
Threshold Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Everyone knows there's a threshold above that point you're not going to be any more happy by earning any more money."
"You begin to make money with as little as 10,000 Facebook followers."
"But as soon as something happens and you cross a certain threshold, that's when you know."
"John Bull can stand many things, but he cannot stand 2%."
"You have to meet a minimum threshold of $100 to even get it."
"...we're on the threshold of being able to participate in our own human evolution."
"Most of us have a trickle that comes under the threshold because we don't open it. But when you open it, it becomes ankle deep."
"More than 20 years ago now is that if you try to get to a point where you exceeded the important limit, if you say that's 20."
"It's like a switch, when the voltage reaches a certain threshold, the switch switches."
"...as long as we're below 500, we are totally good."
"Pain always has the decency to kill you once it reaches a certain threshold."
"Once you've crossed a certain level and these people are still in their own hive mind and it's negative and it's not going anywhere, but you've reached the threshold, you're like, 'I'm out.'"
"What this basically means I think it starts usually at 15% or so is it's the detection threshold is how big a star it's going to look at before it counts it as a star."
"Typically if you're starting a new project, you want to be above at least like 0.23, 0.20, 123."
"I just feel like the threshold of a home is such an important place."
"You're at the threshold of embarking on an adventure."
"We're going to be at the limit of the injector."
"Anything over 800 I think is too much on the stock block."
"Are we now at the threshold of a change in the political organization?"
"At the heart of liminal spaces is transition."
"...sub-threshold combined presentations."
"Establishing a limit of detection based on ct is dangerous because you can change your ct simply by raising and lowering this threshold."
"So anything 750 or above, you don't want your credit score to dip below a 650."
"A threshold needn't be a threat but rather an invitation and a promise."
"There's a critical threshold for most systems, we will get a systematic shift."
"...the pain or coming off the pain threshold is not linear it's more exponential."
"We've hit a threshold here folks."
"When you crush that threshold, you lose something into the atmosphere of that house that you will spend a lifetime trying to rebuild."
"We are approaching a threshold in complexity which we do not know what is on the other side of."
"Suddenly you cross a threshold, a blue dotted line, and you're farming on the Royal slope."
"Once you hit about 79K a year, your happiness doesn't go up."
"...these large language models still have not passed that first threshold."
"The passage of the magical threshold is a transit into a sphere of rebirth, symbolized in the worldwide womb image of the belly of the whale."
"Here's what you got to realize: when you go inside of a doorway, you're in that fatal final right, and if I step into that doorway on the outside or this side of that threshold, you're putting yourself in severe danger."
"If it's between 200 and 300, it may be reported as borderline."
"The first time crossbows reach that 500 feet per second threshold."
"Threshold is the amount of people needed to support an industry."
"In both accounts, much attention is given to the door frame as the threshold between safety and death."
"Anything above that is an outlier; below, it's not an outlier."
"You have to be above this line to do quantum algorithms."
"We're creating an income threshold for ourselves."
"Your lactate threshold heart rate is the point when you really begin to feel lactating the legs build up dramatically on a ride."
"Anxiety is a defense mechanism however when it reaches a certain level of intensity and frequency it stops being useful."
"There is no way to know your clutter threshold without decluttering."
"You know that you're still over your clutter threshold. Clutter threshold, for those of you who are new, is the point at which you personally have more stuff in your house than you personally can easily keep under control."
"The five-minute pickup... is the way to learn your clutter threshold."
"We are at a threshold of a new era of bioengineering."
"Celtic spirituality as a sort of life on the threshold, an intersection of liminality."
"As long as we're below 4.6, there's no reason to worry about this going bad or about it harming us."
"This tells us that anything that we do, we have to ensure that we are earning profits more than seven percent after taxes."
"If your provisional income is less than $32,000, your Social Security benefit is tax-free."
"So long as Bitcoin remains above $60,000 in the short to medium time frame, it's onwards and upwards."
"Being swallowed by a whale is a symbol of crossing over a threshold."
"Well, we tried. Let's leave. I mean, come on, we're staring at the threshold of heck right now."
"We stand at a threshold of important discoveries in all areas of science."
"This is the frontier. This is the threshold where ideas become reality."
"Your happiness doesn't increase at all after about seventy thousand dollars a year."
"Once you pass that threshold, money just starts coming."
"When you're interacting with a liminal space, you're quite literally standing on the threshold between two realities."
"The 80% rule implies that on average, delayed onset muscle soreness kicks in above this."
"No matter what our threshold is, if it's bringing us more enjoyment on the water, it's worth it."
"1200 degrees is usually what I try to stay under."
"We're now at a threshold point in broader academics where we can start to do scientific work."
"The floor of our familiar room has become a neutral territory, somewhere between the real world and fairy-land, where the actual and the imaginary may meet."
"We have to get on this Earth system stewardship pathway to avoid going over some planetary threshold."
"To live on the edge means to be on the brink, to be on the cusp, to be on the verge."
"The barrier between the known and unknown somehow that day felt paper thin."
"To be liminal means to be on the threshold of something, to be in the middle of a transitional period."
"Gentlemen, we've come to the precipice of scientific technology."
"I have been realizing that my clutter threshold is really low."
"We're going to end up being at the negative trigger point."
"This place is not Paradise, but only a gateway to it."
"The threshold cycle is the cycle at which the amplification curve intercepts with the threshold line."
"Indeed, we are on the threshold of a new era."
"A good fitting model would have values at or below about 0.05 or 0.06."
"The firing rate is zero for low currents; as you inject more current, the Infinity increases but the cell still can't reach threshold until you inject an amount of current such that V infinity reaches V threshold, and then it begins to spike."
"Standing at the threshold of our understanding of the seen and the unseen."
"The lactate threshold is super important because below it, you can exercise for a long time without feeling fatigued."
"I truly think that there's like a threshold that human beings can reach where you just kind of run out of [__] to give."
"There are certain places where the veil between our mortal plane and the Great Beyond appears to be paper thin."
"In the Atacama, we stand poised at the cosmic doorway; what lies beyond is the road to cosmic infinity."
"Once you pass through that physical threshold, your brain ignores all of your personal life memories."
"The wilderness is a liminal place, a threshold, or the place in between."
"Five bays is kind of the tipping point for a lot of users."
"We're really at the verge of a very exciting threshold of current state of affairs in robotics."
"The emission of electrons only occurs if the frequency of light is greater than the threshold frequency."
"She is the goddess of the threshold in a lot of ways."
"What time does it become from artificially intelligent to just intelligent?"
"Good dog trainers know how to keep a dog below threshold so that they can keep that emotional state in a good place for which you can make progress."
"We are at the threshold of a revolution in cancer care."
"You're right on the edge, you're right on the verge of a new thing."
"Once we get above that 65 percent threshold, we think we're doing pretty well with the predictive ability."
"We stand before a great threshold. Many of you won't be coming back."
"At the laser threshold, the population inversion will go into saturation and with this effect, the creation of photons by stimulated emission will start."
"Passing the threshold with the giant doors closing behind him gave his mind pause for a moment."
"We are standing on the threshold of greatness, of glory."
"It's almost like there is a curtain into the world."
"Whenever the input voltage is greater than 5.7 volt, the output voltage will be equal to 5.7 volt."
"It might be irrational, but it doesn't necessarily cross the threshold into delusional belief."
"Ramondre Stevenson... can command 80 to 90 percent of all of the thresholds we're looking for."
"Logistic regression plus some chosen threshold will give you a classifier; logistic regression by itself just outputs probabilities."
"Small changes will often appear to make zero difference until you cross a critical threshold."
"It's relaxing, it's like you want to stop at the point before you start panicking."
"You are on the cusp of experiencing physical, mental, financial, and emotional well-being."
"We are standing on the very threshold of an expanded and permanent human presence beyond our planet."
"The energy of each photon has to be higher than what we're going to call the threshold energy."
"Don't be afraid to cross through some sort of threshold in your life."
"It's like you're standing at the edge of your life about to jump into this absolutely new realm."
"There is this threshold you've crossed when you've become a winner."
"Like a threshold where we feel empowered."
"The initiation, a rite of passage, crossing the threshold."
"We're standing at the threshold of Enlightenment."
"You are literally on the precipice of crossing your own threshold in your life."
"Eventually, you're going to get here because you are on this precipice of stepping into this new beginning, a new threshold."