
Global Ranking Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"The USA has the third largest agricultural industry in the world, behind only China and India."
"Germany has recently become the third largest economy in the world, behind China and the USA, after overtaking a stagnant Japan."
"Vietnam being ranked the third best country in the world for technology... we were smack bang in the middle of a technical pool of talent."
"Iceland, the world's most peaceful nation, according to research carried out in 2013 by the World Economic Forum."
"Jeff Bezos would earn 7 billion in the space of 60 minutes, taking him to the spot of the fifth richest person in the world."
"America had the 19th largest military on the planet in 1939."
"It is now the 15th fastest growing economy in the world."
"The Nile still enables Egypt to be a top five Global producer in a dozen different agricultural products."
"We have one of the largest natural gas deposits... in the world."
"Finland's education system ranks among the world's best."
"Rome became the third player in the world to defeat any radiance."
"Within a generation India's economy will overtake Japan and western Europe to become the third largest in the world."
"Israel's economy is ranked as the world's third most innovative economy, ahead of Japan, ahead of the United States."
"The UK remains one of the world's major economies."
"The military is the central organization of the entire country which is what allows it to be on record the second largest standing army in the entire world."
"We built the greatest economy in the history of the world."
"Kanzak's combined GDP would make it the world's third-largest economy."
"We're the fifth most valuable software company in the world."
"I mean, I'm top four in the entire world. That is kind of crazy nuts, right?"
"Having number one in the world is cool as well."
"America has now become the hottest economy anywhere on the planet Earth."
"Japan will go from being the 11th most populous country to having less people than New Jersey."
"Sweden is one of the world's most well-connected countries."
"Texas is the eighth largest economy in the world."
"We have the best team in all of North America, maybe even the world."
"I'll take the plaudits on behalf of the team... Number one in the world."
"Bangladesh could become the world's 23rd largest economy by 2050."
"He really is an absolute dynamo I just I can't see him not going on to be maybe the best central midfielder in the world."
"Pancake Swap is the number five biggest exchange in the world at the moment."
"Uni Swap is the number 10 biggest exchange in the world at the moment."
"It's by far the most reliable train service on the planet."
"We have the number one literacy rate in the world now."
"There's not many Wingers in the world that are better than Bukayo Saka at the moment."
"The U.S. uses more than half the world's healthcare resources but we're ranked 43rd in the world for life expectancy."
"We are now the best football club in the world."
"The Delhi Metro is one of the world's great Metro systems."
"Barcelona valued as the most valuable soccer team on planet earth."
"China is number one by a lot, it's not even close."
"We had the greatest economy in the world by far."
"We should not be looking for China to become number one."
"He's built two sides and you're right, he's absolutely built a side that's probably the best in the world now."
"In terms of nominal GDP, China has the second largest economy in the world after the U.S."
"Brazil is among the top 10 largest oil producers in the world."
"It's very interesting we also had come out today that Texas is about to surpass or have surpassed Iraq and Iran as the second well as the third largest oil producer in the world."
"Massachusetts: boasting a human development index higher than all but one country in the world."
"Absolutely the best team in the world right now."
"This was like a consistent thing last year, we always were number one in the world at some phase because we just started off so damn good."
"You should be proud for doing what you did and being the top [__] 10 in the world at something."
"U.S. schools take eight of ten top spots on U.S. News's best global universities list for 2020."
"California should be in the race to getting to be the fourth largest economy in the world."
"One of the best stunt shows probably operating in the world right now."
"I think LPL this year... T1 was the best team in the world."
"That's a bronze medal participation award... we are ranked 146 on Earth let's try to improve upon it."
"If Texas were an independent country, it would have the 10th highest GDP on earth."
"The Real Madrid squad is by far and away the best in the world."
"With Folis now the number one restaurant on the planet, we have combed hunger and hypothermia."
"Canada is one of the most peaceful countries in the world."
"Honestly as an experience it's one of the best out there I'd probably say one of the best roller coaster overall experiences there is out there in the world."
"Indonesia has the most population, Indonesia is the world's fourth largest most populous country in the world."
"Bitcoin is now the number eighth biggest global asset."
"India unfortunately takes the spot at number one on today's list as the country has the highest number of slaves in the world."
"He's the best player in the league, by far. The best player in the world."
"The United States now has the fastest growing economy in the world according to the OECD."
"America now has the number one economy anywhere in the world."
"Singapore is a top five food city in the entire world."
"California is about to take over Germany as the fourth largest economy in the world."
"We're now the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere on earth."
"Let's not disrespect the fact that Man City and Chelsea are two of the best teams in the world at the moment."
"Norway is really beating a lot of the rest of the world in a lot of factors."
"India would step up as the number two economy in the world."
"China has become the world's second largest economy."
"These are the best team in the world."
"India is already the largest economy in the world in terms of PPP GDP."
"The University of Cape Coast also ranks first globally for research influence."
"China stands as the world's second largest economy."
"No wonder the Global Talent Competitiveness Index ranked Singapore first in Asia for its ability to attract and grow talent."
"It's one of the best cities to live in the whole entire world."
"Germany is the economic powerhouse of Europe, having just surpassed Japan to become the third largest economy."
"The Luxembourgish passport is one of the five strongest passports in the world."
"If it were a country, California would be the fifth largest economy in the world."
"Goodwood Festival of Speed is number one in the world, by far."
"Luxembourg is also the richest country in the world, sharing the world's richest accolade with Qatar and Singapore."
"It will also be the biggest in terms of population, squeezing ahead of Nigeria and becoming the fourth most populous country on earth."
"It's the best 36-hole venue comfortably in GB and I, possibly in the world."
"We used to lead the world in educational achievement. Now, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ranks America 35th."
"Tesla holds the top overall score on their 2022 Global automaker rating."
"The Chinese economy is the second largest in the world by GDP based in U.S. dollar terms."
"We are now the highest ranked G7 nation when it comes to World animal protections."
"In just the last eight years, India has overtaken five major economies."
"China in 2023 is without a doubt a great naval power, in fact the second strongest in the world."
"Portugal is the third safest country in the world."
"The Delhi Metro has grown to be one of the top metro systems in the world."
"Indonesia is the world's third largest democracy."
"Iceland has been consistently voted one of the best countries in the world to live in."
"He indeed is one of the best boxers on planet earth."
"Uzbekistan is the fourth largest gold producer globally."
"India is the number one shrimp farming country in the world."
"We have the fourth cheapest fuel in the OECD."
"Vietnam is the second largest coffee producer in the world."
"Worldwide, we're the number-one by far."
"It's a well-coached team; they are why they are number five in the world."
"Montreal is the fourth largest French-speaking city in the world."
"We rank in seventh position globally across those five world league tables."
"The state of Nevada produces more gold than all but four countries, and most of the gold mined in Nevada is mined around Elco."
"Everyone in the NBA is top 400 in a world of eight million."
"China's economy is the second largest in the world now."
"China has become the world's second most powerful military giant."
"It is recognized as one of the best places globally to raise your children."
"China was the number two economy in the world in terms of GDP, the number one in total exports, and the number two in total Imports."
"France is the fifth largest economy in the world."
"That doesn't make you the best big man in the league; that makes you the best in the world."
"We remain the fifth largest economy in the world, seven years running."
"New Zealand ranks ninth in the Quality of Life Index."
"The San Marino passport is in the top 20 most prestigious on the planet."
"Malta ranks among the top five countries in the world in terms of the quality of public health services."
"If the Northeast Corridor Mega region were its own country, it would be the fifth largest economy in the world."
"India was the 10th largest economy in the world; today, India is the fifth largest."
"Columbia's health care system as a whole is ranked 22nd in the world, that's pretty good guys."
"Ukrainian is now the 26th most spoken native language in the world."
"Top countries like USA, United Kingdom, Canada... are the top four, and Germany is also there."
"California, if it was its own country, would actually have the fifth largest economy in the world."
"Israel right now is considered to be the number one economy in the world, the most stable of the entire world's economies."