
Self-imprisonment Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Hell is the cage you build for yourself in your own mind."
"I am my own jailer. We think we're so trapped by everyone and everything else, but we are the ones who are keeping ourselves imprisoned."
"What I didn't realize before I was imprisoned, was that I was already living in a prison of my own making. The prison in my mind."
"Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?"
"I became trapped by my own making, and it took me years to remember I am capable of setting myself free."
"The only one that it's hurting is you. Unforgiveness is a prison that you lock yourself in."
"Unforgiveness is a sin that locks the unforgiving person in his or her own self-made prison."
"Our prison is not a place; our prison is a perspective."
"Whatever cage we put ourselves in, we have to use the key to open that cage up."
"Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?"
"For me, it's like been almost a decade now. It's so crazy, but I really did find Freedom in letting myself be myself. But before that, I was in a prison of my own making."
"A truly free person does not escape from prison and then build another prison."
"Our own samskaras, our own impressions about things, trap us here."
"The only person who can imprison you is no one but yourself."
"Hell is a prison locked from the inside."
"You are imprisoned only by your own mind."
"The only one that keeps in bondage is you, not the individual."
"True enslavement comes from the cage you place upon yourself."
"We all have stories that we imprison ourselves with. That's why I felt like I was in a prison of my own making when I didn't realize we are connected at a deeper level."
"Not forgiving ourselves is a kind of imprisonment."
"People who are in this self-made prison have listened to their feelings for so long."
"To live continually in thoughts of ill will, cynicism, suspicion, and envy is to be confined in a self-made prison hole."
"It will be difficult for you if you are locked in your own jail."
"It's really about self-imprisonment. Am I going to be able to deconstruct the thing I put around myself?"
"What do you see when you look in the mirror and honestly I see a girl who is screaming to be better I see a girl who is living in a fat suit who feels like she is trapped in a cage and doesn't know how to get out."
"People love to talk about freedom, but this immaturity, this extension of their childhood, it's a cage that we trap ourselves in."
"They've built their own prison, and as a result, they no longer have the capacity to leave the prison they've made, or to even see it."
"The prison I was in was in my mind."
"You're a prisoner in your own mind."
"People live in a prison of their own making."
"Sometimes your own brain can become a prison."
"You kind of create your own prison."
"The worst prison is one made of the heart."
"You live as enslaved people because you're in the jail, the prison of your imagination."
"The mind is a powerful thing, and it can really persuade you to do stupid stuff and it can really entrap you into your own prison."
"He that has Light Within his own clear breast may sit in the center and enjoy bright day, but he that hides a dark soul and foul thoughts, benighted, walks under the midday Sun; himself is his own dungeon."
"If you stay in your comfort zone, you build yourself a self-imposed prison that actually limits what you can accomplish."
"Not just the prison of bars but the prison of self."
"Walls don't work. The same wall that you are using to keep people out is keeping you in."
"All they're doing is keeping themselves stuck."
"They teach you to imprison yourself; you don't need the walls."
"Our worst prisons are the ones of our own making."
"You're not trapped... you have imprisoned yourself."
"You feel as though you're in a cage, but the door is open now."