
Political Risk Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The political and social risks in China are too great; this has caused companies that were previously willing to take risks to begin to reduce their investment in China and turn to markets elsewhere."
"Putin right now is facing the most important and significant decision in his life, and if he does not play it right, it can very well potentially end his political career."
"Anybody who goes into political life understands that it does come with an element of risk."
"This is virtually unheard of and in China it is extremely dangerous to publicly criticize the party"
"They're opening the door for a real smart fascist."
"Donald Trump lost an election and tried to keep himself in power despite having lost, which is just about the most dangerous thing that can happen in a democracy."
"People are gonna die if Nunes releases this memo."
"Thank you for putting yourself at risk in the political arena."
"It would be political suicide for the Republican Party not to object to these electors."
"The real danger... is 2022 or 2024 when we may see people begin to change the results of the elections."
"Ron DeSantis just threw himself in the gorilla cage."
"Why take that risk? The regime realizes full well that if they pull this off and it fails, it could be the end of the regime."
"The CCP risks facing the same backlash they did with PPE when it comes to the vaccine because if the vaccine doesn't work, this could cause large-scale backlash against the CCP or even worse."
"The CCP risks having different radical organizations, terrorist movements, or nationalist movements uniting against it."
"Even if the risk were the same, like, the protesters are taking a risk to make the world safer for everyone, and the Trump people are taking a risk to make the world more dangerous, so these two things are not morally equivalent."
"I personally I think it's worth taking political risk to destroy private insurance as an industry because of their political power."
"This is not for fun. I believe that we were on the risk of handing the presidency to Donald Trump if we try too hard to play it safe or ignore the profound dynamics that are happening in our country right now."
"The risk of allowing the president to continue to use the services during this period are too much."
"Glenn Youngkin will destroy our economy. He'll destroy our education system. If Glenn Youngkin is elected governor, it will be a grave mistake for Virginia."
"Newsom, who's facing a recall vote on September 14th, told the editorial board of the Sacramento Bee that his fellow Democrats have been far too complacent about the risk that he faces and how damaging his loss would be to the national party."
"The biggest risk to us is that we unwittingly succumb to totalitarianism."
"Second Trump Administration would mean a full-on dictatorship."
"Democracy is at risk, and people holding up the big lie are dangerous."
"He's someone who's put the United States in incredible national security risk."
"People are more than willing to throw democracy out if they have to."
"Johnson, when they're going down there to Texas, he is at risk of getting thrown off the ticket and then he's at risk of being thrown in prison. This has to be understood."
"It was an incredibly brave move that risked taking England to war with its Roman Catholic neighbors in Europe."
"Our democracy is at risk because of assaults on the truth."
"These are things they took the risk of saying, it wasn't part of their job, they might have been doing it to please their constituency, but it was definitely not part of their functions."
"Yes, absolutely, because this is a very dangerous time for democracy."
"Mrs. May's deal so awful I'm prepared to take that risk."
"It's been described as the third rail of American politics. If you touch it, you die. You never get to come back again."
"Rooting for his country, he's willing to visit financial disaster and misery upon millions of people just so he doesn't get painted as Herbert Hoover."
"Putting my principles and responsibilities first has made me an enormous target, but I will not be deterred."
"A market that is historically overvalued overall and to a perhaps unprecedented extent politically flammable."
"This is suicide for the Democratic Party to try to go into a midterm election not in danger of not delivering on stuff that people went out and voted for."
"You cannot look at that as any other thing other than posing a mortal threat to the viability of a free Society."
"It's going to be a huge risk for the country and absolutely no way but I think it could do and I think the polling we've seen in the last few days indicates that actually Euroskeptic opinion is hardening not softening."
"Democracy is fragile... we need to worry about unprincipled men seizing power."
"If you accommodate a demagogue, it can grow into something way beyond what you ever fathomed."
"Imagine if the president... offered the launch codes... and lost his bet..."
"Voting for Trump is playing Russian roulette with the country; voting for Biden is outright National Suicide." - Bill Barr
"Every day that we delay our decision to oppose him most decisively increases this risk."
"Historically, historically that has not done very well for companies when a leader against the group people disagrees with in a country uses violence to suppress them as a very slippery slope."
"That is the single most dangerous thing that a president could do to the country."
"If these operations fail, he will be forced to leave."
"I didn't think Murkowski was going to put her entire career risk over this but apparently she has now."
"The most dangerous time for a corrupt or tyrannical regime is when it starts reforming itself."
"Donald Trump’s political fate is in graver danger than at any other point in his presidency."
"If democracy is at risk, why put in candidates that put democracy at risk?"
"If Russian President Vladimir Putin did not change his policies as soon as possible, he would risk losing his power."
"Democracies cannot survive if you allow the anti-democratic to seize control of them."
"Anything that undermines the foundations of Democracy in America or elsewhere is a risk."
"He's prepared to wreck his party and the country."
"The risk of factional strife... could destroy the Republic and erect a new government on the ruins of public Liberty."
"What would put that in danger? A government led by the right honourable gentleman."
"The democracy is at risk with the current arrangements."
"Sovereign or political risk is the risk of asset values going down because of government-related or political problems."