
Ireland Quotes

There are 541 quotes

"If the northern majority opinion ever became a unified Ireland, all involved governments were obligated to respect and allow that decision."
"Never ever ever mention Ireland as part of the UK or Britain because we're not."
"Ireland has such a gentle energy... It's really an exquisite place to come to."
"Everybody on the boats! We're going back to Ireland."
"Linguistically, the island's earliest attested language forms part of the Insular Celtic family."
"This subtle genetic structure within such a small country has implications for medical genetic association studies."
"The long and complex history of population dynamics in Ireland has left an indelible mark on the genomes of modern inhabitants of the island."
"Compared to much of its history, the past decade or two has been a golden age for the Republic of Ireland."
"The Black and Tans earned a special reputation for rage, rape, murder, torture, and the burning of entire villages."
"This was the beginning of the divide between the modern nation of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which to this day remains in the United Kingdom."
"Ireland is seen as a rich, first-world nation and a tech hub of Europe."
"Concurrency is fundamental in just about anything we do these days."
"From castles to cathedrals to celtic heritage and of course a couple of pints of Guinness to wash it all down."
"The Proclamation of the Irish Republic is a hugely important document to the history of Ireland and to the Irish people."
"One of Ireland's richest men is demanding slavery reparations from Britain for the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade."
"Ireland's greatest ever fighter maybe the greatest ever sports star."
"Ireland was the very first country to legalize same-sex marriage via a popular vote."
"Ireland – the reason many of you probably still have a hangover."
"It was during this time that Ireland became known as the land of saints and scholars."
"Ireland is a land so rich in history and mythology it is difficult to know where one begins and the other ends."
"If I could teleport somewhere I would go to the Irish countryside."
"Giants Causeway... the result of an ancient volcanic fissure eruption..."
"I think this whole season's gonna be filled with things to do where you say that only in Ireland would this happen."
"Deirdre became one of the missing people from Ireland's Vanishing triangle including Deirdre eight young women had disappeared in eastern Ireland in the late 1990s."
"One of the most impressive and mysterious prehistoric monuments in the whole of Ireland."
"And in 1921, Ireland won its freedom from Britain."
"The Cliffs of Moher are a natural wonder in Ireland."
"She felt the need to expand beyond ‘I love you, you love me’ and write about what was happening in Ireland at the time."
"The nation of Ireland is famous for many things, the country has produced some of the greatest artists, musicians, and Poets the world has ever known."
"He is called one of the greatest actors in Ireland."
"The Irish name translated into English as Hill of the witch."
"His heart never left Ireland, nor did Ireland ever forget him."
"Elena became highly independent and when she returned to Ireland in the late 1750s she refused to be placed into an arranged marriage."
"I love Ireland, my grandmother told me stories and inspired a pride and love for my heritage."
"I am in Ireland this is my little visit to the Emerald Isle."
"After a very rainy week in Ireland, I am just enjoying this sunshine so much."
"Ireland is actually home to one of the world's most notorious budget airlines, Ryanair."
"Ireland is home to some of the most scenic road trips in the world."
"The Irish people are so fun. You know?"
"I came to Ireland in order to understand the greater significance of how nothing goes as planned or as expected."
"That was awesome holy that was a lot of castles like I've heard I think someone said in my comments there's something like 900 castles in Ireland alone maybe that's just like, yeah You'll never get to see them all it's just so much history."
"The prices in Ireland are 43,000 for your standard range and just over 50,000 for the long range."
"Trinity College Library is home to one of Ireland's national treasures, the Book of Kells."
"I think we could very well see a united Ireland. That is a very real possibility."
"Ireland has a load of accents packed into an area about as big as South Carolina."
"Spending only one week in Ireland is tough because this country while small is packed end to end with Incredible sites that you'll want to add to your itinerary."
"The average Irish man in 1850 ate 14 pounds of potatoes a day."
"The DNA has shown that Ireland was isolated culturally from the rest of Britain and Europe for ages."
"Didn't I know when I made my mark on that paper, I'd signed myself away from Ireland forever?"
"I wrote the Magdalene laundry it was still a very touchy subject in Ireland."
"This time we're back exploring Ireland's ancient east with a visit to the royal county."
"It's just perfect. Welcome to Ireland."
"Ireland has always been a deeply Catholic country."
"For all her travail, her sorrows, and her harried history, let's remember Ireland with the face she always manages to turn to the world, the one with a smile."
"Welcome to the seventh and final video in our Ireland series."
"We're starting things off just outside the city at one of Ireland's most famous attractions, the Blarney Castle."
"Patrick's work included ordaining clergy and baptizing many thousands of Irish men and women."
"Connolly believed that Protestants and Catholics in Ireland should share the common goal of overthrowing their capitalist oppressors."
"Public opinion in Ireland quickly turned against the British suppression of the Rising and in particular the execution of the leaders."
"The green Irish meadows were painted red."
"We now have O'Neil's castle, a 30-meter high tower house that would have dominated one of the most strategic positions in the north of Ireland."
"I love to be in Ireland. It's the best place to be. It's one of the best places to gig."
"This truth is Monumental for a generation of young Irish people men and women this is the first time that they have tasted peace."
"The people are amazing. The scenery, drowning down in Gall round Carrickfinn, down with Donegal Airport, down that area, the Rosses, the beaches, and everything. Amazing. Absolutely amazing."
"I feel very passionately about Ireland... It's always part of my heart and always with me and my friends there are always with me."
"Portmagee offers visitors a chance to experience the authentic charm of a small Irish town."
"This is known as Ireland's most haunted castle."
"This story really starts about 7 months ago when we sold our house in the UK moved into our van shipped ourselves over to Ireland and fell in love with the country so much we went on a mission to find ourselves our very own home on the Emerald aisle."
"As their daughter was born in Ireland, she has an Irish birth certificate."
"This is a huge win for the Irish."
"You should definitely rent a car and just go travel and explore in Ireland."
"What do you think of Ireland? I wasn't expecting to actually love it this much but wow, wow, really really cool."
"Hope you enjoyed the video and it gave you some inspiration for your Ireland trip. It was absolutely brilliant."
"Peace resurfaced in the Irish lands."
"Such bells form part of what was probably the greatest change in Irish history."
"No country in the world is as closely associated with the Celts as Ireland is."
"This part of Ireland was my favorite yet. Now I know why they call it the Wild Atlantic Way."
"I think Ireland is the untapped... Ireland is unique."
"I'm very happy, I'm dying for the glory of God and the honor of Ireland."
"Divorce becomes legal in Ireland. Finally."
"I'd also like to see the land of Ireland belong to the ordinary farming people."
"In 1798, there was a rebellion from Ireland against British rule."
"Around 1921, the FAI, the Football Association of Ireland, was formed."
"Ireland is a birthplace of Heroes whose plebian Journeys have turned into Epic Adventures and whose accomplishments are Legend in political and military history in science in religion and the Arts."
"Last week Belfast buried its dead. 'I'm proud of my sons,' said a mother. 'I'd rear a son to die for Ireland. We are all, all, his sisters are pride, pride."
"400 years ago Catholic Ireland fought Protestant England for Ulster. 50 years ago, Ulster stayed under the British crown when the rest of Ireland won home rule."
"Walkers will experience really the full range of Irish culture in a way that is very difficult to do otherwise."
"The Irish National Museum is a great place to visit and to start a tour or a trip to Ireland."
"Acts of the Oireachtas are primary sources of law and are created through a legislative process."
"Ireland we found to be a beautiful place. It’s endlessly historic. It’s fascinating. The people are wonderful."
"Ireland is a very friendly place, it's a very, very good place."
"Ireland is a very good place, it's a very, very good place."
"No, he didn’t chase all the snakes out of Ireland. There’d never been any snakes in Ireland in the first place."
"We've both traveled a lot separately and together, and when we got to Ireland, it was both just like, 'This just feels right, yeah?'"
"Ireland's coaster game is about to skyrocket with the addition of Emerald Park."
"Ireland has a special place in my heart and my ancestors come from here."
"Not only did we get to do that, but we got to enjoy Ireland like we've never expected."
"Nice place to play, right? One of the best courses in Ireland. Beautiful course as well, a nice day you get beautiful views, the ocean, the beaches. On a nice day here's the best place in Ireland to be."
"A trip to the island of Ireland is about the crack, the culture, it's the kind of golf course you will not see every day of the week, and camaraderie."
"Dublin, Ireland's capital city, is a bustling metropolis full of history, culture, and exciting things to see and do."
"The Cliffs of Moher, located on the west coast of Ireland, are a breathtaking natural wonder not to be missed."
"The Gap of Dunlow in County Kerry, Ireland is a scenic mountain pass that offers a variety of outdoor activities and breathtaking views. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast or just looking for a peaceful and scenic destination, the Gap of Dunlow has something for everyone."
"Ireland's probably one of the biggest most like loyal close fan places to go."
"Subway bread isn't legally bread, says the Supreme Court of Ireland."
"A staggering 10 percent of the total recipients of the Medal of Honor in the Civil War were born in Ireland."
"The natural beauty of Ireland is phenomenal."
"Irish food is actually pretty tasty."
"If you are going to travel anywhere, please put Ireland at the top of your list."
"Ireland's consensual society means everyone's a stakeholder. It may slow things down, but it builds confidence in governance."
"The press were fascinated by the case, the story was going to sell many newspapers, but journalists also devoted many columns to Irish folklore and the idea that people believed in fairies."
"I'll tell you something else fit for my ears. I hope the next 20, 30, maybe 50 years of English politics are going to be all about Ireland. And you know what? I'm going to be the only Englishman who really understands them."
"All Ireland Champions two years in a row."
"St. Patrick, the patron of Ireland and namesake for all things Irish, was not actually Irish, and his name wasn’t Patrick."
"...it's the 20th anniversary of the smoking ban in public places in Ireland."
"It's a huge day for everybody in Ireland. It's a huge day for the players that are playing out here today."
"We have a bigger audience in Ireland than we do in the United States."
"This is an important wicket for Ireland, bringing some respectability to the innings."
"But no one can say where for certain but found himself being a reverend circa of the 7th century to become the patron saint of Ireland."
"It's been amazing being here in Ireland."
"That is Ireland's biggest stadium, home to obviously the GAA, the Gaelic Football."
"Let's go and check out the home of Irish football itself, the Aviva Stadium."
"Look at that, we are on Lansdowne Road, and this is Ireland's national stadium."
"We've followed the Majestic River Shannon all the way from the mountains of central island to the spectacular Cliffs of the Atlantic Shoreline."
"Along Ireland's longest river through an emerald green landscape of rolling hills and sparkling waters."
"Discover how Vikings, monks, and medieval kings have left their mark on this important waterway."
"Ireland's greatest High King Brian Buu from here he could basically rule the river."
"It was said that John Ford created the perception of what Americans think about Ireland and Irishmen through his film 'The Quiet Man.'"
"An Irish goodbye to Canada, I split."
"This is stuff that I would hope that people keep talking about, keep applying the pressure, draw a lot of focus onto what's happening in Ireland at the moment."
"Henry's reign is that the English colonization of Ireland begins."
"The Irish population got over 5 million for the first time since the potato famine, so shout out to the Irish."
"Ireland, a city of Grace and fascination, of historic Legend and Men of letters."
"Dublin, Ireland is the place to go."
"Ireland, they say, has the honor of being the only country which never persecuted the Jews... Do you know why? Because she never let them in."
"In Northern Ireland, it's not uncommon to see Gaelic football and hurling being played."
"I'm so happy we chose to focus our time in Ireland on the wild Atlantic Way."
"Thank you, my friends, and may God save Ireland."
"You'd scarcely find a greener field in old Ireland."
"The Easter Rising is one of the most crucial events in Modern Irish history."
"I've been in Ireland since I'm 14, my entire professional career has been in Ireland."
"Ireland has been a genuine miracle. It's now got some of the highest life expectancy, educational scores in the whole of Europe, one of the highest GDP per capita from a very very poor base."
"That's Irish, Irish Gaelic, absolutely."
"It's about ensuring no border between Northern Ireland and the Republic."
"Ireland gave the world the Water of Life, uisce beatha, or whiskey."
"The River Shannon has been the lifeblood of Ireland for millennia."
"Considering that he's been everywhere else like Las Vegas, outer space, and the hood twice, it's surprising that this is the first leprechaun film to be set entirely in Ireland."
"I hope we're a nice old couple living off the coast of Ireland or something like that, looking at our scrapbook of madness."
"On a warm summer evening with the mild Atlantic breeze kissing the coastline in Ireland."
"That's what you come to Ireland for, some serious fishing."
"The bigger story from Ireland is the story of change."
"It touched on a time in history that I'd never known about in Ireland."
"Over a hundred years ago, a national movement took place that became known as the Celtic Revival."
"I love Ireland. It was a wonderful, magical place."
"Even in bad weather, Ireland is still full of surprises."
"I couldn't think of a better way to spend the last night in Ireland."
"There's 32 counties and 40 shades of green."
"Ireland is an amazing place for immigrants... it is an opportunity for anybody interested to relocate and work."
"The capital of the Republic of Ireland is Dublin and the official language is English."
"Ireland is the only English speaking country in the EU zone."
"I live in the west coast of Ireland... it's spectacular because it's been an amazing coastline with perfect pristine white sand beaches, virtually empty."
"It is a pleasure being here in Ireland and Northern Ireland."
"It's actually pretty quite nice to swim in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Ireland, maybe not at this time of year, but in the summer."
"That 9000 years of Irish history can be traced along its banks."
"Ireland but also Northern Ireland, it's a country full of music."
"Ireland is one of the most beautiful countries in the world."
"These are the morne mountains, we are in Northern Ireland, it is absolutely stunning there."
"Newfoundland is more like Ireland than Canada."
"Ireland during the Hundred Years War is a subject that gets very much neglected."
"The Statutes of Kilkenny is one of the most important things you should take away from medieval Ireland."
"I'm really fortunate to call Ireland my home."
"Did you know that in Ireland, the capital's Dublin?"
"We choose Ireland because it is the most important state in all over the world who respect human rights."
"Ireland is the island of opportunity."
"The Irish Crown Jewels are among some of the most highly valued royal jewels in the world."
"The most immediate cause for the Great Famine of Ireland was a disease in their potato crops known as blight."
"Words, mad Ireland, hurt you into poetry."
"It's a lovely sunny day here in Ireland, it's nice and bright."
"Newgrange is the home of the Dagda, a group of supernatural beings that once called ancient Ireland home."
"These people who led the Easter Rising were seen as martyrs for the cause of Irish nationalism."
"Wanna say Aloha nui, big Aloha to Crowley in Ireland, shout out to the Emerald Isle."
"Let's start with a couple of crucial items for Ireland, a good raincoat and a good pair of waterproof boots."
"What really makes truly and really Irish golf in general is the Irish are just such wonderful, fun-loving people."
"Smells like a walk through the Irish countryside, green, fresh, awesome, that's this scent."
"We're in Ireland with our friends, and it's safe to say we're going to have a good time."
"You're coming back from Ireland wanting to go back to Ireland, and I think that just says it all about the place."
"Leap Castle is known in the country as home to several murders and bloody rampages."
"I am convinced there's just no better place on earth when Ireland is sunny."
"Not for 160 years has Ireland experienced a massive drought and heat wave like the one that's going on right now."
"The Irish crown jewels... disappeared in 1907."
"What a victory that is by Ireland, outstanding work, they'll be so pleased with this."
"Brilliant, absolutely brilliant, impressive performance from Ireland."
"But fear not, for there exists a wonderful realm where medieval kings can be trained, and its name is Ireland."
"With its small independent realms and cut off from larger predators by the Irish Sea and the North Atlantic, Ireland has long been seen as a training ground for new Crusader Kings players."
"Many of these High Kings were just of legend, but throughout the Middle Ages, there were numerous rulers who were formally declared High Kings of Ireland on the ceremonial Hill of Tara."
"The Celts who had come to the island during the Iron Age had blended with the indigenous population to form the Gaelic culture still associated with Ireland today."
"Ultimately, we think that the separate but non-hostile character of the Irish church adds a very interesting and historically informed dynamic to the British Isles in CK3."
"Joyce had a somewhat contested relationship with his home country... he dearly loved Ireland's people and its culture."
"For many Irish, 1917 to 1921 are the four glorious years when a small band of revolutionaries took on the might of the British Empire and won."
"The leadership of Óglaigh na hÉireann has formally ordered an end to the armed campaign."
"Good morning from Northern Ireland."