
Energy Awareness Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Go beyond the personal to a higher connotation of the energy. Look how it's affecting worldwide, then bring it back to seeing how it's affecting you the same way personally."
"Make sure that when you communicate, you are speaking in a way that is representative and sensitive to the energy that's receiving it."
"Be highly self-aware of your own energy at this time and really care for yourself in whatever way you need to be cared for right now."
"Attunement to energy: Highly vibrational individuals are sensitive to energy."
"You're very intuitive, you're very aware, and you're very in tune with the collective energy as well."
"Most importantly, you've been paying attention to the energy."
"Your name carries a vibration, tune into its energy."
"The energy content just in my hand right here is equivalent to what a family of four would need electricity for a whole year."
"Recognize the purpose of energies around you, and you'll have a breakthrough."
"Do we have an energy problem? No, we have an ignorance problem."
"You're much more empowered after this... you just understand life and energy and how things work."
"Meditation allows us to bring our finger pads to the pulse of the energy."
"Remember the universe is always listening, so pay close attention to the vibrations you're sending out into the cosmos."
"Be aware of the vibration you're feeding into and how you can let it go."
"The more we are conscious of these energies and work with them intentionally, the more we can open up to what it means to be more than just what we thought or expected the human experience to be about."
"When you plug in an electric device, it's easy not to even consider where the electricity actually comes from."
"Be very mindful of your energy because anytime new level, new devil. It intensifies just to block you."
"Sometimes you gotta leave it alone if the energy says no." - Steve Lacy
"Sometimes you have to watch the ones closest to you and peep their energy."
"Take care of yourself and remember everything is literally energy."
"Notice how the phases of the moon affect your energy, especially the full moon, and learn how to use these energetic shifts within you to enhance your capacity to be consciously co-creative."
"Nothing is surprising... we take note of our energy."
"Developing a mindfulness and consciousness of your overall energetic body."
"Your sexual energy is part of your life force."
"Be careful what you wish for, kind of energy."
"Good things coming your way, becoming aware of energy drains."
"Listen to your vibes when it comes to energies around you."
"So I think there's a marketing asymmetry around that I I think a lot of people don't understand where energy comes from."
"We're gonna go into deep contemplation about the energies we're currently experiencing."
"Acknowledge the energy that's there and ask Spirit to help you understand."
"Manifestation vibes - be careful who you give your energy to; connections are real."
"As we're moving into the age of Aquarius we are more fully understanding what it means to be energy beings to be beings of light and to understand that Aquarius is guiding us to remember how to be in right harmony with the energies around us."
"Feel what it's like, the atmosphere around your head. What does that energy feel like?"
"You have to listen to your own energy and what it's trying to say is right for you."
"I've just tapped into a part of my body's energy I didn't know existed."
"Your heart is way more active in what is going on with your energy than you're aware."
"We all need to think about what we should do about energy, we should pay more attention to the nature."
"Listen to your heart here, feel your energy, notice how you're feeling."
"It's about adding value, like getting to know somebody, paying attention to energy."
"You become much more aware and attuned to people's energy."
"Think of energy really as being in the body, emotion as being in the body."
"Continue to feel all of the energy moving through the body so you're not drifting towards sleep, you're staying present with yourself, with your breath."
"The energy around us is always talking to us, but you've got to be in the right frame of mind to hear it."