
Facilitation Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"He's been playing good, he's not shooting great right now, but uh, he's been facilitating the offense very well."
"I see Microsoft as one of the biggest facilitators of AI over the long term."
"Difficulty necessitates facilitation...Allah doesn't want difficulty for you; He wants ease."
"My role as a facilitator is to be able to give tools and techniques to be able to help people reach the goals that they want to reach."
"It wasn't that I needed to be there as much as I felt I wanted to be there to facilitate."
"Not quite; if clients do get fixed it's because they've worked on fixing themselves. The therapist's role is to facilitate that process of self-mending."
"If you're trying to do a thing, smoothers help you get to that thing."
"You've been sent to make things easy for people, not to make them hard."
"The money is just to facilitate the things I want to do; it's a means to an end."
"Making it as easy as possible for people to say yes."
"That's how government's supposed to work. We're not supposed to get in the way of the will of the people. We're supposed to enable it and embolden it."
"Just say yes so that the stream can move along. There's literally no reason for you not to say yes."
"These political conversations with Educators 'as facilitators' through consientization or political literacy or de-codification lessons are the vehicle to do it."
"So, I think we have to demand integration and make it possible and push them into it."
"Effective teaching is about facilitating learning, not just lecturing."
"You're the problem... you've been making things too easy for her and this is what you're getting."
"He's just showing up so that the music can happen."
"You were the one helping to facilitate all this activity."
"You wouldn't have the illegal immigration problem if you didn't have a lot of people that were facilitating this in our country."
"That's what we try to do as I get out of the way."
"There is love, there is support, and I see someone or something new kind of coming in to help facilitate that."
"Pass the ball as a DM. It's their world to build, and you're just facilitating it."
"You need people, you need facilitators, you need people who would help you sign the right players."
"The Scrum Master needs to be a facilitator, a guide, a mentor, helping the team have increased involvement and empowerment."
"...a lingua franca is a single language adopted by many people of different languages that facilitates communication."
"Scrum master has to be a servant leader so it is not like i am a specific manager or leader of certain kind and i am doing this with certain way no i am actually facilitating i am guiding i am showing certain direction to the organization."
"The scrum master: a skilled servant leader who facilitates scrum ceremonies and removes impediments."
"Scrum Master ensures the team follows scrum values, principles, and practices, removes blockages that may hamper the progress of the project, and protects the team from being distracted, ensuring the team delivers value during every Sprint."
"Therapists do not cure; they facilitate change."
"You're always helping the team move faster, you unblock people, you document, you get things organized, you make things happen."
"It facilitates creativity and idea generation."
"Very cool feature to have, to make life a little bit easier."
"Make it easy for people to say yes, have it clean, have it move and ready to someone's home."
"My whole purpose is just to facilitate, you know. I actually want to get back to music television."
"Create an environment in a space where whatever needs to happen can happen."
"They are making the potentially complex simple to encourage the free flow of ideas and action."
"It's an absolute no-brainer. That's a healthy number for him. We carried some of the risk and he told us multiple times this was kind of his exit from The Hobby and so we facilitated that."
"Thanks to Tess for facilitating this whole thing."
"I'm going to show you a cool tool we can use to make our job of designing and building our database much easier."
"Scrum master is a servant leader, a facilitator, and a protector of his teams from the outside world."
"That's probably shout out to Adam. Yeah, shout out to Adam for facilitating different things. Adam do be facilitating different things, you know, and calm things down in different ways. So, I respect it for sure."
"All these tools are meant to help you facilitate your vision."
"A scrum Master ensures that the team understands and follows the scrum practices and removes any obstacles that hinder progress."
"The Scrum Master helps teams learn and apply Scrum practices, removes impediments, and ensures the team delivers business value."
"Your community should be the vessel for them achieving that success or outcome."
"Hosting is different from being a sponsor. You're kind of the glue that holds a show together, keeps the momentum going, and you're setting up the comics for success."
"It just reduces that friction significantly."
"It's easier for us to pick up on because we have this now to be able to work off of."
"The producer's job for me is to facilitate, see how it sits in the track, and nurture a song to a place that is best presented to the audience that you imagine you're working for."
"Big thanks to her for facilitating this event and bringing all these couples together."
"This is going to make things a lot easier."
"So we educate, we advocate, we facilitate."
"Once you have a deadline or you are in love, Allah will make it easy for you."
"Design your environment to make taking action easier."
"Be the person who creates the environment for connection."
"We make everything happen here, we make it easy."
"I wanted to really understand Dave's position and I kind of wanted to facilitate a conversation in a responsible way."
"The goal is not to lead the group, the goal is to facilitate."
"Money makes it easier for you to achieve your purpose for living, whatever your purpose is."
"What is an API or application programming interface? In layman's terms, it's a facilitator. It handles requests similarly to a waiter at a restaurant taking orders."
"We're able to facilitate that and handle everything end to end for them and make their lives as painless as possible."
"The pre-created lessons also include an ever expanding list of interactive features to help facilitate active learning."
"Your job as a Scrum Master is to help them understand what's going on."
"It's about lowering the barrier to entry for GCP in terms of data."
"AWS aims to make life easier for Developers."
"If I'm going to ask my children to care about something um that they don't naturally care about then I'm going to do everything I can to set up a system or a way for them to do that thing that makes it as easy as possible for them to follow my rules."
"I'm here to help, that's Spencer's here to facilitate."
"If you don't have a big piece cut out, this makes it a lot easier."
"If you want people to do something, make it easy."
"I just want to make it easier for people to get into it in the first place."
"A culturally responsive classroom belongs to the students with the teachers as facilitators."
"This was a great way to enable the international team."
"This thing makes it so much easier."
"I think everybody will get involved in this kind of knowledge economy creative process. These industries can absorb so much more innovation. The power here is to make things easier."
"You're creating a safe container where people can stretch themselves in a way that they wouldn't have been able to before."
"My biggest role is actually to make things feel fun on the session."
"Instead, the teacher would merely be a facilitator taking a back seat while the child led the educational experience."
"We're gonna make it real easy for you."
"Encounters are to be facilitators of encounters."
"Your notes should just be a way of facilitating the process of learning that's happening in your brain."
"My mama's like a goddess, bro. She facilitated everything."
"They all tell me they love how easy I make it to get together, hang out, and have fun."
"Create an environment where doing the right thing is as easy as possible."
"If you are a teacher, then you are a very good facilitator if you know how to simplify things for the students to understand."
"The facilitator who cares, who prizes, who trusts the learner creates a climate for learning so different from the ordinary classroom that any resemblance is, as they say, purely coincidental."
"This tour, they literally set up people's bank accounts for them in Australia. It's a bit like a phone SIM card."
"...I'm here just to facilitate the process so that you can discover how smart and capable you are."
"My entire job though, I should say is keeping things simple. That's my job, my job is to make people's lives easier, I get paid to do that."
"Effective facilitation is only half the equation; amazing learning experiences start with how they're designed."
"I am done. My race is over. My only role now is to facilitate their win."
"Writing seems to have come into existence in order to facilitate administration."
"If you follow those steps it should make doing this much much easier."
"The tools help you... get to that point."
"Calypso doesn't push them or force them to play together or even play at all, she just gives suggestions and prompts them to take their own actions."
"I think this is going to make this a heck of a lot easier."
"Anything you can do to make it easier to make it more fun, do it."
"Facilitation is one of the most challenging of the communication skills."
"It's not about bringing difficulties, it's about making ease for us."
"Teachers are facilitators, opening the door for students to enter and explore their own learning journeys."
"In Nursing Central, it has made my concept maps so much easier."
"That's the highest calling for me is to be the facilitator of people having their own experience."
"I have the easiest job of anybody today because I get to run this panel like Tom Sawyer painted his fence."
"Our job as educators is to create a context where students can learn."
"I would say instead of trying to prevent them to do that to build space for that to happen."
"All you're doing is filling in the gap in between which becomes a much more easy proposition."
"Nobody makes it easier for you to pass this test."
"How much smoother things go with the whiteboard."
"The girls are not holding back, they're not holding back and we are so grateful and honored to be the curators for these conversations."
"The idea of the show was fall in love and then the show ended. We need to facilitate these relationships and help them stay together."
"I hope this might help create or facilitate some of that conversation."
"We're entertainers, we're going to help facilitate your event."
"...when you have that registered agent set up... it's going to make it really easy for you..."
"Thank you for facilitating this. It's always a pleasure to be on this stage."
"People teach themselves if you create the right conditions for it."
"I'm here to facilitate the success of the unit."
"He makes it very easy to play for."
"The auditor is a facilitator in a controlled self-assessment."
"I want to make this as easy as possible."
"A lot of what I try to do is get out of the way."
"Dependencies are not something that should make your life harder; they should make your life easier."
"It's our job as a rider to make it as easy as possible for the horse to jump the fence."
"It's about who's facilitating and how they're going to keep it fresh when they teach it because if they don't they'll get bored they'll be disinterested and that's going to affect overall learning."
"...it just makes thing will make things a lot easier."
"And maybe I could fool you into talking to each other and I won't have to do any work at all."
"And no matter how great they are, they need your participation, they need your in order to facilitate their will."
"Let's create this environment and facilitate this experience where we can learn ourselves and we can also help other people learn."
"...making things a little bit more navigable, you know?"
"The concept of the business, I think, is brilliant. I love that there are ways for people to start their own businesses and grow and have access to services, things a little bit easier right?"
"You're not the deliverer, but you're facilitating the experience with your voice."
"Imprint training facilitates later training, making it a lot easier."
"Somebody's running drugs and guns into these communities, and Trafficante and people like that are always there to facilitate that and then benefit."
"We're trying to make this easy for anyone to be able to do."
"We wanted to make the experience of getting started and getting your environment ready a lot easier."
"Allah is the controller of time. Allah can make the next five minutes of mine the most blessed for me to make sujud to Allah. Say to yourself, 'Allah is the controller of time,' and allow traffic to be facilitated for me so that I don't rush through this salah."
"Moderators are not art cops, they're hosts and their guides."
"If the word leadership did not exist, what alternative word would you use? 'Facilitator.'"
"You want a facilitator who plans the test and sets the scenario."
"A really big part of what we try to do is reduce that friction for our users as much as possible by understanding what exactly is it that they're trying to get done in the first place."
"Start super simple, have a super easy entry activity that people can get into the board, get them engaging with one another and build their confidence so they're ready to participate in the rest of your meeting."
"Engage at least every five to ten minutes... just make sure you're bringing them into that conversation along the way."
"Facilitate conversation and negotiation."
"We want to get them to realize that it is good to come together to assess their own areas of weaknesses their own areas of strength and for us to facilitate the process of total development."
"He fits to a tee exactly what Pope is looking for from a facilitating perspective."
"Our job is to make those other things easier... so you can focus on reaching your audience."
"You know, technology gets the goods to them, they use technology to produce and manufacture, they use technology to facilitate sale."
"Money is like a middleman, someone who brings buyers and sellers together."
"What if our job all along should have been to facilitate the next stage of our evolution?"
"Make those facilitated, make those easy, make those full of blessing and barakah, oh Allah."
"He's a strictly a facilitator, unbelievable vision."
"If we can understand our role as being a facilitator, then we can understand that anybody has the potential to create impact."
"We are not making it happen, we're just setting it up and allowing it to happen."
"If you don't have a facilitator, you are the facilitator."
"A facilitator's job is to make sure the meeting gets started, flows, and ends successfully."
"It's a place where teachers are facilitators of learning, students use technology to collaborate and communicate."
"Communication processes need to facilitate two-way communication flows."
"The Stripe works as a master merchant and payment facilitator for the third-party sellers."
"You can't design a workshop that's good about a topic, you can only design a workshop that's good for a certain type of person."
"A Democratic leader is a leader who's active when they need to be, who facilitates process among and between members."
"There's a greater responsibility for you as the facilitator to manage the energy and the attention within a workshop."
"I want to communicate something, I want to facilitate something in other people."
"Being a good listener is one of the most critical skills a group facilitator can have."
"Visa's job is to connect the store's bank with your bank and actually facilitate the transfer of money across to complete the transaction."
"Facilitate growth and independence."
"It's all about your use of language to facilitate the needs of others."
"Our goal is to facilitate cooperation, not to dominate."
"Facilitators need to be able to steadily and consistently access and channel light for the benefit of collective trauma integration work."
"We're going to be a midwife of the world's dirty money, we're going to help launder it, we're going to help whitewash it."
"Fair is playing the middleman, they are able to handle all the payments for you."
"Technology should be ideally utilized to facilitate that search for alignment."
"Technology enables relationships."
"Your job as the BA is to come up with the requirements, to document clearly, communicate clearly, facilitate the meetings to uncover dependencies."
"Build them a golden bridge to advance across."
"It's that which makes trade easier."
"I'm making it easy for everyone, that's what I'm trying to do."
"Computers and lasers and specialized armed barcodes are really just part of a long string of technologies that have been built to facilitate commerce and make civilization just a little bit easier."
"Build consensus, be the catalyst that helps make things happen."
"We're hoping to facilitate a discussion."
"Unschooling is an educational philosophy where you as a parent facilitate your child's learning and the development of them as an independent and lifelong learner."
"The role of a leader is not to lead; the role of the leader is to facilitate decision-making."
"That's what tools are all about, right? Making it easier for us to tell the stories."
"Charisma is like a lubricant, it makes everything smooth."
"Those processes of actually engaging with people... have been really facilitated in fantastic ways by the way we can use digital technologies."
"The point of governing is to help things follow their natural course."
"The scrum master is a facilitator, helping the team to work together and focus on the work."
"You did an amazing job, you facilitated so well, you were unbiased."
"He really facilitated what I thought was a beautiful human interaction."
"He was a facilitator of connecting people."
"It's not playmaking; it's table setting, that's facilitating."
"Fred Van Fleet actually makes it easier for everybody to score."
"A believer in potential, a facilitator of learning and self-actualization."
"Teachers are facilitators; we do not dominate the class."
"There's nothing that brings me more joy than to facilitate art."
"The goal of lecturing as part of teaching is to facilitate learning."
"Atlas TI facilitates the analysis because it will not do the analysis for us; there's no magic button in the software that can analyze qualitative data."
"Facilitating experiences for people to learn by doing is a really fantastic way of education."
"Taking part in interaction can facilitate second language development."
"The business does not create the product in itself; its role is to enable interactions around an infrastructure."
"As the government no longer has authority to carry on business without the agreement of the opposition, we shall facilitate any business which requires the agreement of the opposition so that the dissolution can take place at the very earliest opportunity."
"I understand the secret weapon that he had to facilitate all of this amazing activity, these accomplishments, this whirlwind of a life."
"Gain confidence as a facilitator, confidence with the technology, and confidence with your content and event design."