
Scale Quotes

There are 2526 quotes

"The sense of scale portrayed in this game is stellar."
"We're headed to a much, much, much bigger court on a much, much, much bigger scale."
"Scale is just being able to make money from way more people than you probably could in like a normal shop kind of business."
"I am Greenland, the largest island on earth."
"My name is Vesta, the asteroid, one of the largest asteroids in the asteroid belt."
"I'm Stevenson 2-18, red super giant star, the biggest you've ever seen, the new biggest star in the universe am I."
"If Stevenson 2-18 replaced the sun in the solar system, its photosphere would extend beyond the orbit of Saturn."
"The universe is not only a lot bigger than we thought a hundred years ago, but it's also not isolated."
"Don’t get me wrong - Tears of the Kingdom has received near-universal acclaim, and the journey alone is so enthralling that many players - new and old - won’t even think twice about the problems that stem from its sheer scale."
"For a game of its time, the overworld was shaping up to be relatively huge."
"The very small is a small fraction of a proton and the very large is the universe itself."
"This fight is the total inverse of that; it's very small scale, it's just between two combatants basically just using swords the entire time."
"Operating at a huge scale requires an entirely new way of thinking."
"A mere pinhead volume of DNA contains information equivalent to a stack of paperback books that would encircle the earth five thousand times."
"One weather modification can modify 184,000 square miles at one time, and that's bigger than the square miles of the state of California."
"There is an inherent majesty in the huge, no matter how primitive or ugly. The huge has a spiritual presence that can easily produce fear or respect."
"Why don't we notice the structure of relativity in our everyday lives? It's because the scale of human life is so slow and small compared to the speed of light."
"Invention is only the beginning; innovation at scale is everything."
"Science tells us that, like the sun in the Milky Way, there are a hundred billion suns... like the Milky Way, there are a hundred billion galaxies."
"On a weirdness scale of 1 to 10, he rates about a 13."
"It's absolutely beautiful, close, the size in comparison to the car as well."
"Seeing the scale of them against these human backdrops...you really get a sense of just how epic the entire design of this universe is."
"When it's finished, this entire sculpture will be the height of two football pitches piled one on top of the other. It's going to be the biggest sculpture in the world."
"Our lives, indeed even that of the human species, are just a blip compared to the Earth, at 4.5 billion years and counting, and the universe, at 13.7 billion years."
"No experiment is a failure. It's an experiment on a grand scale, had never been attempted before."
"Space is Big; you just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is."
"It's easier to get from a million to a billion than it is to get from a hundred to a million."
"Galaxies are enormous on a grand scale. They spin across space like enormous pinwheels."
"The scale is well beyond anything that has ever happened in time in astronomy."
"Galaxies are enormous on a grand scale. On Earth, we measure distance in miles. In space, astronomers use light years."
"I was totally the scope of production I never worked on before."
"Nanotechnology: the science of building machines and materials at the molecular level."
"Introducing magic through scale and whimsical elements."
"There's just a level of freedom you rarely see in a game that is on this scale."
"If that was actually a person, he'd weigh a million tons. I mean, it's got this weight."
"This is going to be one of the biggest films Marvel ever produces."
"What we need from the MCU is changing levels, going from saving the neighborhood to saving the galaxy."
"Over a billion years, one can imagine producing 10^18 cubesats, filling up the Milky Way galaxy."
"This domain is massive quite possibly the biggest we've ever seen outside of suka's however unlike suca domain this domain appears to have a barrier."
"The universe is much larger than anything humans could possibly imagine."
"I can make much more money helping people at scale then sitting individually with my customers showing them how to do it."
"The real challenge is, of course, the scale of the need."
"Currently, I am making a billion cookies every three seconds just through time and not clicking."
"Whatever the case, we're currently making 4.3 billion cookies a second."
"At one hundred and twenty-nine million four hundred and twenty-eight thousand square feet, this factory was among the biggest structures around."
"These are huge scale movies and a lot of intersection is happening in these films and so it's they're big movies and you know so it's of a scope that everybody wants to see in these films."
"So for what they were looking at, the amount of space that they actually look for aliens in was 120,000 trillionth of the total space looked at..."
"Europe does have that scale and economy available to it."
"One percent French or Italian audience is still a hell of a lot of people."
"There are more planets in our galaxy than stars."
"An extraordinary scale: 1,600 ships refitted or built from scratch."
"That's probably one of the biggest maps I've ever seen, man."
"You can fit about 500 million rhinoviruses on the head of a pin."
"It's quite scary, the scale of this place... it's absolutely ginormous."
"You feel so small compared to this monster that you can't even like fully conceive of it's just teeth upon teeth."
"All the things that the main characters are kind of thrown into are very much bigger than themselves and also just giant again monsters."
"The Northwest Shelf Venture: Australia's biggest project to date."
"Mass migrations of people on a scale never before imaginable."
"The fact that it was bigger than all of the quests combined, I think."
"How many units did the human race sell, try 7 billion units."
"Murder on such an industrial scale creates one particular problem: Hitler needs mass participation."
"The scale of this boss is rather impressive."
"Half a million just imagine half a million people standing in front of you that's just crazy."
"Let's do the most exciting, I mean they'll be massive."
"It is just an epic video game in terms of size, just the art design, the characters, the enemies, the bosses, just in the world, just everything in the game is huge and grand and rich and creative."
"How far down at the bottom? Like, if you're at the edge, it's very... it's like that much."
"Nothing like this has ever been attempted at scale."
"Mass Effect is one of the few space opera style experiences that actually provides a sense of scale."
"I feel like this is the closest we've had to a combiner in masterpiece scale ever."
"This story has included over 3 million victims."
"Great doesn't have to be big... big doesn't mean great."
"Mega builds can come in many shapes and sizes."
"Skull and Bones is a fully fledged game, it's a very big game."
"The best part of Cyberpunk 2077 is feeling like a small part of the huge world of Night City."
"The scale of the world is unlike anything we've ever seen in this series before."
"The Stormlight Archive is a sprawling epic fantasy that takes world-building to a whole new level."
"I think it's the biggest Lego set they've ever made, it has like over 5,000 pieces or something like that."
"This really is an extensive site, isn't it? It's enormous."
"Just the sheer size and magnitude... mind-boggling."
"That thing is massive. Okay, that is way bigger than I thought it was."
"The scale of the misinformation is simply astounding."
"It's as if we've stumbled in the dark into a house which we thought was a 2-bedroom apartment and now we're discovering is a nineteen room mansion."
"Termites: architects of colossal towers, surpassing even the tallest human-made buildings!" - [Narrator]
"The deeper you get, the bigger the structure is going to get."
"The resulting mountain range was so vast it would make Mount Everest look puny."
"We know how huge Star Destroyers are from the previous film and now we see something that absolutely dwarfs the imperial class."
"The scale of the world is so much more grand and ambitious."
"The environments look way bigger, way more expansive."
"Fresh Kills Park is the biggest land transformation in the world probably, certainly in an urban area."
"The Great Wall of China is the most extensive structure ever created by man."
"The scale of illegal immigration across the US Southern border is staggering."
"We're doing it big, man, we're doing it big."
"The main city is big, it's also not all loaded onto one map." - Josh
"It's hard to overstate how much bigger this game is than the other Uncharted games."
"It is not a one guy in three months problem. It is a company and a year problem."
"Still there is something truly awesome about the concept of an enormous single planet you could walk or swim all the way around, a million times larger than our own planet."
"The Celestials were enormous, every bit as imposing as you would expect them to be."
"The virus is so tiny that it can only be viewed through an electron microscope. It's about 80 to 120 nanometers in diameter, about one thousandth the width of an eyelash."
"It's just the scale of everything, whether it's the size of the universe or what's possible."
"I teach teachers, not students. We're scaling, multiplying, industrializing."
"I absolutely adore the sense of scale... you see something in the distance."
"For most medications, you're talking about single-digit thousands, not hundreds of millions as have now been given around the world."
"The siege is a war crime of a grand scale which dwarfs the war parts."
"Zero doesn't mean there's none of something, just means it could be on a scale."
"He's cool, I like him but he is not to scale with my jack and sally sculptures that I'm about to show you."
"This world is really Gigantic on a scale that I don't think anyone is fully prepared for."
"This is the biggest player pool we've ever introduced, including Heroes, icons, and six different competitions."
"This is one of the largest things I’ve ever worked on and it singularly can be considered one of the largest things that I think has ever been done in a game, particularly a multiplayer game."
"Size of the jailer's army rivals that of the Legion."
"This rebuild really is so phenomenal within scale."
"This is probably the biggest site we've ever attempted on Time Team."
"That's the main thing here, so these environments are massive."
"I am going to have the biggest entertainment entertainers ever in history singing on each podium."
"What he's trying to say is it's funny exciting entertaining."
"These numbers are staggering. It's large. And I don't think we're done. I think we're just getting started."
"This whole thing is way bigger than I thought."
"These behemoths are so unbelievable, it's unreal."
"Our vision is a function of the scale at which we're looking."
"It's just a whiteout, one of those shots where the explosion is so big."
"The scale of the world when you're a child is incredible."
"It's like trying to solve a math test but the paper is the size of a building and its letters and numbers are spelled with cheetos."
"You cannot comprehend how big the things we're talking about are."
"The idea of scale and your perspective of how small we are on our little planet compared with what we already know about the vast universe around us."
"We're not just building cities, we're crafting civilizations."
"The largest and most ambitious heart of ir 4 event ever conceived."
"This is a disruption the scale of which we have never seen before."
"There are a lot of wonders to behold, from immense to tiny."
"I think they're way too small I want to at least double these in size because it doesn't look very cool from Far."
"It's bigger than any opportunity we've ever seen in human history."
"Usually these eruptions are small reaching about one to two on the volcanic explosivity index."
"Bitcoin is bigger than the entire African banking system."
"You can be negative 300 profit but if you're like even if you're like unprofitable but you're like gross is like at the billions of dollars so you're in a way better position."
"How many people do you think it takes to have a base like that? 23 turbines. This is the most insane thing I've seen in a long time."
"The playable area is easily the size of Skyrim."
"You have to understand the scale of all this stuff and the velocities of which they're traveling."
"Take your dreams, multiply them by a thousand."
"Revival tents and outdoor meetings on a radical scale are coming."
"They're basically giant miniature movies at this point."
"The Sandara has this nice mix of both intimacy and scale."
"A lot of this game, the customization and like what you can do, just the sheer scale of it and what you're allowed to do is absolutely freaking nutty."
"The sheer scale of this game and the amount of people playing is freaking crazy."
"The kind of changes we're seeing here are so small compared to what potentially could happen."
"Independent of the opinions of many great authors, a free elective government cannot be extended over large territories."
"This is going to be huge, this is going to be massive, this is going to be absolutely amazing."
"The tallest pyramid: If we take a look at the Magnificent Pyramids of Giza in their entirety it seems that the central pyramid of Khufu is by far the largest structure."
"My experience of this film... this ain't no small film."
"At root it is a love story... the themes are very big."
"It's actually a one-to-one scale replica of every single Minecraft YouTuber's house."
"That's the largest building in the world though and that's still not even 1% of the entire population."
"It's essentially a scale model of the northern hemisphere of the planet."
"That had to have been one of the biggest battles yet in this campaign."
"Reach creates the biggest and most dynamic encounters in the series."
"This is a refugee crisis on a scale that we haven't seen in Europe for decades."
"A hundred plus billion dollars over the long term, probably multiple trillions of dollars."
"We are dwarfed by Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, and our own star, which is 93 million miles away from us—the Sun."
"Master Plan Part 3 is all about achieving very large scale in order to shift the entire energy infrastructure and transport infrastructure of Earth." - Elon Musk
"A billion souls, a billion with a b, about ready to come into the kingdom."
"Do you like wood? I think one thing I really like about this church is the sense of scale."
"8 years of development, 60 hour main story, 700 voice actors, 500 motion capture actors."
"45 million people shut down Brazil, can you imagine getting 45 million Americans to agree on anything?"
"Absolutely massive and really very accurate looking."
"It's as big as any of our single player games that we've done and in some ways bigger."
"The American economy is by far the largest in the world."
"Space is a vast ocean of truly gargantuan scale, amongst that immense darkness peppered with billions of stars, trillions of worlds."
"An NFL stadium can only hold a 100,000 people so you're telling me eight NFL stadiums hit like on this video?"
"Precision at speed at scale - all those things have become more and more important."
"One-tenth of humanity is under some form of quarantine in China."
"Definitely puts you at the level where you could very easily put 100 Space Marines on the board."
"Overall he seems okay for 45 points it would have been an awful lot more exciting though if you could still take these Katara units in units of 20."
"It's ancient construction on an unimaginable scale."
"This movie isn't perfect, but it is an achievement that's never been even attempted on this scale."
"Creating worlds is a huge undertaking, a colossal undertaking."
"It's larger than what happened in 2008. $340.84 billion, holy."
"There's like over 500 designs, I'm like whoa, didn't expect it to get that big!"
"The incredible scale that Star Citizen's technology enables and how the universe is being built from massive structures in space to the planets and their myriad of biomes."
"How is this level of detail and scale even possible in the first place?"
"The hull is equipped with five telescopic wing sails each reaching 260 feet into the sky."
"A human hair is 75,000 nanometers in diameter. The transistors in the iPhone 12 A14 CPU are 5 nanometers."
"This is the biggest thing I've ever built took me days to do it got like I'm not gonna maybe like 10,000 pieces on it is its massive."
"From a scale of 1 to 10, what do you rate this gift?"
"Numenor is not small... it's bigger than Germany, Japan, Norway, and not far off double the size of the UK."
"At 32 feet high, the rooftop donut is one of the largest in the world."
"Marvel movies for example are actually getting smaller"
"Look at the size of this thing, the maximum attendance, holy, and the maximum profits we can make is 300,000."
"A hidden world of activity that in its scope and scale is closer to that of a planet than even Father Piazzi could have ever dreamed."
"It's the biggest open world we've ever built... Hi Mexico!"
"Final Fantasy 12 is the biggest and best game in the series."
"Larger than the largest buildings and with greater firepower than the strongest armies."
"These things are immense, and would dwarf Earth the way Earth dwarfs a small village."
"You don't always have to be doing things on a large scale. Sometimes very modest efforts can produce very, very big results."
"A chain of human DNA from everyone alive would encircle the Milky Way galaxy 150 times over."
"Look at the scale of this, look at just the positioning, the immersion, the epicness of it all is just fantastic."
"The largest religious gathering in India can be seen from space."
"Love it, it's huge - and next to Batman, as you can see."
"One thing that is really surprising me, is that this place is massive."
"Look at the growth, look at the size of these models, this didn't come out of nowhere."
"I still understand the gravity or scale, so like, what is the world parallel?"
"Two heads are better than one, so 50 heads should be even better."
"Look at that, like there's not many games that lets you spawn in a quarter-million zombies and watch them go."
"Babylon 5 is a massive station in neutral space 5 miles long with a population of 250,000 humans and aliens."