
Adoption Quotes

There are 2596 quotes

"The exponential age is this combination of technologies that are all reaching adoption phase at the same time."
"Something amazing happened. I hadn't even put the video out yet, and the next day, current fosters of the shelter came in, saw Star, and adopted her. She's adopted, how great is that?"
"The city of Philadelphia will forever be proud of the young man they adopted back in 2011."
"When you adopt a child... you are establishing a parent-child relationship with that child as if that child were born to you."
"We can't just take this God is a father like he this is why in scripture he adopts us as his children."
"This year has been difficult, but the blessing is that so many people have opened their homes to dogs in need."
"Adopting a child is probably the most noble thing a responsible adult can do."
"You would think that the federal government and States would promote adoption."
"I don't think an adoptive parent is any less a parent than a biological parent in social function."
"We build these things and they tend to be adopted and part of the heart of this is because when we build them we don't actually understand people."
"It's the fastest adopted technology in all recorded human history."
"If we're able to get these older thinking or more traditional thinking institutions into cryptocurrency, it means that it's here to stay."
"Digital property, Bitcoin is electric money, and figure out how to roll it out to billions and billions of people."
"Adopt that cat. That is the biggest like it's the coming of prosperity."
"What does it say about our past when just a hundred years ago, people were essentially shopping for infants?"
"Even if you find out that you're adopted, it doesn't change the fact that your parents are the ones who loved, raised, and cared for you."
"It's because of you there are kids out there like me who got to have a great life with loving parents."
"My dad is not my biological dad; Jerry took me and took me on out of the goodness of his heart."
"My dream has been to literally adopt as many kids as possible... and just you know help as many kids as possible because it just it makes me so sad that like there are so many kids who don't have a home."
"Loving your adoptive child takes a lot of intentionality, a lot of thought."
"Equality looks like being intentional with your adoptive child."
"Imagine what that means for adoption; it means you're forming a love that is really, really strong."
"We don't think adoption's a dirty word; we think it's a beautiful word and we embrace it because we are an adoptive family."
"You're incapable of reproducing with your sexual partners...and it's not...and so I can also adopt one of those kids who are born into a...you know heterosexual family that turns out wasn't very good for them so I can still help."
"Blockchain adoption... will be the fastest adoption in history."
"Adopting is for children, not for parents. The kids are the important thing."
"I think God was whispering to me long before I became an adoptive mother, 'It's time for you to be a mom.'"
"I was adopted by a married couple and their young daughter who became my adoptive younger sister. When I realized that neither of us were ever going to be taken from each other, I distinctly remember that feeling."
"I grew up in foster homes in Los Angeles and then was adopted into a working-class family in northern California."
"The early Christians because they valued life... would go out and pick up the children who had been discarded and raised them as their own."
"I've spent my whole life with foster parents, and now I have a shot at finding my real mom."
"Blockchain technology has the potential to be as groundbreaking as the internet was, but it needs mainstream adoption to truly succeed."
"Surprisingly, instead of giving up on me, my new foster parents showered me with love and eventually adopted me."
"Let's be ahead of the curve. Let's embrace it."
"It feels so amazing to be adopted. I was in that place for a long time, you guys. Y'all don't understand, nobody wanted to adopt me because they think that I was freaking bad."
"It feels amazing to be a part of a new family."
"Jongin's life came to an end a mere 271 days after being adopted."
"This case just leaves you wondering why these people bothered adopting a kid at all."
"During the period of termination, 25% of all Indian kids were adopted away to white families."
"If the current trajectory holds, a billion people would be in crypto by 2024."
"That was a huge tactical error because people in the institutional space don't like to see that... Institutional adoption is part of the story."
"The beauty of adoption to me is that it brings families together."
"The beauty of adoption to me is reuniting siblings."
"Adoption is the ultimate; it's how we made our family."
"Adoption is not always an unalloyed good; it's a complicated choice in a situation that has no right or wrong answer."
"Adoption is born from loss...it's so important to always realize that there is some kind of loss at the root of it...a child is losing their biological family, their birth family...recognizing that that is a loss and that there will be issues and things that arise from that loss."
"You can never dig too deep and you can never ask too many questions...someday your child is going to ask those questions to you and you want to be able to give them as much of their story as possible."
"Ultimately after pouring our guts and our hearts into this little boy... we're truly going to protect his privacy."
"I've always hoped to make a difference in this world. When it came to the decision to adopt, it seemed like a no-brainer."
"We're grateful to his birth mom, that she knew that she loved you and she wanted you to have a family."
"Adoption is very beautiful and we hope that our channel shows the beauty of adoption and shows just how amazing and special each child is and how important it is for children to be in families."
"Adoption is not easy...but is it worth it? Absolutely."
"There are so many kids that don't have moms and dads, and it's just like, if I don't have that curiosity, like, what is a little human that's half of me gonna look like, then why not adopt?"
"Just because he's adopted, he's like fully a member of the family as much as you are."
"We got an adoption date! Yay! Our kids are gonna be our forever kids."
"I'm so excited for you guys' adoption day. Like I can't wait for it to come."
"We're her parents, and even though we became her parents by adoption, our connection, our bond, and everything is the same."
"We really want to just make sure they go into a wonderful home when they get adopted."
"When you adopt a shelter pet, you discover their unique mix of all kinds of traits."
"There are so many rewards in life. You coming into our home was one of the greatest rewards we could have ever had."
"Adoption is love. It takes lots of grit, sweat, and tears, but it's so worth it in the end."
"I have decided to adopt, and she will be here today."
"We trusted that God was going to provide, and He did. He provided for all three of our adoptions."
"Do you love your adopted children the same as you do your biological children? Yes, absolutely."
"The minute you lay eyes on that child... it's going to be like they've been a part of your family the whole time."
"It's been a very, very busy week... 26 adoptions, we couldn't be more excited."
"We are adopting a baby. It's happening. We're gonna be parents."
"With infertility, it's like an 'if,' but with adoption, it's going to happen."
"When she said that, it just like hit me. We're so excited to bring home a baby, like a real-life human baby."
"Adoption was not giving up; it was just a shift in plans."
"We're super excited today because it's our big adoption event."
"There are some military firearms that are fantastic and widely accepted, and there are some that are terribly unsuccessful and not manufactured at all because they stink. And then there's that group in the middle that are actually pretty darn good and they get some adoption but maybe not as much as their quality really suggests that perhaps they should have."
"You did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of adoption as sons, by which we cry, 'Abba, Father.'"
"I'm going to waive his adoption fee, and that means that if you come to Operation Kindness right now and adopt him, you can get him for free."
"Seeing all these dogs meet their new families for the first time made me realize this mission was never about the jet."
"Finally, I'm getting adopted after all these years."
"The metaverse is already here, and the concept has been proven to work."
"The love of a parent for a child that's not even their own is eminent throughout."
"Adoption is better than natural birth because in adoption, you already know what it looks like, already know where the problems are, already know the genetic code, but you still make the decision 'I want them anyway.'"
"Rescues just take better care of the dogs. They have a better chance of survival and adoption."
"When the Romans threw their unwanted newborn babies under the bridges, the Christians waited in the shadows, and they took the children home and raised them as their own."
"You have received a spirit of adoption as sons and daughters by which we cry out, 'Abba, Father.'"
"Adoption is giving a child an opportunity to live with a family, and I don't think you can ask for any more than that."
"Simplicity is incredibly important and we think often creates new levels of adoption and first mover advantages."
"After you adopt the kid, what's next? After you adopt a kid and become a dad, you have to be very sneaky."
"Adoptions are extremely important. Adoption fees and reputation gained from successful adoptions are how we stay afloat."
"Get yourself to the nearest shelter, adopt a dog. They're the best friends you'll ever have."
"Orphan Paul finally found the love he had been searching for a long time, the love of a family."
"Buying Salesforce is the easy part, now the company needs to start using it. Branding, tabs, and homepage customizations all go a long way to ensuring a high adoption rate."
"The left is cracking down on Catholic Charities involved in adoption, privileging same-sex partners over a child's need for a mother and father."
"I just wanted to kind of go somewhere else or I want to see you know sort of where your versatility at is sort of you know how long you kind of keep this style interesting or sort of develop it."
"Adoption is something quite permanent... now you become the second almost like a second parent for the child."
"Taking an adopted kid is basically the greatest thing that you can do in this life."
"One is enough - Cupcake, would you like to join our family?"
"We're barely in the first inning of DeFi adoption; we've basically proven it works."
"The idea of parents giving up their child so that they could have a better chance at life... is a relatable, emotionally powerful, and ironically human story."
"Pro-lifers want adoption to be easier...a common point that we could all agree on."
"There's over 2 million families waiting to adopt a baby. How about promoting adoption?"
"Users that have a smart speaker, more than 60% of those users say that that device itself has led them to buy another smart home device."
"We signed adoption papers today. We're going to get a date pretty soon, and we're going to be able to adopt you."
"It's official, I decided to adopt Joey and make him a part of my family."
"Homer pretends to be his sister-in-law Selma's husband to help her adopt a child in China."
"Insufficient knowledge about EVs is holding them back."
"I see the utility of this and I think it's a really good idea."
"You can't deny that phantom is exploding when it comes to adoption."
"You have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God's Spirit when he adopted you as his own children."
"Black cats are the last one to be left in rescue homes because they don't Instagram well, which is like the most infuriating shallow reason I've ever heard."
"Both girls may have been adopted by the same family and raised as sisters in the United States."
"Velcro wasn't an immediate success, people didn't automatically gravitate toward this thing, not until NASA came along."
"Two bills aimed at furthering the adoption of crypto and blockchain are now law in the state of Texas."
"I rescued him, I adopted him, I gave him a better life."
"Mass adoption is here. Crypto is being used by every corporation, banks, everybody's piling onto it."
"I think 2022 is going to be a year where you're going to see more institutions adopting and moving into bitcoin and cryptocurrencies than perhaps we ever have before."
"We absolutely know we will be excellent and loving mom and dad for our precious baby boy."
"If you want mass adoption for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, institutions coming in, there is no different timeline."
"Bitcoin is gonna popularize as the blockchain becomes more familiar."
"NFTs are in their early adopter phase and we will see a massive influx in usage over the coming 12 months."
"Abortion is so sacred to them it is such a sacrosanct issue to them that they are literally willing to say that it is better for a baby to be killed in the womb than to be given up to a happy family for adoption."
"Adopted child gets his first birthday cake with his new family, cake, oh yeah, gave this kid a family. He doesn't even care about the wish, all he cares about is the gift that you've given him: just love, and most importantly, a dad."
"If a church is not willing to make that commitment to every family that they encourage to adopt, they shouldn't be encouraging anybody to adopt."
"Crypto is here to stay. It's going to be a bumpy road but adoption is essentially guaranteed at this point."
"Stablecoin adoption in my mind is not a matter of if but when. It's way cheaper, way less processing fees, and faster for the individuals."
"Cuba's government looking to recognize Bitcoin and crypto for payments."
"There is a fixed supply which I really like; it's a clear leader, widely adopted, and has many use cases."
"This ain't stopping. This is the fastest adoption of any technology in all recorded history."
"I'm going to ask you to hear from Mrs. Nelson, her adoptive mother, and Angela de Janeiro, her sister."
"One morning I woke up to a great uproar in my house, when my husband and I opened the door we were astounded - there were 37 kids and teenagers fleeing a killing at the central Day Brazil - that is how my story of adoption started."
"Bitcoin is appreciating not because of the rate of currency expansion but also because of the rate of general mainstream investor adoption."
"The television was adopted more quickly into urban American Homes than any previous new communication technology before it."
"Giving a child for adoption is a great karma. It is a good deed."
"I actually do think that James probably didn't want this adoption to begin with."
"You have received a spirit of adoption as sons, crying out 'Abba Father'."
"I'd argue 2022 is going to be the year of continued crypto adoption and awareness."
"Let's talk about what's going on with the adoption stuff."
"There's not there's nothing for trafficking at all nothing isn't that crazy."
"We're part of mass adoption now. The growth of crypto is starting to grow at an exponential rate."
"You're not a better family or a better mother because you carried and popped out the babies yourself instead of helping children in need."
"Adoption is a beautiful thing, a gift to the world and to one another."
"Gradually people will discover Bitcoin and they'll start to realize that the solution to the problem is Bitcoin."
"There is no such thing as an unwanted child; somebody out there wants your child."
"It's forever, and when you adopt a child and there's stuff that you didn't know, maybe some hidden information, it's hard."
"When you adopt a child and there's hidden information, it's hard."
"Eric had actually been adopted by Vincent and Margaret, and he didn't know it."
"The acceleration, I think, if we can maybe get this next tier of people - especially that are kind of crypto curious right now - they just haven't made the leap yet."
"French Army bands began using the saxophone and it was such a tremendous success that other military bands began adopting it as well."
"Kala adopts the orphaned Tarzan after her own biological child is killed by Sabor."
"Even with absurd adoption rates, tech can very much die."
"Hey bark if you're not adopted. Good girl, that's right."
"Blessing the child might be understood as her taking him as her own and as a possible heir."
"The last bit of love that you can show to your real flesh-and-blood son is to adopt this little boy that he created and give him a loving home."
"Regulation is coming more and more... if you want widespread adoption of people using crypto... there needs to be safety."
"All roads lead to bitcoin. The more CBDC's, the more bitcoin adoption."
"Crypto worldwide adoption has jumped over 880% in 2021, which is obviously massive."
"This is going from science fiction to the realities of adoption."
"There is no such thing as an unwanted child."
"Parallelism in already lives on salana and has lived on salana for a long time."
"It would make financial sense for everyone to use this new type of currency."
"I'm emancipated from my family, Bricky, will you adopt me?"
"You weren't given away, you were chosen with love... same event but reinterpreted, an interpretation that empowers me."
"Vaping has come in and just completely been taken up by young people."
"Understanding that we're seeing history unfold in terms of the adoption of the cryptocurrency asset class."
"Mainstream adoption is coming to crypto... the writing is on the wall."
"Forget about EIP 1559, forget about all the technical upgrades that happen across cryptocurrency, this is something that truly indicates that we are entering an era of mass adoption of cryptocurrency."
"Does anyone else feel like we're past being early and we're actually in the point of mass adoption now?"
"She can choose to give the child to the state or put it up for adoption and let the state subsidize this choice."
"Bitcoin's fundamental addresses all-time high at nearly 45 million."
"Look at her oh she adopted the bridge oh how cute."
"We're gonna have to keep you here until we can find you somebody who's gonna love you and give you a good home."
"People adopt reggae music as a part of their culture."
"Anyone could come to Malawi and quickly arrange for an adoption that may have grave consequences on the very children that the law seeks to protect."
"We gave him not only a new family but a new life."
"As long as you can conceptualize that the value for 50, 60, 100 years isn't going to disappear, that's when mainstream adoption can come in."
"Your identity should change because we've been adopted as God's daughters."
"We're getting a new dog too, yeah, Tuesday. A little white Yorkie. My mom sent us a picture of this guy from the animal shelter, and we drove an hour and a half to go rescue him."
"There's no such thing as an unwanted child in America."
"Bitcoin's adoption as a standard for storing value and exchanging value separately have huge implications."
"From fostering kittens to considering a pet fish."
"If I was gonna adopt a kid I'd adopt like Marty McFly, you know, he's old enough to like you know pick me up when I'm too drunk at the bar."
"Man devotes his life to adopting old dogs who can't find forever homes."
"Roughly 160 million people have exposure to bitcoin today, but that doubles every year."
"XDC is poised for significant growth and adoption."
"Cryptocurrency adoption and mainstream visibility are becoming more and more prominent."
"Protect their identity and that should be in place for all adoptions quite frankly."
"NFT space pushing mass adoption into the blockchain."
"The adoption of digital assets in Africa will continue to grow exponentially."
"We're seeing worldwide adoption now and we're seeing it in big, big ways across the world. And I gotta say, it's pretty exciting."
"The Marine Corps adopted the new M9 pistol, the M9A1."
"Are we ready as a society to refuse cash? I think so, why not?"
"We're starting to see countries adopt Bitcoin as legal tender."
"He said he won't take electric trucks seriously until you saw at least a hundred thousand of them."
"The amount of partners and projects adopting Chainlink as a way to get their data into blockchains is only accelerating."
"That's another thing that's going to push adoption is more and more funding because then they can have more and more developers."
"That one small step for man was a similar moment in world and American history."
"Explanation builds faith in AI recommendations, critical for adoption."
"Financial advisors are unleashed to bring about massive adoption."
"I won't move to LA because it costs too much but I will legally adopt hundreds maybe thousands of people"
"Rehoming Duke from World Horse Welfare was one of the best decisions - he's a true family member now!"
"I now have a 60 pound lap dog... so glad it worked out."
"We have entered the phase where celebrities are now pumping altcoins regularly. Welcome to mass adoption."
"It doesn't matter how a child comes into your family, as long as they come into your family." - Krystal