
External Factors Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Many forms of our happiness actually depend upon outer things, external objects."
"External factors, those things, cannot be your main source of happiness ever."
"Football is very much governed by chance, with random factors such as weather and injuries providing substantial variance."
"It just feels like there are all these factors that are out of your control and it doesn't seem like there's light at the end of the tunnel."
"This is a meteor hitting the earth for reasons not having to do with the excesses or corrections or people's activities."
"A lot of the things that happened to her... really weren't her fault."
"This is not the result of the products, this is the result of so much else."
"It's tough not to just feel for director Elijah Bham, this dude had his big breaks scuttled by stuff completely out of his control."
"It's not you to decide whether you succeed or not."
"People who prefer to have things outside of their own locus of control."
"We're facing a food crisis for reasons of our own making and reasons that are far beyond our individual control."
"The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control and which have to do with the choices I actually control."
"There's nothing in the world that can make you upset. There's nothing in the world that can put you in a bad mood. Right? There are just things that happen all around you."
"I think courage is external, right? The reason someone has courage to jump out of an airplane is 'cause there's a parachute on their back. It's the external thing."
"That was epic, nothing to do with me, all to do with this thing."
"I'm more of an opportunity trader, so I like to look on the outside world, kind of just generate ideas."
"Happiness comes from within, but sometimes you just need something from the outside to make you feel good."
"It feels like it's almost this external force."
"They want to break free and be with you, but they feel conflicted and burdened by overwhelming thoughts and external circumstances."
"Our worth is intrinsic, immutable, and cannot be diminished by external factors."
"That's just the result of externalized intelligence."
"Even with external factors like our CPC increasing."
"The results of the two Ali Liston fights had far more to do with what took place outside of the Ring than in it."
"Anything external to which people attribute their coping tends to subvert their own ability to realize, 'Hey, I can handle this.'"
"But if we don't take care of this, there's no amount of external forces or factors that are going to fix some of the major issues that we may be struggling with."
"It's an interesting idea of being stuck in something, but things sort of, it's almost like that steamroller in gizmo is something that's outside of my control really."
"There's this misalignment where you're not connecting from the heart due to something external."
"...the number one problem preventing Rick and Morty from reaching its true potential was ironically nothing to do with the show itself, but rather everything that went on around the show."
"The higher I went in the organization, the more the keys to my success lay outside the organization rather than inside."
"External events have very little impact on your level of happiness."
"If you're getting anxiety, maybe we should look at what's going on outside of you."
"If you fail at achieving the outcome you desire, it doesn't mean you're bad. There are millions of factors which you don't control."
"50% of it was external factors outside of my control."
"Handling external factors in real-world scenarios."
"Resilience begins with accepting that many external factors are beyond our reach."
"If your happiness has to depend on external factors, those external factors will change."
"The most common mistake... is the idea or the belief that you're going to be made happy because of some external circumstance."
"There is no need to assume or speculate about internal engines of motivation if the external engines are plainly visible and sufficient in their own right."
"We're all affected by things outside, not just what we think about ourselves."
"We can't control anything that happens outside of us."
"We have to be accountable for our actions here; we can't control the actions of others."
"Not letting external factors affect my spirit."
"We're not always in complete control of what happens in the outside world."
"Criminal behavior is rooted in internal and external factors that are often beyond an individual's control."
"External circumstances do not and should not change who you are."
"Personal responsibility only goes so far, and focusing on an individual's decision-making neglects the outside factors that led to their decision."
"External dependencies are people, organizations, or agencies whose support, cooperation, or approval is needed for the project to be successful."
"To operate within a company's external environment, managers must understand the external factors and how they affect all functional business fields."
"It's more about stuff that happens outside of the server."
"A comprehensive risk analysis focused on external factors is crucial for developing targeted strategies to mitigate potential impacts on the project."
"A sensing device changes its physical properties when something changes in the outside world."
"Opportunities and threats are external to the business."
"These six environments represent what we call the external business environment."
"The prevailing theory of stress in our culture is the germ theory of stress, which says stress is outside us."
"We must add the reality that there are outside forces that come upon family units that are outside the families' control."
"The purpose of the PESTEL model is to evaluate the impact of external factors on a firm."
"Life could be good, but it's also tough because of all the external factors that are outside of our control."
"It's not always everything that's happening outside of us that determines our happiness."
"Being a farmer, you're susceptible to environment, weather, politics, world markets, countries going to war."