
Evil Quotes

There are 2513 quotes

"The most evil things that have happened in the history of the world have been done by people that wanted to create a perfect world."
"The only thing necessary for the Triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
"Part of the hallmark of a religion that's got its act together... is that it locates evil within rather than without."
"The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate."
"Only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."
"I think we've already resolved the problem of evil... the problem of evil places a burden of proof upon the shoulders of the atheist that is so heavy that no one has been able to sustain it."
"The most dangerous thing of all is the evil that lurks in the human heart, in the individual."
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing."
"The solution to evil is to see it within yourself, to see that you're the devil."
"The solution to evil, if you really care to stop it, is to acknowledge that you are the devil yourself."
"Once you awaken, then you'll realize that nothing can be evil because you'll see that evil is just a projection, a story in your mind."
"You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good."
"Maybe as Link conquers those intrusive thoughts and begins to succeed, a malevolence grows elsewhere in the shadows."
"Prayer is a battle. It's against ourselves and the evil one who doesn't want us to have union with God."
"Imagine the greatest conceivable evil being. He necessarily exists, is more powerful than any other being, and wait a minute, all of a sudden the forest fires and the turret cruises make a lot more sense, don't they?"
"The problem of evil is easily the greatest argument against the existence of a god."
"Bravery is only good insofar as it overcomes some form of suffering or evil."
"When you are faced with evil and suffering, assume that there is a justification for why it's happening; you just don't know what it is."
"Addressing the problem of evil, people who put forward easy solutions probably haven't thought very hard about the problem."
"In this world, there is real evil in the darkest shadows and in the most ordinary places."
"Evil never starts off evil. People generally have the best of intentions."
"Evil is happy from being near misery. Evil Sims really enjoy reveling in the misery of others."
"99% of the time, I attribute the things that we see in the world that we might term evil or bad to incompetence and not to evil."
"Your word, Lord, is like a hammer that destroys evil and builds and strengthens a godly character in my life."
"If God decided to stop evil at midnight tonight, would you still be alive at 12:01?"
"The answer to 'Why is there evil?' turns out to be an argument for God, not against Him. Because if there is no good, there is no God."
"Atheism solves [the problem of evil] in an intellectual sense... but what you haven't removed is the suffering and the pain."
"God could solve [the problem of evil] very easily by making us all robots who were entirely deterministic, but what that would do is empty the world of human beings."
"Evil reinforces its own worldview by constantly engendering the situation it says is unavoidable."
"What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil, or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?"
"Good and evil are never equal. Repel evil with good."
"Evil doesn't have self-control. It always overplays its hand."
"I have sometimes wondered if Baramos is actually this great evil he's made out to be because if it's only worth fifty gold to the King to defeat him then, you know, whoops."
"You're not born evil; you become evil by your experience and what goes on in life."
"Money is neither good nor bad, you know, the folk that said that money is the root of all evil or the love of money is the root of all evil, they just didn't have any."
"Orcs...are actually corrupted elves and men...evil cannot create; it can only corrupt or destroy."
"I think the best definition of evil - and I've thought about this for a long time, like what constitutes evil, and it's complicated - but I think if you want a one line summary, it's the desire to do harm for the sake of the harm."
"What people really deny is evil, because if you acknowledge evil, you have to fight it."
"You feel hollow. A great evil has been banished from this world, but what does that matter if you were too weak to save someone?"
"If you could function in this world apart wholly apart from judgment, wholly apart from consequence, wholly apart from the perspectives of other people, that really lies at the heart of almost all true evil."
"Evil enters like a needle and spreads like an oak tree."
"The best way for evil to control is when righteous men do nothing."
"It's conceivable that with the evil in the universe right now, we still live in the best possible world."
"For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
"In order to say don’t be evil, you must already dwell in that space of evil."
"The devil makes the most evil things look like something beautiful."
"The pursuit of money is the root of all evil."
"Pishacha is said to be the very manifestation of all evil."
"Evil, real evil, is something that is so scaringly normal that it becomes really nasty."
"Evil is nothing to do with Buddhism at all. There is no such thing as evil in Buddhism."
"When you are busy with good, Shaitan cannot busy you with evil."
"The proper place for the encapsulation of that malevolence, at least the proper place to start, is within the confines of your own existence."
"If you feel like other people are evil or you don't know where evil comes from, you should begin with an analysis of the self."
"And with that, we were successfully able to destroy the evil from within the Mansion."
"Evil is evil. Let's call it for what it is. It's evil and it costs the victims in a way that is hard to measure."
"I'm convinced that real evil is going to be done by every single one of us in the next 20 years, and it's going to lead to self-destruction for some of us, addictions for some of us, and divorce for some others."
"I want to be able to discuss evil... We cannot be fearful if we want evil to go away; we have to at least have the courage to address it."
"It's beauty if the song is beautiful, man. Like, when something is so beautiful, you know, it's always gonna be evil around the corner."
"It requires an inhuman amount of evil to actually hate people once you've started to meet them."
"For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in the dark world, and against evil spirits in heavenly places."
"Sexual harassment is evil; sexual abuse is evil."
"Politics is the search for temporary and partial solutions to recurring evil."
"The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it."
"The mind at times fashions for itself false shapes of evil when there are no signs that point to any evil."
"There is no evidence to suggest he was mentally ill. He knew exactly what he was doing. There's only one way to explain him: he was pure evil."
"Gaunter O'Dim isn't, in fact, a helpful fellow at all but is the embodiment of pure evil."
"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil."
"A mere appearance of evil is as much to be abhorred as the evil itself."
"All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
"You know all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
"Evil is on the loose only because God allows it."
"True evil, Emmanuel realized now, wore the skin of good men. It uttered prayers, not curses; it feigned mercy where there was only malice."
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."
"The only thing required for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing."
"I'm not going to live a life being afraid of standing up to evil people."
"All it takes for evil to prevail is for a few good men to do nothing."
"Philosophers have tended to view evil as negation or privation, just as cold or darkness is the privation of heat and light respectively."
"Humans...want to try to find something to blame because they can't necessarily explain evil."
"All that's necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
"White supremacy is a threat, it is anti-semitic, it is evil."
"The way I view evil is reckless disregard for the well-being of others."
"He's the only Joker to me that represents like true evil as well."
"Most of us will recognize that there is such a thing as evil in the world."
"Bad people exist. Bad people will always exist."
"For we know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one."
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."
"There's something evil going on in this city."
"To live forever from a force of evil, while maintaining the conscience that makes us human, is purgatory, to say the least."
"I've seen enough demons in my life in combat and warfare to know that there really is true evil in this world, a lot of it is man-made."
"Justice has got to be here; if justice is not here, evil will get more evil."
"The case of Moses Sithole serves as a painful reminder of the existence of evil in our society."
"We can all learn moral lessons from looking evil in the face."
"I'm not going to submit to evil for 45 minutes."
"This is why it's evil because the subversion of God's plan."
"The Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil."
"The banality of evil: going home to their families thinking it's just another day of work."
"Friendship overcomes evil in the end."
"Renowned as the vilest evil and most terrifying demon in all existence."
"We must all fear evil men, but there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."
"When you have become this machine that doesn't care about people, you have become evil."
"Evil doesn't take the shape of a grotesque unknown creature but rather the form of an asinine human clown."
"This conversation is about bump stock it's not about ar-15 it's not about Zoloft it's about the potential of evil in every single human being and how to safeguard against it."
"To do evil, a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good, or else that it's a well-considered act in conformity with natural law."
"Being angry and fighting evil and saying that evil should not be is actually the same mechanism that creates evil."
"If you don't believe in the devil, you can very easily come to recognize him in the works that he does."
"Most people who do spectacularly evil things think themselves they're doing really good things."
"Evil is a very tough thing to fight because most people, once someone identifies something as evil, it's usually done."
"People love conspiracy theories because evilness doesn't make sense. So if I can find a conspiracy theory to explain why something's so evil, it makes sense."
"The evil of the world cannot justify another act of evil."
"How do you tell people that great evil approaches, disguised as innocence?"
"Satan hates God so much that he's lying to you and trying to destroy you and your children."
"Is evil caused by the environment or the personalities within it?"
"We're talking about how people arrive at a place of evil... it's about our innate capacity as people to do evil acts."
"You're supposed to look at the capacity for human evil as clearly as you possibly can, because that maximally opens the door to your maximal potential."
"Zelda is consistently the catalyst for combat against the worst evil this world has ever seen."
"The greatest trick that the devil has ever pulled is to convince the world that he doesn't exist."
"These people are evil they are not just regular people these people are evil that's a real thing yes evil is a real the greatest trick that was ever told the greatest trick that devil ever pulled was to convince everybody doesn't exist amen."
"They don't even know I disagree there was assassination I think they are evil people and they don't care."
"Evil needs to be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole."
"It's time and again good people losing to those evils."
"I do not believe the evil will succeed they may gain ground they may gain control for some time but in the long run I think we're going to be okay."
"The ultimate result is to steal, kill, and destroy."
"The Book of Mormon will change your life, it will fortify you against the evils of our day."
"Evil intelligently manipulates certain of the characters... It's subtle, yes, you know, spiritual warfare."
"I always hated evil. If you don't hate evil, you don't love God."
"The ideology of the terrorists is a white supremacist ideology. It is fully evil."
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is a good man to do nothing." - Ralph
"God has not only everything under control... He certainly is not causing all the evil that we see..."
"Deep indeed run the roots of evil and the black sap is strong in them; that tree will never be slain."
"So long as good men do nothing, evil will prevail."
"Are you tired of seeing evil win? It's going to be defeated very soon."
"It leaves you with this sinking feeling that we simply can't do anything about the evil that's tinted our world."
"Run free. Why not change? Why not go big? Why not put a stake in the heart of evil? Because that's what this really is."
"Devils are manipulative, immortal, resourceful, and vindictive opponents, with a delicious evil to them."
"Evil is the absence of love... love is that which connects us to outside this madhouse, to that which drives the vast overwhelming majority of infinite consciousness."
"Love wins. Love overpowers any evil that is destroying the world right now."
"Stirring up conflict is something the devil does... Satan sought to destroy the relationship between God and Adam and Eve. That right there is evil."
"People who have no intention to change and are fully intent on perpetrating greater evil in the world, they need to be stopped."
"Prayers is a vital component of recognizing our common shared humanity and the nature of evil."
"I don't know the answer to the problem of evil but I do know love."
"Definitely a brand of evil but I'd actually lean towards the side of neutral."
"What is poetry about? If you witness evil, you've got to express that evil in poetry."
"Evil, pure evil, is the absence of compassion."
"Silence in the face of evil is evil itself. God will not hold us guiltless...to speak is to speak, not to act is to act."
"It's a manifestation of evil. Yeah, it's not anything in particular, it's just thought form evil."
"What makes humanity great is the struggle against the evil in each human heart."
"Confronting the evil part of humanity will make more progress."
"If you've submitted to God and then resist the devil, he will flee from you."
"Devil is no gentleman. Kick him out with everything you've got. Don't spare him; hate him."
"The preservation of the World by God then is precisely the Restraint of Supernatural and human Evil Within the cosmos."
"Evil hasn't gone away from the world... it's back."
"Is evil found as an objective law of the universe or is evil something that human beings have created and are projecting?"
"Could the notion of evil be serving some sort of hidden purpose or agenda?"
"The only necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
"This is about evil. It's about how you equip yourselves for evil."
"Evil is an inevitable reality, a corollary of good."
"When you are fighting evil, flood it with love."
"If a mother can kill her own child, there is no limit to the evil and depravity that will go on."
"It seems there really are monsters in the world and sometimes they wear a human face."
"Only an opponent who is a fool of pure evil and pride would reject this lesson."
"The leaders of the people yielded to the temptation of Satan."
"If evil forces sail the seas then it's up to us to crush it... we are justice."
"The direct attack on innocent life is intrinsically evil and can never be justified."
"We have the power, because of our faith, to step out of the vicious cycle of evil."
"You are not at the effect of what is happening. What is happening is the effect of the one who is in opposition to God, evil."
"Evil may seem like it's won, but it won't last forever."
"Four horsemen of my created apocalypse four carriers of the plague who will infect a miserable brethren you van Helsing are now one of the phone it's the most evil speech ever spoken by Dracula in the whole series."
"Don't be stupid, these companies are straight up evil."
"Evil is such a pain that it doesn’t seem like it’d ever be worth having around."
"Only the Life of Christ in us conquers evil and dispels the darkness which is its fruit."
"If you truly despise evil, then good cannot stand idly by."
"It's just an evil business, yeah? So calculated, everything was done so perfectly."
"What they planned for evil, God planned for good."
"At what point do good people participating in evil become evil themselves?"
"Evil cannot stand the test of time. What happened to them? They disappeared."
"Remember something only has power if you allow it to if you feed into it. Evil can only survive in a world that lets it in, a world that believes in evil."
"The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith."
"Ancient Egypt has been nothing short of a trove of treasure for Humanity since researchers and explorers began studying it and even today somehow we're still mystified by the way they lived all those years ago."
"I am grateful you have not known evil as I have."
"There is nothing at all inevitable about the triumph of evil, and if we go around imagining that the triumph of evil is certain, then we might as well not try to stop it at all." - George Galloway
"There's a lot of evil in this world, man, a lot."
"You've created a world where what you're suggesting is actually evil or wrong."
"It's showing that bad people don't always go around announcing how evil they are."
"If you don't confront evil when it's young and small, it will always get bigger."
"Most wraiths are inherently evil. They live to hunt for unfortunate souls, taking away hope and their desire to live as they go, sounding specifically like my mind, babe."
"We shall use it to deliver a great blow against the evil which torments this land."
"Facing evil, one of the greatest advantages psychopaths have is that average, decent people cannot believe that such monsters truly exist."
"The Lord of Darkness is the universal personification of evil and demonic, inhabiting the movie's ethos to perfection."
"There is something dark, malevolent here and it clearly was here in the time Zachary was here as well."
"He's just so evil and he loves it. He knows he's evil and he knows he's got superpowers. Just embraces it." - about Albert Wesker
"It's hard to imagine that a mother who comes across as being so nurturing and so caring can be transmogrified into evil people."
"There's just an evil there that is hard to contemplate."
"Very few people get up in the morning and say, 'Oh, I am evil.' What evil can I do today?"
"He juxtaposed the brothers and their scheming on top of that... the scheming of the devil."
"Self-sacrifice always moves me... someone has to stand up to evil no matter the cost."
"If we're talking about the most evil person on the planet you can make a pretty good case for Kissinger."
"Steve Wright, the man dubbed the Suffolk Strangler, had earned his place as one of the world's most evil killers."
"There are evil people in the world doing evil things, but there's also the rallying together of kindness and generosity."
"You saved me, didn't you? Yes, the witch rests in hell now."
"Evil is being surfaced that was under the surface and it's being exposed for what it is."