
Humanism Quotes

There are 487 quotes

"You wouldn't think that a defense of reason, science, humanism, and progress would be incendiary."
"Philanthropy can be this lever of using money for humanism, even in the undesirable moments when our governments do not have that in their core interests."
"Independence Day is at the end of the day not just another cute little '90s genre project... it's a two-and-a-half-hour clarion call on behalf of globalism, collectivism, and one-world humanism."
"I'm a man of principles. Like, you know, integrity. I value the well-being of humans as a species."
"Morality comes from humanism and is stolen by religion for its own purpose."
"Human life has value to us because we're human."
"A humanist movement that does not center the least privileged people in our group... is not truly a humanist movement."
"Humanism is meant to be an inclusive, universal movement for every human being."
"Humanism is the view that most sympathetic and generous view about what it is to be human."
"The vast amount of humanistic inquiry of art and music and literature and architecture, throughout virtually every humanistic domain, are not only accessible to but are made for the enjoyment and illumination of human beings everywhere and anywhere."
"I'm a humanist... and of those three atheist is the least important part because if there's ever evidence for God, that's the part that goes away."
"The skepticism and the humanism don't; that's very inspiring actually."
"Electricity is fundamental and it is a humanist standpoint to say this is the critical form of energy that we crave as humans."
"We human beings for all of our existence have been wondering about a higher power and a creator and looking up at the sky when the only creator and higher power that we can be sure exists is one we have to look down to find."
"Yay to science. It doesn't belong to anybody. It's along the west or the east. Yay to experimentation, yay to doubt, yay to reason and compassion, where reason serves compassion."
"I see people as people and I guess that's humanism."
"Faith, while definitely not a virtue, is not grounds to abandon your fellow man."
"As an agnostic leaning strongly towards atheism and an active humanist, I feel that our voices have been silenced for too long."
"Humanists believe in reason, justice, equality, fairness, and compassion for all humans."
"Humanists need to have something and someplace to give people to replace what they lose when they leave their faith."
"Humanism is a philosophy or ethical system that centers on the concept of the dignity, freedom, and value of human beings."
"Humanism is a secular philosophy based on the placement of greater value on logic and human potential rather than faith and religion."
"Humanists need to wake up and understand that their values are under attack and now is the time to fight for them while they are still understood by the general public to be the best system of values."
"Humanism places a strong emphasis on the intrinsic value and dignity of human beings."
"The fundamental humanism that we think of when we think of individuals... is something that transcends all the categories."
"Humanism is grounded in our universal humanity; we all are sentient, we all have the capacity to experience pleasure and pain."
"Humanism, individualism, secularism, commerce, and invention are going to drive the Renaissance."
"Human beings are going to be the most important thing here... commerce and invention are going to bring us the printing press, which is going to allow books and knowledge to be spread like they've never been before."
"Humanist education teaches people to think for themselves."
"Science, reason, and humanism are largely responsible for this progress."
"Humanism allows you to effectively ignore religion altogether, greatly reducing the number of rebels you will have to encounter."
"While atheism itself is not a worldview, most atheists, at least in the Western world, do tend to share the same worldview in common: the worldview of humanism."
"When you take any religion, you remove the actual human element of it, they're all the same."
"The magic elixir of human progress: reason, science, and humanism."
"I just believe in human beings. It's that simple for me."
"The problem of believing that it all stops here, that you can celebrate and ultimately that you worship the image of man, that you worship reason, that you worship science, and you worship technology."
"The ideal... is to be colorblind. In other words, you don't see color; you see the human being."
"Above all, human life is the most important."
"Whenever you realize that we may only have this life, there's no evidence for a Life 2.0 okay, well let's commit ourselves to fixing each other and helping each other and working on being a good Steward of this world."
"Humanism is not there is no god. It is we are here and have to solve problems on our own."
"No Man's Sky is one of the brightest, most colorful, most ultimately humanistic games on the market today."
"Humanism is an invitation to approach living in a genuinely constructive way."
"Humanism is an attitude and outlook but it is a wonderfully resourced one."
"Humanism isn't a doctrine, it's an attitude."
"What we need is honesty, a return to principles of humanism, of the Enlightenment."
"I love all people and I think that there's a goodness in people."
"I can't think of too many things that are more humanist than that."
"The most important thing in the world to you and I and every other person on this planet is Humanity."
"I'm more of a humanist than an anti-theist, that's what I've been getting from you as well."
"This movement was about Humanism, and what Florence may have lacked in power compared to its neighbors, it more than made up for in its people."
"Nobody needs an ark, and the real world story of humanism and humanity remains the one worth telling."
"Thank you for continuing to be a rationalist and a skeptic and a humanist."
"Stephen Pinker's book, Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress."
"It means to be educated, to be humanely centered and focused, people first, equality first."
"Every ideology in politics, economy, or religion makes its tenets like a sword to split brains and divide. Let's just abandon them and be human."
"His dedication to his art combined with his humanistic approach has left a lasting mark on those who had the privilege of working alongside him and the audiences who enjoyed his work." - Tribute to Julie Mea
"Humanity are ends not merely means in ourselves." - Jim
"Humanism means all humans. We seek justice for everybody on any part of the planet."
"You don't have to be one of those people, you can critically examine the world around you from a perspective of skepticism and science and compassion and humanism."
"Let's embrace the values, the secular values that are out there that are pro-human, that are pro-flourishing."
"Trying to save your fellow human beings, it's a pretty good way."
"Unity, good communication, a drive to accomplish great things together... These are the cornerstones of humanism."
"If there is a God and he's not a humanist, I would hope that he's open to being convinced. I would hope that he can see reason."
"Any knowledge about it should be shared by all humans."
"The idea of humanity itself is at the foundation of the world... it's the Beating Heart of the story."
"I love humanity, and I think that we should fight for a good future for humanity."
"If humanism had been the foundation, women and African-Americans would have had the right to vote from the beginning."
"I don't know why this is so difficult. I'm advocating for a humanistic world being a better world."
"If there is anything within Christianity... that is undeniably better for human beings... it is therefore consistent with humanism."
"Humanism promotes the value and goodness of human beings."
"The desire to be authentic is a vital part of being a humanist."
"Shall I tell you? Because I believe in art and music and literature and reason. Because I don't believe in the law of the jungle."
"Rational humanists can change the world, one mind at a time."
"Don't turn stoicism into a dogma and we don't hold the stoics up as as being more than what they are which is just human beings."
"We cannot continue to operate the human being as a machine." - Corporal Rohan James
"Human relations are much more important than nationalities, religions, citizenships, and even political views."
"People matter more than concepts and must come first."
"Camus talks about doing your best for other human beings."
"There is no God, there is only us, and we have to take care of each other."
"I believe in a universe that doesn't care but people who do."
"In the 21st century Western World, people who call themselves atheists are generally speaking also humanists and freethinkers."
"The humanist vision was the vision that got black people civil rights in this country."
"We all want to live like good people; good morality. I think that's good humanism."
"The love of self is humanism, the belief that man can accomplish anything on his own. It is the religion of the end times."
"Instead of looking externally for meaning, humanists create meaning together."
"But we can choose to try to point our world in a direction where people are more often treated equally and with respect. No god is needed for that."
"We are anti-war, pro-human, pro-human flourishing."
"The glory of man: humanism, the idea that man through his own innate gifts and capacities can take the horns of destiny and force them onto a new path."
"Humanity is always gonna be number one, Homo sapiens ftw."
"There's actually a very different conflict far more crucial which is the battle between tribalism and humanism."
"Martin Luther King Jr was right. We're all pink underneath."
"Prometheus brought the gift of Techni for human flourishing, not dehumanization."
"Reverence for life should be the center of our attention."
"No ideology, no philosophy, no religion has ever proposed a more profound humanism than classical Christianity."
"The religious proposition that God dictates morality is, in fact, amoral and it forces you to sacrifice your humanity and pollutes your moral compass."
"The Renaissance was a whole new attitude toward life, a new optimism and confidence. It was humanism."
"Our Fidelity must be to our common Humanity."
"It involves treating people like people, seeing them as brothers and sisters."
"We're human beings. Beautiful. And what we want to do as human beings, what are we? We want to make the world a little bit better than it is. That's what my share is."
"It's not about your color, your race, your background, it's about the human that you truly are inside."
"I want young people to be involved in art and academic careers that don't rely on malignancy."
"Accept all humans as your equals and let them be your only sect." - Guru Nanak
"The Brotherhood are actually the least racist faction ever because for them there is only one race: the human race."
"He was a man, to borrow the words of Thomas Paine, whose country was the world, and whose religion was to do good."
"Work for the development of prosperous economies based on values of African humanism."
"There's not only a crisis by way of capital investment but what many feel is of the self, a crisis of meaning and how AI may reinterpret existing human function."
"AI must be about us; our response in a way should be rooted in a type of humanism."
"The world was not created for or about humans."
"I am a humanist, which means when you're trying to solve human problems, you look for human solutions."
"Diana offered a refreshingly humanistic approach to Royal delegacy."
"Liberalism is just a tool for me, right? What's going to be the thing that's declining that I do care about is the health, spiritual and physical and social, of the human person. That's what's declining."
"Christianity and existentialism, the humanistic sort, both assert the infinite value of every human soul."
"We are all human beings enjoying this ride of being a human being together at the same time. No human being gets any different respect from me just because of a credential."
"Nothing humanistic provides a strong enough base for society as well as the individual life of the individual man and woman."
"...humanists in general... once you attain a humanist perspective, you can hold on to that."
"Humanism is whenever you focus on the importance of thought, so you don't really go right away with your initial reaction."
"His emphasis on skepticism, humanism, and scientific inquiry has paved the way for a more questioning and less dogmatic approach to understanding human values and the universe."
"The Wellspring of humanist values lie not in reason, not in evidence-based thinking, but in history, and specifically, the history of Christianity. Thank you. [Applause]"
"The humanistic lens of thought has become central and deeper to so much of all of our lives and to so much of what will happen in our future."
"The Enlightenment ideals are what we ought to strive for, but they haven't triumphed. Progress means enhancements in human flourishing, despite disagreements."
"Confucianism, the single most humanistic philosophy you can find, emphasizes the human at the center of everything."
"The whole rebranding is humanism."
"This is of course the Renaissance fantasy, Petrarch begins in many ways his humanist enterprise by writing letters to Cicero."
"Your soul always was, always, and you always will be. You might say, 'Well, that doesn't make sense.' How does this then relate to humanism and all of these things?"
"Let's push the limits, let's push the envelopes of what human beings can do and what they can aspire to. It's a powerfully attractive humanism, uh there's a deep optimism about human nature."
"Humanistic psychology emphasizes our potential as humans to grow as individuals."
"Humanism, the triumph of the Renaissance, and you see that the whole evolution when you travel in Florence."
"Modern humanism is the faith that, through science, humankind can know the truth and so be free, but if Darwin's theory of natural selection is true, this is impossible."
"It seems to me we need to have some kind of supernatural sense of the human, and for me, God, the human Jesus Christ, is the ultimate grounding for my humanism. I'm a Christian humanist because of Jesus."
"This is a prime example of how humanists force their religion on others. Humanism hides behind various veils and masks, such as science, diversity, equity, and inclusion."
"She reminded me of the humanistic part of medicine, and I'll never forget her and that experience."
"Without being Carolee secular humanists, they're humanists because they're embracing the humanity of each and every one of us."
"If humanism were right in declaring that man is born to be happy, he would not be born to die. Since his body is doomed to die, his task on earth evidently must be of a more spiritual nature."
"...humanism does, to move the world into a better place."
"Humanistic ideas have been around for a very, very long time. It's an extremely long-standing tradition."
"What it means to really be a Christian is to be an exclusive humanist who thinks that what's most important is that people are affirmed in their unique identity expressions."
"Stevens understands tragedy, but he is a comic poet, a humanist who is concerned to preserve and exalt the human."
"Philosophy is a purposeful activity aiming to show and enable us to live as powerfully and contentedly as human beings can."
"We need to be humanists if we're going to survive this Century The Next Century."
"The real and legitimate goal of the sciences, as I project it, is to improve human life and provide it with riches."
"Scandinavia is the least church-going part of Europe, but I think their religion is humanism."
"The humanist approach, while it holds to truth, is thoroughly opposed to indoctrination with dogma."
"What made the Renaissance differ from the preceding period was the idea that man was in control of his world. He could operate... harmoniously with nature, with man in the center."
"Humanism is the only and I would go so far as saying the final resistance we have against the inhuman practices and injustices that disfigure human history."
"From a Christian perspective, perennial naturalism vastly underestimates the place of human beings in the universe."
"Humanism is about our relationships, but also about our individual responsibilities and to respect the meanings that other people are creating in their lives."
"The humanists also share this emphasis of valuing the subjective and the phenomenological lived experience of the client."
"I believe the choice is indeed the choice between humanism and barbarism."
"The hope for mankind is a new humanism, a new cosmopolitanism, in which man becomes again a member of a commonwealth of man."
"The Renaissance signals a dramatic shift in cultural orientation from the divine to the human, emphasizing secular, worldly values."
"Spielberg's deaf humanism and creative direction make it an intensely watchable affair despite the heartbreak."
"Humanism could be traced right back to the beginning of thought about the ethical."
"A humanist is somebody who thinks about the home of humanity and the fellowship that humanity has with the rest of the world."
"Humanists would love to see fostered, the way we treat one another."
"The world needs leaders to ask how we will shape these technologies to human purpose."
"I believe in humans. I might be naive, but I do. I believe in that. I think I'm a humanist."
"What I think is so compelling about the world of Blade Runner that Ridley created and Denis continued is that it's a truly humanistic story."
"Roddenberry considered himself a humanist, viewed religion as a form of superstition, and regarded organized religion with particular suspicion, but he also said in one of his final interviews that he did believe in a kind of god — he accepted the notion of god."
"Human beings are central to the creation or the cosmos is human centric."
"We're not supremacists okay no and what I mean by that is uh we aren't black Power white power yellow power Red Power green power we are about human power."
"Humanism says, let's think for ourselves, let's take responsibility for thinking for ourselves about how we are going to treat other people."
"This is the city where civic pride and abundance of genius, lots of wealth, and a passion for merging art and science ushered in an age of humanism."
"It’s important to show that atheists who move about in the world, who get married, who love their children, who buy clothes and like makeup, we're just, we're like everybody else who's a humanist in many of our values."
"I would obviously encourage humanism. I'm a member of various humanist organisations and I encourage people to join humanist groups."
"Humanism will bring the Antichrist because it does away with all the boundaries set down by God."
"Studying the Charter allows us to uncover the foundational humanist values that underpinned African states in general and particularly those of the great Imperial Era."
"We are using non-religious secular humanist principles to increase goodness in the world."
"Do you want a world which believes the human being is dignified and purposeful?"
"A vision which gives primacy to the human."
"Humanism means the man is the measure of all things."
"Liberal theology is only humanism using theological terms."
"Humanists create our own purposes."
"As a humanist, I try to look for opportunities to help my fellow human beings to live a life of kindness and compassion."
"The church's answer to this disintegration of the human person is an integrated vision of man."
"God uniquely becomes human in the person of Jesus, and so you've got this foundation for humanism in God the human."
"I'm a man of science and there's no God, no Kings, only men."
"It's just what we should be doing as human beings."
"The Renaissance set loose an unbridled autonomous humanism."
"As a humanist, what do people want to do? To me, that's more important than anything."
"What was important for us and very difficult for Johnny... is to make the film as humanistic as we possibly can."
"Pediatric critical care is one of the most rewarding fields in medicine. You get to combine your passion for science with humanism in medicine, which is amazing."
"Once I became an atheist and I accepted the idea that we could, you know, this could be it, actually, it actually strengthened my compassion for my fellow man and it made me love individual humans and accept them for what they are."
"Even in the most secular societies, there's a deep grasp of how to treat individuals and value their worth."
"The kind of humanistic side of things has been so misplaced and so ignored to the detriment of the culture and to the institutions itself."
"He would say the epitome of anthropocentrism, the epitome of humanism, would be for us to objectify God and to say from a distance, 'This is the situation now, and now I’m going to decide if I believe it or not.'"
"When these supposedly satanic people got in touch with real Satanism, they reacted negatively because they saw it as too much of a humanist approach."
"One was humanism, which was a set of beliefs that included rejecting religious ideas and using science and experiments to answer questions about the world."
"The foundation of humanism is devotion to Jesus Christ."
"A god figure who has to be appeased and tiptoed around for fear of genocide is a profoundly disempowering vision for humanity."
"The real foundation of real humanism is devotion to Jesus Christ."
"This begins a revival of humanist thought in Europe and Europeans begin shifting their focus from religion and theology towards secularism and individual achievement."
"It was humanism focused not on our sinfulness as dominated the Middle Ages but in our essential goodness."
"Hellenistic art gets more experimental, it gets more exaggerated in some ways, but in some ways it also gets a little bit more humanistic."
"Humanism seeks to eliminate unnecessary heedless suffering. Religion explains away suffering as inconsequential."
"Let's eliminate needless suffering, provide synthetic limbs, find cures. Atheist humanism is the only healthy perspective."
"I left because I love truth, I love science, critical thinking, and I care about human well-being and these are the reasons why I live ultimately."
"Life is now about people and not materials."
"The artist of the Renaissance Era turned their gaze toward the classical World searching for ways to revive and absorb the humanistic ideals of antiquity in creating a completely new form of architecture."
"Accelerationism that allows for the reassertion of what's uniquely human is a good thing."
"We have to make common ground with secular humanists who are equally concerned for the future of our world and its freedoms."