
Painting Quotes

There are 3496 quotes

"He never let a drop hit the floor, and he did all of the edges without using tape. Really high-quality work."
"I dream my painting and then I paint my dream." - Vincent van Gogh
"But first, we need to paint the sky. Look, what color is it? Blue, of course."
"I'm crafty corn, can you help me with my painting?"
"I can just kind of keep all my darks on the tips. I can use the shadows that are already there."
"So that's basically it for this painting. This was super fun; I didn't realize that I would actually really enjoy painting with this style."
"For this one, while the paint is still wet, I'm going to mix burnt umber with yellow ochre together and just spread it around randomly in some spots while the surface is still wet."
"Painting... gives me a satisfying feeling, it makes me feel great about myself and my work."
"One of the best books on painting you could probably ever buy and it's the most articulate books, the most insightful that I've had."
"When painting a metallic surface, remember that it doesn't just reflect light, it also reflects other surfaces."
"The best painters out there understand that."
"I have painted figures, whatever the quality, it is infinitely better than grey plastic."
"Everybody's at their own place on their hobby journey, and if you took the time and you painted your figures, then that's great."
"Never let anybody big-time you, think that they're better than you because they painted better than you."
"If it makes you put your painted ministers on the table, then that's miracle enough for me."
"I wanted to add a little bit more dimension to these pumpkins, so I took a little bit of the original color and added a little bit of white."
"Traditional oil-based paint, just powder non-toxic powder mixed with vegetable oil, produces a non-toxic pigment paint that you have nothing to worry about."
"On the worst days, I can always come back to painting and make it better."
"Layer those colors to create a brighter shade."
"From the painting as I received it really not a painting at all a brown amorphous blob with no colored differentiation no detail no sense of space to a whole nother painting."
"I want him to paint me like one of his French girls."
"Loving Vincent was the world's first fully painted feature film, transforming 65 thousand frames into oil paintings."
"Just wanted to thank you, I used to paint realism paintings and oils."
"Painting is a great exercise to shut off those limiting thoughts and just have fun."
"The most important stage of painting? Form rendering and cast shadow decisions."
"This paint covers extremely well in few coats."
"Value contrast, smaller shapes, and contrasting edges - these are important elements to consider for focal points in your artwork."
"At her core, Goober Town Hobbies is a fun place for painting toys and absolutely..."
"It takes great arrogance to paint a picture like this."
"The paintbrush is the greatest tool ever invented for painting."
"Whenever you go into a painting, you want to consider how much time you want to allocate to it and also how much detail you want in it."
"This is the peel that reveals the finished painting you know that's the A+ peel you gotta love it."
"You don't have to be a trade pro... you can make a business out of paint and you don't have to be the world's most amazing painter."
"In just three years he was to revolutionize painting by producing a work that would make him the most important artist of his generation."
"Bob Ross: known for his distinctive style and serene delivery."
"I've seen some of the paintings he's been posting, it's amazing."
"Paint your life, celebrate the moments that matter the most."
"I love both I've just fell in love with chalk paint so that's just what I've been using for the past couple of years."
"We've got to paint the doors, door hardware, bathroom hardware like towel bars, toilet paper holders, the other towel holders."
"Painting, especially small painting, is hard."
"Opacity and flow... affect how your brush strokes behave."
"You can match any color in the world with oil paint using a simple palette."
"I love this one. It's like a real rainbow, and that's right for someone like me because I really love to paint all sorts of different things."
"I love the vibrancy. It's really fun to see colors that are so vibrant, and they make me excited to paint when I see them in my palette."
"The masters also discovered that earth colors give unity throughout the whole painting."
"There's a tendency to say, 'Oh, this is a nightmare paint.' Stick to the plans and the tips and tricks."
"It's a beautiful and simple painting with gorgeous colors. The nude model made out of red and green stripes perfectly fits the mostly black background."
"Glaze is our friend when you're making shadows."
"In that year, he rediscovered a talent he'd forgotten, painting."
"It's very easy as an art historian to argue that the ghent altarpiece is the single most important painting ever made."
"Professionally painting the interior of your home can result in a 300% return on your investment."
"It's drawing with the brush. There seems to be a real parallel between his sculpture and the way that he uses the clay and manipulates that in the way that he uses a brush as well."
"It's like living art, it's like making cool paint jobs."
"Painting is supposed to be fun, it's work but it shouldn't feel like work."
"I'm so happy with being able to improve with art, especially with gouache."
"I'm really excited. I can't wait to start painting."
"In 1955, an 18-year-old boy from a small industrial town in North Yorkshire sold his first-ever painting."
"Painting for me, in many ways, is about capturing emotion."
"You really do need to just get away once in a while and figure out what you love about painting and why you do what you do."
"Layering lighter, the key to building depth."
"Learning to see in sequence: patience in painting."
"Streaking grime is for me now what dry brushing was for me when I got into the hobby as a kid - the magical thing you can do haphazardly on anything and it makes it look better."
"Happy new year, I love you all and happy painting."
"Stephanie's level four of the painting skill. Good job, Stephanie."
"Rustoleum pro definitely seems like the best all-around paint."
"The more time that you spend painting, the more you come to realize that this is an integral part of the process."
"The important thing is that you got out a brush and you put paint on it in the first place."
"We always try and overlap each section that I do so that we don't miss anything."
"From the first early cave paintings to Modern Art..."
"The soul of a good man is reflected in these paintings. That is what's real."
"You can always return what you don't use, you paint what you know for sure."
"Remember, the paint should not be scratched by your drying process."
"Flower painting is a lot of fun, but you gotta relax."
"Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy... he has plenty of memes about him thin your paints two thin coats etc etc..."
"Kingdom Come looks different than your average comic book, and that's thanks to the artwork by Alex Ross which is painted."
"I believe painting fast comes with experience."
"That's the fun thing about paint is that it doesn't have to be the same, you can change it up over and over again."
"I love it when people tell me that they're starting to paint minis. This is a great hobby, and it's something that anyone can enjoy."
"I highly recommend that you get some handles to help you hold your minis while you paint them. You can use empty bottles or blocks of wood with a bit of double-sided tape or poster putty."
"You still get a really wide range of colors and you can paint pretty much any realistic image."
"Using those simple four colors only, I just made 40 new colors that weren't there before."
"The paintings reveal a secret: when death is face down, when the child is looking up, when the knight looks at the window, and the witch looks at the door, the mirror will reveal the truth."
"If you're ever in a bad mood just remember when Bob Ross puts squirrels in his shirt pocket so they could watch him work in The Joy of Painting."
"Love is being willing to ruin your good painting for the chance at a great one."
"Get your buckets from the paint, it's more efficient anyways."
"When do we decide when a painting is done? It depends..."
"The self-discovery that you get through painting is super shocking."
"Gray is a better starting point for all the other colours we're going to be using on the miniature."
"Just wash and dry your brush and you can release those colors at your own desired amount."
"This allows me to handle him whilst painting him."
"It's just going to give that black more depth."
"I'm just going to make sure that the top of this hill is reading as being illuminated from that sun in through there."
"Doing these kind of mid to dark skin tones are really really fun."
"From all of us here, I'd like to wish you happy painting, god bless."
"When you're painting this method, don't worry about drawing patterns or tracings. Look at what's happening, let your imagination guide you."
"If you want to be a painter, you have to be a great painter or nothing."
"It's as extraordinary and difficult in painting to express joy as it is to express drama."
"Let's enjoy painting our sunset, let's really take this moment in and enjoy it."
"If you've painted with me before, you know without question that we don't make mistakes here, we just have happy accidents."
"Less is more here so I tried to get most of the paint off the sponge before dabbing."
"Paint can honestly solve so many things when it comes to redoing your home especially if you have an older home like I do. It instantly brightens and makes everything feel fresh and new again."
"You'll have instant success, and from all of us here, I'd like to wish you happy painting, god bless, and I'll see you next time."
"Picasso painted the old guitarist on top of another unfinished painting."
"The hobby can also just be about having fun and pushing paint."
"Some of y'all are really enjoying it, and some of y'all just complain even if someone handed you a million dollars."
"Filling those gaps is easy before paint and a little bit more challenging after."
"Like every type of painting, whether it be miniature painting or house painting, the results are very dependent on the prep work."
"From all of us here, I'd like to wish you happy painting and God bless, my friend."
"Painting should make you happy, should be a fun experience."
"I applied three coats in total, knocking down the finish with 320 grit between coats."
"I just went to town painting on coat after coat of white acrylic paint."
"It's classic timeless art done by an actual masterful painter."
"I really like the sculpting a lot on this guy and the paint applications."
"Everybody wants a brush and roller in their hand."
"Imperial Guard in this color scheme doesn't require many paints."
"Dad, I'm on Neopets. Dad, tell the portrait artist to stop trying to paint me."
"Mixing phthalo blue or phthalo green with either blue or yellow gives vivid tones, especially with titanium white."
"I absolutely love painting in gouache. It's just such a homely feeling, if that makes any sense."
"The most fun in painting comes when you kind of get yourself in a jam and you have to figure out how to get back out."
"I just like to paint, I like to look at things and paint."
"Put your Bob Ross on and just paint away you guys. This is so relaxing and so meditative."
"Painting should make you happy, it should really make you happy, there you go."
"I've painted thousands and thousands of paintings and I still get excited when I see it work, it's so fantastic."
"Painting makes me happy, hope it makes you happy too."
"Fan brushes are considered technique brushes."
"This concept of technique brushes, great. You still have to know where the paint goes."
"Layering color like this also greatly increases the depth of the figure."
"I think this axle is almost ready well I would like to paint it so that it doesn't start to rust."
"Try and find a key in your painting early on, a darkest dark or a lightest light, to base your colors and values for the rest of the painting."
"Wash your brushes. That is tip number one, and it is such a GameChanger."
"I make wine and I've been doing oil painting."
"Super fun fuzzy bunnies with surprised faces are the most fun to paint."
"I'm just raising some of the values around some of these brighter spots."
"You can just enjoy your painting experience, and it will show through."
"I paint because I love to, and it's what I've always enjoyed doing."
"It's not a paint day if you don't get it on your pants."
"The first coat of color is laid down, and we start to see perfection."
"This is straight out the gun; it's obviously going to get polished, look at that, what a job."
"I am blown away at that, look at the quality of that paint, that is absolutely incredible."
"I love my Death Guard because of how much it taught me about painting."
"Paint, paint, paint. Cheapest, most cost-effective update for huge ROI."
"One of the biggest secrets to a successful paint job is preparation."
"Doing a second coat would definitely help to smooth out a blend."
"Greetings and welcome, my name is Ryan O'Rourke from Stay Creative Painting."
"Now let's jump into today's 10-minute painting lesson."
"It's always neat, love that about painting though, it's something that can take you somewhere, mentally, to a place or even to a time."
"Now my painting, that's something else, my bid to posterity is my paintings."
"He said he never went a day without painting and through a career spanning six decades, he created over 4,000 canvases."
"I've never seen a painting look quite like this, it's absolutely amazing."
"This painting right here means so much to me. I took my time, I took so much time to paint this."
"I'm excited to share the joy of painting with you."
"Painting Hazard Stripes is some of the most fun you can have while painting."
"We start with blank minis, we take them through a series of painting steps, and hopefully, we end up with finished minis that look nice and make us happy."
"Painting a test model is simply going through the entire process that you'd like your army to look like on one single figure."
"I'm starting to get into chibis, I think they're really really fun to paint."
"You know you enjoy painting, just boil it down to its purest elements."
"The best part of this hobby is painting."
"I'm not gonna be doing it with the airbrush; I'm gonna be doing it very, very subtly with basically thin filters of oil paint."
"He paints portraits of himself and of dogs and he's actually not that bad."
"Painting is the number one thing you can do to improve your home's appeal."
"You just gotta trust the process and throw a few paint buckets at the canvas."
"Their brush strokes have improved a lot, and there's a lot of thought and consideration that goes into making their paintings."
"You can tell that at some point they started getting comfortable with painting, and then knowledge and understanding of lighting and color improved a lot."
"I did not expect cityscapes of all things to be something that I really enjoy painting."
"You're just going to paint as normal, you want to make sure that you use a brush and do long, full strokes."
"This will be a seamless paint job, we won't be able to tell anything's been done."
"I wasn't liking the two-tone finish... so I decided to just do one color over the whole piece."
"Painting is about expression and creating a feeling."
"I'm going to quickly just wash and dry my brush to get that to get the yellow on there."
"I'm going to be doing it in a very loose, carefree, interpretive style of painting."
"...never have a lot of paint on your brush at any one time, you want to be able to have it kind of dry on the fly so you can keep building it as you go."
"It's so easy to just wait the 5-10 minutes, go get a drink, get some food, come back and have a much more pleasurable painting experience."
"Having a good sense of the form and the tilt of the head is going to help you throughout the entire process of painting a portrait."
"At the beginning of your painting, block out the face into just light and shadow."
"Get the hair in early, think of the face and the hair as one."
"Let's get started with the skin tone colors."
"If you feel like you have too much paint on your brush, just kind of wipe it off on your paper towel."
"I'm going to put a little bit of white at the top of this, what would be the part that they walk on, the bottom part of it."
"This is the final step of any painting, which is to sign it."
"I'm going to show you a step-by-step process of painting beginning roses."
"I absolutely love the style of these paintings, the texture just pops off the wall."
"We're working with acrylics; they're incredibly forgiving."
"Take the excess pigment off of our brush because we are going to work some extremely detailed strokes here."
"I'm painting and decorating. I hand-paint extremely expensive hand-fitted kitchens."
"It's really good to paint different types of models because it really helps you grow as a painter."
"Oil paints are incredibly powerful for weathering. They're super forgiving, super easy, and you can do basically anything by just layering on different colors of oil paint."
"The more you paint, the more you learn there's a lot of beauty and subtlety."
"That's the beautiful part about painting, you are in the driver's seat with the creativity and the design elements."
"I'm going to do for the next step is we're going to paint the first layer of the windows."
"I'm always slow in landscapes. I'm not really sure why, not very fast landscape painting. I'm definitely not Bob Ross; he did his in like 20 minutes. I still don't know how that's even possible."
"That's always the biggest goal of painting our subjects, right? It's personifying the atmosphere and building on the feeling that the piece is intended to invoke."
"Just go slow, steady, a little bit of paint at a time, and you'll be fine."
"95% of the paintings that I make are done with just yellow, red, blue, and of course, white."
"Confidence in painting is really something that can elevate a painting, make you paint a lot more, make you paint better."
"I'm going to start with a little bit of brown and black."
"The only thing that really will help you paint better is to relax and just practice putting paint on canvas."
"Getting your colors exactly perfect is not the Holy Grail of painting; it's getting your values right."
"Colors don't have to be perfect because having a little bit of color shift in your painting is not going to hurt at all."
"In fact, it might even help it make it look better."
"Painting thin to thick... I feel like this is very important, especially when you're first starting out."