
Space Colonization Quotes

There are 279 quotes

"The key test: Do we become a self-sustaining multiplanet civilization while civilization still exists, or don't we?"
"SpaceX was founded with the goal to make life multiplanetary. We are one step closer to making that a reality."
"Elon Musk aims to establish a multi-planet society, expanding human presence beyond Earth."
"If we decide that Kepler 1649c is worthy of becoming Earth 2.0, what would happen next?"
"AI could help colonize the galaxy, creating billions of wonderful lives."
"Turning our species into an interplanetary and interstellar species... will definitely prevent our species from being completely destroyed."
"What really matters is that someday there's a kid living on the moon, there's a kid living in free space, there's a kid living on Mars, who looks back at the Earth and says, 'That's where we came from,' turns their head, looks the other way, and says, 'That's where we're going.'"
"Asteroid mining might one day help our species to colonize the solar system and perhaps even the entire galaxy."
"We need to become a multi-planetary species over a period if we are to survive many centuries."
"In a lot of ways, I'm almost thinking they're terraforming, kind of like the first foray into learning how to build habitats on Mars."
"One of the reasons that Elon is compelling to me is that I buy into the idea that the future of humanity is among the stars."
"StarLink could be key to SpaceX's success and Elon Musk's vision for a colony on Mars."
"Jeff's vision talks about colonies that are million-person colonies in free space, rotating to create artificial gravity, and creating a trillion-person population in space."
"When the first settlement is established on a planet circling a star, a planet circling a star other than our own, and the people who live there, whoever they are, are writing the history of how that came to be, I would like for my work and my career to be a footnote in that book."
"Give me 20 years, and I'll have ignited a high-technology development sector. 50 years, and I'll have people in orbit. 100 years, and my colony ships will be heading for the stars to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation."
"Space colonization will be the ultimate camping trip. It'll test our equipment. It'll test our planning. It'll test us."
"We hold, in principle, the eventual ability to colonize our star system and even terraform some of the worlds present within it."
"Mars will be the first planet we colonize and unlike our previous colonization efforts with often tragic results, Mars appears to be entirely uninhabited except by alien robots we sent there to begin the job of scouting the red planet for when we arrive."
"There are definitely benefits for humanity to get away from being only on earth with literally all our eggs in this one basket."
"Elon Musk is driving for nothing less than the permanent colonization of Mars."
"The moon can be a potential outpost for human exploration."
"The only way for us to inhabit Venus would be to terraform it."
"You could imagine a future colony, filled with breathable air, floating around Venus."
"If a Martian colony can reach a million inhabitants, it’ll be self-sufficient from Earth or any other world."
"A key point then is that extended lifespans could have a massively stabilizing influence on colonies."
"There's multiple bases on Mars and the moon."
"The moon's presence meant a potential source of water and the possibility of creating a base for living on its surface."
"The probable lifespan of civilization is much greater if we are a multi-planet species."
"We want to be on track to become a multi-pass species and a space breaking civilization."
"By 2050, we'll have at LEAST one colony on Mars."
"When we go to Mars and start a new culture, we should bring dogs with us."
"Our goal is to extend Humanity beyond Earth. We didn't even know how to even frame the question correctly."
"Humans will need homes, a habitat, on distant planets."
"You only need that one civilization that can expand and likes to do so to swarm the whole galaxy over, or many galaxies."
"A civilization going up the Kardashev Scale has abandoned planets as a center for life."
"I think all humans will move to another planet eventually."
"Despite all the major technological challenges, most of humanity believes we need to find a second home in our solar system."
"Titan could be the best place for human colonization. It's a remarkably Earth-like world that has a thick atmosphere about four times as thick as Earth's."
"If we do not become multiplanetary, annihilation of all life on Earth is a certainty."
"Becoming multiplanetary is almost inevitable unless we destroy ourselves."
"You expand and colonize new planets, build space stations, research new weapons, and build a fleet of warring vessels."
"I have no doubt that there will be people living on other planets obviously within a hundred years."
"Powers good, oxygen good, water is still fine."
"Work smart, not hard. Same principle applies even on a different planet."
"It would make a lot of sense to spread ourselves elsewhere."
"Having played it now... the concept kind of sells itself."
"Colonizing Mars and dominating space might be the next economic and geopolitical frontier for humankind."
"If we operate with extreme urgency... we have a chance of making life multi-planetary."
"We're definitely planning for a new life on Mars and we're putting a lot of money into it."
"Elon Musk Spends His Billions: Selling Properties to Invest in Mars Colonization."
"Eventually colonizing other planets is probably going to happen."
"Space colonization should be a matter of national security."
"As Earth faces environmental and existential challenges, the idea of expanding to other planets offers a potential lifeline for humanity's future."
"Axiom station is going to allow Humanity to be a multi-planet species."
"It’s not likely to ever be the most economical approach to building space habitats, truth be told none of the continent-class one’s like the McKendree or Bishop or smaller Topopolises probably ever will be, but they are doable under known science."
"We're terraforming the moon out here, straight up!"
"We're going back to the moon now not as a series of isolated missions but to build a community on and around the Moon capable of proving how to live on other worlds."
"They have a lot of advanced stuff now, still plenty of space for the biotrophies. Fantastic!"
"Or, if you will, one decade we’re humans living on Earth as we are now, the next we’re uploaded post-humans in android bodies colonizing the galaxy that can no longer be defined as homo sapiens."
"We cannot haul all the food we'll ever eat to Mars."
"Elon Musk's vision: making life multi-planetary."
"Making life multi-planetary: a massive achievement."
"At some point you're going to have lots of people living and working in space."
"I think we should become a multi-planet civilization while that window is open."
"We must make life sustainably multiplanetary."
"Surely if we want to thrive on Mars – to turn it into our second home – these settlers, or their descendants, will need to be able open the airlocks, shed their spacesuits, and step out onto a survivable surface."
"The future should be exciting and inspiring, like becoming a space-bearing civilization."
"I occasionally call this the Terran Ring as I envision one possible path for our expansion being a planet swarm around Earth forming a gemstone with the band as a big ring around the Sun."
"We’ve spent a lot of time talking about getting off Earth and colonizing new worlds."
"We will succeed in our goal of turning Mars into a habitable paradise."
"What can I do as a normal person to help make humans a multi-planetary species?"
"We are well on our way to establishing our place in the Galactic community."
"For the first time, a human has been born on Mars. It's truly a unique miracle."
"I'm optimistic... We'll be interplanetary for sure."
"A single Dyson Sphere contains as much living space as all of those planets combined."
"A McKendree cylinder is a continent-class megastructure that could comfortably house a billion people."
"Lava tubes on the Moon could provide natural, safe, and stable environments for future human explorers and settlers, reducing the need for extensive and heavy construction materials and offering protection from the harsh lunar environment."
"They’re safe places we could build settlements from which might hatch our wider dreams of space, but are they places people would want to live and raise a family?"
"For humans to survive I believe we must have the preparations in place within 100 years" - Stephen Hawking advocates for space colonization.
"Pluto in Aquarius generation, they'll be the generation that starts truly living on Mars in communities."
"A self-sustaining city on Mars ensures the continuation of life of all species." - Elon Musk
"The dream of having biospheres on other worlds such as Mars vanished."
"In many ways, mining on Mars is probably the most cost-effective and most vital of the potential ideas that we've talked about."
"In the future we'll be able to fly over to our colonies on Mars in just 10 minutes."
"I think a first pick, quite honestly, is going to be expansion because new colonies start off with one different population, pretty strong."
"When we colonize Mars and we're trading with aliens, we're going to be trading Bitcoin."
"Our primary goal is to enable people to live on other planets."
"So it isn’t that you’d expect people to adapt to lower gravity so much as they adapt to changing gravity and likely as much as they can safely tolerate."
"Either we are a multi-planet species or a single planet species."
"Humanity will have a base on the moon and a city on Mars in our lifetimes."
"I want him to have the resources at his disposal that he needs to make us a multiplanetary species."
"Eventually, we'll go to the moon to stay and live just like everywhere else."
"Our long-term mission is to make humanity multi-planetary."
"Think about this on Mars when we colonize Mars which I think is a given what currency would they use? Well they use the US dollar and monitor fed broadcasts? I don't think so. I think they'll use Bitcoin."
"Elon Musk's secret master plan appears quite simple: accumulate a colossal amount of resources doing good on Earth and then deploy that capital to help back up humanity by colonizing Mars."
"The journey is imperative. I don't think the human race... Will Survive the next Thousand Years unless we spread into space."
"We've done it! We have a breathable atmosphere. No way, that means people can actually live here!"
"I still think that we should try to extend life beyond Earth and have a base on Mars."
"Between over-consumption of resources and the amount of damage we are doing to the environment, sending humans to another planet might be an inevitability."
"Without expanding to a new planet, it is not a question of what we do, it's a question of what we are."
"Do you think giant rotating space colonies are feasible engineering wise?"
"The only way that we can protect ourselves is to move our civilization and our species to a self-sustaining colony someplace else."
"Nonprofit groups plans permanent Mars colony."
"The importance of decentralization in space-faring. If Bitcoin is a protocol, how does it work if you're multi-planetary?"
"Being a multi-planet species is important for the long-term survival of humanity."
"We must colonize another planet to stay risks annihilation. It could be an asteroid hitting the earth, it could be a new virus, climate change, nuclear war, artificial intelligence gone rogue."
"A permanent human settlement in space... a very impressive science demonstration."
"The human race shouldn't have all its eggs in one basket or on one planet."
"I don't think we're stable enough as a species to achieve space colonization."
"Extending humanity to a multi-planetary existence really starts to feel like something that we can accomplish in this generation."
"Welcome everybody, terraformed Mars, wow guy."
"I hope I'm alive to be able to live on the moon one day."
"For the first time, we're in reach of becoming multi-planetary."
"If humanity will be a multi-planet species, if we get cost per ton to orbit to a point where we can afford to become a space race civilization and a multiplanar species." - Elon Musk
"How do we make Mars into a real second home?"
"It's mankind's destiny to colonize other planets. We must not fail in this challenge."
"There are more and more people coming around to the point of view that a positive future for humanity requires human expansion into space."
"Will humans take tribal warfare with them out into the cosmos?" - Linda Moulton Howe
"I believe it's possible to create a self-sustaining civilization on Mars."
"Venus is the most logical target for Terraforming first, not Mars, and truth be told the only one where it really makes sense to even try."
"To speed cooling we have the option of using great big convective towers on the planet, or hanging them down off orbital rings."
"Presto, you now have a perfect candidate world for terraforming and in this case all you’ve got to do is drop in the bacteria and slowly introduce more complex life and colonists as the world finishes settling into its new setup."
"If one cares about life on Earth at all, we should care about becoming a multiplanetary species."
"The next major change in human height may occur when our species starts living in space or on other planets."
"Eventually we will live off the land at Mars."
"If we colonize space, Earth would unify eventually."
"We just want to be left alone so we can make a big ass Dyson sphere and all go live on it in peace and prosperity."
"These people existed for the sole purpose of constructing a generation ship."
"If we don't bring them to Mars, then they will just for sure all die when the sun expands anyway."
"Life on Mars means colonists will never again feel what it's like to see a sunset without a layer of glass and a suit as protection from the Martian elements."
"Fraser, you have just named my O'Neill cylinder: Space Arizona."
"Personally, I think there’s a good chance that some Martian human will be the one to come up with practical terraforming solutions."
"Terraform Mars is likely to be a matter of balancing three interlaced systems."
"By the way, Elon, once we get to Mars or once humans colonize Mars... where does that put us in reference to the great filter?"
"God bless you and remember never hold your peace."
"Humans moving to inhabit two planets he thinks is vital because he expects there will be one or more extinction events on Earth."
"Musk is genuinely serious about settling on Mars."
"If we were to look for a new home after living on a moon of Jupiter, Venus would be a relatively good option."
"I see humanity living off world... I see thousands of people living in space."
"The solar system can easily support a trillion humans."
"The colony of Elysium has been established in the Sirius system."
"We better find out quickly, or we’re all going to be in deep, cosmic trouble!"
"Megastructures allow vastly more variety than planets would."
"Mars settlers are going to be living a very different existence from those of us here on Earth."
"Humanity will survive into the future and we will survive for long enough to colonize the universe and the galaxy."
"Then Humanity, with some nudging, moved to the stars."
"Space habitats seem to have a huge amount of benefits compared to planetary colonies."
"The entire solar system is being inhabited by humans."
"...having settlements on the moon going to Mars going to the moons of Mars whatever that all happens when you get to lower cost launch as opposed to putting everything on a big giant rocket which is what Apollo did."
"In the near future, sea levels rise because of rapid climate change, and humanity decides to move to space."
"Expansion is good and I think we will expand outwards because there's not much room left on this planet to expand."
"Our ultimate goal is to establish habitable environments on other worlds, paving the way for peaceful colonies and cooperation with alien species like yourselves."
"Colonizing Mars will require a special breed of people with missions that could last more than 2 years."
"It's probably somewhere between 40 to 100 years to achieve a fully self-sustaining civilization on Mars."
"Many notions folks have about space colonization are from science fiction and some of these don’t really hold up to scrutiny very well."
"In the future we will need to create Earth-like environments on hostile, barren worlds, so we can grow food, plants, and animals at those outposts."
"Colonizing other planets would get much easier."
"Earth will eventually become uninhabitable again but not necessarily so if we develop Technologies to literally move Earth or move somewhere else."
"So each time we do this, we add another hab to the base. And before you know it, we've got the beginning of the first human settlement on a new world."
"Humanity may have completed eight of these steps, but the likelihood of successfully navigating the ninth, which involves space colonization, is uncertain and may represent the fatal challenge that could lead to our extinction."
"We have often contemplated settling moons of gas giants though, see colonizing Jupiter for more discussion, and in many cases these mini-solar systems will be preferable colonization targets so long as you’re not focused on having a planet with classic open air and skies."
"So there’s just no reason to go out and colonize space. Not even to escape from entropy, since there should always be some other reality with less entropy or even the ability to run a heat engine through a gateway to lower entropy here and raise it there."
"Finally, the human being would be taking the first steps in the right direction to become a space colonizing species."
"Humanity would have a second home, we would be able to add its resources to our own, and we would learn valuable techniques that could help prevent cataclysmic change here on Earth."
"So today we’ll be taking a look at life as a Space Colonist."
"You could build an entire major spacefaring nation out of that comet alone."
"Is it conceivable that we could settle there in the future? Or are these just science fiction fantasy on moons makes sense? Yes, but the moons would have to be at least as large as Earth's moon."
"I think it's the ultimate goal of the human race in my opinion is to better our lives on Earth, protect the planet and then spread life beyond Earth."
"What is the bare minimum number of people for a Mars colony?"
"What if we take Venus, one of the most hostile and deadly places in the solar system, and turn it into a colony? Not by building lofty Cloud cities, but by creating a proper second Earth."
"It generally makes more sense to make orbital space habitats dedicated as nature preserves than to convert all of Earth into one."
"For purists who hate bioforming, there’s always O’Neill Cylinders and those can be made continent sized if need be."
"Do you dream of the day when us humans colonize another planet like Mars?"
"It's obvious that human expansion into space will be the biggest commercial opportunity since Columbus discovered a new world."
"Wouldn't that be fire to go live on the moon?"
"Interplanetary internet available with the first Martian colonies... expected within 15 years."
"It's fun to think about humanity settling the galaxy."
"Why don't the mutants just go somewhere else? Why don't we terraform Mars and essentially create an entirely brand new ecosystem on a dead planet and call it our home?"
"These colony ships of the generation ship variety will generally develop pretty complex civilizations onboard even before they actually arrive and found a colony."
"It is very likely we could send colony ships out at half of light speed or better."
"Assuming we avoid all of the great filter threats, it's the year 2100. How far do you anticipate humanity will spread across the Solar System?"
"We think it is the future of humanity in lunar space."
"We can seriously contemplate some structure 40,000 miles tall and 10 miles wide, with 20 million floors, each of 100 square miles, which is itself a space 10 times larger than all of Earth, land and sea, and home to 56 Trillion people."
"If the worst ever were to happen on Earth and get wiped out here, it's almost like you've got a backup file on Mars."
"If you are born on the moon in one-sixth G, you can never stand up on the earth."
"The company was founded by Elon Musk with the main purpose of developing affordable space vehicles and enabling Mars colonization in the future."
"We would essentially have a fully functioning Martian infrastructure."
"Elon's ultimate goal with the Starship program is to eventually move 1 million tons of cargo from the Earth to Mars."
"He expressed his dream of colonizing space, building hotels, and essentially evacuating the earth as to preserve it."
"With human colonies spread light-years apart throughout the galaxy, our species will become extremely resilient to all known forms of existential threat."
"Humans have successfully colonized Mars and the moon."
"Our only long-term survival option is the colonization of other planets."
"The Expanse has one of the most diverse casts on television, which makes sense because humanity is colonizing the solar system, not just white men."
"In less than a week, we've placed a base on the furthest planet in the solar system."
"Visiting and colonizing Mars is really about exporting Earth's biosphere."
"Mars can offer another home if something catastrophic were to happen to the Earth."
"There's no physics reason preventing us from inhabiting Mars... there's no reason why we can't eventually be on Mars."
"Humanity will have a presence on Mars."
"Making life a multi-planetary species."
"Just like a ship can float on the top of the water, we could build colonies that would just float on the top of Venus's atmosphere."