
BPD Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Borderline personality disorder can respond to all of those different strategies (CBT, DBT, ACT)...DBT has been touted as the main gold standard."
"People with borderline personality disorder are human beings and are just as deserving of healthy relationships and love and stability as anyone else."
"One of the symptom criteria for BPD is intense anger or difficulty controlling anger."
"You're not busted, you're not broken, you're an amazing person... BPD is like your guard dog."
"Borderline personality disorder is one of the most misunderstood and stigmatized disorders out there."
"The core issue in BPD is that the sense of self is distorted or not formed very well."
"People with borderline personality disorder, their experience of life can be incredibly painful."
"The subjective experience of people with BPD is a fear of abandonment... they're really afraid that if they say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing, they'll drive this person away."
"One of the most tragic things that I ever saw was a person who had BPD who was in a relationship with someone who wanted to be in an open relationship, even though it's not what they wanted."
"The key thing here is that you don't really know who you are... you sort of define yourself based on how other people treat you."
"Mood instability is a typical characteristic of Borderline Personality Disorder."
"In borderline, impulsivity is a key feature."
"Borderline exhibits frantic efforts to avoid abandonment."
"BPD is treatable, it is something that you can work on and overcome."
"BPD is easier to understand if you take out the narcissism elements."
"Borderline personality disorder is truly and honestly one of the most complex disorders."
"It's like there's this constantly shifting river flowing inside for those who struggle."
"With quiet borderline, what you often don't see is how much the person is suffering internally."
"The core is going to be the same: the numbness, the sense of emptiness, perhaps identity impulsivity, mood dysregulation, emotional dynamic."
"High highs and low lows... it's very difficult for them to have and stay in a place of more stability and consistency."
"Don't come too close but don't consume me."
"You're the best ever and devaluation you're the worst ever."
"There's something defective about me, unlovable, unworthy inherently, and eventually you will leave me."
"A lot of internalized self-blame and self-esteem issues."
"It's like the pot is being stirred in your emotions and behaviors."
"A massive fear of rejection... deeply sensitive and hyper vigilant."
"A lot of numbing and emptiness... feeling dis-separate from yourself or not know who you are."
"Victims to shame spirals, to feeling like this really deeply directed internalized anger and guilt and badness about the self."
"Everything I just said in some way could also easily be attributed to something like complex trauma."
"It's more like a developmental arrest than immaturity."
"For those with BPD, it's common for them to feel an instant connection to someone else and for that connection to turn to a sense of intense emotional need. Right, that initial spark and they're like, 'Oh forest fire, forest fire, forest fire.'"
"People with BPD first need to learn how to safely deal with their intense feelings. They need to feel safe in the container that is their body."
"After two years, more than 50% of individuals with BPD recover."
"Going over the science part of BPD... has helped me accept my BPD instead of having an ugly internal voice get upset with me for not being normal." - catercakes21
"Good psychiatric management teaches clinicians to keep in mind that the clinical challenges they face involve the expectable symptoms of BPD."
"BPD can make a person feel like everything's unstable, whether it's variations in mood, behavior, relationships, or even thoughts."
"Supporting loved ones with BPD means preparing them for the real world, not protecting them from it."
"Being able to ask for the help you need and cope with the response that you get is something that a person with BPD will benefit from."
"Nessa has been very open about her struggles with her mental health and her diagnosis with BPD."
"...potentially reduce the risk of suicide in people actively thinking about suicide and who have BPD."
"Emotional cascades drive dysregulated behaviors in individuals with BPD."
"People with BPD respond much more intensely to upsetting situations than those without."
"People with BPD who ruminate and experience negative emotions are more likely to engage in dysregulated behaviors."
"People with BPD sometimes like the limelight."
"80 percent of people with BPD are likely to have something else as well."
"Many people with BPD report feeling like there's just a void inside of them."
"Dialectical behavioral therapy has been proven time and again across cultures across context to be highly effective for people who've been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder."
"What is Borderline Personality Disorder? It's also known as Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder."
"Borderline personality disorder is now considered to be very treatable."
"My primary goal, my primary focus, is to get better and recover from my BPD so that I do not hurt anyone else and that I can find happiness in the future."
"I'm committed to recovery for my BPD."
"I'm ready to change my life and finally overcome my BPD, and I'm going to do it."
"A person who suffers with borderline personality disorder has an ongoing pattern of varying moods, their self-image is not very positive, and it's very difficult for them to function in everyday life effectively."