
Unification Quotes

There are 255 quotes

"If the northern majority opinion ever became a unified Ireland, all involved governments were obligated to respect and allow that decision."
"The Holy Grail of physics involves the unification of the four fundamental forces, which includes finding a missing link between electromagnetism and gravity."
"The general existential threat of loneliness and the inability to find happiness becomes the principal unifier of all the main characters."
"What a wonderful idea, that the way you unify the laws of physics is by stepping beyond the dimensions that we know about."
"The mark of any truly masterful piece of art, no matter what medium, is a natural and thorough unification of structure, style, and purpose."
"The dream is to discover something simple, beautiful, and unifying."
"You can unify all these forces, and so all the laws of physics can be summarized on a single sheet of paper. That, to me, is stunning."
"Physicists love it when you can either unify previous ideas into a single idea or you could open up a new avenue in terms of direction to go with regards to physics because it just means that there are so many more problems that we can solve."
"It was time to unite the chess world and produce an undisputed world champion."
"A simple goal, a wholesome goal, a kind goal to allow all things to transcend and become one with gluttony."
"He's been able to unite diversity in his own hatred everybody hates him."
"One country, two systems was designed probably for the unification of all China."
"He had been set on unifying his two nations the kingdoms were on the same island after all and now they had the same ruler."
"The hostility of the hour is going to produce a purifying and unifying effect."
"By 1591, Hideyoshi completed the unification of Japan, becoming influential enough to not need to eliminate Nobunaga's grandson."
"Unification does not threaten Europe's diversity. In fact, that diversity is both as vivid as ever, and more accessible."
"The Empire, long divided, must unite. Destiny be shaped by champions."
"If peaceful unification can be achieved within 5 years, he would be willing to step down from his position as general secretary."
"Electricity and magnetism were really just one thing, electromagnetism."
"Imagination, communication, unification, and implementation - these are the keys to creating the crown of our life."
"String theory: a unified theory of everything."
"Kaluza may have finally unified two forces of nature by just extending general relativity to include one more dimension."
"So what would happen if the countries of South America decided to unite into one massive United States of South America?"
"Trump found elements of society that were underappreciated and unified them."
"Aviation is one of the most unifying industries worldwide because it is what brings the world together."
"Space exploration became more common: it would be such a unifying thing."
"Evolutionary biology is the science that has proven to unify medicine."
"A successful Theory of Everything would unify all the fundamental forces into a single framework."
"Donald Trump is the unifier that the country not only needs but he's the unifier that all these clowns say that they want but then they deny when he's right there."
"He is the unifier that the country not only needs but he's the unifier that all these clowns say that they want."
"I'm going to unify the heavyweight division."
"We need a single system for justice, a unified system like in the Ottoman times."
"With enough passion, you can bring a whole community together."
"This unification... is something that a lot of civil rights leaders have been working on for a very long time."
"A theory of everything should not only unite forces but also unite the theory of all matter."
"He decided to split his force... seek out a new home, a unification center."
"Somebody should set up some kind of positive organization to bring together these disparate and separated and disconnected men."
"Music is a unifier that can transcend culture, language and distance."
"Finally, all the bits of Britain came together."
"The rising nationalism created an inherent desire amongst our citizens to incorporate all the lands of the Greek people under a single Greek State."
"It's time to unify all these diagnoses into a single one—a diagnosis of personality disorder."
"This unification in Egypt was a unification of two lands."
"All the bad things are one, they're orchestrated by the same people."
"Why not unify it? I don't see why people are not talking about this. I think it would be an exciting fight, it would sell well."
"They need to unify those titles, man, I'm telling you right now."
"We need to hold all these territories to form the Panhellenic League."
"The main objective for this series is to unite the entirety of Greece under a Spartan banner."
"Vittorio Veneto is seen as the final acts of Italian unification, a struggle that began over a century before."
"We have already made the biggest possible move you can ever imagine towards a one-world government."
"Physicists like to see compactification, that kind of unification is evidence that something cool is going on."
"We're creating a bridge that is either widening the bifurcation or uniting it."
"the global South unifying into exactly where industrial capitalism seemed to be going"
"The final goal of theurgy is henôsis or ‘unification’ of the soul with its ‘little god’—with the gods—and ultimately with the One."
"The energies of Shiva and Shakti is the primordial energy of unification."
"String theory is the most promising candidate we have for unifying Einstein's theory of relativity with quantum mechanics."
"He united western and central Europe for the first time since the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476."
"Italy became a unified country in 1871, but unifying what had been throughout history a number of different countries and city-states brought with it chaos and violence."
"The defeat marked the unification of the country, the continuation of the 11th Dynasty, and it brought Egypt into the time of the Middle Kingdom."
"There's just one elephant, one candidate for super unification of all of nature."
"Unite electricity and magnetism under one framework, show mass and energy were of the same form, and dispense with the need for an unobservable ether."
"Alfred's victory at Edington allowed him to consolidate his power, fortify his kingdom, and lay the foundation for the eventual unification of England under Wessex's rule."
"It would take one of the most influential Samurai Lords in history to once again unify Japan, bringing the muromachi period to an end while also laying the groundwork for a prolonged period of peace across the Japanese Islands."
"M Theory has been proposed as a possible Theory of Everything, a means of uniting the quantum field theories that successfully describe electromagnetism and the weak and strong nuclear forces with the description of gravity provided by Einstein's general theory of relativity."
"M-theory offers a possible solution to the problem of competing superstring theories, unifying them as aspects of a single theory."
"Unification is a seminal story in Star Trek giving us the return of Spock and the introduction of the attempts to reunify Romulus and Vulcan."
"Empires have to figure out how you're going to unify the empire, how are you going to rule over places that are very far away from the capital or from the ruler or ruling family."
"It's amazing that the great theme of science for the last 2000 years has been unification. Isaac Newton unified the laws of heaven with the laws of the earth."
"String Theory attempts to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity, two pillars of physics that describe the incredibly small and the immensely large respectively."
"With Tony Gundam not only did he manage to unify the whole franchise but also rewrote it back to himself and it was always right there in the name turned a Gundam AKA for all Gundam."
"Indeed, string theory does for the first time put together quantum theory and general relativity, the laws of the small and the laws of the big."
"I feel like it's a great time for boxing there so many big fights happening right now uh it's a lot of Undisputed you know Champions coming you know in boxing that's that's unifying the whole division"
"Now you've hit on something. I didn't think about that. You can unify the WWE title and the 24/7 title since they're basically on the same level now."
"India has come up with a unifying ideology."
"Brock Lesnar dropped the WWE Championship, one question if this match was to unify the WWE Championship with the Universal Championship then why are both titles still independently active as their own lineage instead of one being retired in favor of the other?"
"There's nothing worse than failure, and philosophy has failed... It failed to unify Germany, it failed to introduce constitutional monarchy, it failed at philosophy in general."
"The greatest unification I think of 20th century physics."
"Perfection and history will be on the line as two of the division's greatest talents attempt to square the circle and unify a division for the first time in nearly two decades."
"...unified Norway under one Throne when it had previously been a small competing tribes for thousands of years."
"The road to unification was short-lived."
"He's a Christ-like figure already which would signify the unification of the Christ working together with an Antichrist to change the world."
"The English and Scottish were ruled together by James I in our timeline."
"Category theory unifies all these things and because of that, it's extremely useful when you want to lift yourself above the everyday programming chores."
"The ultimate victory of the Kingdom of France in the Hundred Years' War now made the French more powerful and more unified than ever before."
"The purpose of sadhana is unification of the individual soul with the universal soul."
"The integration of all the innumerable little German states into a single Empire."
"Italy's best chance for unification would have been in 1453 when Constantinople fell."
"The European movement began as a step towards the complete unification of Europe."
"President Kennedy laid the groundwork for potential unification."
"They learned that Toyotomi Hideyoshi has finally unified Japan in 1587."
"Egyptologists have found art depicting a peaceful resolution to their Feud where the two are tying together the plants that represent Egypt's upper and lower kingdoms."
"Edward's family wanted to bring all of England together under their rule."
"Edge defeated Test to unify the U.S and Intercontinental titles."
"There's a beautiful, magical unifying theory behind all these numbers."
"The Kingdom of God and the Roman Empire had now become one and the same."
"Selecting and grouping multiple holes and solids will result in just one single object."
"The debate within science is the idea to unify reality, to find its common denominators."
"Through prayer, study, acts of kindness, we help unify the lower world within and without in the higher world."
"People, I'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country."
"String theory... became a real candidate for a theory that would unify the four forces of nature into a big theory of everything."
"We'll dive deep into the nitty-gritty details of the math that ties XG boost trees for regression and classification into one elegant equation."
"Music certainly is one of the main tools to bridge those divides and create awesome escapes for people and unify them."
"Finally, in 1902, a lasting peace was in sight, and in 1910, the four territories united to become the Union of South Africa."
"He desperately wanted to find a single framework that would put gravity, the force of gravity that he understood well from the general theory of relativity, with the electromagnetic force."
"Re-unification is inevitable, time is on our side and the ordinary people of the south are with us."
"By 886, Alfred was styling himself as not just King of Wessex but of all the Anglo-Saxons."
"For what's on the line, it's the first time this century that the heavyweight belts have been fought for to unify them."
"String Theory promised to unify all fundamental forces of the universe, this caused enormous excitement and hype."
"The ultimate aim of that is the unification of Korea, which would create yet another power in the balance of power in Asia."
"Our goal is to accelerate innovation by unifying data science, engineering, and business."
"As soon as a majority of people in Northern Ireland show evidence of wanting there to be a border poll, the British government... is honor bound and legally bound... to allow there to be a referendum on Irish unification."
"Man is not the center of the universe... but something much more wonderful: he is the arrow pointing the way to the final unification of the world."
"Maxwell unified electricity, magnetism, and light into one field of study - one branch of science which would set the stage for Albert Einstein and his Theories of Relativity in the 20th century."
"In fundamental physics, we're looking for this kind of fix; we can get unifications like this, then we're happy."
"The soul that he's talking about is the dynamic energy of evolution, that is the energy of continuous unification."
"Alfred the Great had consolidated the kingdoms of Wessex and Mercia."
"This is Constantine the Great... he was the Roman Emperor who unified the whole of the Roman Empire."
"In 1810, King Kamehameha unified all of the Hawaiian Islands under one Kingdom of Hawaii."
"Dynasties in China begin with Emperor Chinchihuang... responsible for unifying China politically and commercially."
"The grammatical shift from 'the United States are' to 'the United States is' is purported to be this kind of unification that happened after the Civil War."
"A unified theory... would meld together our understanding of the laws of the small, quantum mechanics, with our understanding of the laws of the large, the general theory of relativity."
"Although his reign was accompanied by much violence, it paved the way for a more peaceful era after Japan was unified into a singular entity."
"These are unified labels across EM 365... you create them at the M365 Compliance Center and all the Microsoft 365 resources... will now able to expose these labels."
"What German statesman masterminded the unification of Germany in 1871?"
"Ree felt strongly that all of Korea must be unified."
"The marriage of Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand of Aragon had united Spain."
"The forces of nature unify together, the electro week Theory."
"Unification not only provides developers with the advantage of learning only one platform but also allows users to take their apps everywhere."
"We have to unite gravity with quantum mechanics because of singularities."
"I'm going to unify gravity with the other three fundamental forces."
"Can we envisage a time in the future where there perhaps be one super law that encompasses all of the others?"
"Emergence is our best contender for what could really unify the Arts and Sciences and everything we care about."
"He was then proclaimed the Great Khan and united all the tribes of the step."
"The essence of unifying true Chi is to gather the spiritual energy around us."
"Following its unification, the Fire Nation became one of the most powerful and advanced countries in the world."
"Now you can literally take all the files on your computer, whether they be video, images, audio, text files, and you can embed them into the same vector space."
"ZFS is a unified storage platform."
"He accomplished what his predecessors had failed to do for centuries: unify all of China."
"The formation of a unified England began under Alfred the Great in the late 800s."
"The Mongols, a nomadic people from central Asia, were divided into dozens of distinct tribes until Genghis Khan united them under one flag."
"He had successfully united the Mongol tribes."
"This is the hardest thing for me to say because I have to not hedge it: I think it's the theory of everything."
"In the context of physics, a theory of everything would at minimum unify general relativity and quantum mechanics."
"All humans living on this earth will be placed under my genjutsu, and as a result, by controlling every single one of them, I shall unify the entire world."
"How to unify or bring together quantum mechanics and general relativity is the question I mostly work on."
"The sentiments of Italian nationalism... would pave the way for Italian unification."
"One giant Global State machine that unifies the entire world at the speed of light."
"It may provide a clue to the ultimate goal of theoretical physics, a unified quantum theory of gravity."
"He's been fighting for unification of East Africa, in general Africa, Africa in general."
"Federation took place in 1901 on the 1st of January. And this was effectively where the six different self-governing colonies... all got together and agreed to unite and become the Commonwealth of Australia."
"North and South Yemen, also known as the Yemen Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, are unified as the Republic of Yemen."
"The deepest level quantum mechanics and gravity are not two different things which we have to synthesize together by quantizing gravity; they are somehow the same thing."
"Darwin provided compelling evidence, compellingly combined evolution with a mechanism, and provided a unifying principle of biology."
"Wouldn't it be great if there existed some mathematical framework which unified these ideas?"
"Unification... there has to be a theory that unifies the world of the subatomic or the world of the massive."
"The question one of the questions of our times is whether we can unify all of the known forces of nature."
"String theory automatically and surprisingly unified the gauge forces that are the basis of the standard theory with gravity."
"He is known as father of unification."
"An orphan tribesman would successfully unify scattered tribes, break free from a whole empire's dominance, and lay the path to conquer all of eastern Asia."
"With sufficient authority and wealth, he pursued his campaigns to unify the tribes."
"Bond graph modeling brings both algorithmisation and unification to the modeling process."
"Tapestries and medieval illuminations tell of a line of kings who for more than 200 years tried, without success, to bring Wales into the English nation."
"We already unified electricity and magnetism into one force."
"The question is can we unify the strong nuclear force with the Electra weak Force? That's called Grand unified theory."
"Investing in international security and unification is worth the investment."
"This is one example of grand unification. Unification means things that you thought were unrelated are, in fact, related, and there are different manifestations of the same thing."
"The north agrees to send over half of its nuclear weapons to the south in exchange for their great leader as a first step toward a unified Korea."
"The knowledge graph provides a way to link and unify many of these other aspects of the AI space."
"King Kamehameha the Great... conquered the other independent islands and unified them under one government, beginning the Kingdom of Hawaii."
"Scotland had been mostly independent until 1707 when, nearly bankrupt, we unified with England under a single Parliament of Westminster."
"I found this topic personally important and unifying of a bunch of the other things that I have discussed."
"It tries to tie together general relativity with quantum mechanics, as well as all the other frameworks of physics."
"This allows me a little bit of unification of my workflows here, and I think it works really well."
"Their heart will always pull them closer to you until you are finally one."
"It's about more than merely an opponent; it's about pride for family and country and becoming the first to unify not just a division but a nation with each of the sport's greatest belts."
"The search for ever deeper principles that unify our understanding of the world."
"It truly is your hub to unify security, apps, access, compliance, and end-user experience across our entire technology estate."
"Collectively, there's a body of ancestors all over the world who want unification because that is what's going to save the planet."
"If you could say it really simply, such that even a child could understand it, you take two desperate topics, something that someone superficially think is completely unrelated and unify them such that someone could understand it, then that's wonderful."
"Electricity and magnetism had been united with the weak force to the electroweak theory, and that was a great step forward."
"This marks the first ever unification of all of the Anglo-Saxons."
"This was the first time that the Arabian Peninsula had been unified under a single political authority."
"A lot of the standard discrete curvatures that you might see on a triangulated surface are actually connected in one unified picture."
"You're getting close to like a grand unified theory of training where you can fit as many of those vital principles as you can into one package."
".NET MAUI has allowed us to unify our codebase, making us highly productive and flexible."
"...unifying China after almost a century of division."
"Their justification: nothing unifies like a war."
"Transport of mass, transport of energy, and transport of momentum are the unifying themes in chemical engineering."
"The suffering of the struggling then the communist takeover eventually... might have been a good thing because they did finally sort of unify the country."
"This is the closest thing we have to a grand unified theory. It covers special relativity, general relativity, classical mechanics, and quantum mechanics all of them in one equation."
"After centuries of infighting, Japan unified."
"I was a person who's able to bring like Debbie together with the Sydney and cobble these weird ragtag groups of people together to make things happen."
"Tanzania was created in 1964 by uniting Tanganyika on mainland Africa with an island state."
"The author calls it a unifying meta language."
"The division between North and South lasted until 589 when the Sui Dynasty finally conquered the South to unify China."
"Nobunaga is regarded as one of the three unifiers of Japan."
"With the conclusion of the Ridda wars and the gradual adoption of Islam, you have this uniformity that occurs in Arabia, this consolidation of strength in the Caliphate."
"Bluetooth technology was named after a 10th century king, King Harold Bluetooth. He united Denmark and Norway just like the wireless technology united computers and cell phones."
"Unification made trade among member nations a breeze."
"A new chapter in interstate transport has begun with trains running on one unbroken gauge from Brisbane to Sydney, and Sydney to Melbourne."
"We have essentially taken one or two central themes and tried to unify all of elementary calculus in terms of these central themes."