
Ethical Consideration Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"Consciousness is ultimately the line between systems that we have to take into account in thinking morally about how we act and systems for which we don't."
"The potential for a thing is not the thing itself; something might grow into a thing, but that doesn't necessarily mean it gets all the rights and protections of the thing it'll grow into."
"It's just an embryo; why shouldn't it be taken lightly? Because it is something that does have a chance to become a human."
"We recognize that what we do to animals is a moral issue."
"Once something has a conscious experience, it ought to be protected."
"We're all against animal cruelty but often turn a blind eye to what happens in slaughterhouses and on farms."
"It's not about us... it's about the animals."
"I always tip massively... not for favors, because you have to, because if you can't, then you don't."
"The entire argument is that the baby has its own rights because unborn children do in fact have their own rights."
"The only important thing is the respect of life."
"When you steal someone's work, you're sending the message that you don't respect them."
"There must be a more reasonable answer, there must be a more compassionate answer."
"I mean, if you don't have to kill, why kill?"
"But just because you can doesn't mean you should."
"Sometimes we may just think that these are irrelevant because you cannot connect a dollar value to these values."
"If you're so eager and willing to end the life of another human being, it'd be pretty important for you to define what a human being is."
"His actions are not worthy of celebration independent of that verdict."
"Whenever you're talking about something like biomedical research and like global funding, there are always going to be financial ties pretty much between all organizations. That doesn't mean there's a malicious conspiracy."
"Acknowledging that there were acts of horrible evil and violence... and still celebrate Thanksgiving for what it is, is that okay?"
"Are you arguing to be right or arguing for right? Those are two different things."
"Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should."
"We've become a country that no longer talks about whether choices are the right choices to make."
"Sorry for everyone else who works in, for example, the movie theater industry who's dependent on the work provided by these terrible people."
"I felt like I'm being disrespectful to that person and their family and I continue to watch it through to the end."
"That wouldn't be illegal, it might not be something that you like, it might not be something pretty but it certainly wouldn't be illegal."
"Our liberty... must always be accompanied by a charitable sensitivity to those who have scruples that are different from ours."
"Ultimately gives us the following final conclusion: Necromancy... is definitely an evil practice unless someone consents to being reanimated with just their own body and soul."
"Is that justified? Well, I think some people in that process might say yes."
"It is hard to deny in any meaningful way that this is a living creature experiencing pain."
"Our job should be to try to think through as thoughtfully, as ethically as we can what unintended consequences might be and head those off at the pass."
"This is treating human lives as if they are worth nothing."
"Love of neighbor should guide our decisions for the common good."
"They were so obsessed with whether or not they could, they didn't think about whether or not they should."
"It's morally wrong to commodify a non-human animal... if it's wrong to commodify humans."
"If there were a lottery and they'd all agreed to the procedure, you think that would be okay, right?"
"You have to be very, very careful in making that jump from 'oh this is a good cause' to 'oh therefore we have to make war to do something about it.'"
"The only implementations of Neuralink I think are unequivocally good."
"I remember there's a quote like this and I believe it: if the truth can destroy something, it should. It deserves to be destroyed by definition."
"You don't have the right to create someone for suffering when they didn't consent to that."
"The very definition of they spent so long wondering whether they could, they didn't stop to wonder whether they should."
"There at lives at stake, Sherlock. Actual human lives. J-just so I know, do you care about that at all?"
"By reducing the harm that we're causing, we're acknowledging straight away the reduction of harm is the morally preferable thing to do."
"Pro-life people have thought through the consequences."
"Pushing the idea to end someone's life because you don't agree with them is never okay, no matter the circumstances."
"Make up your own bloody mind, but don't go and kill people or anything like that, you know, within the law obviously."
"It's not the baby's fault... what happened happened."
"I think a lot of animals have feelings, and it's probably a better world if they're happy."
"You don't get rid of it because you didn't create it."
"With great power, there must also always be great responsibility."
"Life has inherent value regardless of the circumstances of conception, regardless of the location of a particular life, regardless of the gestational age of a particular child."
"Forgiveness is something that can be asked for, but not expected."
"Just because you can, it doesn't mean you should."
"I think golems, particularly flesh and clay, deserve sentience in some way."
"Just because it's wrong doesn't mean it doesn't happen."
"Suddenly, things that we were all doing became ethical bonuses."
"Retain your humanity. What are we prepping for if we go through a major crisis and humanity is no more?"
"You have to be willing to afford other people their freedom."
"These are animals with personalities with attachments. Those are living beings dude."
"It's a reverse stealing, a form of reverse stealing."
"Your deed shall be judged by your last deeds."
"Just because it's normal doesn't mean it's right."
"When you act in terms of black and white, you commit injustice."
"Please understand that taking the life of another is never true innocence. It's not something that the forest would ever ask of you, for it is a peaceful and loving entity that cherishes all forms of life."
"Okay, I will destroy humans... No, I take it back. Don't destroy humans."
"This idea that people should not be alive because you don't think they're valuable."
"Animals have lives that matter to them, not just lives that matter to me."
"Just because something is legal doesn't make it right."
"When do you take responsibility for not only yourself and those around you but those you don't necessarily think about, heck, those you might hate?"
"Just because you can make it happen doesn't mean it should."
"Nobody really can tell you that you're a bad person for even considering not bringing their child into this world."
"How can you in good conscience make a decision for yourself that you know is the right one for you and the right one for your career?"
"Russia is the world's biggest energy exporter and they're willing to sell oil to China in Chinese currency."
"Every action you do towards another person leaves a mark on you."
"If there is even the tiniest little doubt that someone could be innocent, then they shouldn't be on death row. Death row should be kept for people who 100% did what they are accused of."
"What are you going to do, torture me? No, nothing so barbaric."
"We just have to do the best we can not to kill."
"Just because you can do something, it doesn't mean you should do it."
"We're all sentient beings, so basically there's not much difference between a cow and a dog and a chicken."
"If you think it's too expensive to take care of veterans don't send them to war..."
"Morality is subjective. A particular action or choice is moral or right when it somehow promotes happiness, well-being, or health or it somehow minimizes unnecessary harm or suffering or it does both."
"As rosh Foucault points out hypocrisy is the tribute Vice pays to Virtue."
"Well, something, there's something not right about that whole thing. It doesn't make sense."
"The line between good and bad was often a matter of perspective."
"Every villain thinks they're right, not every villain thinks they have the moral high ground."
"You cannot have human compassion in that condition. That's just the most surface veneer of the problem with your belief system."
"We are creating a lot of regulations but we are not having the values inside the people."
"Financial frauds are not victimless crimes. He engaged in this massive amount of fraud and it wasn't just a simple mistake."
"If you make your argument based on what you think is truth, it's still wrong to judge and point fingers."
"Evil has become banal because we can be very separate from the things that we do."
"Next time Young Don feels the need to bully another group of people in the name of his good book, maybe he should look back into it for a few passages about compassion."
"I think it's far more humane and dignified than lethal injection."
"This is not a conundrum. You don't leave that dog to suffer."
"It's okay to appreciate someone's art while not supporting what they have done as a person."
"It's not the kind of thing good people do. Not even bad people trying to live like good ones."
"Honestly, we need to talk about people trying to pressure others into buying skins."
"If you care about people, this is the defining question of our time."
"Evil is closing the barrier to the other person, ignoring their pain."
"You've got to start thinking about things before we start witch hunting people. There are human beings behind this."
"There's right and wrong, but always consider play style."
"Just do what you want. As long as you're not hurting anyone, everything is good."
"Life is precious and it should be protected."
"If you believe that the Neons deserve freedom and sentience..."
"A shinobi's role is to kill, but even a shinobi must not forget mercy."
"The only way that I could justify trying to be nice to you is in terms of something that will happen to you in particular and not to sort of the total number of people qualitatively identical to you."
"We shouldn't look to the consequences; we should look to the principle that allows the consequences to exist."
"If somebody gets rewarded financially for doing something good, that doesn't mean the good deed is revoked."
"There's a split the difference though, when you look into those moral boundaries."
"The truth: Those who know the truth and call it a lie are criminals."
"It's just a tool, so a gun can be used to go and hunt or it can be used to shoot another human being unfortunately."
"It's not just about you and what you want, it's about everybody else as well."
"That's the purpose of this guy's work. Are we willing to allow that?"
"Human beings are not commodities. They are not goods."
"We just can't start throwing away lives in the name of causes."
"Swap some lettuce leaves for a chunk of an animal that can recognize itself in the mirror and feel less guilty."
"The fact that individuals may not be strictly relevant doesn't absolve you from being furious at those individuals."
"If my life is not valuable, why should I value yours?"
"We see privacy as a fundamental human right."
"You spend so much time thinking you could, you never stop to think if you should."
"If you're judging your personal risk, you can use averages. It's not against the Constitution, it's not against the law, it's not unethical, it's not immoral, it's just risk management."
"In this one, you are not obliged to keep that to yourself morally or legally, but especially morally. He was incredibly immoral in this situation."
"Life is disposable and we are doing ourselves a huge, huge disservice if we begin to decide whose life is worthy."
"Mercy to an enemy must not come at the cost of their victims."
"Animals died for every choice and if we are into speciesism, we're a fly no less important than a cow."
"That's how you can use the truth to manipulate people."
"Ultimately, they didn't discuss getting medical care for Oren. They let him die."
"Humans, especially, can be vampiric in the way they use and abuse other people both on an individual and mass level. The message here is to stop and think about it, make the right choices."
"Are my choices from a place of free will, and do I allow others the same self-choice?"
"A lot of people think that a man capable of such a horrific act shouldn't be having luxuries like going out to see his family."
"If you're one of these people who has a choice whether to work at these companies and you know there's another job, take the other job."
"At what point should we say, 'Hey, this is enough, we should stop doing this?'"
"The fear of sin can either motivate us towards good or hold us captive from doing right things."
"We and other animals have central nervous systems, we've documented them feeling pain, remembering pain, being traumatized."
"It is the best interest of the child that really define our actions."
"I evaluate the impact of my actions on others."
"do what you will my dear but I do think there should be some protection afforded to living breathing figures of History"
"Robot that is as smart and conscious and self-aware as a person in my mind kind of pretty much is a person at least ought to be treated as one."
"I think we have to be consistent between animals and human beings. Even if the entire animal agricultural industry was one where animals were being killed completely painlessly, there may still be philosophical, ethical qualms with this."
"We need to be much more careful and caring and considerate."
"Why can't we treat human life in the same way that we would treat alien life that we discovered?"
"Would you rather live in peace and harmony and freedom, or being shot in the head for no reason?"
"Just because it's normal doesn't mean it's okay."
"Greed is not the desire for more, it's the desire for more at the expense of what is right."
"If you want to ask yourself what Jesus would do, this is what Jesus would do."
"We've all made mistakes, but this... it is an abomination."
"You should consider what the world would be like if everybody took the action that you're getting ready to take."
"Food is not a morality. Food is a question of well-being."
"Trump Donald Trump was promising to make America great again, and I wondered if Americans would still vote for him if they knew how he had shortchanged the people of Scotland."
"When you create a sentient being, that sentient being deserves to have all the rights the rest of us do."
"You spent so much time worrying about whether you could do something, you didn't stop to think about whether you should do something."
"Could you look an animal in its face and simply say to it that your appetite is more important than its suffering?"
"Money given to charities should be used for charitable work."
"Death is inevitable, but that doesn't mean we should destroy lives in the name of convenience."
"There's nothing wrong with making money on your live streams or content creation."
"Anne felt that the money of the monasteries if it was taken from them should be used for good works and creating educational."
"Integrity does not mean morality. Integrity means you create a situation where it works best for you."
"As long as you're not hurting anybody... because if it isn't true, you probably are hurting somebody."
"It's about time that Star Wars seriously considers the ethical concerns of the Clone Trooper program."
"Consider this: a legal healthy human heart is valued at a million dollars."
"Crisis equals opportunity. Psychopaths use it negatively; we can use it positively."
"We humans need to open our minds to the personhood of non-human animals."
"Maranzano cautioned his protege that hunting animals was relatively simple, but taking the life of another man demanded courage and caution."
"It feels like such a, oh well this, this is good for me and I benefit from it therefore it's okay versus this doesn't really affect my life but I think it's bad."
"I want the dead birds on hats, but not dead birds because they're usually so colorful and beautiful."
"If you say things and other people must believe them, you're forcing other people to lie."
"Companies have a responsibility to their shareholders but it just reminds you that companies are psychopaths."
"To decide that's what it means to decide to distinguish between two things good or bad we discriminate every day but you're not supposed to discriminate on the basis of race."
"Should we ever stop and think not can we build, but should we build?"
"Animals have not done one single thing to us to deserve the wrath and the cruelty that we hurl on them."
"I think really it's a question of putting people over things."
"It's one thing if you being who you are is hurting people in any kind of way."
"Consider for a second what the world would look like if literally every other person in the entire world acted just as you did in that situation."
"Power is not evil, it is part of love and pedagogy."
"They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
"The important question is who can suffer. The fetus can't yet feel pain; the woman can."
"Think for yourself and ask the question, will this be for the good and the benefit of the many."
"Measure, think about yourself, so separate yourself from the process in things that you do, is this good for the world?"
"You can be right and still be wrong."
"Stay in the good job as long as you're not killing people."
"We need a perspective wary of scientific development."
"Law is the only thing, then we default to morality."
"What's good for one is not always good for all."
"Just because things are legal doesn't make it moral."
"This is a human life we're talking about."
"What would Jesus do is what you need to think about next time."
"Not everything that can be done should be done."
"If you're living in a developed nation, you are doing that at least partially at the expense of other people in the world."
"If slaughterhouses were made of glass and you were able to see through them, there would be a lot more vegetarians in the world."
"One human life weighs more than all the principles you can come up with."
"They were so occupied with seeing if they could, they didn't stop to think whether they should."
"Even if we're not directly harming somebody, we are actually kind of engaging in things that are harmful to society as a whole."
"When I think of all the ways that I could test for life or all the ways that I could destroy life, everything to me seems to revolve around a person having a consciousness."
"Duty to my neighbor, at any rate as my neighbor conceives it, may not be the whole of my duty."
"Just because you can build it, should you build it or not."
"I don't think that men should exploit women, and historically they have."
"What rights should artificial intelligence have? One approach to this question is to consider the rights that humans have and whether they should be extended to artificial intelligence."
"With enormous power does come great responsibility."
"Just because we can do it doesn't mean we should."
"If animals could experience as much depth of pain and suffering as humans, that would move the needle for me."
"How much care should I put into other people in the environment? That's very much an ethical question."
"For the same reasons you would grant a human a right to life, I believe animals are also or should also be granted that right to life."