
Value Investing Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Value investing is like shopping for deals but instead of shopping for a new laptop or a new phone, you shop for stocks."
"The basic proposition of value investing is that when you invest in an asset, the underlying value of the asset is what you're investing in."
"The Intelligent Investor is really great for fundamental analysis, it's great for value investing."
"One of my favorites is called 'The Intelligent Investor' by Benjamin Graham, who is viewed as the father of value investing."
"I'm a long-term investor. I like to look at values. I want to find a company that's undervalued, buy it, and own it for a long time."
"Your minimum upside is coming back to value."
"I'm not a good trader. I'm not good at timing the market. I'm a long-term value investor."
"The strategy can be boiled down into four overarching steps: Number one, understanding the business; Number two, ensuring the business has a durable competitive advantage; Number three, making sure the management team operates the business with skill and integrity; and Number four, making sure you only buy the shares when they're at a discount to intrinsic value."
"Value investing is a long-term investing strategy that quite simply boils down to buying high quality businesses when the stock price represents a solid discount to the business's intrinsic value."
"The reason that value investing gained so much traction over the past 50 years is because Warren Buffett used this strategy to become the world's most successful investor ever, averaging 20% returns per year since 1965."
"I think you can do very well as a stock market investor if you find really high quality companies and you buy them at attractive prices."
"Don't sell the compounders when they get fully priced and don't sell the compounders when they get overpriced. Only sell the compounders when it's absolutely obvious to you that it's egregiously priced."
"Buffet got his start as a professional investor by buying up companies that were so bad that their market value was lower than their net assets."
"Income stocks pay regular dividends, think of companies like Walmart or Verizon."
"Value investing tends to provide better risk-adjusted returns achieving higher returns with the same risk or the same returns with lower risk."
"Tesla stock is so cheap it should start buying back its own shares."
"Warren had been taught by Ben Graham to buy things for less than they were worth, no matter how lousy the business was."
"I would create a 1/16 scale horse so that all of my action figures could ride."
"It's not just about price, it's about the underlying intrinsic value of bitcoin."
"The single biggest advantage a value investor has is not IQ. It's patience and waiting."
"Are you interested in learning the secrets of Warren Buffett's value investing approach?"
"Pltr is one of the more obvious value plays."
"Stocks sell at silly prices from time to time. It doesn't take a high IQ to figure out that they're cheap, but it does take a temperament that's willing to step up."
"If you cannot follow fashion and follow value, the returns will be much greater over the longer term."
"What we have to do is find a way of investing in a way of implying these value-investing tools that is consistent with who we are."
"Value investors are looking to buy when the price is below the value."
"Value investment is determined not on what category the company sits in but on what the focus is of the investor."
"Nobody ever got rich buying when stocks were expensive and this may be the only cheap sector in the market."
"You take strategic entry points in stocks that you believe are very very undervalued."
"Buying from pessimists, selling to optimists, that's the definition of value investing."
"Picking great businesses at bargain prices is the absolutely fundamental concept of smart investing."
"The people that win sustainably and consistently are investing based on value and fundamentals."
"The rich person has patience, is looking for value and opportunities."
"At its core, value investing is an investment strategy that involves picking stocks that appear to be trading for less than their intrinsic or their book value."
"It's about finding companies that have value, have cash flow, and you can make long-term bets at that point."
"Shares of Cisco at 14 times earnings look like a steal."
"The great thing about value investing is it helps you sleep better at night."
"I'm not the guy that just jumps on the hot stocks. I'm looking for great companies that are beaten down."
"A share is a piece of a business... There are some companies that are selling at substantial discounts to intrinsic [value] and those should be bought irrespective of the time."
"I invest in boring companies like Intuit or Costco or Texas Roadhouse they do not have to be flashy to give phenomenal gains."
"The willingness to wait for a really fat pitch is a very important trait."
"If you think that amalgamated moose pasture is worth two dollars a share then the fact that it's selling for a dollar is very interesting and in fact very attractive."
"Remember, value investing is a long-term strategy."
"I'm in it because it's truly fundamentally undervalued."
"Value stocks are priced at substantial discounts and a higher interest rate, higher inflation environment... favors re-emergence of value as a long-term outperformance."
"The recovery is rotating into value stocks and picking up cheap growth stocks on the dip."
"Buying companies at an extreme value because everybody else is throwing them away."
"Price is a liar. The value of the asset is determined by the fundamentals."
"If we can identify areas of value, we can find opportunity as price disconnects from value."
"Value investing is not just a system for success in the market. It is also an intellectual toolkit for achieving a deeper understanding of the world."
"Value investing is just a branch of wisdom at the end of the day. It’s a branch of truth. It’s a branch of wisdom."
"Budget doesn't necessarily mean cheap; it just means investing in valuable items that offer lasting quality."
"I think value investors should consciously look for learning machines which haven't been forgiven for their past mistakes."
"Remember, value investing is a risk-averse approach."
"I'm not looking for something that's worth 10 and selling for four."
"It's a way of taking the stock that you would always want to own but it's maybe too expensive."
"Value investing works, and the longer you hold it, the better it's going to do."
"I actually embrace bear markets as a value investor; bear markets are the best markets there are because they're markets that give you the opportunity to invest safely in common stocks."
"Value investing reduces risk while simultaneously enhancing your rate of return."
"We don't only want to buy a compounder, but we want to buy it when it's trading below its intrinsic value."
"Betas are not popular. There are people out there who hate betas with a passion, especially old-time value investors."
"The good news about the value investing community starting with Ben Graham was that there's a culture of sharing the knowledge and helping the next generation to learn and grow."
"You want to not only invest in good dividend stocks, but you want to do them when they're at fair value."
"He categorizes his strategy into three parts: buying good companies, not overpaying, and then doing nothing."
"Even as a value investor, I'd much rather put my money into a company diluting its share ownership for a good reason than a company buying back shares for a bad one."
"If I can buy a great company at a great price, the rest will take care of itself."
"I'm a huge believer in the company long term, short term, and dividend growth just from a value perspective."
"Value investing is about buying at a discount to intrinsic value."
"The point of value investing is you're making bets where the odds are heavily in your favor."
"I hope this video has helped you understand how to conduct a discount cash flow analysis and determine an intrinsic value."
"Risk is the probability of losing money, or as value investors like to put it, the probability of permanent capital impairment."
"CVS looks like it's a good deal right now; from a value perspective, it seems like CVS could be an interesting addition to my portfolio."
"The fundamental idea of value investing is that sometimes there are differences between price and value."
"Value investing doesn't have to be rigid, and people that do this consistently are often looking where no one else is."
"Value investors judge an investment based on the fundamental and intrinsic value improvements or declines, not the market trading."
"While stocks at a 52-week low don't necessarily mean they're undervalued, it can be a great place to start looking for value."
"We want a well-priced stock, a stock that's trading cheaply relative to a conservative forecast."
"The stock price has to be at least twenty percent below the value before I invest in the stock."
"As a value investor, you're really investing in the business behind the stock."
"I still want to buy a dollar for less than a dollar, whether it's real estate, stocks, or businesses."
"The punch that value investing once delivered is no longer there."
"Value investing is buying shares when the market is pricing them below their intrinsic value."
"Now, for anyone who's not familiar with value investing, it just means trying to buy stocks and other investments that are cheap relative to our assessment of their intrinsic value."
"Every good value investor knows that a good process works."
"The key thing to do a really good job of investing is to know the value of the business as a business, be able to buy it at a discount to that."
"Value investing is buying a dollar for 50 cents."
"I had a theory at that time that if you invested using Buffett's approach, you should do better than most of the professionals because the professionals clearly were violating what I would call the basic principles of value investing."
"Value investing requires intelligent patience."
"As a value dividend investor, we always want to be applying a margin of safety."
"The market will often overreact and when the market does overreact, smart value investors exploit those over reactions."
"We're very big on being value investors; we want to sit there and look at a company and make sure the noise behind doesn't distract us."
"Looking at price versus value, whenever value is above price, that's when you need to take a look."
"That's really the essence of value investing."
"The overall investment thesis is very attractive to a value investor."
"Being a value investor is where I believe that you're partnering with the business."
"Buying something that's more expensive than fair value, and hoping that it gets more and more expensive can work over a short period of time. But over a long period of time, value is going to win."
"This is the classic value investing approach."
"Even value investors don't buy stocks simply because they're cheap."