
Health Monitoring Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"Measuring your blood pressure at home is gold."
"Medicine is going faster than probably any other thing on the planet... In the future, we will have avatars that tell us how we're doing and what we should eat."
"Walking steadiness uses custom algorithms to assess your balance, strength, and gait."
"If you look at the composition of sweat compared to blood, there are certain toxins that are very high, cadmium being the big one, over 1,000 times increase in sweat."
"The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin."
"The Aura Ring is one of the most accurate wearables available because it measures your vitals directly from your finger."
"Urine contains a liquid history of an individual's nutritional habits, exercise, medication use, sleep patterns, and other lifestyle choices."
"Having a baseline test, understanding my body, and knowing that there could be issues but there also could totally not be issues and I could get pregnant right away is comforting."
"The power of the CGM is that you see what happens in real time in your own body."
"We do continue to see an increased number in cases again as we said we would as time passes."
"Smart mirror: future mirrors may serve as reflections of a person's overall health and well-being."
"The more readings you have, the better. The more important it is to take them all into account."
"When your HRV is really high, that means that your body is sort of in a position where it can allocate those resources."
"Pretty litter gives you peace of mind for your cat's health and for the cleanliness of your home."
"Sensionics is also currently undergoing research on a 365-day leave-in product... to see if this thing will work and it's looking fairly promising."
"Well, there's your pulse back. And then it repowered this one."
"Apple Watch SE has everything you need to stay connected, be more active, and keep an eye on your health."
"Heart rate variability has tapped into this idea of the heart rate offering us information as a stress measure."
"Empowers you with real data in real time to adjust your behavior to optimize your health."
"Toothbrushes have blue bristles intertwined with white ones to fade out, signaling when it's time to replace them."
"The toilet of the future will capture data to improve health and fitness."
"The Apple Watch ensures that you're an active person, tracking your health and goals."
"Administer anti-platelets and anti-clotting carefully, with repeated tests to avoid bleeding."
"Apple Watch has become an intelligent guardian for your health."
"I can trust the data. Anytime I get, I can feel that my body is fighting something."
"Don't just measure glucose, don't just measure A1C... measure the thing that controls glucose."
"If we could leverage the eye to inspect your body on a regular basis without even a doctor in the room, maybe when you take a shower or have you, I know this sounds creepy, but then we might be able to save millions and millions of lives."
"Localized outbreaks don't seem to be spreading."
"One of the primary reasons people are wearing the watch today is for fitness and health."
"Follow the numbers and you follow the math you will watch that infection rate."
"The Apple watch can literally save your life."
"That is a very accurate oxygen monitor there in the galaxy watch 3."
"At the one-year mark, if you have a negative ultrasound and undetectable thyroglobulin, the likelihood of significant recurrence falls to less than 1%."
"Stay on top of your health, make sure you are getting proper biomarkers assessed during pre-cycle, mid-cycle, post-cycle."
"If you reach certain values, we can run more advanced tests to try and see exactly where that blockage is."
"They were tracking their blood tests, their PSA showed that their cancer wasn't progressing."
"Wearable technology like smart glasses or smart watches monitor your heart rate constantly, know how much activity you've had throughout the day, and even have their own audio recording capabilities."
"Activity trends in the iPhone's activity app...see how you're doing over a longer period of time...insightful data at your fingertips."
"Protein in the urine is the best predictor of the future decline of your kidney function."
"Know what's normal for you, and when things change, seek help."
"We're carefully watching regions with increasing cases."
"My Apple watch is like, 'Girl, it's a workout.' I've already done 2.4 miles today, almost 200 calories."
"We have some studies going on with something called continuous glucose monitoring."
"Make sure you're in the optimal range which I think is probably about 50 to 75 and then you adjust accordingly if you love that last video."
"You now know all about pulse oximeters... tell everyone because you know what there is to know."
"This is really something to start to pay attention to - all of us should be looking at our waist circumference, our visceral fat, our belly fat."
"A demand: in every workplace, a workers committee is set up to monitor, supervise, and control the health and safety."
"Glucose can be a poor measurement, poor indicator of what's actually happening."
"It's funny because they try to prevent them from having sex because it's covered, but before that, it was like a thing."
"Not only providing oxygen, but also an ECG. Measure your body biosignal and monitor daily."
"Baby has lost 3 1/2 pounds since the last time I was here."
"One of the best parts about Dominic's day from the Revive's perspective is seeing people's blood work."
"If you have not recovered at least 70% of your previous function, it's time for VIP."
"So right now the temperature is at 95.9. We're going to check him again in a few minutes when we bring him out and see what it's up to."
"More than accurate enough to be a general indication."
"If it's not moving into the red, then guess what? It's not dangerously high."
"The EKG gives a plethora of very useful information."
"I don't think I've seen a better tool...than a CGM."
"She had her fasting insulin go from 17.4 to 5.2, right where you want it to be."
"Paying attention to just more than your glucose, your glucose and your insulin levels compared one against each other is more important."
"As you're using 5G, information is swept into a database... everybody is able to track where you are, what your heart rate is, how you're feeling, and what carriers you're on."
"The series 4 had the best risk-based optical heart rate sensor that I've ever tested."
"Know your body, evaluate when something's not adding up."
"There's actually a map in our inventory and then not only that but whenever you hit mobs there's a health bar so you know how much damage you're doing."
"Following it, because if your calcium score is going up but you're calcifying pre-existing plaque that's in the same location, that is likely a different prognostic implication."
"If Dexcom tells your blood sugar is 300, you decide to take some insulin. Okay. So half an hour, you check it, one hour after you check it, you want to check your blood sugar with a finger stick."
"I think every human on the planet at what some point should wear a continuous glucose monitor for two to four weeks."
"One of the most important features of this powerful uniform of a future American soldier is the real-time health monitor system."
"Your omega-3 index tells you what you're doing right now."
"My blood pressure was consistently 120 over 80 I'd actually be on the borderline of hypertension."
"I'm convinced that most of you will be amazed when you see how fast and how far your average blood sugar and your A1C will drop in those four short months."
"The moment you start noticing changes in your body, you correlate it with what you're doing inside. I just made a deal with myself."
"Even though it's not the same as measuring A1C... knowing your average blood glucose on CGM... is highly comparable."
"Apple Watches are saving people's lives by detecting heart problems."
"He decides to check his health using the scanner eyes."
"Eyes wide open, measure everything you can about health with any kind of dietary pattern that you do."
"I think it's definitely an argument to say that Apple has produced one of the better wrist-based heart rate monitors on watches."
"Know your glucose level and where it's headed."
"By wearing a monitor like this, even for a short period of time, you can start to really intuit what patterns of eating and living are associated with that more stable physiology."
"The pixel watch comes with a heart rate sensor."
"The key number after surgery is the calcium level so long as that stays normal you're probably going to realize all those benefits in terms of bone stones and quality of life."
"One of the best things you can do is before any doctor's visit, whether it's virtual or whether it's in person, check your blood pressure at home a couple of times."
"It has substantially better data representation, the way that that data is displayed to me is much better and gives me a better picture of my overall health and fitness than the Apple Health app does."
"If you're monitoring your blood pressure at home, you have the ability to have a huge impact on it."
"Even for concerned healthy individuals, I don't think it's the worst idea to have a pulse oximeter handy. I mean, the things cost like 20 bucks if for nothing more than peace of mind, but also because it could forewarn illness, whether, you know, mild or severe."
"One of those ways is through anomaly detection, which takes multiple sensors and aggregates that into creating some anomaly score or health score."
"We can actually find very important information affecting your health from your genome sequence even when you're a healthy person."
"Every year, even every six months, do your DNA methylation age and have a look at your rate of change."
"Helping me keep tabs on my cat's health is just one reason I use pretty litters."
"But, to check the status of your body, it is a good tool."
"Wearables can really help you peer into what's happening when you sleep."
"It will tell me my blood oxygen level as a percentage."
"Montana gave us the portable heart monitor."
"That's to make sure her heart is beating right."
"The promise of nanobiosensors is that it will be able to integrate these nanosensors with mobile devices, allowing anyone to have complete continuous monitoring of biophysical activity of that person."
"I think the next iteration of dive computer technology as it's related to your need for decompression is that eventually the dive computers will monitor exactly what is going on in your body."
"You can set up your own special screen to see pretty much any information that you might be interested in knowing about your bike, your ride, and even your health."
"Track your HRV, that's your heart rate variability, and the more variable the better."
"Daily stress tracking is pretty interesting."
"I eat a lot of greens, a lot of purslane, and I also get my omega-3 fatty acid levels checked every single year."
"If you can start to use this tool to predict when you're gonna go low, you can take a little bit of carbohydrate, rather than a lot, to prevent yourself from going low."
"Measure your homocysteine; if your homocysteine levels are good, then you're good."
"Monitor your blood pressure patients every month until you get control."
"Symptoms are an accurate proxy for if a therapy, in this case, let's say probiotics, are addressing the things you may be worried about."
"The evidence supports using your symptoms as the gauge telling us if we're doing the right thing or not."
"Monitoring of blood glucose levels, hemoglobin A1c, lipids, and blood pressure provides feedback on how well the goals of nutrition therapy are being met."
"What Vence has done is create a device that can not only monitor their health and well-being but can also be used to contain them in a virtual fence while grazing."
"You should be eating, making sure you're not deficient in anything, take your omega-3 index, check your vitamin D level, eat the healthiest you can when you're well."
"So far using the CP 360s, it's been working perfectly. The heart-rate sensors are working perfectly fine."
"Keep track of what your body is doing."
"I've tested, analyzed my blood over 50,000 times, injected myself with over 60,000 syringes."
"Watch for signs of stress and illness; consult a small animal veterinarian about your pet's health."
"This sock just kind of gives us peace of mind, tracks her heart rate and her oxygen levels."
"Prolonged EKG monitoring is for people who have some structural heart disease or a family history of unexplained heart death."
"You're getting your blood work done to monitor your health and to see what your levels are at."
"The accuracy of the heart rate sensor and the GPS on the watch has been phenomenal."
"The accuracy has been absolutely spot on with my Apple Watch."
"You can take a health snapshot... it gives you things like your heart rate during that time, heart rate variability, your stress, your blood oxygen saturations."
"This could be a perfect way to keep tabs on your heart."
"The recovery score can be more sensitive to what's going on in our body."
"You're also getting an improved version of the Polar Precision Prime heart rate sensor."
"The Vantage V also includes the latest and greatest Polar Precision Prime heart rate sensor."
"Average heart rate while sleeping, this is actually useful information though because from that you can start trending and figure out if you're getting sick and stuff like that."
"It's preventable, you know. That's why medical monitoring is so important."
"One day you will wake up, look in the mirror, and the mirror will actually be a sensor that will look at your body tissues and fluids."
"Whether you're training for something important or just training for your overall health, this watch is going to help you with that."
"Raylen does not need to be 24/7 hooked up to pulse ox, but if she's going to be laying in bed for a while, I usually hook it up."
"People should have blood pressure monitors in their homes."
"We're always keeping a vigilant eye on these animals to make sure they're staying as happy and healthy as possible."
"Fall detection was triggered on the Apple Watch when she fell, and it dialed Emergency Services on its own when she didn't respond."
"Get your labs done once a month in the beginning when you're trying to figure out how much food to eat and adjust your diet."
"Now it does indeed have a new body temperature sensor which is there to monitor women's health."
"You definitely want to keep a close eye on your dairy cows, especially if they are a high producing breed after they calve, because they can get milk fever."
"Heart rate variability... will detect really early signs of stress, maybe if you're overtraining or if you're getting ill."
"It monitors and measures the fluctuation in your heart rate and depending on that it assumes whether you are stressed or not."
"Keep asking questions and keep tracking those symptoms and their severity."
"Blood oxygen during sleep is going to track your blood oxygen continuously as you sleep."
"I check my blood sugar level a lot and the snacks help so I don't feel dizzy."
"It's not just about A1C anymore; it's also about time in range."
"The Bodyguard 2 device records every heartbeat and the time between beats in milliseconds with a frequency of 100 Hz."
"It does a great job with sleep tracking, health tracking, has an ECG... and I just really like the style."
"I installed this on my body to be able to understand my interstitial glucose levels throughout the day."
"Blood pressure monitoring is available; use it well."
"Biosurveillance is extremely important."
"Every time you flush, maybe you're going to get a microbial readout immediately."
"I weigh myself every single morning; it's a habit that I acquired as a wrestler in high school."
"Cleaning your litter once a day is actually a really good way for you to monitor your cat's health."
"With Signos, you can literally see which foods are causing your blood sugar to spike."
"It basically tries to figure out whether or not you've recovered from the previous day by sleeping at night."
"A smartwatch does more than tell time. It knows what your heart rate is."
"It's a really great way just to check how your fertility is."
"There's more to it than just not eating; you've got to make sure you're monitoring all those different levels."
"It's going to track your heart rate, average breathing rate, your movement, and take all that information, and help give you a picture of what your sleep looks like at night."
"Pulse oximetry is described as the fifth vital sign."
"That muscular load is now going to be factored into your overall strain, giving you a more comprehensive view of the demands you place on your body."
"Smart Rings... can monitor your heart rate; they can tell you how well you're sleeping at night."
"The important thing is not what your GFR is, it's whether or not it is stable or it's declining or improving."
"At this stage, it's important that you have someone available to monitor your condition and help you day and night."
"I'm trying to monitor myself just because I do work out a lot."
"Wearable technologies like smartwatches or Fitbits allow people to have a better understanding of their body."
"The heart rate variability status is huge because it means you're going to capture some of those updates and benefits."
"The heart rate and blood oxygen, they're derived calculated characteristics that the device is working out using an algorithm."
"The Galaxy Watch 4 has a new three-in-one bioactive sensor which helps monitor heart rate, blood oxygen levels, and body composition."
"Keeping tabs on reproductive health has actually never been easier or more affordable."
"It adds a retractable handle with four additional electrodes allowing it to record six lead electric electrocardiograms as well as provide body fat, muscle mass, and bone mass measurements for a user's torso and their individual limbs."
"The watches they put on us are able to determine the number of mutant cells in our body."
"We're going to have dozens of wearables, consumables, implantables that are measuring everything all the time."
"The pulse oximeter... measures the color which is a surrogate marker for how much oxygen is bound to that hemoglobin."
"Heart rate variability... is so correlated with overall health, wellness, performance, etc., that we can use it when tracked consistently to determine what might affect us positively or negatively."
"It's got a 24-hour heart rate, blood oxygen, over a hundred plus different watch faces."
"It's got a dual display with both pointer and digital, Bluetooth compatible calling, PPG and ECG monitoring, and so forth, IP68 waterproof."
"The watch includes everything under the sun, including obviously oxygen level as well as stress, a heart rate, and of course, last but not least, the detection, the drop detection that I'm looking for in case something happens."
"Automatically monitoring your sleep stuff that's in here and gives you the opportunity to understand your physical condition a lot better."
"The heart rate monitor... has eight photo diodes now, so it's supposed to be a lot more efficient, a lot more accurate at monitoring your heart rate."
"Having the ability not just to tell whether you had it overnight or not but to alarm you in the middle of an incident is a really great beneficial feature."
"Very cool that you can have this on your wrist, it's a little tiny thing, and you can monitor your blood pressure on a regular basis."
"It's called a Y91, that's the brand name of this basic looking fitness band, but it does ECG, PPG, heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen, and IP68 water resistance."
"It's a blood pressure, heart rate monitor, pedometer, fully waterproof smart watch band."
"You have blood oxygen saturation throughout the night and day."
"Just knowing that it's tracking their oxygen level as well as their heartbeat just gives me so much peace."
"The ability of this watch to display real-time continuous heart rate."
"This is pulse, not blood pressure folks, remember that."
"It's going to monitor your REM sleep and your overall heart health, wait till you see all of that on the app."
"Apple Watch Series 4 can detect a fall."