
Examination Quotes

There are 1213 quotes

"I marvel at all the diverse ways in which consciousness can be examined."
"The Bible says in Proverbs 18:17, 'The man who pleads his case first seems to be in the right until his opponent comes and puts him to the test.'"
"The first to speak in court sounds right until the cross-examination begins."
"The mission of creating equality requires that you first examine the ways that people are treated unequally."
"Answer all parts of the question to achieve task achievement."
"The main thing to remember about question 2 is that it will always be a language question."
"A commotion forms from the examinees who can't believe it."
"Understanding the question and answering what is being asked, half your battle is won."
"The conceit of the mission is that you are 47 taking his final practical exam to become a professional murderer."
"Cramming can work, but only on a test administered right after cramming."
"People they want to check it out, they want to test the durability, they want to see what's really happening, they want to see what's really real."
"It's like knowing all the answers to your final exam kind of thing."
"We're not taking a credential challenge off the table, it's something we'll be looking into over the next few months."
"That's the kind of information that I hope RFK Jr will take a look at." - Ted Walter
"Have people assumed that they will be left alone, that they're not going to be thoroughly tested?"
"I'm excited. I like this feeling of not panicking before a final."
"Meanwhile Wade had passed with a 42 and Blake passed with a 15 is disgusting that is disgusting bro Seth she also checks Ellie's score and finds that she failed but got a score of 88."
"It's not about the test, it's about the performance in the test."
"When the IELTS examiner sees phrases, word combinations like this, that's when he says 'rock and roll, this person knows what they're doing.'"
"The solemn reality became evident as it became apparent that several candidates had lost their lives during the examination."
"Remember at the end of the day, the GAMSAT is only an exam."
"Hopefully, you found that examination quite relaxing."
"What we're gonna do, you know the drill by now, we're gonna have a look at the front end, side, rear, we're going to talk about the interior, and then last but not least, we're gonna take this for a drive."
"We have now announced the independent inquiry to examine the circumstances that led to the declaration and the measures taken in response."
"They received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."
"Take your time, if you don't pass the first time, go back and look at where you did weak and go and re-study those areas."
"Not studying for the final, teacher puts their hand on your shoulder when you are on your phone: jump scare levels of terrifying."
"It's important to re-examine the relationship between humans and robots."
"The most important thing I would say is read the question properly; try not to be tricked by the questions."
"Remember that you can't get negative marks, so it's better to write as much as you can."
"Graph questions can be really easy because ideally, you've been drawing graphs since you were in year seven, so this shouldn't be anything new."
"The law of Mind invites you to examine and challenge these beliefs."
"A honeypot can be used to examine the attack methods that attackers use."
"Advice is given not to be accepted or rejected, to be believed or denied, but to be examined."
"I think maybe it has been picked through a little bit, although I didn't think so at first."
"Please make full use of the practice exam as it will definitely help you in the actual exam."
"Not every witness will be slammed in cross-examination, some will be, some won't be."
"Let's get into it, start stripping this baby down."
"For the last few days, I have been feeling as though I have an examination."
"I poured through stock files and JPEGs and MP4s and MP3s, PDFs and every other damn file you can imagine, examining everything, desperately searching for some hint, some clue."
"What goes around comes around, if not examined too closely, it passes for justice."
"Essential tremor is the most common movement disorder... a diagnosis comes through a thorough physical examination ruling out any other etiologies."
If you’re a fan of movies that use a paranormal element in an otherwise small, grounded story as a way to examine humanity and loneliness - I think you’ll really enjoy "Next Exit".
"Paper two felt so much better. I'm so happy I did that because paper two I felt a lot more confident coming out of that paper."
"The unlived life is not worth examining."
"Exams test the application of knowledge, not just the memorization and repetition of facts."
"Vice presidents have been scrutinized."
"Our current culture of excess needs to be examined by all of us."
"It's like a three-dimensional puzzle. I want to look at all the sides."
"When approaching the question, try to read the last line first."
"That's excellent strength 5 by 5 on both sides there that's good my have you lift your head up just second tell me if this hurts anywhere I'm on the course of your spine oh great."
"Domain one is one of the largest if not the largest domain in the security plus exam."
"It has to be looked at, it has to be investigated."
"The purpose of the film was a call to examine how modern-day Community Bonds were unraveling."
"The book is a critique of the use and abuse of merit and meritocracy."
"A profound examination of the concept and shifting nature of desire."
"The unexamined doctrine isn't worth believing."
"An unexamined life is not worth living."
"The medical examiner determined that she'd been killed by asphyxiation due to a crushed windpipe."
"It's great to do practice tests like this because it helps you to understand the kind of thinking needed to find the answers in the real test."
"Perhaps it would be worthwhile then to examine the thoughts of the great first-century Roman philosopher, Seneca."
"Privacy protects your PII. So privacy is going to be paramount on the exam."
"The sacrifice we're going to examine."
Scrutiny - "It's the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get more information about it."
"The first exam was like opening the door to a new chapter for candidates."
"This exam was not just a formal test of knowledge but a real test of the ability and ability to make informed decisions and apply theoretical knowledge in practice."
"Kirby's relationship with faith is a question worth examining to understand his vast body of work even better."
"If the technology that you're seeing in the question is something you weren't expecting, you know it's associated with a particular exam objective."
"That's incredibly important because your exam is really going to be focused on the exam objectives."
"It's worth examining because trains are an essential part of our economy and way of life."
"A wonderful and chilling examination of a broken human mind."
"I take no account of the word 'impossible.' I examine it very closely."
"So let's have a closer look at the actual compass section."
"So with that covered, let's take a look at the engine and its accessories."
"Knowing how they're asking the question on the exam is really as important as the content inside of the questions themselves."
"Everything one comes across in life should be examined not simply accepted."
"Practice exams are very valuable things to have."
"That is certainly intentional, let's cut it and see how red it is inside."
"Let's pull these cows off, we'll have a look inside."
"Exam is a really interesting movie that is bound to keep you scratching your head for a couple of days at the very least."
"Check your answers for spelling mistakes and make educated guesses for the answers you have missed."
"I think it'd be real wise for you and for me to read the gospels to check out Jesus very carefully."
"Do you want me to make a formal application for him to be examined by a mental specialist? Certainly not."
"Let's dive through each of these main features starting with honestly the most unexpected one."
"...Ken did not argue with my article rather he gently invited me to examine the presuppositions that undergirded it."
"I qualified for AIME the American Invitational Mathematics Examination"
"Never was a crime examined more thoroughly in the history of the world."
"...the unexamined life is not worth living... New Yorkers lead particularly unexamined lives."
"Welcome to War Medical School. We present the cranial nerve exam."
"A quick read through the manual had plenty of bold claims, and some rather unique selling points which inspired me to take a closer look."
"We're trying to de-program and examine these moments where things could have gone differently."
"...if you checked an EKG on this patient, what would be some of the things that would pop up?"
"The want of proper examination, true contrition, and a firm purpose of amendment is the cause of bad confessions and the ruin of souls."
"I want to take a look at the interior."
"I want to take this thing apart, let's take a look inside."
"Use your eyes, your tweezers, and your magnifying glass."
"So you have to look at these areas this was already given out at Romans 5 and Hebrews 11 so if you don't have patience it's because you didn't make a decision on these four things yet that you have to examine yourself question is do you have patience."
"If you're getting 90, you're ready for the exam."
"The bumper is back. Take a look at this."
"If you test the assumption that you can't lose your salvation, you will consistently find that salvation is for the believing one."
"...it was the view I took when I opened them when I was preparing for this public inquiry."
"Make sure you're test ready before you go to test."
"These tests are not like that. For the most part, the test questions are written really well where it's actually testing your knowledge of the subject matter. It's not just testing are you a good test taker."
"Your exam is tomorrow. You've made it!"
"I may be wrong, I frequently am. Let's examine the facts."
"Hogan made claims that he would be able to diagnose people by examining their feet."
"So technically yes, two questions and a half, but if you look at some of the older ones, actually, sometimes you get... you solve like two questions almost and then a full question."
"Mercedes say it can. Let's take a closer look and find out."
"But we're gonna pick it apart big time."
"It's all about the exam objectives at that point. You really need to go through the objectives and step through them. That is one of the best ways to know, 'Have I covered everything?'"
"Let's pop that hood and check out that 392."
"Look at the state of the internals of this."
"This is really nice to attach on to your scrubs and just to check your patient's pupils."
"Cultural renewal gets into the Traditions, the attitudes, the customs, the institutions, and even the language of a culture. We had to re-examine some of our beliefs, Traditions, Customs, Institutions, and even some of our language coming out of Covid-19."
"I think it's worth taking a look at his life and what led up to him creating Mad Magazine."
"This was not a hand that would be forgotten; it would be examined and reexamined until the truth came out."
"A lot of this stuff is teaching us or influencing us to do things that we should not do, and we're not even aware of it because we've done no examination."
"Let's first take a look at the compositions."
"Challenging the assumptions is a huge thing."
"So, let's start with a physical exam. I'm going to move you in certain ways, including your jaw."
"We're not ready to decide. We're at the moment examining everything, cross-examining everything, contemplating."
"This is a great way to enter now into another discussion on your Think Tank, which is I would say it's partially a think tank and partially a college right Darukasim it's a place where these ideas are being examined and these ideas are being fleshed out."
"Taking a quick look around the box."
"My practice exams are a teaching tool. They give you opportunity to practice, drill, and rehearse."
"Radical skepticism involves looking at the belief system itself."
"One of the officers checked for a pulse but obviously they weren't able to find one."
"But let's actually have a look at this tile set here."
"In the medical examiner's office, high-tech photography is as much a tool of the trade as a scalpel."
"If you wanted a single phrase it would be to re-sacralize our values, to certainly think of our values as core parts of any reality that we have and examine what it is we're valuing."
"Your work always feels like an examination of human connectivity in all of these really interesting ways, for better or for worse."
"A life unexamined is a life not lived."
"When all the samples were taken and all the forensics of the pub were taken, they were examined at the forensic laboratory."
"I'd like to ask you to think about this position."
"Here's a look at the back, it looks like everything's modular."
"When I first examined Melissa's body I was struck by the number of bruises and scratches over her body which indicated significant blunt force trauma."
"Let's talk about approaching this vehicle which is how it came to us."
"Let's get into it. All right, now first things first, let's get a look at this thing and see what we're working with."
"I suppose we could roll it over and try to measure the stroke, see if it's a 327 or 350."
"If everything went smoothly he would pass the Tamer exam and if so his word would mean a lot in the Beast Hall."
"I would love to cut open some of this... it's already so open but if we take a look at the front right here you can see it's solid."
"Well, let's start with this one, which is a Comex watch as we saw from the back."
"'Reads' provides a context for the final third of the Cerebus saga that is hard to overlook. Either one has to be generous and put aside the artist for the sake of the art, or one agrees with Sim's point of view and enjoys the ensuing examination of women doing terrible things."
"When you finally get hold of the documentation, take your time to look through it carefully."
"Now, since the instrument passes all of its self-test and everything, we have to take a look at the architecture."
"'Cause there are a lot of givens in life that don't actually hold water once we go and look at them."
"In the real test, do double check that it's not one of those tick all that apply."
"I would like to see short print parallel. The one of one is just like we didn't know. Everybody's looking through their cards and now we've got to take a closer look."
"Several doctors examined Emma and while she was physically ill, they thought she was mentally sound, so they had no reason to doubt her deathbed confessions."
"So let's have a little listen to this in the track."
"As long as you know everything that is listed in the exam objectives, you're going to pass your exam."
"Her history of the United States reminds us of the dilemmas that have plagued the country and the institutional strengths that have allowed us to survive as a republic for over two centuries."
"It's doodle Bud today we're checking out."
"The range of motion for the elbow is flexion, extension, pronation, and supination."
"If you ever have any doubts about things that are plated, take your file and file it off."
"Well, that's fantastic, because if we stick to the objectives, then we are studying exactly the things that could be prompted on the exam."
"I love that they did like a 360 case so you can really look at everything about them."
"No cracks, no whammies, look at that."
"Commemorating history requires honest examination and acknowledgment of all perspectives."
"So there are three sets of vascular sure to look at."
"We must include the examination: how will this affect my Christian reputation and character?"
"Look at all the pieces, take something like that, put it in."
"With that steep of glass it's more common than you'd think, now since we're up front we might as well just open up the hood here and see what is under it and it is a mess."
"I'm just scared for my GCSE classes, that's the only part that I'm scared about."
"May God bless us as we look at our own positions and decide: are we amongst the mixed multitude on any of those points?"
"What is the danger in critically examining whether or not something is true?"
"That is how you're looking to write on the day of your exam."
"Let's replay this and see what happened there."
"Socratic philosophy is absolutely practical."
"The Judgment seat of Christ... to be examined on what he has done with his life as a Believer for reward."
"My first tip is to read the first word of every single question because that tells you how the exam board wants you to answer."
"It's not about whether you're genuinely interested, you are always interested. The examiner does not actually care about your opinion."
"History teaches us everything. If we don't examine the past, the future is potentially a huge waste of time."
"We're going to be looking at these things. We're going to be analyzing."
"Take a look at your driver's license real quick if I could."
"CML only has splenomegaly there's no hepatosplenomegaly at all and AML but if we wanted to find hepatosplenomegaly we could do an ultrasound of the spleen or the liver or the you know the right upper quadrant or we could do a CT of the abdomen to find that."
"If I wanted to see a lot of these leukemic cells a lot of these like I'm sorry these lymphocytes that were present in the lymph nodes I could do a lymph node biopsy."
"The only hang-up on our end is that Ben and I will not be given the multiple choice answers. We will have to enter from memory. However, if we both decide that we would like to hear the multiple choice, we can agree to it."
"it's a deep shine so we're going to go over a lot of aspects of this guitar why I believe it is so cool."
"Let's have a look at what these like."
"There should be no young male seen with abdominal pain who doesn't have both testicles examined."
"I would like to know if that same Revival would have occurred without the music... shut the music down and let's find out what God is really doing."
"An exam that's very different from anything they've seen like on the internet when they were cramming, uh, on the other hand, if you wanted to make it easy, you would just give them something that's very similar to the mock exams that they've taken."
"Look at these hats, let's check it out."
"she approached the front provided her notes and was triaged it wasn't the busiest night in she only had to wait about three minutes before she was ready to be taken into the ward for examination."
"And then if you have time at the end come back and spend a little bit more time reviewing those answers."
"It's a great barometer to know how ready you are, and in fact, if you know everything in this list, you're going to have no problem passing your exam."
"Don't be so fast to go through this particular question. Go ahead and examine not just the right answer, but spend some time examining the wrong answers."
"The court's like we got to put the microscope on this law we got to really apply a heavy strict level of scrutiny."
"When you see something that you're interested in... I'm thinking I need to take a closer look."
"What do you think the diagnosis is? Let's go take a look at the microscope."
"Let's find out what's on the odometer."
"I am very excited that you are here because over the past seven years I have been absolutely passionate about helping students prepare for and excel on the USMLE in a very unique evidence-based way."
"The examiner feels great about they'll make a little circle on the score sheet showing that I'm getting full credit."
"The driving test generally lasts from 10 to 15 minutes so it's a really short snapshot of time for The Examiner to make sure that you're ready to receive a lifetime license that allows you to drive across the United States."
"If you have a gut negative reaction to ebikes, I think it's worth examining that just a little bit."
"This is getting a full look through."
"Fascism is not just something those other people did. No, it's right here in this room, in our own personal habits and way of life."
"The more I look at it, the more it becomes a mess."
"It's a real examination of obsessive compulsive disorder in certain ways."
"Right, but when I see that, what I think is that person is blind to living an examined life, right?"