
Mental Challenge Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"The first thing you encounter when you try to meditate... is that it's so damn hard to pay attention to anything because you're thinking every moment of the day."
"Free soloing, it's such a mental game; it's perfection or death."
"Do something that challenges your mind... an active mind is so important to youthful energy."
"Eternal Darkness will have you questioning your own sanity."
"Fasting is kind of like exercise, like you gotta build the fasting muscle. You know, the first time I started fasting, it was really hard, it was daunting mentally and physically."
"I find it's not only an escape, it's also a way to challenge my brain." - Streamer
"Sometimes it would be solved before the second round even started giving the players another brain Bender to try and guess throughout the second round."
"These battles are definitely getting me to use my brain more."
"This is a race against other people but also against yourself."
"There is so much more of a mental element to this competition in this event than I think people really give it credit for."
"The mechanics of trading are not really that complex... the depth comes from the mental aspect."
"The mental game is probably the hardest thing to tackle."
"Chant for as long as you can, challenge your mind."
"As soon as I started doing jiu jitsu, it was like it hit a part of my psyche that was like okay, it's challenging, it's more than like brute force and you have to think."
"You gotta learn to mute those voices, it's really hard to do, trust me, man, I felt it."
"Art is mostly a mental battle in my opinion."
"It's a mental game that will crush you if you're not constantly preparing."
"Physically this is going to be a challenge but probably this will be much more of a mental challenge than a physical challenge."
"The yellow phase is the most mentally challenging portion of your basic training experience overall."
"It's a mental game. It's not like this motivation question isn't something that is like good to know... It is the most important thing."
"This is beautiful... we've got six repeating itself... but we can use the knight's move restriction to break the devil's hold over us."
"Sometimes the hardest work you can do is in stillness."
"Running is like the most hardest thing in life but it's the most hardest like mental like, uh, like sport I think at least."
"What's the point of friends if not to mentally destroy them?"
"Vivid Loaf is a mind-bending mindfuck of a puzzle game."
"This is at the top level. This is Elite human chess."
"People need to be challenged in their minds they need to be some walls need to fall in all of our minds."
"Gamers are a group of people who would sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks over and over and over."
"It's a mental challenge to show you could do anything you set your mind to in life."
"Most of us want to lose weight... the mental fortitude that it requires."
"I think one of the saving graces for me is that it's really hard to distill truth out of this madness all the time."
"This is just a real test of your mental strength."
"The mental warfare, because I don't have the capabilities that I used to."
"Having so many loops where you have to question your own sanity, it's very jarring. They captured that really well, and Ethan Hawke's portrayal of Dr. Harrow has been terrific to watch."
"It's a mind game, unlike anything out here in the streets."
"It's important for living a full life... to constantly be learning and challenging our mind."
"I love the mental challenge of becoming an expert."
"It's very difficult for your brain to really comprehend and understand what you're looking at, and so you start losing sanity."
"Starcraft is not just a game of execution strategy skill but also a game of mental fortitude."
"People don't understand how mental this game is."
"A game about the nature of time should break your brain."
"Exercise, discipline, and affection. Every time you challenge the body and the mind at the same time, that is affection."
"I did not expect to be brain confuzzled that much."
"You have to do quite a bit of mental gymnastics to justify the merger of a fashion company and a construction company from a business perspective."
"It's a fun brain-involved skill where you're working your body, you're sweating." - Ethan
"Chess is really fascinating, the emotions that we go through in long games."
"The worst thing for the drivers is the mental stress. It is a head game definitely."
"Physically taxing but so much of it is a mental game."
"Hurts my brain to fully understand it but I think it's really cool in concept."
"Can you really think of nothing? Like actually sit there and try to think of nothing?"
"I started playing tennis when I was 12 years old and I fell in love with it because I loved all the mental components to it."
"Championship fights are not only taxing physically but they're taxing mentally."
"I'm all about a good mental challenge because health and wellness is not a one-size fits-all also it's not an overnight fix."
"It's such a mental, physical chess game."
"It's mentally hard, too, the long distances between towns, miles and miles of unchanging scenery, and the lack of services can present a mental challenge as well."
"It's just such a mind game with bass fishing man, it's a constant mind struggle you know to stay on top of what it is they will eat."
"This whole project has been a mental exercise. I know it's just organizing like things with like things, but it, for some reason, has been a little bit of a challenge for me."
"My brain hurts a little bit, but in a good way."
"Intensely cerebral is the amazing part about this sport. They're called problems not climbs because it's something you have to figure out. It's actually exceptionally mental."
"...were they big on mental challenge. You think of a hundred and four year-old woman learning Russian or something, and you could say 'well why bother?' She ever going to talk to anybody who speaks Russian? Okay well, you know, that's not really the point..."
"Most of the time, I love hearing different opinions and different ways of thinking about things because it challenges me mentally and cognitively as well."
"It's like a mental challenge, not really too much Fitness."
"It's now a mental game and a mental challenge."
"Quitting smoking is 80% mental and 20% physical."
"I realized I had to outsmart the insane mind that had trapped me in its web of madness if I wanted to get out of this terrifying nightmare."
"You sent him to a mental level that no human being has ever been to before."
"The scenes that everyone remembers are the ones where she's dealing with Hannibal Lecter and going toe-to-toe with him mentally."
"Trading is not only about money; it's like a mental game, it's the most beautiful game."
"Pitching especially is very difficult because you have this time gap where you can sit there and think about all the bad things that might happen if you don't make your pitch."
"This one challenges my mind and my muscles, I got to work together."
"Freaking fantastic work, this one is a mind and body bender for sure."
"It's such an incredible mental challenge, such a challenge of equipment no matter what category that you are in."
"It's become a mental game more than anything else."
"You push your intellect to the point where it can't go any further and has to surrender."
"It's challenging mentally what we've learned our entire lives."
"Not only are we gonna get stronger in our core, but mentally I'm gonna challenge you to really push yourself throughout the workout."
"It's like you know the amount of work we've done this summer physically just the challenge of coming to this property physically has challenged us and mentally as challenges which will kind of keep us young."
"It's like you're ripping the side block out of my mental Jenga."
"It's actually extremely fun to solve."
"It's going to be very, very difficult, very physically demanding, which then has a direct correlation onto how mentally demanding it is."
"A huge part of the exam is the mental factor; if you've done the practice and you've still failed, it's definitely the mental factor that got you."
"I just love the mental challenge and I love how the colours are working out."
"It's not the physical challenge as much as it is the mental challenge."
"It's unbelievable, all those different ways that you're mentally challenging."
"...I did it, what a mental puzzle."
"There's a lot of thinking involved in field archery, and that's why you hear so much passion about it."
"It's about challenging your mind as well as your body."
"To know how to trade Forex is one of the hardest skills in the world because it will test you more mentally and emotionally than any other industry."
"It is so satisfying, and the logic can be just as deep as some of the great puzzles that we study on the channel most days."
"The further you go, mentally, the more challenging it becomes."
"They are Toe to Toe, they are playing chess, it's mind games at the moment."
"It's about being able to push yourself mentally and physically."
"Dancing is so much a mental battle just as much it is a physical one."
"What I believe is an approachable puzzle for you."
"I've reprogrammed my brain, which isn't easy because it's not easy to program it initially."
"It's counterpoint; it makes your brain work very hard when you're trying to play multiple voices at the same time."
"Just because it challenges us mentally and changes the pace a little bit."
"It's actually a lot harder than people realize; there's a lot of things to think about, as well as mentally a lot more challenging than people think."
"Learning a language is a fantastic resolution if you're wanting to learn something, put your brain to the test a little bit."
"It feels just like someone put a brain into a Rubik's cube."