thought the fast was supposed to turn me off to like greasy stuff and looking, but man, this looks delish."
"Your body knows. You can't tell your body, 'Look over here, they have a cheeseburger in the area.' What was that? Who are you kidding?"
"I wish I could eat bacon for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day of the week."
"I'm finally feeling a lot less cravings, a lot less subjugated and controlled by those cravings."
"...it's important to understand that we can overcome these cravings."
"...it's much easier to change our food environment than our cravings."
"I want frozen food I want pizza rolls and macaroni I want things that I can put in the microwave and have and I [ __ ] can't."
"So if somebody told me today that I could never have another slice of pizza on my diet what is the first thing I'm probably going to crave instantly it's going to be pizza right especially here in Chicago."
"Keep sugar levels stable to avoid cravings."
"Some of our favorite foods are now out of bounds."
"Spicy ramen noodles, cheesy ramen noodles, I need pizza, I need something greasy."
"I want the feeling of like whole wheat bread in my mouth and I want the feeling of like salty chips in my mouth."
"Every single night, I would start to get very hungry and I feel like I needed to eat something dense."
"I really want that cookie like really really bad."
"Craving sugar, salt, carbohydrates."
"I love every food's food... I'm like a real chocolate cake addict."
"I'm at this place now, there's just no cravings at all."
"You can't resist these sunflower seeds."
"You need more chocolate in your life."
"Is this normal or like I'm craving pickles what do I do?"
"My solution, the one sure thing I needed to get rid of these cravings, was gone. I'd have to wait until tomorrow night."
"I find that often when I try to eat healthy, I just try to have a lot more savory stuff, and I can't stick to it because I just don't want savory stuff most of the time. I want sweet fruit, you know?"
"Why is food so dag on addictive? What is it about food that makes us just hooked?"
"Please go and make sure you eat a lot... But please don't... fill your stomach up with ten. Same is the case with salt. If you feel like eating something salty, go and eat it because your body is craving for it."
"These cravings will pass, it is temporary."
"Cravings are replaced with satisfaction."
"Don't be afraid. You think you're craving these foods, once the stomach shrinks, you're not thinking about that food."
"You get the end of the day to get all the cravings out of your system."
"Cravings don't really go away, the brain has really been altered in a pretty permanent fashion."
"So we're going to go get gyros who's getting gyros today?"
"I don't know why I don't eat what my body craves and today wanted open-toe chocolate and McDonald's so that is what I'm giving it."
"I'm excited to have her try it. Looks really smelly. So, one of our favorite things before we started keto was croissant, and a couple of months ago we got to try... because we bought the always sold out hero croissants."
"The cravings can feel so intense."
"Eating greens really helps fight cravings. Thylakoids have shown to be effective in turning off your hunger switch and fighting cravings."
"All the salty things are just what I want so bad."
"There's strong evidence supporting the notion that hyper palatable foods, notably those high added sugar can induce reward and craving that are at least comparable to addictive drugs."
"I just got a cold brew with oat milk. Super boring but that's all I'm craving today."
"I don't eat sugary foods and cakes and things like that, so my body doesn't crave it, doesn't want it."
"Research is now showing us that it can be the gut bacteria that's actually exerting their willpower over you and craving those foods."
"Cravings are all under your control. You can stop them within a couple of minutes. They will move away if you get up and do something else."
"I have absolutely no cravings I have no food aversions nothing makes me feel sick anymore."
"Butter chicken has been my recent craving; it's so warm and toasty."
"But I'll tell you what I got so I'm making brownies I have a sweet tooth tonight normally don't very random."
"If you're into blackberry and peanut butter, then you are pregnant."
"I eat what I'm craving or what's convenient and I eat when I'm hungry."
"A craving is only as powerful as you allow it to be."
"If I'm craving pizza, I eat a salad."
"Depriving yourself entirely of foods that you enjoy can actually lead to more Cravings."
"I won't say this again: my cravings for sugars and carbs have completely disappeared."
"When I was pregnant, I couldn't eat a lot of things but what I loved was cold and salty things."
"I've been having crazy chocolate cravings. I blame my period."
"I've been obsessed with ice cream lately."
"The bacteria in your gut will influence the foods or the types of foods that you crave to feed themselves."
"...real hunger is any food in front of you is gonna sound good."
"If you eat one marshmallow [ __ ] it, two marshmallows every day, eventually you're going to either want something else or you're going to want to add chocolate and graham cracker."
"Period time, like every person who has a period, has this stigma that chocolate is like what we need during this time, what we crave during this time."
"I don't know man, it's just something every few months I'm like, I need a real ass coke. I don't know what it is."
"Prioritizing your sleep is absolutely essential because if you're not sleeping well, you will have sugar cravings the next day."
"You know just diet is actually a big part of it too so if you're eating enough protein and good fats then you're less likely to have intense sugar cravings."
"When you're feeling full, you cannot then be craving something else."
"Losing weight starts with your brain. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings."
"Mental cravings are just positive thoughts about smoking that create positive feelings about smoking."
"I just want you to know, we never go to McDonald's often, except when we need a McFlurry. And tonight, I needed it."
"When it's hot outside, the one thing that everybody wants is ice cream."
"Cravings are normal; it's what the brain does all the time just to get us to eat, drink, and have sex."
"Dopamine tells you, 'I want,' so whenever you feel the compulsion to check your phone or you crave some food, that's dopamine."
"If you just sit with that feeling for five, ten minutes and don't act upon it, by ten minutes the craving's gone."
"I'm scared and excited and I want a doughnut."
"Nothing satisfies like a Snickers, this is indeed satisfying."
"I'm really looking forward to chowing down on crisps, chocolate, as much meat as I could possibly have."
"Fish and chips are going to be a must."
"The smell of somebody with a bag of chips along the road, it just gets me."
"Humans crave high-calorie, sweet, sugary foods because 30,000 years ago we were middle of the food chain."
"I really just go off when I'm hungry and what I'm craving at the time rather than having set meal times."
"I love being in the room, it's 11 pm, I'm like, I want creme brulee and I mean, seriously, yes, pizza right now, right now, give it to me."
"If they're craving something sweet, then instead of cookies and candies, we try to have them eat fruit and dried fruits."