
Comprehension Quotes

There are 2102 quotes

"There is an organizing principle on some level going on here that we'll never fully be able to comprehend."
"The fastest readers actually have the best comprehension because they have the best focus."
"The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible."
"Three times a week we help you understand fast English without getting lost, without missing the jokes, and without subtitles."
"I am personally amazed with his ability to understand extremely difficult issues and to articulate them in very simple ways."
"The ability to read a sentence, for example in a children's book like 'The Magic Tree House,' does transfer to reading a sentence very much constructed the same way in 'War and Peace' by Leo Tolstoy."
"If we could understand the universe, it would mean that it was too simple for us to comprehend."
"The most beautiful idea in physics is that we can get a compact description of the world that's very precise and very full."
"Regular reading practice improves overall reading skills, including comprehension and speed."
"When you're learning to comprehend the language through input, you're building a little machine in your brain that takes the language as an input and turns it into pure understanding."
"One of the most common struggles within the language learning community is experiencing the phenomenon of understanding all the words within a target language sentence yet still not being able to tell what that sentence means as a whole."
"The way that humans improve their intuitive language ability or in other words the way that humans acquire language is through comprehensible input."
"To read anything difficult more deeply simply takes time."
"It can be very hard to comprehend how someone could confess to something they didn't do."
"If you didn't exist, nothing would exist because you would not exist to comprehend it."
"Stop saying you can't understand native speakers. With practice and exposure, your understanding will improve over time."
"Part of the appeal with these grand cosmic plots is that they are meant to feel beyond our comprehension."
"Rooting morality in a being beyond our comprehension only pushes morality beyond our comprehension."
"It's impossible to accurately paraphrase something that you don't understand."
"The Grand Canyon is big. 18 miles was in front of me... when you look out at something like that, it's kind of hard to wrap your mind around it."
"I invite everyone to read it in full to understand the scope and the gravity of the crimes charged."
"The universe is not only stranger than we suppose, but stranger than we can suppose."
"Understanding spoken language is a lot like solving a Sudoku puzzle; you're presented with a portion of the answer and from that, you have to deduce everything else."
"When it comes to reading, comprehension is everything."
"Reading text twice as fast as someone else isn't often very helpful if, after you're done, you don't understand or retain most of what you read."
"Once the words start getting streamed into your brain too fast, your ability to comprehend their meaning and retain anything from them sharply declines."
"The universe is under no obligation to make sense to us."
"Being genuinely interested in the material you are learning from can dramatically improve your comprehension and retention."
"Visualization for reading is absolutely so important. It helps me so much with my comprehension at any speed."
"You can communicate to the cows come home, but if there's no comprehension, nothing's gonna change."
"Understanding the meaning is the essence of true reading."
"A proper perspective is crucial to comprehension."
"An alien civilization that can reach us... would have to have technology so beyond our comprehension."
"If you don't like Game of Thrones I'm just gonna assume you're not smart enough to understand it."
"Context, context, and context. You have to read it from beginning to end."
"Make sure you understand that and think about that so that you're following."
"We acquire language in only one way, when we understand it."
"The level of its understanding is just... it blows me away sometimes."
"The universe is vast vast in a way that we humans can't even begin to comprehend."
"Slow the lesson down... adjust the playback speed... this will help you understand every word."
"The universe is massive, and many people can't wrap their head around this."
"If we just tell you the Pyramids have been standing 5,000 years, it sounds impressive, but beyond comprehension."
"Yet I feel that I must organise these events in my mind, that I am compelled to structure the terrible things which I have seen so that I may understand them better, so that my mind may be at rest – a need to quantify just what took place."
"Mr. Brooks appears to fully understand what's going on in these Court proceedings."
"Evidence that you watch the video isn't evidence that you understood it."
"Jesus was the light that lit in darkness, and the darkness could not comprehend the light."
"Understanding the question and answering what is being asked, half your battle is won."
"Answer only what the question is asking; understand what the question is."
"One of the best ways to learn something is to teach it... fully understanding something comes as a consequence of attempting to explain it to others and to ourselves."
"I think no matter how many times you read it and you hear it explain to you even if you understand."
"Explains it well enough and it's easy to grasp."
"I want to walk you through each step of the process so that you understand everything that's going on and you don't get lost at some point."
"Simplify your explanations so you understand it."
"Whether I understand it or not is immaterial and irrelevant."
"And I think that this entire story is easy to kind of look at, be like, oh, that totally makes sense."
"Reread stories to better grasp themes and ideas."
"The Quran takes its name from the word 'to comprehend.'"
"Your ability to interpret language means everything."
"You cannot comprehend how big the things we're talking about are."
"They may get it for a short period of time because no, they don't get it at all."
"Rhyming is like this real beautiful thing that makes something make more sense to us."
"Read the information on there and what it says."
"Making sense of the world we live in isn't always so easy."
"Austin's levels are difficult but easy to understand."
"Sometimes the simplest stories are the most important, the easiest to digest."
"The story is hard to appreciate in X6 because it’s barely something you can read."
"It's important for us to stay open-minded and read the whole situation."
"I felt like I understood what that meant about this entity."
"Not only do I want you to know what is going on, but also why and how to apply it."
"Make sure you read the whole thing, from first letter to last letter."
"You'll innovate better and you'll understand better because it's not understanding alone, it's experiencing."
"His superpower granted by Allah is that he can understand things that other people can't understand."
"The worst that can come from having too high an opinion is that not everybody gets every point."
"Watching dubbed cartoons is such a different, better experience."
"If you can't express that goal for your code, clearly I really don't think that you understand the problem you're working on yet."
"I need you to leave my teaching with an understanding."
"When you study a scene like this, you’ll be able to understand American movies and TV effortlessly without subtitles."
"The world is complicated beyond our ability to comprehend."
"I can explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you."
"You really cannot possibly comprehend it unless you have experienced it."
"The purpose of duality is to break things down into comprehensible parts."
"It makes very good sense and it's not like I'm a [__] genius for being able to understand this, it's obvious."
"God speaks to us in different ways that we can comprehend."
"Everything about this just mind-bending, literally mind-bending."
"I can't wrap my head around the fact that I will never understand everything that's happening around me."
"Well done if you got that because that was that required a bit of searching."
"Sports analogies make it easier to understand."
"The tidal wave of insanity and outright evil that we face is beyond true comprehension."
"If you don't understand something, don't rush it. Spend the time to understand it."
"Our brains are not wired to comprehend exponential differences in numbers right."
"With these Concepts it's hopefully easier to understand where you stand when it is or isn't a good time to read what the vibe of the book is..."
"To go through a tunnel or if you're looking at a document, for example, to go through a document means to read through, read all of the content of the document from beginning to end."
"I've noticed that I read much more smoothly and quicker and my comprehension is better, so that's been fantastic."
"The foolishness of God is not foolishness at all, it is so deep that it goes beyond the comprehension of men."
"If you've watched the movie Inception you may have an easier time understanding this game."
"I think I'm finally starting to kind of understand like what the hell's going on."
"It's very difficult for your brain to really comprehend and understand what you're looking at, and so you start losing sanity."
"Explaining the topic to someone else makes sure you really know it."
"Non-fiction is right in front of us and doesn't falter in the way that it surpasses our species Collective attempt to comprehend it at 7 billion strong."
"The main activity is actually understanding."
"It will become very easy to understand in the end."
"Curiosity is the engine of achievement... people don't just exist in the universe, they strive to comprehend it."
"Cloud Atlas... is also about infinity and the impossibility of understanding infinity from the vantage point of the finite."
"Wow, we've covered a ton of stuff. Seriously, it's a lot to take in for sure."
"Breaking things down into easier parts is a great way to help dogs understand more advanced concepts as quickly as possible."
"The effectiveness of communication isn't just tied to communication. The effectiveness of communication is also tied to comprehension, period."
"The path of martial arts was far from a mere Gest as every martial artist had to comprehend the lurking mortal danger."
"At the beginning you don't understand maybe three words or four words in the sentence and you have the ID of the old sentence you know."
"Take a breath, slow down, it's okay if you're not understanding something, go back and read it."
"There's a big difference between the brain's Consciousness, the comprehension that comes through calculated decision and through just trying to predict outcomes based on what you've already experienced."
"The more deeply you understand something, the more simply you can describe it."
"It's a cult, it has a structure, the structure is comprehensible."
"Translation notes, helpful for understanding the story."
"Teaching forces you to understand the material well enough to explain it."
"Grandmaster level, a lot of these plans are actually completely understandable."
"Balloon sends are odd, tower building is a little bit weird, it doesn't naturally just make sense automatically."
"Once you start reading fast enough and being able to comprehend and read at a fast enough pace, you don't have time to translate in your head."
"Many a philosopher have waxed poetic on the fact that it's amazing that the universe is knowable at all."
"Every week we make lessons to help you understand fast-speaking natives without getting lost, without missing the jokes, and without subtitles."
"The bird's eye view is the thing that's important for helping us understand the subject and, at least in medicine, for helping us actually apply it in real life."
"This is a reading in which we dig deep."
"Just focus because I wanted to understand what was written there, not because I wanted to learn English."
"We learn the best when we're just focused on understanding messages."
"There is essence, there's truth that goes beyond what the mind itself can comprehend."
"Our reality has sped up so fast the majority cannot follow the breadcrumbs."
"If you could make sense out of this right from the start, I will give you a standing ovation."
"Mindfulness in learning fosters a deeper connection with material, enhancing comprehension and retention."
"How do you wrap your head around the fact that you can't wrap your head around things?"
"Real world scenarios can give you a better perspective on learning as it is tied to something that makes it easy to comprehend."
"Adults learn new languages the same way that children learn new languages, which is by understanding messages."
"Grammar is acquired the exact same way that everything else is acquired in a language, which is through comprehensible messages."
"It's a world where the characters are very comprehensible despite living in a world that is very different from the one that we live in."
"We acquire language when we understand it."
"If you can understand how it works, putting it into practice is so much easier."
"You learn fastest with I plus one; it's really not worth it to chase after things that don't make sense."
"You can always pause this video to process the information at your own pace."
"This is so unbelievably easy to understand it’s ridiculous."
"The spirit of understanding is very important because there is the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding."
"We can't make it an algorithm. If we were looking for something algorithmic, we're fundamentally misapprehending the ontology that has to be at its basis."
"It made so much more sense once I figured all this out."
"The best model we have of how we understand is by assigning features to words and having feature interactions."
"know like I like nothing where the words are too out there you're like an audio book"
"The universe is an unimaginably large place; it's so big it's really hard for human beings to actually comprehend."
"Anything you write has the function of helping your readers understand better something they want to understand well."
"She's understanding the assignment."
"By the end, we'll hopefully all understand what's going on in the world just that little better."
"Comprehension is key, ladies and gentlemen, in every conversation nothing absolutely nothing beats comprehension."
"Do you understand the gravity of this situation? Yeah, completely."
"You either get it or you don't, and I can't teach it to you."
"You need a flow chart sometimes to follow these races."
"Sometimes there's always little gaps that you could fill in the blanks."
"For humans to fathom the universe equates to the universe comprehending itself."
"It will be very complex, but stay with me."
"The better a neural network can predict the next word in text, the more it understands it."
"The sight was so surreal, so out of place, it took me a moment to fully comprehend what I was seeing."
"Being able to comprehend data easily and react to it is the key."
"It's just a metaphor, dude. Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast."
"The atom, the basic building block of everything in the universe, was unique and perhaps outside human comprehension."
"It's that sweet spot where kind of everyone can understand it."
"Ultimately, Heaven is beyond our comprehension. God is beyond our comprehension."
"My teacher explaining a topic, me acting like I'm understanding every word."
"If you learn this stuff, all of the future videos that we'll do about installing solar will make a lot more sense."
"It's truly hard to wrap your head around just how big the ship is."
"You know what, I started reading it, reading the books you were given, yeah, that math adds up."
"I gotta confess that I have no freaking clue what is going on in this movie so far. I mean, what the hell is even happening here?"
"Wait, you actually read it all? We both read it?"
"I gotta really figure you out first."
"I tried to comprehend this. Four months."
"This God is not incomprehensible. He has put himself on full display and expects everyone to know him, to love him, and to follow him."
"For language acquisition to happen, you need input that is comprehensible and interesting. We want much more than interesting, we want very interesting, we want compelling."
"What counts is compelling, comprehensible input."
"The comprehension hypothesis says we acquire language and literacy by understanding what people tell us, by obtaining what we call comprehensible input."
"The answer is comprehensible input... language acquisition is easy, inevitable, it is our birthright."
"Science is so interesting to me but the formulas equations and variables were just a little bit too much for me to comprehend mentally."
"It'll be hard, it'll be difficult, but if you continue with it, you'll find that you comprehend more and more."
"You want to start building your mental map, your mental web of this area of law."
"When analyzing a film within a Trilogy I shouldn't have to watch an animated show to get the answers I'm looking for, is that fair? Okay, good, let's begin."
"Understanding a movie without subtitles is an excellent proxy for overall fluency."
"Corpora are used to understand how language is used by specific communities and users."
"If you speak more slowly and pause then they'll often be able to figure out what you're saying even if one or two sounds are off or the stress is often a word."
"If you give people enough comprehensible input, I plus one is there automatically."
"...it worked. At the colleges and all of that [__] I get it."
"Your brain couldn't even hold it, your mind couldn't even hold it."
"The more you read in your own language, the more you know about the world. The more you're going to understand when you read in English. It helps directly."
"Make it comprehensible... Use context, a little bit of information in the first language might help occasionally."
"Comprehensibility is the requirement, at least so they don't have to understand."
"A good syllabus is going to be comprehensible input, of course, you knew I was going to say that."
"Understanding is the key to all of it."
"Understand the sentence as a whole because that's where you really form those connections as to what everything does in the sentence. If you can't understand the sentence, it means that you're lacking understanding of something in there."
"So, it's really when you understand the sentence that you piece together what's going on in the sentence - the different components, so the vocab and the grammar."
"If learning about it doesn't shake up the way we see things, then we haven't really learned about it."
"If we actually learn from the Holocaust, things that are a bit unfamiliar start to look a little more comprehensible."
"Insight is a sudden comprehension that takes place when you look at something differently."
"'If you have a lot of time, improve your comprehension by reading harder books. Read books and learn words by reading books. Underline words that you don't know and find the definition.'"
"The most important thing to focus on early on is comprehension and feeding your brain lots of input."
"This is a hopefully an easy way to understand on how this works and how you can even explain it let's say you're looking for an ID job and they ask you about the group policy you can explain it to them now in an easy way or how this happens."
"I need to understand how it works with what I already know before I start doing something."
"It's good to know how to read, comprehend what you're reading, and apply it."
"Sometimes people read things too quickly and get tricked."
"Space itself is just a crazy concept, too big for me to get my head around."