
Reconnection Quotes

There are 397 quotes

"We finally got to talk almost every day. We were able to finally have a relationship again."
"Reconnection... a connection is reigniting, rekindling, or reviving."
"Things are life-changing and they plug you back into life itself and what's important."
"Tammy Brannan moved from the Woodside apartment complex but she never changed the telephone number that Melissa had memorized by heart, hoping that one day a call might come."
"Past Lives is a simple yet tender and powerful story about what happens when you reconnect with someone who meant the world to you years ago."
"Disconnecting ironically can help you reconnect."
"Sometimes you have to disconnect in order to reconnect to the things that matter most to you."
"And then slowly but surely, God and I got reacquainted again."
"Welcome back, my friend. It's good to have you with us."
"It's like you're trying to be romantic with his wife, goddamn he's trying to reconnect with her."
"Develop strong relationships with family and friends. Rekindle your relationship with your siblings and parents."
"People want to reconnect with their families, reconnect with their friends."
"Come home, let me make you a plate, let's talk. How you've been, what's news?"
"They're crossing that ocean to connect with you again, to be with you again."
"Who's most likely to reconnect with an ex-love this year?"
"People from our past can re-enter our lives at a point when we are both spiritually ready."
"Reconnect with people from the past, but be cautious of potential misunderstandings."
"In the midst of complications, I will not forget that the point of life and living is to love and re-connect."
"This is a great time for you to reconnect with friends, networks, group associations, people that you've known from the past."
"I know we haven't seen each other in a while but you will always be my boy."
"It's quite unusual in terms of people you know coming back when you think that you've dropped them both but actually what looks like a you know accredited distance."
"Reconnecting with somebody who's been out of the picture for a while and having a pretty fantastic time with them."
"Human beings are capable of much more and great things."
"You might hear from friendships from the past you've not heard from for a while and reconnect."
"The recipe for me has been like reconnecting with friends that I wasn't as in touch with like you know how we, I started like a girls group."
"Your person is going to reach out to you and get back in contact with you within the next few weeks."
"You are going to be in touch with your person again."
"It's time to reconnect with people in your life."
"The moment you walk away from somebody is the moment they decide to come back into your life."
"You are reuniting with something that is near and dear to your heart."
"They really miss having you in their life and they're not giving up on resurrecting this connection."
"I think I got reacquainted with you as a creator after me originally seeing the Frances meme when Pokemon go came out."
"It's time to celebrate and reconnect with the important people in your life."
"Encounter with someone from the past, sparking new beginnings."
"There's something about when they kind of reconnect at the end."
"Your person is trying to engage in conversation, they want you back in your life."
"You're going to be successful by the time this person comes back in."
"Reconnecting with old friends, feeling grateful for connections."
"Every reason to believe you two will be reconnecting. It has reconnection written all over it."
"It's time for reconnection to experience a new version."
"Your heart lifting up, people trying to reconnect."
"It's about pushing through obstacles to revisit this connection, it's not over."
"They're coming back to you. Alright? Just when you're starting to get over, I get you losing interest in that and all of a sudden, they want you back."
"How incredible is it that someone you love is coming back to say hello to you."
"Opportunities... a reunion with someone, a meaningful one."
"Reconnecting with people, partnerships, catching up."
"Reconnect, you know, be off grid, slow down a little bit and just, you know, appreciate the humanity that's all around us."
"So, you do remember us. Would it be all right if we asked you to come and talk with us one more time?"
"The coolest part about good friends is that it doesn't matter how much time goes by, you just jump in where you left off."
"If you guys aren't talking to this person right now, they're coming back."
"I feel like this whole situation... made me feel even closer to you than I did back in the day."
"If there's somebody in your life who you kind of drifted apart from and you don't really know why or you haven't really talked about it, talk about it, get coffee with them, hang out with them, put on their wig and figure it out."
"It's a big deal because they've separated themselves for years and now they're kind of coming back."
"Someone you may have separated from is coming back around."
"They're coming back around because they see you being very successful."
"I'm really glad to have reconnected with you after all this time."
"It's been a blessing having you on brother, and we'll definitely connect again pretty soon."
"It's a chance to reconnect, to be in a level playing field with everyone else."
"The two of you have the tendency always coming back towards one another."
"Rediscover something that you thought was lost but it's coming back."
"Reconnecting with someone who means a lot to you."
"You can't lose if you're betting on you, Aquarius. You're getting ready to rekindle a connection with someone."
"The countryside presents abundant new ways to reconnect with the world."
"There's still a part of them that keeps wanting to bring them back to you, to work things out."
"Trust me, there are three important people that you're gonna reconnect with this week."
"Reconnect with old boss, old co-worker, old passion."
"Say thank you to your body and to your mind for both being open to this beautiful reconnection that you've cultivated here and for the opportunity for all that you've been through over these last 20 minutes."
"This day invitation speaks to those who are reuniting and singles... somebody's coming back in your world and wants to talk to you, wants to take you out, wants to set the record straight, has been fantasizing about you, thinking about you."
"You can still reconnect with someone, you can still make it happen."
"After a time of isolation and loneliness, you are reconnecting with others who feel like home."
"The beginnings of a relationship unfold but this time the investment's a little more serious than when you two last connected."
"Some of you may have new love coming in, or things could have been stagnant between you and this person and you're coming back together."
"Romance awaits after separation; falling in love again is inevitable."
"I truly believe that we are soul family reconnecting here through the channel."
"This person who's returning, it's about a partnership that is destined."
"You will need to reconnect and feel those feelings again."
"It's a time to reconnect with your true self and those you care about."
"Your person is motivated to re-enter your life because they feel like you have something that they need."
"How do you renew your relationship when it seems to be not working anymore? You gotta go back to what it was that initially drew you together in the first place."
"I have to be in contact with you again, I miss you too much."
"They feel that soul connection towards you; they want to reconnect with you."
"They desperately want to talk to you okay so just be aware of that Scorpio you got somebody wanting to reconnect."
"Call somebody that you've never talked to in your family or haven't in years and have a simple conversation with them."
"Finding new love, finding new friendships, connecting with others, reconnecting with people that you didn't have a chance to spend time with because you were working so hard."
"Reconnect to what matters and really just take the time to enjoy the small things again."
"Reestablishing your relationships with the people that you really care about."
"Getting a chance to reacquaint yourself with maybe dreams, goals, desires, and roads that you had to leave or maybe you just lost touch with."
"Start reconnecting with people in your life, start socializing as much as you can."
"This time I hope they can hold each other's hands tightly and put rings on each other's hands again."
"This is about reconnecting with what the original spark was."
"A relationship in your life needs renewal and attention. Reconnect with the ones that you love."
"One of the great phenomena that we see now is this incredible renaissance of the extended family in America."
"But yeah, it's nice, I feel like this is such a big year for me when it comes to like reconnecting with family."
"...to reconnect you with what you already know to be true."
"Just because somebody wants to reconnect with you doesn't mean they always want to do it emotionally."
"They are going to take action to reconnect with you."
"Reconnecting is the goal when coming out of shutdown."
"This is the first time we've been in a creative space together in over a fucking decade. I gotta learn this guy again. He's gotta learn me."
"It's going to be like a beautiful beautiful moments of like reconnection for you guys."
"But nearly two decades later, they randomly reconnected, and this time they had something major in common."
"The act of spending time in nature away from the distractions and demands of modern life offers a chance for deep reflection and reconnection."
"Perhaps I needed you to tell him the day we got your wife. I was thinking what a rut our family was in. Ah, but Charlie, it's good to have a family again. You don't know how good. It's good to have an uncle again, Uncle Charlie."
"There's always going to be times when you feel disconnected and then later reconnected."
"It wasn't until May 2021 that I reconnected with an old work colleague."
"it allowed me to reconnect with my first love being in the woods"
"This reconnection when you saw them acting perhaps very guarded, it's going to lead to an emotional new beginning for some of you."
"We are all born connected to spirit, often known as the divine source. Yet, many of us have a tendency to pull away from that connection as we journey through life in this physical world. Now is an important time to reconnect with source, with the Most High."
"I like you, you're probably watching this, it's fine, I haven't talked to you in a while."
"We hope that it's going to allow us to improve our models so that we can put the right physics in it and actually make predictions about where and when reconnection is going to happen."
"For a successful reconnection to work, it would have to be slow, it would have to be gradual, it would have to be a form of connection that allows them to feel safe."
"This person just dreams about you, dreams of what it would be like to kiss you, to look into your eyes, to get very physical with you."
"...his own advice helped the Uchiha duo reconnect..."
"They feel challenged to win you over, especially if there's been a pause in this connection."
"In the presence of the witnessing, we are gifted the reconnection to the light."
"We were going to have to reconnect with our people."
"Sometimes, no matter how much time is between you, you can just slide back into routine."
"It's been 14 years since we've sat down and talked, so to catch back up and see where you're at now, it gives me happiness."
"There's something nice about getting plugged back in one more time."
"Life happened and I moved on to other brands, other manufacturers, and I kind of lost touch with Yamaha. Well, now it's time to re-establish a connection."
"We connected, man. Reconnected, man."
"Sometimes I get an impression to call somebody that I haven't spoken to for a while."
"You forget sometimes how important this is to you and why you're here in the first place."
"Maybe that one relative you kind of wrote off isn't that bad if you just had the right thing to kind of connect with."
"Sometimes you have to disconnect so you can connect."
"I'm planning to visit my grandparents today. It's been a long time since the last time I talked to them."
"I haven't seen you for a while, let's go for a coffee."
"It's been a while, hope you're well, Robert."
"I'm so badly and desperately wanting to reconnect with you guys again. I've missed you so much."
"There's a lot of congratulating you, like talking about how much you've changed in a good way and saying they've changed, they want to be back in your life, there's a lot of admiration here."
"Now, again to my surprise, we are in touch again because he's become a fan of well-being, which is really wonderful."
"All of our spiritual quests are about giving us opportunities to reconnect to that place which is our birthright."
"They're getting to know each other again in a more mature, beautiful way."
"...I think it's disconnection that's the short answer and what do you do with that that's another question because the question is is once you're disconnected can you reconnect or is it a matter of of staying connected while you're connected..."
"It's just really fun to reconnect with people."
"They got to know each other again and that was nice."
"...it's the most painful story but just so many Beautiful Moments of all these women being able to reconnect with their Heritage."
"Please remind everyone that I exist and I love them and I would love to reconnect with all people once again."
"Be patient and approach this as if it was an old friend that you were reconnecting with."
"We've known each other since we were 15, but we were married to other people and then found our way back to each other."
"You may have missed the first 30 years or so of our life, but we have many more to get to know each other."
"Just to like reconnect to all of that and like put all the pieces back on the board so we know where everyone stands is really nice."
"Reconnection and strengthening those bonds is the fundamental conception of decolonization."
"It's been a while since we've had some deep conversations."
"Sometimes you simply need to disconnect to reconnect."
"We got the spark back, I feel more connected to him than ever."
"They intend on rekindling this connection with you."
"It's been a long time since any of us have really had a chance to speak to you."
"It's absolutely wonderful to connect with you again."
"The local food movement is reconnecting people to... and helping them fall back in love with the actual material world."
"Let's take this opportunity and reestablish the relationship with Allah."
"The disconnection got reconnected, wow."
"Once you reconnect, the light goes back, and it comes back to life."
"I feel like I'm reconnecting with myself in a way that I haven't done since I was young."
"Hey, how's it going? Hope you're well, it's been a while."
"Real friends... it doesn't matter if you've not seen them for years and you meet them, and it's like you just hit the ground running again."
"You will reconnect with something to really suit you."
"Foraging for food or for medicine is one of the best ways for us as human beings to reconnect."
"It's a good time to reconnect with family and friends."
"We just knew when we re-met and it was pretty quick."
"Well, Matt, we built a way maker for you to get back in touch with your job, your family."
"We live by the stories that we make and that we tell, and this story is about reuniting nature."
"Hi, how are you? It's been a minute."
"There's just something so swoony about that first love who you reconnect with years later."
"...that basic gesture of trying to be reabsorbed, reimbursed, re-embraced by that sort of motherly nourishment is, from one perspective, the most important condition of our natural and even our spiritual lives."
"Our practice is a fantastic way to reconnect, to reset, find that gift of presence."
"After a super long break... I feel like we definitely need a huge catch up."
"It just restores that connection that we've been missing for so long."
"If we can use our photos right now to reconnect with people."
"I recommend that we use those moments to reconnect with people."
"I just would really encourage them to get in contact and try to rebuild what they've had missing."
"I'm going to write 'friends' because I really want to reconnect with some friends that I haven't seen in a long time."
"The Alchemy of our band was slowly reconnecting."
"To even have a chance to reconnect with long lost relatives is a pretty powerful thing."
"One of the really special things that came out of this is we had reconnected with one of my friends who had all this old footage of these personal moments."
"You have to love yourself enough to reconnect with this."
"If this is a time of reconnection, maybe this is also a time of reconnection with nature and the outdoors for a lot of people."
"This arrangement is a huge leap forward for reconnecting the tribes of this region with a landscape that is incredibly important and meaningful to them and which has historically been denied to them."
"That's the moment when everyone came back together."
"This idea of being able to reconnect with people in your life that you love, who you might have lost many years ago, but now have this ability to continue the conversation."
"I feel like it's been a while since we've talked."
"Get in touch with someone who is very important to you but whom you have not spoken to in a long time, and remind that person that you're there."
"This isn't about discovering your true power; this is about reconnecting with your true power."
"It's really been nice catching up with you and finding out what happened with your life."
"Diane started trying to reconnect with her extended family; she started calling her sisters and mother much more often."
"To reclaim a sense of their connection to one another."
"She also began reconnecting with some of her older high school friends who had always been a positive influence on her."
"Reconnect with friends that you haven't been in contact with."
"How do we reconnect? How do we reclaim Paradise? How do we regain our Rosebud, our initial innocence, our initial Unity?"
"I want to reconnect with family, I want to reconnect with my childhood."
"Nature and man will embrace once again."
"Sometimes it's nice to just get away, even if you're staying in town, just to reconnect."
"Seeing a photo of my kokum Florence as a young woman created a sense of healing and reconnection."
"The evidence that they are reconnected to heaven is they'll get their authority back on earth."
"Wife remarries her husband as she falls in love with him again after losing her memory."
"It's like catching up on the nine, ten years of missing out on my kids."
"Life events... always makes somebody be reconnected to all the things that's most important to you in life."
"We're glad to hear from you after such a long time."
"We're glad to hear from you after such a long time. How is Lisa? Has she grown a lot? We would be happy if you could send us some photos again."
"Try reconnecting with old friends... it would only take a quick phone call or a text just to reach back out and try to reconnect."
"Hi Laurel Shafers, it's been a really long time since we've talked, I miss you."