
Index Funds Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"True passive investing in index funds actually beats 83 to 95% of active money managers."
"When it comes to building wealth, index funds are the most efficient investment."
"If you hold an index fund for any 20-year period, 100% win rate across any American index."
"For 95% of people, an index fund that tracks something like the S&P 500 is going to be best for building long-term wealth."
"Investing in an index fund is like owning a bit of all the top companies."
"Invest your money in the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (VTSAX). It historically beats 82 percent of actively managed funds."
"Everything's getting whacked with the exception of the index funds. The index funds are doing great."
"If you can't handle the heat of these hot stocks, stay out of the kitchen and consider investing in index funds."
"The people who buy and hold the index will beat the whole collection of people who don't do that."
"An index fund is basically just like a big basket that holds a whole bunch of stocks inside of it... you get the diversification of owning five hundred different companies for one really low cost."
"Building that foundation of index funds is really important. It's really key."
"Index fund ETFs are more of a passive way of investing."
"Index funds can really be useful, especially during market fluctuations."
"Bogle accomplishes the impossible, building the world's first Index Fund worth over one billion dollars."
"Vanguard's success demonstrates the validity and safety of index funds."
"By investing in just these three index funds we are able to keep our portfolio very simple we can rebalance our portfolio very easily and we can also automate our investments because they're index funds."
"As long as you invest in a low-cost index fund that is tracking the market you're going to have instant diversification and you're probably going to be okay in the long term."
"Index funds give you exposure to the general stock market without paying all the fees."
"Statistically, this is the simplest way to build wealth for probably 99% of investors."
"Index fund investing has outperformed 99% of active investors over a 20-year period."
"The advantage of a total stock market index fund like this is that it's so comprehensive and so diversified throughout the US."
"Value stocks are perceived to be trading below their fundamentals, like finding a hidden gem."
"The amazing thing is the majority of professional traders are still unable to beat a low-cost index fund over the long term."
"Index funds over the last 60 years have increased 8% on average."
"With just 20 percent of cryptos in a normal metal fund, the new combined index would actually outperform the nasdaq 100 and do so with lower volatility."
"It's better to invest in an index fund rather than go your own."
"Index fund investing now controls about half of the US stock market."
"Index funds make money, which causes people to invest in them, which then means that the demand for that fund goes up because it's making more money."
"Even the best hedge fund managers in the world were outperformed by the index fund."
"If the greatest investor and stock picker of our time is telling people to invest in index funds, that should be indication alone."
"First, indexing wins most of the time, but not all the time."
"Index funds outperform 92 to 95 of professional portfolio managers over a 15-year period."
"Invest in an index fund with a low expense ratio."
"On a 15-year basis, 90% of actively managed funds underperform the index."
"Almost every investor should have index funds in their portfolio."
"ETFs and index funds work very similarly except the way that they trade."
"Index funds actually generate a higher rate of return than hedge funds and the majority of individual investors."
"We've created this passive indexing monster that is now just sucking in capital... pushing the top 10 stocks of the index up."
"Index funds guarantee to get the return of that index."
"Index funds gaining popularity, exceeding actively managed funds."
"Index funds and why they are your friend... it's a very good sound safe investment."
"Only type of funds that really fit this criteria of low expense ratios are what you call index funds."
"Instead of constantly rebalancing your portfolio just go and buy into an index fund and ride the entire market all at once."
"Investing in the stock market through a well-diversified index fund is really hard to mess up."
"Most people will do amazingly well compared to their peers if they just invest consistently over many years into index funds."
"Index Fund investing is one of the strategies that Warren Buffett recommends for almost any investor as it outperforms professional fund managers most of the time."
"You don't need them. Buy just a low-cost index fund."
"If you want to get rich from investing, Index Fund investing is one of the best investments you can make."
"Index Fund investing can make you rich and why it's one of my most absolute favorite strategies ever, especially for beginners."
"Investing in index funds is as simple as the following: You're going to move some money from your bank account to whatever investment account you have and then you're going to purchase index funds."
"Becoming a millionaire is entirely possible by just passively investing in low fee index funds."
"Over those 47 years even though you only contributed $56,500 the portfolio has grown to a value of 1.14 million just from the average return of the S&P 500 over 47 years."
"If you wanted to retire at 50, well that's how you do it you do it with index funds you don't do it with messing around with stock picking or anything like that."
"I do firmly believe that for most people who are in the stages of building wealth with many decades ahead of them, the majority of their investments should be in low-cost index funds."
"By owning just three simple low-cost index funds, all of us can outperform the vast majority of mutual funds out there."
"Instead of chasing past performance, we buy broadly, we buy the total stock market index fund."
"Passive index ETFs and ETFs in general have such low fees that in my opinion it's not worth stock picking anymore."
"Always compare a diversified fund to a comparable index."
"Buying index funds is really amazing because when you buy index fund you're getting a piece of all those sexy stocks you constantly hear about on the news."
"Whether you're a dividend investor or growth investor or an income investor like me, you simply don't know yet while investing in these couple of index ETFs that we've covered is a very, very easy way to dip your toes basically and get started."
"You don't have to take them on. You can let them do all the work, all the work, and the rest is on automatic. And that's basically what index funds are all about."
"Would you be okay if the index fund beat you? If the answer is no, don't be an active investor."
"The market is sufficiently accurate in reflecting information that it's incredibly hard to beat, and therefore you're much better off simply buying and holding an index fund which holds all the stocks in the market, then trying to do active management."
"An investor with 10,000 to invest at the start of 1977, when the first index fund became available, would have a portfolio worth $2.1 million at the start of 2022, assuming all dividends were reinvested."
"The fact that now more than half of mutual fund assets are in index funds."
"The only thing that an index fund promises to give you is the return of the market minus fees."
"Index funds are probably one of the best creations for investors in the last 50 years."
"Index funds will beat most investors even if they don't beat the market."
"If you're an investor who loves dividend stocks or maybe you're an investor who only buys fast-growing tech stocks, index funds have all of these stocks in them."
"Capturing the returns of stocks and bonds using low-cost index funds makes sense."
"Index funds really become a marketing term."
"If you invest in index funds, you're going to get appreciable return over time."
"Index investing is literally one of the best ways. Nobrainers to invest."
"...when you invest in index funds you're getting rock-bottom costs when it comes to their expense ratios."
"...by investing in index funds you essentially eliminate the costs associated with high cost funds and high cost fund managers and put more money in your pocket versus theirs."
"Index investing is powerful because despite our lack of stock picking skills we can still amass quite a bit of wealth by harnessing the power of the equities market."
"Costs matter and the king of low costs are passively managed index funds."
"Investors would be far better off buying and holding an index fund rather than attempting to buy and sell Securities or actively manage mutual funds."
"The index fund investor isn't average, the index fund outperforms and has been outperforming by about one percent a year for many, many years now."
"Index funds and ETFs are absolutely the way to go if you are considering a passive investing strategy."
"I was very slow to embrace it and there is something counter-intuitive about the power of index investing."
"Schwab, Fidelity, pretty much every major asset manager has their own version of a total stock market index and they should perform very similarly to one another."
"Use a simple broad market index fund as my primary wealth-building tool."
"This simple Index Fund portfolio will help you reach your financial goals with no stress and no Market timing."
"We are index fund millionaires. Index funds are the most boring non-exciting most reliable way in our humble opinion that's what we use."
"Index funds track the general movement of the market, while assembled portfolios actively select stocks that they hope will beat the general market."
"A lazy portfolio is nothing more than a simple portfolio built using low-cost index funds."
"The index funds that we use to build them, I kind of think of them as like Lego blocks."
"Fees matter, and if you can reduce your fees and stop using active funds just use index funds across the board in all your asset classes."
"Buying a REIT is similar to buying index funds... REITs allow us to tap into real estate investments without having to actually buy, manage, and finance any properties ourselves."
"You can get rich with index funds."
"Most ETFs are index funds and index funds are inherently cheaper to manage than active products."
"The smartest route that most people could take was probably put their money into some sort of index fund that gives them a guaranteed percentage return every year."
"Become the market and that is the power of index funds."
"Don't outsmart yourself... there's nothing wrong with being an index investor."
"Index funds by and large are significantly less expensive than actively managed funds."
"An index fund portfolio doesn't give you the average return when compared to other investors; it actually gives you above average."
"I prefer index funds because I don't ever have to worry that management has lost its way, made big mistakes, or is going to make more mistakes in the future."
"Index funds are highly rated as one of the best approaches to investing."
"If there was only one index fund that I can put all of my money in and only ever check it once per year, I would probably choose VFIAX or the equivalent ETF VOO."
"If you invest in an index fund for a 20-year span, does anybody lose money in modern times? No, they don't."
"Investing in a broad-based index fund will usually beat professional stock pickers over the long run."
"If you stick to index funds, that's the safest investment you can possibly get into, and they have a good track record of being good investments."
"Cost matter, and passively managed index funds have rock-bottom costs."
"The majority of your money is best invested in safe, low-cost index funds."
"Buy low-cost index funds and hold them forever."
"Index funds have lower expense ratios and fees than actively managed funds."
"The S&P 500 already has over 7 trillion dollars linked to this index."
"The closer we get to the market portfolio, the better the index."
"Low-cost index funds over long periods of time generally return a stable 7 to 8 percent annualized return."
"Vanguard is known for its wide range of index funds at a really low price."
"Investing in index funds has become a more and more popular strategy over the years."
"It's easier to be a long-term investor with index funds than it is with actively managed funds."
"Index funds are passively managed, extremely cheap, have historically achieved great results for investors, and you can easily set automatic investments with them."
"I'm a huge believer of not really picking out stocks... I put most of my money into mutual funds, index funds."
"Index funds are a type of investment that allows you to buy a little piece of a big group of companies."
"So index funds are a simple way for people to invest and grow their money without needing to be experts in the stock market."
"We're getting right at the point here: we are talking about Fidelity index funds."
"Even the unluckiest index investor of them all still ended up doing way better than the people who stayed out of stocks altogether."
"Exchange-traded funds are essentially index-based investment products."
"I just invest in like index funds I think is going to be massive in the future or that have proved steady growth."
"Warren Buffett touts the benefits of owning an entire index like the S&P 500 over the long term."
"How do you invest a million dollars? I'd put it in three or four or five low-cost index funds."
"If someone dropped 25 million dollars into my lap, it would go in index funds. Why not?"
"You don't always have to pick the winners, right? You're picking the index."
"This index gives you more stable and consistent returns than mid-cap and small-cap indexes."
"Invest in simple index funds as your core wealth-building tool."
"Investing with ETFs or index funds tracks the general market and automatically provides diversification."
"I'm going to continue dollar cost averaging into the index funds I like with the intention of holding them for at least 20 more years."
"With a portfolio of index funds, I was probably going to perform better over my lifetime... and statistically, I was going to outperform 90% of professional investors."
"Buying the index and things like that are the best thing to do, and this is a time where Alpha trading really does shine."