
Listening Skills Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"Listening is a skill – being able to entertain ideas without necessarily accepting them."
"The ability to listen, the ability to be quiet and respect the words of the person you hear, is invaluable."
"Learning what words mean and practicing how to use them in a sentence are both invaluable skills to develop, but people often forget that in addition to speaking, writing, and reading, we have to develop our listening skills in a foreign language as well."
"Do shadowing exercises by quickly repeating back what you hear from a native speaker to match their pronunciation as closely as possible."
"Listening involves actively engaging with spoken English to understand and interpret meaning."
"The key to improving your listening skill is to actually improve your understanding of spoken English or how the language is spoken."
"Gradually expose yourself to faster speech through listening exercises and authentic materials."
"Listening is so important not just for what you learn, but much more for what you say when you listen. Listening is a sign of respect, and it's amazing what people will let you say to them or ask of them if they think you respect them."
"How do we teach them at a younger age that listening is actually an effective thing to do? It's actually a way to think things through also."
"I think I've got better at listening as the years have gone by."
"The art of listening, the lack of it, is killing us."
"I'm interested only in dialectic, which does mean I listen to you and you listen to me."
"What's happening is everybody wants to listen."
"Listening. There's almost nothing better that you can do with people period than to listen to them."
"Do not interrupt... let the person finish their thought and then you'll add something."
"The best way to practice listening is to just start listening expose yourself to native speakers as much as possible."
"He gave every single person a hundred percent of him, listened to every word they said, and had the conversations that the fans wanted to have with him."
"So much of our misery comes from just not listening... It's okay to be like I am not over this guy I know that I should be thank you Jessica I know that."
"This is a good lesson for us on how to listen to varied voices for freedom of speech."
"Students learn how to use their ears, which is extremely important."
"Listen to understand, and don't listen to respond."
"Your greatest gift is listening to what your kids said versus telling them what you feel."
"It's not my problem the time has come and gone and do I feel guilty for talking about this stuff online? No, I don't not at all."
"The fourth sign you're highly awake is this: you see a lot of people who are highly awake, they become their own guru. At the same time, it doesn't mean that they don't listen to other people. I still listen to other people."
"You can't unless you listen to them carefully. It takes a careful ear." - Yacouba alayhi
"The most important thing that we can all do... is that we learn to listen to one another."
"Let me listen and I'm not gonna speak until I have figured out what I want to say."
"Preparing to listen: familiarize yourself with the question."
"Listen before you [ __ ] speak, pardon me, before you speak you know it's, you got to listen."
"People who have these totally absurd, hyperbolic beliefs, I'm always down to listen."
"You know, it's amazing how rapidly you can get people to communicate with you if you really listen to them first."
"We've got to not just listen to folks we agree with, but listen to folks we don't."
"Oprah is so demonized, but really all she does is listen."
"Listening attentively will actually help you to master English conversations."
"Interrupting someone shows that you are not listening to them and hinders the flow of conversation."
"One thing that I've been very proud of in working with you is how good of a listener you've been."
"Listening to people makes them feel like they matter."
"Sales is actually about listening, sales is actually about connecting with people, forming a relationship, building up trust."
"Being a good listener...you can get so many other ideas from other people."
"Wisdom is the ability to receive the stories that people are telling you in a way that holds space for them."
"Active listening requires full attention, focus, and engagement."
"Nodding means you're listening to what they're saying."
"God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. He wants you to listen twice as much as you talk." - Mayor Steve Benjamin
"The biggest skill... is to put themselves into the position of the other and listen."
"The best conversationalists are the best listeners who ask the best questions."
"A woman that possesses a certain type of mind personality characteristics that of a great nurturer that of a great listener."
"The good musician in the band needs to be able to listen... there's no music that could be performed that can feel good if you're not listening to each other."
"Enjoy clear hearing. Listen more. Speak less."
"An empathetic listener will be careful to respond in a way that shows they understand what you need in the moment."
"Guess what, the reason younger women like older men? Simply because goddammit we listen."
"In truly intelligent people, the smarter they got, the more they listened."
"You don't have to agree to win, you just have to listen."
"Listen to me, hear me clearly, and hear me to listen. Don't just hear, you know? Listen to understand, not to argue and debate."
"As you grow older, you learn to listen more."
"The second step to wisdom is when you listen to others."
"Listen. Even before you diagnose a problem, you have to be aware of it."
"This is obviously great for gross motor skills, as well as listening and cognitive skills."
"They feel like you're a really good friend to them, that you're a really good listener."
"Listening to other people's problems doesn't make you weak."
"He follows the habit of listening much and talking only when he has something to say which may benefit himself or others."
"Sales is not about being a smooth talker, it's about being a master listener."
"When people don't want to listen, all you have to do is talk louder."
"That meant so much to me that you were listening to what I was actually saying and that you remembered it."
"It's always good to just listen to perspective, not even a fan of what are you saying but it's good to hear different you know it's perspectives."
"Listening is the product of willful concentration and focus of the heart."
"You can just sit back and shut up and listen."
"You're not forgetting it you're just not hearing it."
"Be silent, really listen and that's really the key."
"Listen to those people because they're telling you, 'Hey, our experience sucks, and here's what we identify as the problem.'"
"They weren't listening, they were listening to answer or listening to ask a question."
"All I do is listen. That could mean a new dependable Ally who's got you back."
"We try to be better listeners than maybe we used to be."
"If you're doing most of the talking, that means the other person, the interviewer, has to sit there and listen to you."
"If leaders do not listen... from my experiences."
"These conversations hold no value if you're not willing to listen."
"They're saying you're a really good listener."
"You learn more when you listen than when you speak."
"Just ask questions and listen, it's not that hard."
"Cassie's capacity to listen and to be open to new ideas is an example we would all do well to follow."
"I believe listening is one of the most underrated skills used in sales."
"When someone tells you who they are, listen."
"The key to success in working at a crime scene is being able to listen and understand what that crime scene is telling you."
"The greatest gift I have received from God is my ability to listen, understand, and be compassionate."
"Learning to listen to God is absolutely essential."
"Michael was a quiet man, introverted and shy, but also a very good listener and friend."
"Listen to the song carefully, you'll hear these things... they're definitely important to have in a song."
"Be open-minded, be willing to listen to others, and I think you're going to have a much more fruitful career."
"I think it's important dialogue in our community and just as humanity I think yeah so I'll just leave it there just listen to understand not to respond."
"My job is to listen, the oldest method of learning."
"The president said it was a hoax, they minimized the seriousness of it."
"If you want someone to listen to you, listen to them."
"I think people who really listen are the ones who are going to understand."
"Never let it be said that I don't listen to feedback, I just ignore it."
"Your ability to listen to people and make them feel heard... incredibly powerful."
"Shut up and listen two-thirds of the day and talk one-third. You'll become far more powerful."
"Respect involves the ears listening to one another."
"The line between good and bad was often a matter of perspective."
"You're going to listen to this person, which you normally don't."
"I love listening to my women, I'm a good helper, I love, I'm a family man."
"The aim of communication is understanding, but you can't understand if you're not listening to me."
"But one of the most important things you can do is listen to the people that need to be heard."
"The day I just acknowledged he was better and started listening to him, we had a completely different relationship."
"People just want to be listened to, and if you pay attention and actually listen, that goes a long way."
"People are more likely to listen to you if you show a capacity to listen to them."
"It's better to be a good listener than a good showman."
"Listen. Advice is being given to you from someone in your circle."
"Anybody who is offering advice about what parts to buy should first listen to you and hear what's important to you."
"Be slow to speak, quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger."
"Listen to your customers, always hear them out. It might be a returning customer or a potential one."
"Poor listening: everyone deserves to be heard, not just about them."
"Being able to listen to a song and pick out individual parts is valuable." - Advocating for orchestral listening as a key music literacy skill.
"We need to listen to opinions we don't like."
"Listening to someone is when you actively give the other person the experience that you are present and your attention is the most basic form of love that you could give somebody else."
"My name is Brian Rose and my job is to listen, the oldest method of learning known to man."
"One of the biggest blessings a wife can do for her husband is to just listen and say okay."
"When one listens, there is no comparison. There is no accept or reject. That very act of listening brings about a total attention in which you see the totality and the full significance and structure of what is being."
"If I want to understand what you are saying, listen to I'm sure with affection, we care with attention, not what you're saying."
"Risk: you gotta listen, you gotta take risks."
"For people to feel heard, all it takes is a little effort."
"Listen more than talk, listen listen listen."
"We're losing the ability to communicate because people don't really listen."
"You gotta be smart... close your mouth and open your ears and learn."
"Guys literally don't know how to listen like they have ears, okay ears listen."
"You're a good friend, always there to listen and offer comfort."
"My philosophy on conducting interviews is to be a good listener."
"Encouraging civil dialogue, cultivating critical listening, and developing the skills to build community relationships."
"Listening to younger people is really important because I'm not seeing things through their eyes."
"Listen for the way that native speakers make those phrases."
"A good leader would listen to the whole story before making a decision."
"I'm a very, very good listener. I would rather listen to learn."
"If my attitude is that I desire to grow to be challenged then I'm gonna listen with an eye toward growth I'm going to listen with an opportunity for growth instead of try to catch you in whatever you say incorrectly."
"Go find somebody who disagrees with you and shut the fuck up and listen."
"Maybe you should just listen to people the first time they say things."
"Listening twice as much as talking makes us better conversationalists."
"Most people aren't listening, they're just waiting for their turn to talk."
"We have to take a step back and listen to what people are saying and learn from it."
"Most people listen with the intent to reply, not to understand."
"A successful interaction is largely about listening, and we do a lot more listening than we do speaking."
"Listening to people is one of the most vital skills you can develop as a writer."
"You have to listen twice as much as you speak."
"Real magicians listen to people that's wiser than themselves."
"SA D really is about the passion and energy, musicality, and listening."
"Make me slow to speak, make me eager to listen."
"To the degree that you lean on listening, you will make faster progress in the language."
"The best response for effective listening skills is to give complete attention to the client while the client is talking."
"If you’re not a good listener, you won’t survive any of the games, but this one especially."
"Listening is not the same. It's a skill, just like playing an instrument or playing a sport."
"Listening skills are essential in understanding the rules of the game."
"I want people to listen to more English because I think listening to a lot of English is really important in learning it."
"Consume lots and lots of music of all kinds. You must widen your palette for music. Different genres will have different overall EQ and dynamic profiles and you have to learn to listen for those."
"Be a good listener, don't interrupt people."
"You want to master the art of listening. Too many people go into sales and they're not listening to the customer. You have to listen to the customer."
"The gift of listening is a true gift."
"I learned a lot of different phrases, a lot of different things to say, and I learned how to listen a bit better."
"Assume the person you're listening to may know something that you don't."
"Work on your listening skills. Let somebody know they've been heard."
"The more that you, sort of, develop your listening capacity, your actual fluency in the language of music, the more transparent and open everything becomes."
"TOEFL listening can try to confuse you, so make sure to catch the overall detail of the conversation."
"Do you watch English shows on TV? They help me listen better."
"The secret to good pronunciation is to listen carefully to good speakers"
"Having a friend who is a good listener is always really, really nice."
"Fundamental listening is fundamental."
"Communication skills, oh my goodness, this is so important, not just with written communication but the listening skills, the verbal communication."
"Amy is so good at relationships, she's just the greatest listener."
"I'm more of a listener, and I think I learned it from my dad."
"You got two ears and one mouth; you can never be tired of listening, brother."
"You have to be a really good listener."
"Be quick to hear, be slow to speak."
"Reading ultimately means listening."
"When you're able to listen, when you have confidence, you have natural love in you also."
"Some people listen with the intent to respond instead of listening with the intent to learn."
"Learn to listen with your ears and not your eyes."
"Listening is super important for fluency, for learning to speak quickly and effortlessly."
"First I listen and love that person, second find the beauty inside the person."
"Listening's greater than speaking."
"Introverts can be effective leaders because they listen more."
"Listening may be our greatest talent."
"You're training your ears, that's a super important thing to do to be able to hear that."
"Listening is an act of love and we can't be good apologists if we're not good listeners."
"You're a very good listener, you're very empathetic, and people just love that about you."
"You need to take a personal look at the situation and listen to your friend."
"Being a strong listener has enormous advantages when working a room."
"Good singing is a byproduct of good listening."
"It's like I say, you're learning a language, so the more you listen, the easier it is to start speaking the language."
"You know why you have two ears and one mouth? Try to listen more than you speak."
"Scorpio men are extremely logical, gifted with strong listening skills."
"The truly good listeners of the world do more than just listen; they listen, seek to understand, and then validate."
"Listening is a really underrated, under-practiced skill, and to jam, you've really got to get good at listening."
"Women only want one thing... someone who really listens."
"To prepare for listening Part C, you need to practice listening to the speaker's perspective, which means their opinion and attitude to the topic, as well as the gist of what they are saying."
"Whether you're here to find out more about the tests or to get tips about improving your listening skills, there will be something for everyone."
"Get really, really good at listening."
"Remember to practise with your ears by imitating and copying a native English speaker."
"Hearing is passive, and listening is much more active."
"Teaching listening, but teaching listening with an exam focus."
"Hold your peace and learning how to listen will go a long way."
"They can follow extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signalled explicitly."
"We never teach children how to listen."
"The most natural way to add vocabulary is what you're doing right now, listening to Natural English."
"I'm good at listening, and there isn't much of an opportunity to do that in those other more heated discussions."