
Material Wealth Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Human material well-being is progressing at a staggering rate."
"Material and spiritual prosperity: the spiritual aspect of prosperity is richer than anything you will ever have."
"The capitalist economic system has made every human on the planet materially better off than ever before in history."
"When you have everything that money can buy, you realize that the only things that matter are those which money can't."
"We live better today than we've ever lived in the history of the world as far as our homes, the food that we can get, and everything else, but we're the most unhappy. What's the reason for that?"
"You do not have to be afraid of the material; you have to put it to work. You don't work for it; it works for you."
"This love I got for you too much I can't measure, new cars, new crib, we look good together, it's us always but I'm thinking that's forever."
"I drive a Camaro SS and I have an Escalade, you know for the kids if you're here get back like this prime."
"China's rich, but it's a material world, and the U.S. is still the place where, for all its faults, individuals can chart their own course. China's not a competitor in that regard; it's a threat."
"Now they're going to flood me with whatever I want."
"Those who have walked on the path of god realization are happier than the biggest multi-millionaires."
"People become more tolerant and more open and nicer when their material well-being is taken care of."
"You can be very successful materially so long as you are not a prisoner of desire."
"Rich in love and other things that you want in your life."
"There is a fulfillment curve, a point where more money and things make you less happy."
"My blessings are far greater than any material wealth, the things I have for you are more valuable than all the riches this world can offer."
"You can have everything you want, the car, the bank account, you want this, you want that, it's yours."
"This is a success, this is material happiness, just so much joy and happiness and good fortune."
"You could literally have everything you've ever wanted but feel like absolute nothing because of the insecurity in your heart."
"Money can buy everything, accumulate a lot of happiness for sure."
"This is the life. My god, that's a very big safe. Love it."
"And all of a sudden you're entirely everything he earned that palace those shoes that the car that the limo that probably took wherever it is or his private helicopter pad means absolutely nothing at that moment."
"Anyone who owns everything they have, they're gonna lose sight because inevitably that's what, you know what it's also just fucking easier if it's just like a series of adventures right that are self-contained."
"Life is made better when you have human connections along with material possessions."
"I can't believe two years ago, I didn't know I'd own nice cars and a house."
"Hey, listen, at the end of the day it is what it is though, at least we got three Lamborghinis."
"I want to live an extraordinary life... I could have every material possession, but if I don't have that connection, then it means nothing."
"I now own everything in the world and yet I still am empty inside."
"What is money without freedom? What is your ability to be in the lifestyle that you desire, but you can't wear what you want? That's the whole point of having money."
"He's used his huge influence over the energy sector in Ukraine to corrupt Ukraine, to keep Ukraine corrupt, to keep it corrupt on purpose so that Ukraine's government stays weak."
"Wealth shall be obtained spiritually before it is physically."
"You can win the lottery and buy your dream house, fancy cars, and nice things."
"This person could be very um grounded but also like very good at achieving material wealth."
"I had my own jet plane, a helicopter, a house in Florida, a 7,000 square-foot house in New York with a racquetball court and two acres of land, a house out here in Marina del Rey."
"Money can buy you happiness until it's just kind of, it doesn't really do much afterwards."
"A testament to the idea that the intangible ties that bind us to our homes are stronger than the allure of material wealth or the grandeur of modernity."
"I'm at peace with the ten of pentacles."
"For any kind of material possession or income or status, when we have more than we expected, we're happy."
"Never be enough, towers of gold are still too little."
"I'm wearing a $40,000 Rolex, I'm allowed to say or do whatever I want."
"They want to give the world to you. They can give everything to you, everything that you wish for when it comes to the material things."
"With the wealth of material available to fans throughout 1992, there was one last little surprise to help seal off the year."
"We in the Western world have the most, and we're not happy."
"You live in a world of super material abundance unlike anything imaginable even a hundred years ago."
"This is just one part of a larger treasure of material that will edify and strengthen and inspire you."
"This is an excellent time for fulfillment of material desires and financial gains."
"You are unashamed yet not boastful about your material blessings... that's a huge sign that you're resonating in a level that abundance is normal for you."
"They are financially secure and enjoying the material rewards in life."
"This could mean like an actual solid material gift coming into your life."
"Look at all that beautiful rich material, don't you just love it? Nice deep breath, that's what I'm talking about."
"Here in my garage, just bought my new Lamborghini, but you know what's better than a Lamborghini? Knowledge."
"Venus is known for all the wonderful things that we love in our life, romance, relationships, material desires, the luxuries of our lives, material wealth, things that money can buy, having fun, arts, music."
"Future prospects... include a wide range of qualities such as your level of success like your job, your house, your car. Basically, having your [stuff] together."
"If you just sit in one place and your assets get better, your house gets bigger, your cars get better, sometimes you don't actually grow."
"For the first time Russians felt like they could afford things, their lives improved greatly materially."
"Prosperity is yours, material strength is something that's easily accessed because you're essentially where the Divine intended you to always be."
"You could have all the material things and you can still have God."
"Stretch back and then it can shift our attitude of like, 'I got all this stuff,' as opposed to like, 'Yeah, I got lucky enough to get blessed with some stuff in this lifetime.'"
"If I give away that expensive chair that I bought with my bonus one year, I'm giving away a sign of my success."
"You're going to live the life of plenty of material things."
"What we have materially doesn't suggest whether we are really rich."
"If the basic economic logic is correct, then whatever these other issues we want to talk about, you're going to be better off if you're more materially productive."
"Having prosperity and success in your physical world."
"Your wishes are being fulfilled on a material level and on a spiritual and emotional level, you're going to be very happy."
"Your spiritual growth is actually creating material wealth in some aspect in your life."
"These furs are the most valuable thing in this world."
"Those of you that are wanting material abundance, this is coming towards you."
"In a material sense, this card can represent financial security and comfort."
"You have all this material abundance that's now going to start flooding your way."
"Trust that you guys are on the path of attaining material success and sustaining that."