
Traditional Values Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"Avoid debt like the old rich people and Grandma's ways of doing it."
"I was raised by my grandparents, so I try to live like the old school way. I'm very cheap. I don't spend much money."
"The fourth way to be a classic woman is to have your priorities straight, putting your faith and your family first."
"You can work, you can be a classic woman and work, you can be a classic woman and be at home."
"If you're a Christian, you don't believe that values are just constantly updating; you believe in a tradition."
"As society becomes less traditional, as family ties break down, as marriage becomes less and less common, more and more people are not able to find committed relationships, then that is correlated, that is directly correlated with depression."
"Women would get what they want, which is having these marriages, having children, living very happy fulfilled lives as wives, as traditional wives."
"We want traditional outcomes, we want marriage, we want a happy family and structure, but we want modern, we want partnership and equality."
"The older generation holds on to the traditional notion that there are three types of unfilial behaviors, and not having children is the worst of them all."
"There’s nothing innovative about harkening back to an age of 'traditional values' that never actually existed."
"Traditional Values are not a rigid set of postulates that everyone must adhere to."
"Traditional masculinity was all about taking care of your family, being responsible, building your community."
"India could leapfrog ahead in AI by integrating traditional values into groundbreaking, game-changing AI innovations."
"We need to get back to living with our families; that's what it used to be."
"We need to attend to the ideas that have been tested by time, defended by reason, proven by experience."
"The significance of individual life and the psychological necessity of courage, nobility, and responsibility... are old-fashioned in the best sense."
"Well folks, first of all, happy normal month, in which we celebrate traditional virtue, recognize biological sex differences, go to church and synagogue, and take care of our wives and kids. Happy, happy normal month to you."
"Test cricket will always remain because of the importance it brings to the game."
"We densely clustered housing to create community, reminiscent of traditional villages worldwide."
"The real reason behind the rise of the Trad wife is the fact that the traditional family is growing, all the while liberal progressives are dying."
"Back away from that which is novel and untested and in the direction of that which is time-tested."
"Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking around."
"If we can't say that the building block of our society is a man and a woman, what do we believe in?"
"The basic building block of society is an individual who is a man and an individual who is a woman coming together in a relationship that is going to produce the next generation, and how they're going to do it, that's the way the world works."
"We believe that marriage is only between a man and a woman."
"Recognition and promotion of natural structure, the family, a union between a man and a woman based on marriage."
"I'm a grown woman okay, and I was raised in a certain era and I was raised a certain way, and I'm not making no apologies about that period."
"Traditional values which actually value femininity do a much better job at protecting the interests of women."
"Investing in tried and true is not wrong, but investing only in the past I do believe is wrong."
"The mirror is the place where you begin to become aware of who you are but more importantly who you can become."
"I support traditional roles... men should act like men... women, even if you don't have children, that nurturing side comes into play in the dynamics of a marriage."
"I just feel like it's an interesting twist, you know I like the old-school way."
"Me promoting traditionalism or promoting women being submissive through their men doesn't make me dozen, I don't know, it doesn't mean that the man that I'm married to doesn't let me be me."
"He was something of a proud throwback to what the craft of journalism ought to be."
"We need to go back to traditionalism, it worked for us."
"Traditionalism has enduring relevance because it's not based on the ideals of one people at one time in one place."
"Traditional values are not radical, they're traditional."
"Most Americans traditionally have gotten married because they believe it is the right thing to do, that it betters you, that you are fulfilling a religious obligation."
"The traditional way, the British way, is indeed the best."
"It's just journalism. It's what journalism used to be."
"What's going to make us happy at the end of the day is being more traditional more feminine more soft and more nurturing."
"You know, nobody will want to hold any currency that's not backed by something sound like gold."
"There will be a time when women will be valued for what they do best: relationships, family, children, home nurturing."
"These are people who've structured their whole lives around opposing Traditional Values. They're not even pursuing happiness or fulfillment, they'll settle for misery so long as their misery is a protest against the value systems they despise."
"You can't come to me and tell me I'm radicalized when I'm like these are the long-standing American traditions that have been around for hundreds of years."
"But hey, we're starting to stray further and further from the traditional Pokemon format."
"Maybe this is this return to tradition, rejecting modernity and an idea of where they're encouraging men like, 'Don't even date a girl unless you're gonna marry her.'"
"Having a child, having a partner, having all these traditional things - it's nice but it doesn't, it's not in and of itself making you complete or incomplete."
"Let the man be the man where he needs to be a man."
"A woman is at her happiest when she's serving a man that she loves, admires, respects, that she feels is not her equal, better than her, and she's by his [] side. That's what every [] girl wants."
"There's this longing among young people for reality, for order, for orthodoxy."
"They are absolutely, positively sure to remove anything remotely considered traditional feminine. None of them are motherly."
"Our future is going to be determined if we have the common sense enough to come back to preaching and teaching what's in this book."
"Black men's success is rooted in our ability to respect traditional values."
"That's a rule that I follow and it's one that the young tricks I guess have never heard of."
"Winter is coming, but light the torches, drink the wine, and gather around the fire."
"Bhutan is a great example of balancing traditional economic objectives with other variables like living standards, environmental controls, and culture."
"A lot of men seem to hope that a reassertion of traditional ideologies of masculinity--and a return to the exclusion of others from the competitive marketplace--will somehow resolve this present malaise."
"What can we do differently? Returning to traditional values but in a new way."
"They think that God is good, they think that men should be men and women should be women, and that people should make money and live their life to their fullest potential. What the hell is so bad about that?"
"We wanted it to reflect like traditional values while bringing a contemporary twist to it."
"We believe in the dignity of work and the sanctity of life. We believe that faith and family, not government bureaucracy, are the true American way."
"I'm fighting for everyone who believes in the values, traditions, and principles that have made our nation the greatest in the history of the world."
"Don't let the radical left turn our founding fathers into our founding non-birthing parents."
"The constrained vision relies on certain social processes such as moral traditions, the marketplace, or families."
"This isn't about efficiency or convenience, it's about connection, it's about meaning and tradition."
"A silent and loving wife is a gift from God."
"It's destructive to a traditional black family ecosystem."
"I did it the right way. I got down on my knee and asked her."
"It's not about product being set aside; it's the way the world was meant to be... ministers would be providers, that's how it is."
"If you want a traditional man right as a woman, that man should be able to demand a traditional woman from you."
"The family was always seen as the bedrock of social stability."
"I still believe in relationships and communication and old school."
"The female metric of success is a guy that you love, mind, respect, willing to give you a ring and his last name."
"I feel that old-fashioned anointing of the Holy Spirit in this place."
"Teaching modern women like myself how to be more traditional."
"The great vital and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and divine truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Just make sure you're down on one knee. How else is there to do it?"
"The reality is the majority of Americans still want their children to learn traditional values."
"Marriage used to mean a union where both parties were less important than the marriage itself."
"If we're going to be conservatives in the future, we're going to have to conserve the traditions and the way of life that we've long cherished."
"Return to traditional Family Values, traditional strength and security."
"She's trying to act like the life of a modern woman is better than the traditional role that she obviously wants."
"Feminine women still exist... there are women who will look at these men who are interested in providing for their families... and they will see that as an asset."
"The GOP needs to evolve into a party that upholds traditional and authentic values of America."
"Tucker Carlson represents a return to traditional American values, an unapologetic defense of the greatest country ever to exist in the history of the world."
"Actually, some of the old sexual norms were there for a reason and actually there is a lot to be learned from them in a critical way."
"I think the normal bike is so good it will never be beaten by an e-bike in terms of sheer ease, simplicity, and price."
"The Bible said, 'Learn not the way of the heathen.' That's right, learn not the way of the heathen."
"Monogamy and marriage and nuclear families are a part of preserving what has helped society thrive in the past and might help society thrive in the future."
"Capitalism is always born out of family and Traditional Values."
"Keep the faith and please be assured that the traditional Catholic position the traditional Catholic restoration not just of the mass but of moral theology of doctrine and theology that's the only chance that's the only hope."
"We need strong traditional male characters in media now more than ever before."
"I'm kind of an old school guy, they don't really make them this way anymore."
"Credit where it's due, some of these traditional structures bring real value to society."
"This person believes in marriage. They have strong values."
"Traditional views of human nature, like 'babies are babies' and 'boys are not girls,' are winning political issues."
"Through the steps we will deliver an immigration system that respects and even strengthens our culture, our traditions, and our values."
"The answer is not the creation of new rules but a renewed fidelity to the old."
"Submission does not imply that the wife is less than the husband."
"Children, obey your parents in everything. Obedience to parents leads to blessings and long life."
"It is a glorious feat because, according to tradition, it is better to break your back than your spirit."
"Labor Day Clank just tell us we love the hex and hammers in Lincolnton North Carolina and we always will." - A celebration of community and tradition.
"The sound can evolve but the message can still be traditional."
"If you're any man regardless of color that wants to do it traditionally you're under attack and you should have your eyes wide open and ready to go down fighting."
"I'm a fundamental old-fashioned guy kind of I want to see real numbers look at the numbers here this stocks up 88 percent this year."
"There's an understanding of gender roles, each sex has a role to play, and that's beautiful."
"Honor thy mother and father, especially thy father."
"There's nothing more sacred than the relationship between a man and a woman."
"No single person was more responsible for the success of this mission than he."
"All true Catholics who still have the spirit of the Apostles and of the Christian martyrs should weep."
"Bridging the Gap... I believe marriage is between one man and one woman."
"He's a man's man, his entire image and brand and personality is centered around traditional masculine imperatives."
"The traditional path makes tremendous sense for a lot of people, just not all people."
"When your son wants to wear a dress because he's curious... you gently guide him and say no son, dresses are for girls."
"I believe in the old-fashioned way of asking a girl out."
"Our values are old and true. They are universal because they're rooted in the fundamental belief that individual freedom enables both the greatest achievement and the gentlest kindness."
"Men are looking for traditional women. Modern women were never taught to prioritize marriage or relationships."
"To sum up, the mother is a woman, the father is a man, and leave our kids alone, full stop, end of discussion."
"This is a classic rear-wheel-drive lightweight sports car that does everything it's supposed to."
"I believe so deeply in this message and the nine ancestral tenants in the ancestral living."
"Lehman Russ will always be traditional, ritualistic, and tied around the things that made them who they were."
"He's right about this, Americans have moved away from moral traditional family values."
"There has to be a restriction on a lot of some of these issues um you know where we have to kind of get back to basics when it comes to tradition and politics."
"The battle is going to come to your town, your state, your household."
"The left suggests that raising your child in a traditional manner is a form of child abuse."
"Chivalry is not dead, this is romance coming towards you."
"Inflation is a tax on the poor... redistributing it elsewhere."
"Athletes are not woke... it is through traditional values that most athletes end up dominating."
"Old-fashioned romance and romanticism is something that we should all try to reintroduce into our lives."
"How do you balance tradition and obligation with personal freedom?"
"Patriarchy means the leadership of men and the inherent value of manhood in society."
"The family must remain respected and recognized as the union between natural born men and women."
"So long as God is on our side, we must be sure everything we do and say lines up with Scripture and tradition."
"Strong men are indeed rising up all over the world and defending Eternal values."
"I'm tired of people trying to condemn... there's nothing wrong with doing things a traditional way."
"You're someone who's very wise and you could be someone who's traditional."
"Some things are better left undone, you know, they're just better left where they are because it's classic for a reason."
"Touch the feet of your parents if they are alive, seek Their Blessings right now."
"There's no substitute for good old-fashioned hard work."
"Bitcoin aligns with what traditionally America stands for."
"Men are supposed to lead, protect, build, be the head of the household."
"Trad wife lifestyle is a response to modernity, rejecting some of the new norms pushed within Western culture."
"The good thing about this is that it's just good old-fashioned hard work."
"We all wish for unity...but what Biden and the Democrats are doing...is trying to unite us by stigmatizing and demonizing traditional people."
"Just because something's new that doesn't mean it's going to be better than what's old."
"Reject the modern nonsense of today and embrace real actual well-written media."
"I think it is all these traditional beliefs which you held dear for more than 100 years, I think he just destroyed them."
"Find a good mass, some good priests, traditional mass. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus every day."
"There's a little bit of that old-school American... telling me what to do."
"Our fidelity is put to the test in situations like this. Our love of tradition is never so pure and fiery and fervent as when people challenge it."
"Conservatism is the holding on to Traditions, it means you want to conserve what is there."
"If you're inviting a girl out that you really like, pay for the date. Man, show that you're a man so that you can leave."
"Traditional living allows you to live out your faith, your beliefs, and conform your worldview."
"From college campuses to corporate boardrooms, from newsrooms to the nuclear family, the left picks key targets for influence and infiltration because they hate tradition and normalcy."
"We need pro-family policies, supporting the traditional American way of life."
"Tradwives across the political spectrum believe the place of women is in the home as wives and mothers."
"Let men be real men, let women be real women, and let children be innocent children."
"We need to bring back the influence of the family."
"When this terrible period is over we must be ready to repeal the restrictions of our traditional liberties not preserve a grim and joyless new normal."
"In many ways, these modern-day influencers are the antithesis of what the great philosopher Peter Berger meant by the sacred canopy."
"It's a chance for them to embrace and appreciate the traditional values and cultures."
"They despise traditionalists and they see these people as pre-Vatican II dinosaurs."
"Reject modernity, embrace masculinity. Curate your life, instill discipline, and be unapologetically ambitious."
"I was raised in an era that said you must always respect your parents no matter how old you are."
"If I was lucky enough to find myself a truly trad wife one day, somebody that loved making a home for her husband and her family..."
"The quintessential American ideals of family, faith and freedom still reigned supreme."
"I feel strongly that we must go back to going through the front doors."
"It's straight Marxist Leninist strategy. They've got a war against God, against traditional values, morality, the family, the church, government, law and order."
"99 Flakes built the British Empire, respect the codes!"
"Doctrine matters, brings us back to a nice, easier, a Newport."
"I was raised to do nice things, you know, be a man, be big gentlemen, be a man treat a woman nice make her smile."
"The lesson of Santa is simple: if you're good, you get presents, if not, you get coal. Now it's about interracial couples and being gay."
"The movement of especially minorities and especially pop stars back to traditional values would be phenomenal for the culture."
"Old people have work ethic... I would be the one who hires the person who didn't use ChatGPT like I'm old school."
"The gentleman has become an endangered species because of crap like that."
"The most important thing in life is to find your number one choice, marry who you're supposed to marry, have a bunch of babies, and build up the kingdom of God."
"Chinatown has definitely changed throughout the years yet businesses such as Kim Han coffee shop have managed to keep their doors open and a traditional laughs just like the next restaurant we're headed to."
"We want people to go back to their traditional roots and scripture rather than this secular liberal ideology."
"You're a votary of the cult of the new... tradition liberates us from the slavery of novelty."
"It's never one man with another man. It's never one woman with another woman. That does not come from God. It's one man for one woman."
"You want something more traditional, a commitment at least, or you just know your values and beliefs."
"Just because something's been around for a while, that doesn't mean it isn't a good idea."
"Being a gentleman is always romantic. It's just adorable."
"Ultimately, a traditional woman wants a man who is going to be able to support her and their children and be able to raise them."
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I've been so afraid to just say that, to just articulate that thought where it's like I'm old-fashioned and I can't be comfortable and settle for this texting back and forth business."
"A new guru is popping up every week, but Satguru doesn't subscribe to that."
"The concept of a nuclear family, which is obviously going to be your strongest family, a marriage between a woman and a man, let's say that that's abnormal."
"Simping would be totally okay if women were virtuous, civilized, honest, submissive, and loyal."
"The right is defending...the traditional consensus...that has bound us together as citizens for most of our history."
"It's better to show respect for the craft than to say 'I don't freestyle.'"
"I come from the old school mindset of securing your funding before creating something."
"If you want a traditional woman, you need to be a traditional man who provides what the traditional woman requires."
"We're not supposed to keep a man; a man is supposed to keep us."
"The Japanese Mafia isn't hidden right I mean the fact that we have fan magazines... they've got comic books about their lives... like the Boy Scouts of Japan preserving Traditional Values..."
"Biologically, the human nature, their female nature, they still want a manly man. They want a man who has Traditional Values."
"The union is going to be very solid, very traditional, and it's not going to be any games. No games because you, as a Cancer Rising, are probably going to have very high standards in your partner."
"It's frustrating because there was a time when women, mothers would teach their daughters what men needed."
"Every marriage is no less an indissoluble union between one and one woman."
"Respect for your elders has gone out of style, but I believe in respect for your elders."