
Visual Experience Quotes

There are 239 quotes

"It's insanely beautiful, the gorgeous use of lights immediately had me smitten."
"It's a visual, emotional experience that is just -- you have to experience it to understand."
"We have just come to the front of Main Street where you can see the beautiful castle all lit up for the 50th anniversary."
"The driver's eye or helmet cam footage that we are able to record in this rig is pretty mind-blowing."
"Roblox looks like it's a rainbow all of a sudden."
"It's increasingly normal that we get views all the way down and I am so here for it."
"The battles are a sight to behold, but I want to start with the campaign map."
"The ships themselves glimpses of the world we see through the cockpit Windows all this looks pleasingly real."
"Wow, look at this! This is great! I love how the distance visibility changes."
"It's a beast watching HDR movies like this, the picture is incredible and the sound is incredible."
"20,000 nits should feel like you're actually looking at a light, not just a picture of it."
"Metro Exodus is fully driven by their ray tracing and I don't know there's like a lot of scenes where I was playing the game and I was playing it primarily with ray tracing on I was thinking well this looks really great natural."
"OLED panels are self-illuminating, giving panel uniformity and true-to-life contrast."
"Absolute black on OLED makes a difference, especially in low-light sequences."
"Up here you can see so many more stars than you can see on the ground." - Victor Glover
"When you hover, it's going to work. Beauty. Beautiful."
"Flying external is gorgeous, you can really appreciate the beauty of the game a lot more."
"You may not be able to get the black levels of OLED - nowhere close, to be honest - but you absolutely can get a very big, bright picture."
"CRT fans tend to be very fond of scanlines and many consider them an integral part of the retro gaming experience."
"Watching it at 60 frames per second in 4k blew my hat clean off and I wasn't even wearing a hat."
"This high resolution display excellent color balance and vibrancy."
"I absolutely adore the sense of scale... you see something in the distance."
"It produces the most incredible image quality possible, a real treat for the eyes."
"The colors are so vivid... I've never seen anything like it before."
"Art needs to be at eye level. If you're a standard height person and you're standing up, you want to see the middle of the painting at eye level."
"I will never forget the way this looks; it haunts me."
"Very vibrant, very bright display that is really cool for watching videos on."
"I don't think the film is strong enough to compete for Best Picture but it has a shot at being in the same lane as Mad Max Fury Road."
"Star Citizen's technology and the marvel of building a universe from the ground up, creating an incredible visual experience."
"So overall, the X90J is a better TV for movies because of the better contrast, local dimming, and black uniformity."
"It was really awesome to be able to see Atraks in motion as an Exo."
"When it comes to the viewing experience, both these phones offer phenomenal displays."
"I do want to see it in person because I have heard some people say that it's just stunning in real life."
"It is a 6.7 inch OLED display that will have your peepers cream in if peepers are actually capable of creaming that is."
"Memento isn't the most emotional thing to watch... it's an endlessly fascinating film to watch unfold."
"It blends Nolan's best traits into one which are his ability to tell stories cinematically in a unique way and his way of creating a visually immersive experience."
"It's wild to see this all in 3D, it's actually very wild."
"Imagine like you're looking at a 2D screen regularly, now it's in 3D."
"The game isn't designed around first person so sometimes when we do go to first person it doesn't actually look as good as it does from third person because the game isn't designed to be seen that way."
"Seeing lights and geometric shapes When You Close Your Eyes reflects not just a change in visual perception but an invitation to explore the depths of your own existence."
"New York looks like a movie from this penthouse."
"I think you know you guys are one of the few companies [...] the good part is those kinds of visual experiences are definitely happening."
"Given the vast increase in potential performance that's on offer there as well as different display formats, ultrawide would look great in something like Ghost of Tsushima."
"You simply can't believe what you're looking at."
"What a joy and what a surprise when I opened up my eyes and see an indie city past me."
"I don't think the TV coverage that we see conveys the speed that car travels at. It's phenomenal, and you do get it from a lot of the onboard shots."
"The lack of camera freedom was done on purpose so that you couldn't easily take in the plethora of graphics issues all around you."
"That screen is beautiful. It is such a nice screen with the Mini LED and just the contrast ratio and colors, brightness as well." - [SuperSaf]
"The gift of sight is one of the most cherished senses we have, allowing us to observe the vibrant hues of a sunset, the emotional nuances of our loved ones' faces, or the subtle details in our favorite works of art."
"Take a look at the 42-inch lg c2 oled tv. Your eyeballs deserve it."
"This game has a lot of light... I always thought it was like a waddle door behind it."
"Seeing this on a big screen is gonna be beautiful."
"You just never get sick of looking at the arch, like if you have not seen the St. Louis arch in person, just trust me, it is just you just never get sick of just looking at it and like just marveling at the fact that it's just so amazing."
"It's just nice to be able to see more around you."
"Bravo to Ubisoft for an insane draw distance on many of the items and an improved overall graphics model which it doesn't destroy pop in but it does stop a good deal of that flickering that we see in some games when moving slowly"
"I saw these rainbow lights swirling all around me."
"The display it's higher resolution that gap than the Galaxy Nexus it's just beautiful it's more balanced you don't get that extreme color saturation it has fantastic viewing angles it just looks darn good."
"It feels kind of counter-intuitive... if you're cropping less then you're seeing more."
"When I look at this in person every single time, my eyes just start to fly over the surface."
"You will like these and you can see them cooking them up right there on the grill."
"What better way to pass the time than seeing some of those awesome images up on a larger screen?"
"There's something romantic about flying to a new exotic location... you want to look at them outside."
"This display has been great; it offers a fantastic viewing experience, colors really pop, and it's plenty bright."
"AI upscaling is gonna make it a better quality all around so you're gonna get a better visual experience."
"The panoramic glazing gives us a beautiful 360 view from any place inside the cabin."
"This technique adds depth to your design and offers a unique visual experience."
"IMAX newest projectors IMAX with laser are capable of showing images in the 1.43 by 1 square ratio."
"It's visually arresting and completely transports you to India."
"...creates one of the best and unique visual experiences for a song that Adventure Time has ever had..."
"HDR content is more vibrant and closer to what it looks like in real life."
"It's obvious you can get a more than ideal visual experience with either one of these devices."
"I didn't think that I was gonna get so sucked in so fast to the visuals, but also like the song."
"The first thing you notice when turning it on are the vibrant colors and absolute blacks."
"It's like you are literally in this tunnel that's full of lights."
"the most accurate and the best color match what you're seeing on screen"
"Holy fireballs, I hope that came across on the camera for you."
"If you like a nice bright display, then you're definitely going to want to go with the Pro. It gets brighter by a long shot."
"This is so cool. Oh yeah, sorry guys, I feel like the camera isn't doing it justice."
"Streamer fishing is so exciting, it's so visual and it's violent."
"That literally looks like a video game IRL."
"I thought it was a great trip visually. It was gorgeous, it was stunning."
"Seeing the trajectory with the light behind, actually seeing the bullet arc down, was just so cool."
"This is absolutely gorgeous, I wanted to get and show you this close up because you didn't really see it in the video."
"...the innovation lies in the fact that he attempted to project 360 degrees moving images."
"If you could only see what I'm seeing now, it is perfect. The 3D just pops, man!"
"13 hours of Marvel Knights movie magic, it is beamed directly into your eyeball."
"It's hard to capture in a video or photo, but it's really beautiful and classy looking in real life."
"Feast your eyes on the beautiful panorama in front of you."
"It's like a hologram almost, and this is why this is my happy place."
"It's like shimmering in the sunlight."
"It's unbelievable finally getting to see what Dagon is gonna look like shiny."
"The chaos moon is such a fundamentally wrong thing that just looking at it is a profoundly uncomfortable experience."
"I'm excited to play this on the PS4 on my big TV and see how that looks."
"No photograph can ever describe the way it looks; it's really super."
"The colors under here are amazing."
"It's so nice to see a tank not only just under blue but also the kind of True Colors as Cindy Loper would say."
"There's just more depth and texture and contrast at the micro level."
"The overall dynamic range is noticeable and it is significant."
"I saw light like I had never seen in my life. I couldn't even imagine existed."
"When you actually see it, even in the black and white, it's still amazing to see because you're seeing it with your own eyes."
"When you look through it, it's almost like the telescope disappears."
"You get a display with very deep contrast and great color production, resulting in an experience that is quite cinematic in nature."
"This is really a treat for the eyes; I feel like I'm being transported back in time."
"I left the mirror in here on purpose because I have heard that many women like to bring a mirror so they actually can see the birthing experience happen in real time."
"Infinite contrast—that's what we're talking about. OLED is great, period."
"Art is just something for your eyes to look at, right? It's just a change from the norm."
"If you want the most out of a front projection setup in a home theater watching 4K HDR content, you must have something tone mapping."
"Immerse yourself in a visual feast like never before."
"It's like looking through a kaleidoscope and seeing the shapes and colors shifting."
"That looks absolutely gorgeous for you to see."
"This is such a beautiful display; it is really amazing actually to see 4K content on this."
"Gorgeous 14 inch QHD plus display."
"I just want to prove in real time, with no special effects, this is what the aurora looks like with an average little camera recording."
"You would want to hear the music in its highest quality possible; you would want to see the visual in its highest form possible."
"Tonight we embark on an exciting journey of dazzling sights."
"You haven't seen color until you've seen this show."
"Looking up, just looking at the leaves straight above me where I was sitting, just incredible."
"Both of these, the LP1 and the G33, when working in conjunction like this, produce frankly an image that is breathtaking."
"Playing Forza Horizon 5 is stunning and gives a smooth and crystal clear gaming experience with no stuttering or screen tearing."
"Ride Slinky Dog Dash at night... you also get to see Toy Story Land at night, which is really well lit up."
"Immersive viewing experience, vibrant colors, and details of modern design."
"It's just like a scene out of a museum or something; this is really cool to see."
"The mini LED display is definitely the best, giving you the best picture quality out of the bunch."
"It felt like a roller coaster, like all these things like a visual roller coaster."
"I wasn't prepared to be so swept away when the screen gets filled up and it's like some of the best IMAX images you've seen."
"That S 95B is making that red just jump off the screen."
"What an awesome view right here from the skycam, really puts things in perspective."
"Infinite contrast size and infinite contrast makes all the difference in the world."
"It was just like a smorgasbord for your eyes, it was a sight that I'd never seen before on a television."
"Prepare to see colors like you never have before."
"HDR on Witcher is actually pretty phenomenal."
"It's really so subtle, when you're in front of this picture, so subtle in its treatment of these pinks and these grays."
"All you need is clear skies and a tool such as this, and you can visually experience some of the most amazing things you'll ever see in your life."
"It was almost too much, and it was just beautiful, everything was in HD."
"The panoramic format is very close to the way that our eyes see."
"It's like the difference between watching a movie in 720p versus 4K; obviously, the latter gives you a much richer and more immersive experience."
"I was blown away with perfect blacks, no blooming, and great colors."
"The Quest 2 and Pro are about to look quite a bit better in headset."
"For HDR these days, you need to be targeting around 600 nits for that bright, dazzling experience."
"If you've ever stared at an OLED screen, you just kind of get lost at how black the blacks are, that infinite contrast is just amazing."
"If you've never seen fog of war before, you're in for an absolute treat."
"It's giving Game of Thrones; I can't see much, but what I can see, I love it."
"If you are viewing it on a supported display or device, you will be able to appreciate just how high dynamic range can transform images."
"There's something about this kind of lighting, we really get to see the olive dial in action."
"Lens manufacturing and prototyping is often times the difference between making a headset's visual experience okay and spectacular."
"The screen is going to pop much more, it's going to be much brighter."
"The screen does look very good; this 4K display is sharp."
"It was one of the most visually unique basketball experiences I've ever witnessed with my own two eyes."
"It's very much cinematic; it's something that you have to see on the screen."
"A blind man would love to see that right there."
"No matter what resolution, you will get a very nice image."
"The first reaction is like, 'I can see it, it's just amazing'."
"The two most important features of a home theater projector are brightness and contrast."
"Some of the best HDR implementation on a projector that I've seen to date."
"The pixels are so close together on these panels that you get an incredibly pure image."
"This film was shot in IMAX, this is obviously the way that he wants this movie to be seen."
"The field of view on it is one of the best I've ever had."
"I grew up in a generation where I saw it on VHS, standard definition 4x3 for decades. It blew me away revisiting this movie and seeing how beautiful it is."
"You could be fooled into thinking it is a TV screen."
"It's an absolute visual treat, especially if you're watching it in HDR."
"White point I always choose and recommend CIE Illuminance D65 because at 6500 Kelvin, our eyes see the most color at this spectrum."
"I wish the camera really did it justice, but it won't, this literally looks like a computer screen background."
"We walked down to the parade... we could see the balloons coming by."
"Having a nice wide field of view is always good, especially if you're a tactical precision rifle competitor or a long-range hunter."
"This has the best picture I've seen so far."
"The light that makes it through is red, so imagine if you stand on the Moon and you see that the Earth, four times larger than the size of the Sun, with this gorgeous red ring around it."
"This is Beyonce live and in colors that you can see."
"Absolutely insane view all around, you can actually see where we came yesterday."
"The quality was pretty spectacular."
"Colors just come alive, it's like the difference between a really cloudy horrible day and then suddenly the clouds pop and it's beautiful sunlight."
"The display is beautiful, 16 by 10 Quad HD Plus IPS screen with a refresh rate of 165 hertz."
"It's a great, great view of that show."
"I mean to appreciate colors and contrast, to watch video, this is a different level."
"I want to see these amazing things in the highest possible fidelity."
"It's a beautiful bright, sharp display; it's very vibrant colors, very deep blacks."
"Wow, dude, this is probably one of the best colors I've ever seen in person."
"As screens get larger, you need more light output to provide a beautiful image that feels like what you see in a commercial cinema."
"It's an amazing display with amazing brightness, color accuracy, and it just pops."
"Look how just absolutely beautiful."
"Sometimes it's like looking at a huge window, like when there's outdoor scenes and the grass and the light, the HDR is so bright."
"HDR needs to be brighter because we have what's called spectral highlights, things that are brighter than the normal content to give you this higher dynamic range."
"The display is big, bold, colorful, and bright with punchy colors, deep dark blacks, and a viewing experience that I think hits well above its weight."
"It's so cinematic, it is very cinematic."
"You can see the entire spectrum in a rainbow."
"The colors, the brightness, everything was just spot on the money."
"In a simulator, there's no consequences but it gives you great visuals."
"I found them pretty clear and pretty bright."
"Movie mode kind of dims it down, makes everything a bit warmer."
"The crystalling is an incredibly pure to outrageously pure spectacle."
"Being deaf wasn't a barrier towards having a brighter future, it was actually another way of experiencing life: a visual approach to life."
"Colors look flush, vivid, and lively."
"The views are just breathtaking, like literally."
"This is among the very best 4K HDR I have seen on a projector."
"HDR on this projector is really, really good."
"This is the best out of the box 4K HDR image I've ever seen."
"The image is just fantastic out of the box."
"I watched this FPV video that really blew my mind."
"It's so much fun to watch the colors, everything."
"The image you actually see with these glasses is high-definition; it looks like you're looking at a massive TV screen."
"I'm very happy with my purchase. 4K Blu-rays have never looked better, in my opinion."