
Internet Evolution Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Remember what internet search was like in 1996 and think about what it was like in 2000 and now in the 2020s."
"The metaverse is just the internet with two differences: the visualization layer and composable cross-application digital objects."
"There's a general understanding across the community that what we're doing today in the world of distributed consensus is sort of equivalent to what happened in the mid-90s with the introduction of the World Wide Web and how that changed society fundamentally."
"This is the gateway to the next net. This is it; this is the next node."
"Zuckerberg refers to the metaverse as 'an embodied internet where you're in the experience, not just looking at it.'"
"The metaverse isn't really deemed an extension of the internet; it's actually being considered the next step of the internet."
"We are fully committed to this. It is the next chapter of our work and we believe for the internet overall."
"I think we're heading towards a much better internet and none of that really required a villain to be slain."
"These virtual worlds are the future... similar to things we were seeing in the early 90s with the internet."
"I think it's internet video changed and people could stream scenes and stuff and all of a sudden like in the last like 10 years and even more so the last five years it just seems like it keeps growing."
"Big changes in communication: new alternative internet again."
"The metaverse is the 3D evolution of the internet, a network of connected persistent virtual worlds."
"Web 3.0 is the notion that we do not have a single point of failure anywhere on the infrastructure."
"Decentralized applications are the future in terms of what's next after the internet."
"Web 3.0 changes how the internet works... reinvent how the internet works."
"It's an internet powered by blockchains and it's an internet that wasn't really possible before."
"We'll get not just the Internet we've had, but a better Internet, a better now, something that we can use to build a future that'll be better not just than what we hoped for but anything that we could have imagined."
"Internet's gotten better and better over the years."
"The metaverse is used to describe the vision whereby the internet will evolve into a virtual world."
"I predicted we'd need search engines in the late 1990s because there'd be so much knowledge on the web."
"Mushy Monsters just isn't really relevant anymore because of the changing internet and the fading relevancy of kids virtual worlds."
"It's not so much about NFTs, NFTs are proof of concept just like in 1995 everybody was just setting up a website."
"It's exciting because like the early days of the internet, it's disruptive."
"It feels inevitable that the decentralized web will happen."
"Charles Hoskinson believes we're going to live on an internet of blockchains."
"The speed at which the internet has grown and how it has impacted Our Lives as we know it is truly unbelievable."
"The metaverse is very much the next iteration of the internet... and that's something different than web3."
"The idea behind Bitcoin and some say the next wave of the Internet is to dissolve that border and replace the trust identity and proprietary software with an open network running free shared software."
"Transitioning from Web 3.0 to the next internet: A monumental shift."
"The future of the internet will be smaller gated communities."
"Blockchain technology is completely changing how we interact with the internet on a day-to-day basis."
"It's going to be kind of like the internet at that point, it's just ubiquitous."
"Web 3.0 will reconstruct the organizational form and business model of the internet economy."
"As the internet starts to corporatize and homogenize, people are going to start to see the appeal of decentralized networks."
"I remember the '90s... every new development of internet technology seemed to go in one direction: toward greater freedom."
"I've been doing this as progress like as the Internet came out I started doing it online in the niches condo involved and Here I am still doing free stuff for everybody."
"This is just a better version of the internet. It was what the internet was promised to be."
"We see this as the new thin waist of the internet or rather of the web."
"The metaverse is something that's almost inevitable at this point... the entire internet is going to take up on a very 3D shape in our lives."
"This is like hyper-charged new version of the internet."
"The internet will no longer be gone; it will just be sitting underneath."
"NFTs are just the beginning of the next generation of the internet."
"The best version of the internet, the best version of that metaverse is human. It's you."
"This is the new push as we move to Internet 3.0 from 2.0."
"I think the internet's changing. It's not the wild west anymore." - Leafy
"Blockchain technology is evolving the internet right before our eyes."
"The internet's gonna be useless, maybe that will finally destroy the advertising model."
"I think people need to stop and take a look at what the internet was 15 years ago."
"The inventory management system in Astroneer is by far the best and most unique that I've ever seen in a video game."
"The internet back then was nothing like it is now."
"Welcome to the new standard - the internet for Value."
"Web 3: read, write, own. Each piece, from blockchain to AI, is part of the modular internet."
"The problem today for the ad industry is that television is evolving into the internet."
"Web 3.0 is said to be the bundle of technologies that are supposed to usher in the next generation of the internet."
"Blockchains... enabled digital ownership and let us build a new way of Internet services."
"The internet was once 10 million people chatting through a million different megaphones, now it's 3 billion people chatting through a handful of megaphones."
"If this becomes a reality and the internet computer ICP succeeds in this, they may be the evolution of the internet."
"It's about the Internet turning itself inside out."
"I'm ready for the internet of value to be part of our daily lives."
"It was like a task to get the internet going, and then once you did, you're like, 'Ah, this is great,' but now it's just expected."
"Web3 is the internet owned by the builders and users, orchestrated with tokens."
"The internet was a very different place then."
"The web was shifting from an Internet of connected pages to a platform that would connect people."
"BBS were really something special; some might argue that BBSing was just a lower tech version of what we have now with the internet, but it really wasn't."
"Who would have thought it would be possible, like when I was growing up, internet was first coming out."
"How we used to browse the internet was... it's better now."
"Blockchains hold the potential to completely change the internet as we know it."
"Web 3 is built on this idea of blockchain technology and decentralization."
"Web 3.0 describes the third iteration or the third sort of stage of the web."
"The metaverse is the internet but 3D."
"The 2000s: the decade where we all started with terrible dial-up internet and ended with lightning-fast internet sitting in our pockets."
"As the web has sort of settled in, as we begin to live with the reality, there needs to be a different dialogue."
"With the invention of the Internet, the online media became more important."
"I'm going to talk broadly about the evolution of dialectics on the internet."