
Economic Contribution Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Immigrants contribute significantly to the economy as workers, entrepreneurs, taxpayers, and consumers."
"Immigration brings young workers who help offset the large-scale retirement of baby boomers."
"Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year."
"As long as someone's wealth is made by adding value to the economy rather than taking value from the economy, it should, all other things being equal, make the world a better place."
"Undocumented immigrants contribute $1 trillion in GDP, $20 billion in federal taxes, 80% are essential workers, one in four are homeowners and pay property taxes."
"Alberta plays a hugely oversized role in national prosperity and the finances of the federal government."
"Even illegal immigrants in America help us. Immigrants are people, workers of the world unite."
"For every dollar I circulate enriches the economy and comes back to me multiplied."
"People came with empty hands but their intellect helped create an economic system."
"Don't think of migrants as a drain, think of migrants as a resource."
"They also contributed almost 45 billion dollars to the U.S. economy in 2018."
"Sometimes the people who really make a difference in the world aren't politicians or royalty but people who are just trying to earn a living."
"People are making money and giving back to different industries and causes."
"Immigrants work hard, they are usually in their working age, they become part of the taxpaying population."
"Our economy has been stronger because of immigrants."
"There is an inherent sense of wanting to contribute to India's GDP and there's a lot of emphasis on entrepreneurship and starting on your own."
"Workers are at the heart of Canada's prosperity."
"We have built $840 billion of wealth for other people. That's really what we've done."
"We always encourage each other to get out there and to get into better physical health, going to the gym and eating right, but it's about time we started paying more attention to our mental health as well."
"We're trying to help people get back on their feet so they can thrive and they can contribute to their local economy."
"Undocumented immigrants contribute 1 trillion in GDP."
"It's not the financial wizards of Wall Street that made this country run or make it run. It's you, America's essential workers."
"SpaceX has made a huge contribution to the global economy."
"Immigrants pay taxes and contribute to the economy."
"Work is about value. It's about generating value."
"The average Eastern European migrant contributes £1,000 more each year in net terms to the treasury's coffer than the average UK born adult."
"The fans were the ones who paid the bills all those years."
"We're paying more into the system than we get out of it."
"Blacks were the engines that drove economic development in this country."
"When we empower women and they are selfish, we go play over at the farm and we make money for her and she turns it into food for them and we are all blessed."
"What is certain is that the majority of truckers like the majority of Canadians are fully vaccinated and they play a vital role in keeping our shelves stocked and our economy running."
"Realistically cannabis sort of helped California through these times in the pandemic."
"Having legal immigrants means they get paid better and pay more taxes."
"The Millennials are gonna be the engine of the economy between 2020 and 2030 as they hit their peak economic years."
"It's always really fun to support small businesses if you're able to afford it and if you're able to do so."
"High-value men are able to provide a livelihood to others... High value men are able to see opportunity when other people don't."
"Gamification can singlehandedly elevate society's quality of knowledge and contribute to economic distribution."
"The Premier League alone contributes an annual 8 billion pounds to the UK economy."
"They were shopping, they're patrons, they're spending money in your establishment helping pay your wages."
"When women are empowered, they contribute to family income, leading to all kinds of wonderful things in society."
"Black people are old reparations because America's multi-trillion-dollar wealth infrastructure is owed to us."
"10 things you didn't know about BTS member Jimin: the south korean band BTS is well known for contributing over 4.65 billion dollars to the south korean economy and becoming the first ever k-pop band to top us charts..."
"Who deserves the credit from the recent investments? Definitely the farmers."
"Economic migrants are good... this country has plenty of room and plenty of capital for people to come and contribute to America." - John Cochran
"Taylor Swift is a person who did she change? What has she done? She's affected dozens of cities, made money for thousands, millions probably of people."
"America's small businesses are the primary job creators, innovators, and drivers that power our economic progress."
"At Berkshire, we hope and expect to pay as much or more in taxes during the next decade. We owe the country no less."
"The real economy is built by innovators and small businesses."
"He keeps the economy alive, he is essential. 100 percent S tier."
"Every time I say yes to a project, every time I have a vision idea and I execute it and it happens, that's creating jobs for hundreds of people, that's creating a livelihood for hundreds of people. To me, that's making it."
"Immigrants may have advantage... immigrants have made gains in the labor market across the board."
"Slavery, free labor, and the picking of cotton – we built this country, we were the wealth of this country."
"You and I know who really built this country. It wasn't Wall Street, it wasn't CEOs. The working people, middle-class people built it, and unions built the middle class."
"If your wife is the breadwinner my brothers, that's okay."
"When I make money that's a symbol that I've given value to the world."
"All along it was American workers, farmers, and factory workers, immigrants and engineers of every color speaking every language who are building the highest standard of living the world had ever seen."
"Women might have single-handedly saved the U.S economy from a recession this summer."
"It's almost your civic responsibility to help keep the economy going by spending money."
"Life is about providing value to the marketplace. If you can't provide value to the marketplace, you do not deserve the money you claim you want."
"I might be the one that overall has brought in more cash flow into the bank account, but if you calculate all the money that Laurel has saved us with wise decision-making skills and stuff like that, we're tens of thousands of dollars. Tens of thousands."
"The sector contributes 20% to 25% of the country's annual GDP."
"Small businesses are the engine of the economy."
"International students have created jobs and contribute to the economy."
"If you work a job, you're fulfilling a need within an economy, then you deserve a decent living standard."
"If you can make somebody else more money, they're always gonna pay you."
"It's just not true that it has no socially redeeming value because it funds business and companies and economies."
"A staggering 1 in 10 of the population work abroad, accounting for nine percent of the economy."
"Profit flows into the pockets of entrepreneurial people who have invested in things that would not have otherwise existed – things like Edison’s light bulb or Jobs’s iPhone."
"Small businesses provide jobs, goods or services to a community, foreign exchange, and added tax revenue to the government."
"I'm like six Jamaicans in one; the US economy on my back. I am work."
"These are the people who fed India for 50 years. That was what the Green Revolution was about."
"Temporary foreign workers are a backbone of this country."
"Migrants contribute massively towards our economy."
"If you look at what they contribute... between 38 and 62 million billion dollars a year to the economy in taxes that they pay and then what they buy and stuff."
"Businesses provide taxes that countries use to help sustain the economy."
"That's where we get productivity growth, that's where we get a basis for paying people higher wages, paying higher taxes."
"We need to reorient our thinking about low income people... towards thinking of them as producers – as people who can actively contribute to the global economy."
"In conclusion, although mass tourism can sometimes result in local residents having to be relocated, it greatly improves the lives of most people as well as contributing significantly to the national economy."
"I will feature you for free, let me continue to help support and spotlight black-owned businesses because they are the heart and soul of our economy."