
Investment Trends Quotes

There are 270 quotes

"Taiwanese businessmen should follow the international trend; when the world finds that China is not a good investment environment, Taiwanese businessmen should seek investment environments in other regions."
"Over a third of millennial millionaires held 50% of their investable assets in cryptocurrency, suggesting a huge shift in the way we're treating our portfolios."
"I remain pretty bullish on Bitcoin through 2021 because it's accessible for consumers around the world."
"New all-time highs tend to come before more new all-time highs."
"I saw it develop from almost nothing into this large asset class, which is now the tail that wags the dog."
"Investors are waiting on the sidelines to get into Bitcoin, regardless of what anybody tries to tell you on CNBC."
"The number of long-term Bitcoin holders is increasing."
"More than one in 10 American citizens aged between 18 and 34 have invested part of their stimulus checks into crypto assets."
"German institutional funds will be able to invest hundreds of billions of euros in crypto starting next week."
"Growing interest from institutional investors augurs accelerated expansion for crypto investment vehicles. DeFi will not put traditional finance in jeopardy."
"Cardano going head-to-head with bitcoin as interest among institutional-grade investors blows hot."
"Bitcoin right now, it is doubling, it's back at 32 2."
"It seems accumulators are accumulating, and it seems that holders are holding. And I think that's just too bullish."
"Despite all that, there's twice the amount of people that are holding Dogecoin versus Cardano."
"Markets don't act like this, but we have people starting to go into the FOMO mode, fear of missing out, so everybody wants to join this bandwagon because it seems like there's money in the street and it's easy picking."
"Bitcoin bull run won't end anytime soon. Its whale buying hints at a new 52k floor."
"This is not Ethereum season. This is not the thing. The first of the four narratives that are driving this bull market is going to be Solana."
"FOMO is everywhere now, not just a thing for retail, but large funds, hedge funds, even companies."
"87% are looking to increase their crypto holdings."
"The Bears always get proven wrong at some point. The Bulls always win in Bitcoin."
"When a big guy like Warren Buffett comes in and indirectly invests in Bitcoin, the majority of other people will want to indirectly invest in Bitcoin."
"What if we could increase empathy? What if we could increase compassion too?"
"In recent years, the sport of pigeon racing has transformed, with rising popularity in China and a huge surge in wealth there leading people to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in the birds."
"Investors are too focused on growth stocks and defensives right now."
"Tesla's success has caused other investors to start spending hundreds of millions of dollars to copy and improve upon Tesla's EV business model."
"So let's talk about Cardano: why it's so exciting, why everyone is talking about it, where the price is going."
"But I think overall the trajectory is you know the people are investing much more sensibly today and it's a combination of the availability of the right instruments and the right programs right."
"Bitcoin is poised to attract more and more investors as people find a way to escape fiat currencies."
"It's been fun. Buy Bitcoin. No, China bought a bunch of Bitcoin. A lot of Bitcoin."
"We're at the beginning stages of a commodity super cycle."
"If one person jumps in and they make money, other people are gonna take notice and they're also gonna start jumping in."
"Cryptocurrency is about to pop, it's gonna be on a very good upline for the next week or two, it's gonna drop in the next two weeks and by the end of the year it's going to be through the moon."
"We waited 13 years for the first ETF and then we had to wait four days for the next one. That just gives you an indication of how rapidly this space is moving and why you should be so bullish on it."
"The trend for the stock price is likely to be up."
"Everybody thinks they missed the boat on bitcoin. The institutional money is driving the price of bitcoin. The retail investor is going to drive the price of the altcoins."
"As Kathy just mentioned, institutional investors could lead bitcoin to go as high as $500,000, and guess who's the beneficiary? Coinbase."
"Average normies start getting into an investment? There's probably a bubble."
"When Tesla has like two green days in a row, people go buy ARK."
"There's a lot of ways just to go back a little bit in 2021 we saw most of the kind of high valuation profile hyped over value names especially software companies have suffered arc investments and so forth."
"Ultimately, it's like riding a bull. Riding a bullish trend isn't easy. But if you hold on, you end up being that guy bragging he held onto the bull."
"All the smart investors, all the celebrities in the world are jumping on crypto and saying this is the future."
"Long-term holder net positions are continuing to increase, suggesting bullish sentiment."
"The amount of bitcoin that has not moved in over a year has reached an all-time high."
"Firmly in the second leg of this crypto bull market."
"Follow the money, that's a big message from today. Look where the big investors, the big VCs, where they're all pumping the money. It's not on things like storage, it is NFTs and smart contract platforms."
"The staking space in crypto is going to be the new passive income."
"Dogecoin is up by 16.9%, why not? It knows not what it does and it is simply doesn't."
"Bitcoin is in an absolutely historic bull run phase."
"It's clear that investors have been paying a lot of attention and spending a lot of money on defense companies."
"A U.S investment management firm with over 1 trillion in assets under management has joined the growing list of firms looking to launch cryptocurrency focused ETFs."
"Bitcoin forms higher lows and higher highs every single cycle. It's history."
"The world's largest hedge fund manager just opted in to take Bitcoin over any investment in the bond market."
"I thought there'd never be another crypto bull market like the one we had in 2017, now I'm saying this bull market is just getting started."
"Increasing disintermediation from savings products into gold."
"The whales are swooping in and buying the most that they have ever bought."
"Bitcoin breaking its all-time high was long time coming and had been in the making ever since the asset shed 50 of its value in May."
"When it comes time for the eventual recovery, tech and semis will take off. Growth stocks substantially underperforming value stocks."
"We are in an alt season where trillions of dollars are starting to flow into alts."
"There's risk appetite for Bitcoin and altcoins as well."
"Bitcoin exposure will outpace whoever's redeeming from us."
"Altcoins are a much more interesting conversation."
"Dividends are out of favor right now in the market. It won't be like that forever."
"The average person starting to buy gold means that people that are not plugged into this type of world they're starting to smell the bad smell of top-down control."
"Silver has risen more than gold every single time in major bull markets in history."
"There's a lot of money out there seeking scarcity at the moment that doesn't want to involve itself in scarcity determined by social emotional consensus."
"Billions of dollars from Wall Street are poured into the single-family housing market."
"Cryptocurrency actually go up quite a bit again because it's sort of an against the grain market."
"If we're right and companies continue to diversify their cash into something like bitcoin, institutional investors start allocating five percent of their funds, we believe that the price will be tenfold where it is today." -
"The market might be down but safe sun is flying high with only 60 to 70 holders you are early."
"There will be another pump, there will. Bitcoin moves in multi-year cycles."
"Crypto fund managers are increasing their bets on specific cryptocurrencies, namely ADA, DOT, and XRP."
"Bitcoin is up well over 1,000 percent this year... that is unbelievably scary to me."
"Imagine if you could start putting in nfts digital land into long-term lock-up that'll be interesting if we see advancements going there."
"Ethereum is where a lot of the retail money is going to go towards the end of the year."
"The big money is collecting physical metals. The big money, the banks, the profits, the nations, they're all collecting it and they're trying to convince you not to."
"Active management is going to become much more back into vogue."
"The fintech space, the FI all of it really on fire like melting."
"Bitcoin's dominance going up within the past few weeks and with this type of indicator we can expect the price of bitcoin to continue going up."
"The urge for very serious money to get out of fiat and into physical metal has been unprecedented."
"Bitcoin is the indicator I think to a lot of these big movers on Wall Street that this is a here to stay kind of scenario."
"I personally think it looks a lot more bullish than it does bearish right now."
"Everything is working in favor of gold. These trends are inevitable."
"The trend is your friend until the end and every single thing in this chart right now is pointing towards bitcoin looking to move to higher levels and put in all-time highs."
"Again to me that's out performance on gold, it shows you buyers are coming in even with the dollar strength."
"I believe that the benchmarks in 2023 to 2024 are going to get reamed the most the benchmarks are your classic Vanguard index funds the ones with a heavy allocation to Staples defensives Health cares basically the things that have boomed in 2022."
"Mark Cuban is a bitcoin bull. He's a big bitcoin bull."
"Mainstream hedge funds pour billions of dollars into crypto."
"Over 20 years, there's never been a negative 20-year rolling period for the S&P 500."
"Usually when we're talking about insane amounts of retail investors coming into crypto, it's a bad thing. But when do we see that? We see that at peaks, not after a 35% correction."
"If 10% of the American public were to invest in gold and silver, it would probably be a big event that could make this happen."
"Invest in everything so it's getting out of hand."
"People driving this rally are different from those who drove the last three."
"More money has gone into stocks in the past five months than over the prior 12 years."
"Gold stopped moving, that's why people flock to things that still move."
"The amount of money that is flowing into crypto is unprecedented."
"You're seeing this behavioral shift in the market... people are just holding their bitcoin for the long term."
"Investing went completely mainstream with normal people taking up investment like never before."
"Bitcoin has historically set higher lows and higher highs."
"The small-time mom and pop investor is still by far the largest source of investor demand in America."
"There aren't many places to invest... so where are people going to go? They're going to go to the meme coins."
"So, we're seeing this a lot of areas, gold miners extremely overbought..."
"Bitcoin is the best performing monetary asset of not just the last couple of years but really of the last decade."
"Even the best stock market in the world reached new highs before a reset."
"Did you know Cardano toppled Bitcoin to become the most held crypto on Etoro?"
"Gold, silver, and bitcoin prices may be on the verge of a straight-up trade."
"They're bullish on it because we see the pattern of higher lows."
"Recall, 'Bitcoin has had the best January since 2013.'"
"We know the winner so far in 2023 is Bitcoin with gold coming in second and stocks coming in third."
"Crypto is where the money is going to be flowing."
"Enterprise tech, cloud AI, data services, automation, security - these are going to be things that companies are going to invest in to actually put them in a better position."
"The investor community is moving very powerfully."
"I'm still so bullish on the altcoin market now."
"Bitcoin has historically added a zero whenever it stayed above a certain price point for more than a hundred days."
"Once they go physical, they've never gone back to synthetic."
"A lot of money is still coming into the space. We're still early in the growth trend."
"Individual investors poured more than half a billion dollars into Tesla shares."
"I believe the frugal decade means we are going to be much more interested in investing in real estate stocks in 2020 to 2030 than we have ever been in history beforehand."
"Bitcoin's been going up, what, two million percent or something over the last 10 years."
"Polka dot is seeing an impressive 180 percent gain in 2021 so far, surpassing XRP for fourth place by market capitalization."
"The bigwigs have officially accepted crypto as a valid asset to allocate, and it's just about to snowball."
"Crypto's never going to die, it's just not... We have for Pete's sakes, we've got El Salvador using it as legal tender, we've got BlackRock investing into Bitcoin mining."
"Kathy Woods has Tesla as her top position for three out of the five of the active ETFs."
"Understand, we are at the adoption point where we have every single entity that has money—they're buying as much bitcoin as they possibly can."
"Bitcoin will replace gold one day, disrupt gold, replace gold."
"So, where does this position the average American in 30 years when it's given that every new neighborhood is to be bought up whole so they can be utilized as SFRs?"
"This could be that long-awaited multi-year breakout moment."
"Bitcoin leads the bull market, not the altcoin market."
"Bitcoin supply held by long-term holders continues to break all-time high."
"The primary reason that Bitcoin went up in the first place in the pre-halving year was not because there was an influx of new money into the space."
"Crypto's here to stay... but I think it's gonna be like the stock market."
"The future is very bright especially when you have all these rich people just sloshing around money into the market."
"Total market cap look at that busting through 2.1 almost 2.2 trillion so you know like a couple hundred billion not a big deal we just call that a Friday here in cryptoville."
"This is one of the ones I most certainly would expect ARK Invest to be getting involved with."
"Goldman Sachs is preparing to offer cryptocurrency investment services this year."
"When BlackRock starts buying, you gotta know things are up."
"Investor interest in this asset class is biased towards the young, and as the young get older, they get richer." - Charles Hoskinson
"Real world assets are the number one performing narrative in crypto."
"Congrats to them for finally recognizing that each time these things have happened, this is when the bottoms have come in."
"the next rotation was easy guys look at it crypto bubbles go on the weekly and think to yourself who has been pumping in the last week who hasn't really been pumping before"
"Gold is making new all-time highs in every currency... We are in a bull market and this bull market is just getting started..."
"I think the miners will be to the next cycle what the dot-com stocks were of the '90s."
"If you're ignoring memes, then you're just losing a whole boatload of money."
"Both stocks and bonds going down this year for the first three quarters in a row is so unheard of that it has never happened before in the history of investing."
"Bitcoin's dominance is only 39 percent of that, meaning the altcoins guys the all altcoins hold over 60 percent of the dominance so it is altcoin season right now."
"Bitcoin is trading back above its 200 moving average and exponential moving average. Hold these levels, and it's usually a good indicator of a bullish trend on multiple different time frames."
"The hunt for the next Salana is going to be the major trend."
"U.S. large-cap equities are going to largely replace sovereign bonds."
"The current bull market we're seeing right now is going to be nothing compared to the bull markets in the future."
"Institutional investors are buying billions upon billions of bitcoin and altcoins behind the scenes."
"Crypto is popping right now. You should look into it."
"First thing that's got to happen is people understand that public companies can buy bitcoin... then I think there's just a wall of money."
"Sailor has turned hyperfinancialized institutional credit markets and public equity markets into a Bitcoin printer."
"Bitcoin reaching all-time highs, but altcoins are not far behind."
"The real fireworks have started, and they haven't. I mean, you saw that money flow, it's unbelievable."
"What are Bitcoin and Ether doing? They are, I mean by the very fact that they're being considered flight to safety like gold, that's really interesting."
"He thinks that cryptocurrencies will dominate in 2022 and will outperform more traditional investments."
"Every time the Wall Street guy opens his mouth, I'm fully on board with Wall Street bets to the moon."
"And folks, I mean, we look at some of the other coins, I mean, it's just amazing some of the growth that we're seeing."
"Exponential demand from NFTs, DeFi, everybody's coming on new investors."
"The bull market in gold is centered in Asia. It's Off to the Races and there is so much money in the bank accounts."
"ETFs have gone from relative obscurity ten years ago to some of the most highly traded instruments on planet earth."
"Record weekly inflow of money into digital assets."
"Close to half of European institutions are long on virtual assets."
"Bitcoin always seems high until you look back and realize it just continues going higher."
"When you see a 44% increase in American Silver Eagle demand, you know there is renewed interest in silver as investment demand."
"Sandbox is the second biggest metaverse out there. With recent investments and NFT sales, it's poised for massive growth."
"Nobody wanted to own stocks five weeks ago, now everybody wants to buy."
"Bitcoin is slowly replacing gold in investment portfolios."
"Crypto's still super bullish every time you turn around, some huge company's buying a ton of Bitcoin."
"Last year there was over 300 million ounces taken into the silver ETFs."
"The dumb money starts to make the real money and you see that when the memes start to actually explode."
"We've created this passive indexing monster that is now just sucking in capital... pushing the top 10 stocks of the index up."
"Bitcoin is hope. Those millennials buying bitcoin are buying hope."
"Kudos to Wall Street Silver for pushing this market forward."
"Gold has moved from 1250 to close to 2100 in a very short period of time."
"This is Chainlink's entire price history, and as you can see here since the beginning of 2018, Chainlink has stayed in this huge uptrend."
"Arc started buying Roblox again, DraftKings too, New Egg accepting Dogecoin."
"25% of all bonds are negative yielding, and 40% of all government bonds are negative yielding."
"With all these people holding, the price is just bound to go up."
"Good news is we've been talking crypto gold and silver for a long time."
"It's not gonna last but in that moment before, like, when have you ever seen a short squeeze where the number where the line just kept going up, right?"
"Follow the money. Yes, because a lot of times when there's an emerging industry when there's an area of growth you see a lot of venture capital money you see a lot of institutional money start to flood into a particular field."
"Retail isn't even back yet, indicating this run is fueled by institutional interest."
"The more and more precious metals continue to offer gains, the less risky it will begin to seem to investors."
"I'm not surprised that a lot of these super investors have been buying into Wells Fargo."
"People are very underinvested in gold right now... they will chase once the breakout comes."
"Investment demand is coming and it's going to keep growing."
"Estate X: revolutionizing property investment."
"Money is flowing out of the stock market and flowing into crypto real nice and quiet."
"Index funds gaining popularity, exceeding actively managed funds."
"We're seeing that cohort of buyers which is the institutions are in the game and they're in the game big."
"Held by long-term bitcoin holders have reached new all-time high."
"Bitcoin yearly candles put things into perspective."
"Eighty-two percent of institutional investors plan to increase cryptocurrency exposure by 2023."
"Over half of global institutional investors surveyed by Fidelity have exposure to digital assets."
"Crypto is not only a mode of investment but also a promising avenue that holds substantial value for the future."
"Grayscale crypto AUM show substantial rise to 15.5 billion dollars in just three days."
"There isn't a single celebrity, big CEO, or anybody that's not buying cryptocurrency."
"Bitcoin looks like it's ready to break out. It's been stuck in the 40s for quite some time."
"Bitcoin saw minor inflows, not a big dump but no fun."