
Pivotal Moment Quotes

There are 616 quotes

"It's now or never, this could be Ian Jackson's last four minutes of his OT career."
"It is time. Judgment has come, Norman McKay. The hour tolls. Our entire journey has brought us to this moment."
"2023 is a hinge of fate, folks. This is it, this is the moment."
"Rebecca Nurse's execution was honestly a pivotal moment in these trials."
"But it took a few years until it had its tipping point."
"In 1973, the founder of FedEx, Fred Smith, was facing bankruptcy. So he bet the last $5,000 the company had on blackjack and he won, keeping the doors open and paving the way to an $85 billion empire."
"You can see from the moment the dweller of darkness escapes through the gate, Wenwu finally realizes he was wrong."
"2022 was indeed pivotal, teetering on the brink of a global collapse."
"If we hit a Sleep Powder here, I think this game is just big over."
"This is a new item that just came out, the lechon kawali. They're bringing out new items that you don't see originally the first time around."
"Arlong was the moment where One Piece becomes One Piece."
"This is the turning point for Star Wars for sure, end game setup is real and I'm so hyped."
"Things are much more packed here... turning point for the protests."
"Cubic, you live for that moment, the game depends on you."
"Imagine trying to make a life-changing catch in the middle of complete chaos."
"That's like a make-your-whole-career moment."
"Feel better? You wonder if this game will be kind of a flashpoint moment for the Eagles where they start to figure it out."
"It was a brief exchange but little did they know that it would be a pivotal moment in their tumultuous relationship," Nas said.
"16's most important moment in the series as the character who gave Gohan a speech trying to get the boy to understand that even if he does not want to fight in this case he must fight in order to protect the world."
"This burst of encouragement from the woman he loves and with a new Fierce will to survive sends him into one of the best scripted trance moments in the game."
"This may be one of the turning points for Bitcoin. The network is getting much stronger."
"The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher came to me."
"America is at an inflection point, one of those moments that determine the shape of everything that's to come."
"Could this be a pivotal moment for Manchester United? Could this give them a bit more impetus and a bit more confidence to grab games by the scruff of the neck?"
"2024 is the year of truth. I genuinely believe that 2024 is the straw that broke the camel's back."
"It was not merely an incident of false blame, it was a turning point in Ahsoka Tano's life."
"Ahsoka Tano's departure from the Jedi order was not a mere narrative twist but a pivotal moment."
"I feel like this will change V tubing forever, this is probably one of the most cataclysmic moments in V tubing history."
"That might have been his turning point to leave though, probably."
"Cursed Child, they deal directly with that moment."
"This was kind of the moment I went, 'These two gonna be all right.'"
"Jesus experienced one of his most lonely moments."
"Tony's announcement 'I am Iron Man' sets up the entire MCU and the incredible 23 films in the Infinity Saga."
"Jane's death marks the end of Walt's mild-mannered life."
"This is where things kick up into high gear right now."
"This week is really gonna be a transitional point, a pivotal point in life starting to be easier for you in a big way."
"For many former Democrats, the mostly peaceful protests were the pivotal moment."
"Humanity is about to fight the most important battle in history, one that will lead to our victory or to our extinction. God bless you and God bless the United States of America."
"With your help, this moment will be a turning point in American history that will be remembered and celebrated for generations to come."
"This is an enormously pivotal moment in the history of this conflict."
"That right there is the first moment we've seen a little bit of pressure on Sora, with the exception of his first dropping."
"This is it boys, this is the moment gentlemen I need you to hype me up right now."
"This was just such a momentum shift, unbelievable stuff from him."
"Everything I worked for as a Pokemon trainer was leading to this moment."
"Master Chief and Cortana attempt to warn the Infinity of the dangers but instead encounter the Didact's jail cell, releasing the ancient [__] and giving Halo 4 its main antagonist."
"This is a decisive moment in our country and in our future."
"This is your moment. Are you right with God?"
"Vader acknowledged that Obi-Wan didn't kill Anakin; he did it himself."
"If the Rock didn't turn heel and join the nation, who knows what his career would have panned out."
"Brooks Lennon scores the goal that takes Birmingham United to the Premier League against all the odds."
"It's a watershed moment in United States history."
"If the Eighth Army was defeated, the Second World War was lost."
"I trust Rosie now more than I trust you, okay? You three, me too."
"Jesus, there are people like this at the altar, they're scarred, they're broken, they're bleeding, and it looks like it'll be the end of, but Jesus, that same power that raised you from the dead is sitting at 6:14 not celebrating."
"This week is going to lead towards a massive, huge, and ever so significant tipping point."
"The West has a kind of interesting moment right now... we can choose which way we want to go."
"Wonder Woman got herself right, it's the turning point for the DC EU."
"We're talking about the ability to really, the way I look at it, and I mean this sincerely and I've said it last night in a more casual way, we are at an inflection point," he said.
"Now is a decisive moment in the life of our planet and all of humanity."
"We are in a pivotal moment in American history."
"For all Squidward's torture, all his suffering, bitterness, and failure, this was truly his most golden, glorious moment."
"The scene was set up well, and you get that feeling that this is a point of no return."
"You need to recognize this is a pivotal moment for AMC and it's a pivotal moment for the movement."
"We're at an inflection point in world history."
"This is the moment he wins the title and everything comes true."
"It all comes down to this moment-- the fighting, the drama, everything. This is my moment."
"This moment of Amity standing up to her mother was huge for her character."
"That final expression, that we got of Kaido this chapter, that was probably the most important piece of this chapter."
"Everyone has a decision to make. We are at a dividing point."
"These systems could prove highly effective in helping Ukraine during a time that is a pivotal moment in the fight."
"We're at an incredible turning point right now."
"From the day you were born, your entire life has been leading to this moment. Now it's finally here."
"Just as he's ready to give up with the village the little child from earlier comes out from the crowd."
"We are at a pivot point and everything ends and starts with this week."
"We're at an inflection point in this country... the decisions we're about to make can change literally change the trajectory of our nation for years and possibly decades to come."
"With one strike of the ball, Justin delivered a new era."
"This is Aaron Rodgers last dance so let's go."
"David realizes that this is his opportunity."
"America is at an inflection point... Moments that determine the shape of everything that's to come after."
"November 2022 is going to be an absolutely mind-blowing time for you, everything that was happening in your life so far was preparing you for this moment."
"Bakugo blows up both of All for One's arms and saves All Might, changing the future."
"We are at some pivotal moment in all of time of this planet."
"This could be a major turning point for the change of the ages."
"That's the moment where it's like if you hadn't realized now we're just going to break the dam."
"The egg swallow was the moment that spelled Griffith's downfall."
"Las Vegas potentially saves their season with a crucial win."
"This is a watershed moment for justice and democracy in America."
"Andrew turned serious and stared at Samantha, he kissed her."
"Forest, we might end the nightmare right here, dude that's huge."
"This feels like one of those pivotal points in the game."
"This is going to be the month that defines the future of how these issues are seen in America."
"With the discovery of Helen Bailey's body, the game was up for Ian Stewart."
"What was that moment? It was really a jump off the cliff moment."
"This could be one of the most important moments in American history."
"A big decision is coming, a breakthrough moment."
"Certainly, vandasar in the recent Manchester derby with his penalty save, that was a turning point in the title race."
"If Arsenal were to go up there and get a result today, it'd be absolutely incredible, be a turning point for Arsenal."
"This is probably Jenny's definitive moment of becoming a hero."
"We are on the brink of sharing our knowledge, our aesthetic, and our way of seeing the universe. This is an important moment."
"This is my moment, this is what's going to define myself."
"We're at an existential moment in which we're at this fork in the road."
"A seminal race in many ways for Formula One in the United States."
"That was truly the moment that she became who she was."
"Wanda, in an attempt to prevent Thanos from getting the mind stone, destroyed it while on Vision’s forehead, ultimately killing him in the process."
"I finally have my chance. I can't perish now. Dark one, I ask that you grant my wish."
"This decision will determine if you win or lose this game."
"This is Sue's chance to break his curse, this is Rogue's moment to rise."
"I miss my dad like like [ __ ] but but I think that that was uh you know a turning point for me."
"You've just hit a turning point in our decision tree."
"Square Enix finds itself at a crucial crossroads."
"We think a Netflix, Facebook kind of moment."
"This is a watershed moment for the country, it really is for the first time."
"If that punter gets that punt away, I think the Browns win. I mean, with the flowing hair, you can't be the punter with the flowing hair."
"That's potentially a really explosive moment."
"This was the moment I realized that I now held the entire universe's fate in my hands."
"He pulls up her mask and kisses her before taking on his alternate form."
"This is a serious moment for our nation. We're at one of those inflection points in our history."
"It's a pivotal moment in the ongoing debate surrounding gun rights and regulations."
"This could be a turning point in Bray Wyatt's career."
"Are you starting to believe that this could be the moment that you step up and take that international title?"
"The tide changes for me... was when George Floyd's murderer got arrested."
"You guys, Megan just took out Chucky's daughter, this is the end."
"The left controls everything but there's one thing that's still up for grabs and you're sitting right in it which is the church this is going to be the church's finest moment it will be."
"This relationship cannot be sustainable unless it goes through this tower moment, there's a tower moment happening in your relationship currently."
"This is the key point in the game where you could basically just start chilling."
"World-class footballer, world-class moment! When you need someone to just give you that confidence to put it to bed, he's done it so many times before."
"This is the most important time in our lives, I promise you that."
"This is perhaps the most savage move of the entire game."
"Tien's last moment with his mother drove him to unlock his true potential."
"The luckiest moment of our entire playthrough."
"Key moment of the game is there any other choice Scott Norwood's missed 47-yard field goals time time expired was the difference between buffalo winning a ring and not winning one."
"The fight against Kaguya was genuinely a very cool moment."
"This is where Tower of God really shows its true colors... everything else was pretty much a prologue."
"Press your run button. That's dude. This changes everything. This changes everything."
"There's so much to think through here, this is really a game-changing moment."
"This is one of those inflection points in history."
"We stand at the crossroads of a shift in historic proportions."
"We are standing at a pivotal moment in American history."
"Could this be a watershed moment for Chelsea Football Club?"
"Stanford selling out is the turning of the oil tanker because it showed that one woman had the courage to stand firm."
"Finally found his Mark when it penetrated the core of the water Golem."
"This is a Moment of Truth for American journalism."
"This is the moment where the shift in society will happen."
"I believe that this is going to be a breaking moment, that there is going to be a great revival going on there."
"The turning point for the match was undoubtedly that partnership."
"May you have an amazing August, this is such an extraordinary turning point."
"August is a pivotal turning point, a really exciting month."
"A real cutscene about when Gabriel decided to become Hawk moth."
"This week is going to be the key point. You'll see exactly what I mean."
"He had Maul dead to rights and spared his life."
"That may have legitimately single-handedly changed our fortune right there."
"The last casket, the last casket of the whole thing, could change everything here, come on, please."
"Everything you've done has led to this moment."
"She kicks the ball and as she does so, he blocks it for a moment."
"This could be a day which shapes the future of our club."
"You can just feel it, the whole narrative just changed."
"You are being pushed to the edge of either the most magical moment of your life or everything that has been so unconscious."
"Seven years of Destiny have led to this moment."
"This is a very pivotal moment for the United States and the world."
"If Devin Booker doesn't get in foul trouble, the Phoenix Suns win that basketball game."
"Protecting our liberty comes at a price, but this is a defining moment and this is the cost we are willing to pay."
"Now is absolutely the time, the beginning of the end."
"This is the precipice now, and it's all been for that."
"Fighting for your worth... this is your time to shine."
"It was during this vibrant chapter of Nicole's life that she crossed paths with 25-year-old Ron Goldman."
"My last year... that's when I knew for real."
"This is universally driven and this is a life-changing moment."
"The straw that broke the camel's back would be that Rick abandoned him in a sense."
"This is a major tipping point moment, absolute justice."
"Perhaps one of the most satisfying yet frustrating moments in all of Dragon Ball Z was the exchange between Vegeta and semi-perfect Cell."
"This was one of the most important fights of the entire series since it finally showed us what a battle between strong heroes and villains look like."
"...we're in the right place with the right tools at a very pivotal moment."
"This will be remembered as one of the defining points that really started to change our future Direction."
"...the Manhattan Project, even though it officially began in 1942, there was an important turning point in 1941 that laid the groundwork for the creation of the atomic bomb."
"It's the moment that changes both of your entire lives."
"This is a critical moment, a defining moment."
"It was life-changing. It basically changed the entire direction of my life."
"We wouldn't be here today if one thing went different that day."
"That was really a turning point particularly in the second half."
"Here's where the story really takes a turn."
"After those three plus days we had crossed into something else, things would never be the same, ever."
"It's time for a major turning point."
"It really was one of these hinges of History."
"That was the moment that really changed me."
"It's like a turning point for both characters."
"It was this morning that changed everything, and I mean everything."
"Walter White would have been dead or behind bars within a month if he hadn't walked into my office that day."
"The moment Han touched kylo's face was the moment that would haunt kylo straight up until the moment where he's on the Death Star."
"I have difficulty finding a more consequential 15 minutes in military history anywhere than what happens from 10:25 a.m. for the next 5 10 15 minutes of time."
"One moment that would change Westeros and House Targaryen forever."
"A pivotal moment in his life as he was able to witness firsthand the power that lied within the mixing of musical genres."
"What a shot inbounds still well short of the basket but a huge shot for Paul."
"That moment changed my life forever."
"a pivotal moment in the history of WWE."
"Kevin Durant with perhaps the dagger."
"This was the moment his idea would succeed or fail."
"In a pivotal moment, Ben seemingly sacrifices himself to prevent the destruction of his universe, however, he survives, containing and redirecting the Anarch's energy to defeat Malin."
"This could be a defining moment for every one of us."
"It's just so important this moment for Louisiana."
"So the heart of the story is the five-second moment when they actually made the transformation, when they switched."