
Central Banking Quotes

There are 283 quotes

"A more transparent Central Bank... the markets will do your work for you."
"There are plenty of people like Princeton Economist Alan Blinder who say that there are 'mountains of empirical evidence supporting the proposition that Central Bank Independence produces not only less inflation but Superior macroeconomic performance.'"
"You look at the central bank balance sheets exploding right now and you say there's going to be inflation."
"The Fed's actions led the market to historic highs, but some within the central bank believe that this bond buying program needs to end. The sooner, the better."
"The Fed's most important tool is the federal funds interest rate."
"The Fed has the power to create more money when the financial system starts to break down."
"Central banking is shackling the economic potential of humanity."
"Bitcoin liberates us from the systemic, uninsurable theft perpetrated by central banking."
"We're committed to using our tools to make sure that inflation does not become entrenched."
"When there is a huge surge in debt, that is facilitated by central bank operations, this tends to shift the aggregate demand curve upward and outward."
"The number one priority of central bankers everywhere is to ensure that the financial system...remains on an even keel and does not crumble on itself."
"Central banking is the greatest fraud in human history."
"Inflation is always and everywhere caused by one thing: too much excess money being created by a central bank."
"Fiat money maintains its value from the stability of the government and economy it belongs to and through intelligent management of money supply by a central bank."
"The central bank is the only 'game in town' when it comes to trying to promote economic growth."
"The world is filled with so much uncertainty and instability, central banks around the globe are stockpiling the asset."
"A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is the digital form of a country's fiat currency, issued and regulated by the nation's monetary authority or Central Bank."
"The Federal Reserve... it's in our system right now. It has been in control since 1913."
"Currency as I have no problem with that I just see that as the next step in how central banks manage their money supply, so it's not like I'm opposed to digital."
"The roots of our economic ills can be traced to central banking and our present monetary system."
"The record shows that independent central banks deliver better economic outcomes."
"Central banks sure do [like gold], and I think that tells you something."
"The really big question for 2022 is how big of a backbone does Jerome Powell have?"
"How long can this go on? I mean the central Bankers... are happy to tell you it can go on in perpetuity. I'm not sure."
"Bitcoin is the thing that is going to end these things like the central bankers, the Federal Reserve, all these things. I think it's a matter of time."
"The correct answer here is to go to a neutral reserve currency and to end the fed."
"All major central banks have fallen prey to the same misconception."
"The most hawkish Central Bank since 1913, and they're doing that action into one of the steepest recessions we've ever had."
"Mystification of the role of central banks... the dragon of inflation... attack on labor."
"We're in this final crack-up boom, which leads to a crack-up boom in which the central banks will print money."
"Central Bank digital currencies are the last shutting of the gate."
"Gold is money everything else is credit is backed by debt so it the center of every monetary system is gold every Central Bank owns gold at the base and then they print Fiat on top of it."
"Everyone talks about Jerome Powell doing a huge 180-degree pivot."
"Other than some animal spirits that seem to believe that there's a magic potion out there with twenty trillion dollars of printed money by the central banks or thereabout, we're still moving along at a snail's pace."
"Money as debt is a form of slavery. It's just it's changed everything. Congress, in essence, has ceded total control of the value of our money to a secretive central bank."
"These eclipses are long-lasting in their influence."
"Bitcoin was born in the 2008 financial crisis as an antidote to poor central banking policy."
"The markets are fighting the Fed, and the Fed is fighting for its credibility."
"I didn't think that the monetary authorities could keep the plates spinning for another five or six years. I thought it would come down much sooner than that. I was wrong."
"The market's probably being too complacent in terms of what the Fed and central banks are likely going to have to do."
"The Fed had no choice; thank God that it did what it did."
"The central bank very carefully and very prudently is now moving from a stance of prioritizing inflation reduction."
"If the bears get proved wrong and stocks are back off to the races... then in theory, especially if that's being caused by a central bank pivot, then rates should start coming down."
"The Federal Reserve Bank has two goals: price stability and maximum employment."
"Central bankers are buying gold at the fastest and highest levels ever."
"The central bank will purchase assets directly from the non-bank sector, circumventing the banks."
"Central banks traditionally resort to strategies such as changing interest rates."
"Aren't we trusting the capacity of central banks a little too much?"
"This is all about creating psychological discomfort. That's what the central banks are doing."
"If Brainard is named Fed Reserve Chairperson, the first move by financial markets may be to price in an even more dovish central bank."
"The current environment is so twisted and so upside down you know it's very difficult to make heads or tails of what's going on but what we do realize i think we should all know is central banks are not done."
"Central bankers are expected, according to the bonds market, to protect the economy at all costs."
"Expectations 25 basis point hike. I tend to agree with that otherwise you're crappy as a central bank and you break my trust."
"Let us take a gander of what the bis and major central banks and Commercial banks have been planning."
"Price stability for Central Bankers is where you and I do not change our financial behavior because of inflation."
"China wanted to develop its own Central Bank digital currency in lieu of cryptocurrency."
"The Fed is not worried about the cost of borrowing. They're worried about whether or not there's money out there to be able to calm the fears of market participants."
"I'm not a fan of Central Bank digital currencies... but I understand it is a profound inevitability."
"As China moves to ease monetary conditions, positive fundamental and macro developments are starting to emerge."
"Interest rate cuts, this is the most powerful weapon that any central bank has."
"Trust in the Federal Reserve may determine if Americans will trust CBDCs."
"The key difference with CBDC is the central bank's absolute control over its use."
"Why is it a central bank determines this financial future for all of us?"
"Reducing our balance sheet will commence after the process of raising interest rates has begun."
"The central bank needs to have the fear of god... people need to be able to trust you."
"Bitcoin is trading at a discount to the amount of kind of criminality that the central banks are involved with."
"What she's saying is essentially that her argument is that we need the Central Bank digital currency to ensure that no other government or no other private company is going to interfere with their ability to control their own currency."
"This isn't just me and you, it's not just like some libertarian kooks are telling you, oh this Central Bank digital currency thing is all about control, this is the European Central Bank telling you yes it's all about control."
"Buy assets that can't be printed at will by a corrupt central system."
"Every time there's a point of crisis, central banks continue to print and spend to stop the debt bubble from imploding." - John Adams
"Workers may be tired of seeing the fruits of their labor go to corporations."
"Income and wealth inequality is supported by central bank inflation policy."
"Bitcoin is the opposite to that. It's encoded in the blockchain that this is a solution to what central banks are offering which is a digital dollar."
"Nobelina needs to cut interest rates even more...than is suitable for the economy at this particular point in time."
"A central bank digital currency is the digital form of a country's fiat currency."
"That's the choice that every Central Bank around the world will be faced with over the next coming months coming quarters and only time will tell what the rest of them choose."
"We're going to promise to borrow untold amounts of more debt into existence. Guess who's gonna front that all? Well, the Federal Reserve quite obviously."
"Central bank digital currencies are on their way to being at the forefront of our economies."
"Gold is the safest reserve asset for a central bank to own."
"The Fed may be, you know, trying to keep as much air in [the bubble] as possible."
"The real winners are gold or things that central banks can't create."
"It's in these circumstances that one might expect a central bank to cut interest rates."
"Central banks have the tools to kill inflation and we are on guard."
"Jerome Powell has created a bizarro Volcker, armed with an unrelenting commitment to maintain zero interest rates."
"Inflation will Jerome win, like Volcker won against inflation, except Jerome's doing the opposite."
"Don't listen to what central Bankers say watch their hands."
"We got into the mess of 350 trillion dollars of debt largely because of reckless central banks."
"If we do see central banks adopting bitcoin in their foreign exchange reserves, I think that abates a lot of the uncertainty."
"Central banks are the One World Government we have all been warned about forever."
"In all advanced economies, the ultimate source of credibility in money is the central bank." - Jerome Powell
"Central bankers lost control and this inflation is going to linger for a long, long time."
"You can't sell bonds to break central banks anymore."
"Tanzania calls on central banks to prepare for the use of cryptocurrencies."
"The fed wanted more inflation, that was their goal."
"All you do is crank this up about three percent a year and you get maximum real growth with no inflation no deflation that is central bank Nirvana."
"Dare I say that as we see the central banks meet, as we see more announcements around whether it's yield curve control or additional QE, I think the demand for silver's going to go up."
"The FED should have stopped QE back in January 2022 and started hiking rates."
"The only reason the FED's going to cut is because you either have a recession, a financial crisis, or a very sharp economic slowdown that they're trying to forestall."
"The FED has over the decades steadily expanded its lender of Last Resort function."
"As long as central banks keep printing, Bitcoin keeps rising."
"Jerome Powell is not taking away the punch bowl. He's cleaning up the excess inflation, the mess around the punch bowl, because he wants more people to come to the party."
"Central banks have almost infinite ability to print money in deflation."
"The difference now is that the Fed has unlimited powers."
"Jerome Powell finally acknowledged that inflation is here and it's higher than expected in the short term."
"Jerome today he did a really good job uh and I'm not trying to shield the fed here either I'm just saying."
"Major central banks all around the world are expected to announce their own digital currency soon."
"Gold is rallying because it knows the central bank is probably just going to rip everybody off via inflation again."
"Jerome Powell, no longer Dove for good this time around, 100% sure. He's becoming a Maverick Wall Street kind of Hawk."
"The Federal Reserve controls liquidity to a much greater extent than it did in 2008."
"The market thinks that the probability of a recession is greater than what the Fed basically perceives to be right now."
"The Fed never stopped hiking rates until real fed funds rate that is fed funds rate minus CPI went above zero."
"Central banks could make currencies available electronically for people to spend with their phones."
"People need to understand this as well, world central banks have one product and it's debt, that is it. They issue nothing else but debt, they do not create wealth, they create debtors, that's all they do." - Greg Mannarino
"The financial structure has become more fragile... held together with tape and string by liquidity and by central banks."
"Credibility is the most important asset for a central bank."
"Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserve... decide whether the next trend is parabolic up or sideways."
"Central banks will likely soon need to issue their own digital currencies."
"Central banks have unlimited capacity to print money."
"The market is waiting most importantly for the guidance. It is waiting for what Jerome Powell is going to say about September and beyond."
"My plan is to address inflation. It starts with a simple proposition: respect the Fed's independence."
"Their goal is not to tighten until something breaks." - Loretta Mester
"Central bankers are starting to cave into the realization that this asset class is not going away anytime soon."
"Central banks are the One World Government we've all been warned about, everything else is a sideshow."
"And the Fed, or I should say, the Fed is a conduit of that."
"A central bank can pursue sound monetary policy when the fiscal house is in order."
"Bitcoin will be a central bank reserve asset at some point. This is not a fad, this is something that's gonna be with us for a very long time." - Mark Yusko
"Central banks are inflation. They navigate, control, and modulate it up and down."
"Central banks are printing cash. That is all you need to know."
"Remember though whenever the central banks around the world begin these tapering style Concepts..."
"Most central banks are now stocking up on a range of currencies to keep in reserve."
"I believe that in my lifetime we will see central banks hold digital currencies on reserve."
"Gold to Central Bankers is like sunshine to vampires."
"Ripple is in fact piloting private ledgers for central banks."
"Central Bank digital currencies can be part of the solution."
"Central bank money does not represent financial liabilities owed by the central bank."
"Central banks have been planning for this moment for years."
"Central banks power resides in one thing and one only that is their ability to inflate."
"A central bank can only do stuff that the public allows it to do."
"Regardless of whatever the leaders say, we know something's wrong when we see six of the biggest central banks from around the world get together over this past weekend in order to basically rescue the financial markets."
"The danger is of course that the cryptocurrency is abused and that it permits central banks to print even more money without any visibility or transparency."
"The Federal Reserve must absolutely remain independent."
"There are a few things for a fact. Number one: central banks... have no intention whatsoever to stop inflating. Period."
"This is a direct result of central banks fulfilling their own game to crush the world, to destroy the world economy, take people down with it, so they can issue in their new system of control. That's it, you all know that."
"Central Bank digital currencies have the potential to revolutionize Global Financial systems and may be the most significant technological advancement in the history of money."
"Bitcoin is an insurance policy on central banking. The more dollars we print, the more valuable Bitcoin becomes."
"Alexander Hamilton was for a central banking system against a republic...he was actually an infiltrator."
"Hungary central bank stuns, announces a tenfold jump in gold reserves." - Headline
"Defeating the challengers: Central banks vs. the world."
"The business cycle results from central bank generated loose money and cheap credit."
"The markets cannot survive without the help, the fire hose if you will, of liquidity from central banks."
"Maybe Ripple just needs to become a central bank. If XRP is a bridge currency, Ripple needs to be a central bank."
"The role of the central bank should be as a lender of last resort."
"Central banks create erosion in purchasing power."
"A U.S private Central Bank would be the prostitution of our government for the benefit for the benefit of a few at the expense of the many." - Andrew Jackson, 1836.
"Central banks will continue to diversify out of paper currencies."
"Central banks to buy stocks equities... the most reckless look like the most right."
"Blackrock authorized the bailout plan... now it's been hired by the three central banks."
"Ripple is trying to work with central banks and commercial banks to build our solutions out specifically around CBDC's." - James Wallace
"The best way to think of a central bank is as a coachman driving a team of horses, and they have the reins that run from the coachman to the commercial banks."
"Humans have always faced threats, and I believe we will conquer the current brand of barbarians that threaten us, which is essentially central banking. And I believe the way that we will conquer it is through the invention of reason, which is Bitcoin."
"If China invades Taiwan, then what does a central banker do? Is that a contingency for that?"
"It's my perception that a US Central Bank digital currency does not have the political willpower to get through in the US."
"Perhaps every country should be considering getting rid of their central banks and having currency competition."
"Globalization and Central Bank Independence stem from the same philosophical political fountainhead."
"If there's one institution like a central bank that can just produce new units of currency for itself without performing any work whatsoever, that everyone else is forced to use, then that is effectively an institutionalized system of time theft."
"The only central banker who actually knows what's going on, she's the best central banker in the world, is Elvira Nabiullina who's the head of the Central Bank of Russia."
"When it comes to central banking and international payments and the world's reserve currency, one of the world reserve currencies around the world is still gold."
"The Federal Reserve actually has two mission statements essentially: one is a stable currency and fighting inflation, and the other is full employment."
"Large Banks benefit from a large Central Bank."
"The most controversial part of the meeting wasn't the fact that it was held in secret but the fact that they were proposing legislation for creating a central bank at all."
"There should be free banking the government shouldn't have to have a central bank."
"I don't really think we need a central bank I was the head of the central bank but now that I'm out of there I don't think we really needed one."
"Central banking is the primary socioeconomic problem in the world."
"The Central Bank will of course always have in mind what the Forex Market is doing."
"The Central Banking system needs to be rethought."
"Central banks are a scam; it's a mechanism by which politicians cheat."
"We are asking central banks to do too much. What we really need are stronger automatic stabilizers."
"The most important thing we can do to support the global economy is to deliver on our mandate of price stability and maximum employment."
"The Central Bank prints these reserves via expansion of their balance sheet mostly quantitative easing."
"Central banks around the world raising rates, charging more for the debt they're issuing to everyone... and Global bond yields drop."
"By the time the Central Bank has done its job effectively, they should have communicated quite clearly what they intend to do."
"Jerome Powell stated that he does not expect 75 basis point hikes to be common this year."
"Remember one reason central banks own gold is to hedge against their own stupidity."
"If we allow a central bank to own or control the money supply first by inflation and then by deflation, we will end up renting the land that our forefathers conquered."
"If we install a central bank, our people wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
"Economist warns the end of money as we know it over Central Bank central banks conducting coup against Earth."
"Central banks live on borrowed time; they live on perception. You don't want to mess with that perception because if you lose it, then you essentially lost all control over the process."
"Central Bankers around the world are panicking as major currencies are in free fall and they're powerless to stop it."
"Central banks are adding to a foundation that they know is solid, that can't vanish."
"Central banks are mandated normally to do two things: to control inflation and full employment."
"Jerome Powell and the FED are really between a rock and a hard place."
"A country that has its independent central bank can never go bankrupt, can never go insolvent."
"The biggest scam we've ever fell for was believing we needed a central bank to lower volatility in the financial markets."
"Central banks around the world hold about 60 percent of their foreign exchange reserves in dollars."
"The result of that secret meeting on Jekyll Island was the creation of the Federal Reserve System, the first true Central Bank that the United States had ever had."
"Central banks want inflation in an economy to be between one and two percent a year."
"The behavior of central banks so irresponsible throughout 2020 really makes Bitcoin look a far more attractive alternative."
"The Federal Reserve is responsible now for continuing and accelerated inflation."