
Digital Era Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"The internet's like the modern America, like how people used to pitch America as the land of opportunity."
"People today have attention spans that can only be measured in nanoseconds."
"Turning point number four was the shift from the digital camera era into the software era."
"Maybe one day we'll look back at the last 10 years as like the real Wild Wild West of the internet."
"It's a whole new world. There are more questions about it than answers."
"In today's digital world, a cyber attack can be more than just a breach of security; it could be a symptom of deeper issues within our corporate world."
"We live in an age of ever more accessible books, and I count myself very fortunate that I exist in a period of history like this."
"Welcome to the internet, a little bit of everything all of the time."
"Human knowledge isn't going to just go extinct, even though a lot less of humanity's knowledge that we've accrued over the past several hundred years is not making it to print anymore and is only being stored in digital format."
"We have stumbled into this new era of mutually assured digital destruction."
"We made the blueprint for how to be an album's artist in a streaming era."
"It will be a young world. It will be a digital world."
"I want to see nations, yeah! GT IC talking online, it happening no more son!"
"If gold is money, then the new digital gold is information."
"Information was controlled, but now people have an alternative."
"I really believe in that, and I believe in creators. I think it's literally never been a better time to be a creator."
"It's never been a better time to be a creator."
"We are leveling the playing field, giving everyone a bright future in the digital era."
"This internet thing created way more opportunity for all of us, way more."
"I'm gonna say it again, the single greatest era to be an entrepreneur because the internet is now at scale."
"We're moving into a digital global format." - Crypto Stash
"Imagine a world before the internet... it seems every single function of society... means interacting with the internet."
"You can't stop the internet now. It's too late." (Reiteration for emphasis)
"There's a direct to consumer connection with fans now that never existed."
"Julian Assange has taken the fundamentals of journalism from the analog age and transferred them flawlessly into the digital era."
"MGS2 prophecies the flood of digital information. The game marked the century's turn by Y2K era brand appeals to new age mysticism."
"I think it's common i don't know in what form or in the digital era could be very different we have an international uh community that could be more involved."
"The culture war will not be fought on the physical battlefield. Instead, it will be fought on the digital plain where words are as devastating as heavy artillery."
"We're seeing the creation of a digital dictatorship."
"This generation is made up of inside kids because of this and this makes it so that we socialize very differently than other generations."
"I basically see this as a dictatorship. I call it digital dictatorship."
"In a nutshell, the hypothesis of that talk was computers and the internet are everywhere, the world is increasingly made of computers and the internet."
"The moment is not recorded, the moment doesn't exist for anyone."
"It's just insane... how musicians and a lot of artists have gotten screwed in the digital era."
"This is the library. This is the modern-day Alexandria library."
"One of the advantages of the digital age is it gives us an almost unprecedented ability to see how incredibly stupid the human race can be."
"The digital disruption has already happened."
"It's never going to get better from here. I hope you guys enjoyed the Golden Era of like free thought on the internet because it's over."
"We live in the age of information, answers to everything and anything are available to us in an instant, and yet there are still so many things in this universe that cannot be explained."
"Interesting that in the [__] peak era of streaming the highest streamers are upset."
"The advent of the cyber age has made the chances of escalation into direct east-west conflict much greater than during the cold war."
"There's never been a better time to be a digital polymath."
"This is even bigger because the system is going to transition into a digital world."
"We're the generation of misfits and meme lords."
"People are waking up en masse worldwide... because people have access to freedom of information online."
"The internet has intercepted the power of Hollywood."
"This is a digital world we're living in."
"Why can't I just be a citizen of another country like that? Why can't I be a digital citizen?"
"I think we're not in a place economically where we were prior to this digital era."
"We're moving now in the digital era to a world where data is being brought together."
"We need to go back to actually having private lives."
"Responsive design is crucial in today's fast-paced digital landscape."
"A majority of businesses don't even have physical locations anymore."
"Lightroom is an incredible piece of software for taking a large amount of photos and narrowing it down to your select few. This is super important, especially in these days with digital cameras."
"Wavelets has changed how we compress and represent signals in the digital era."
"There's never been an easier time to grow a large newsletter."
"At the end of the day, I make money from streaming."
"Creative and Creative really were the kings of digital back in the day."
"The digital social media space is a new venue... where expressing contrarian views may be more allowable."
"We have the entire recorded history of Music in our pockets now it's crazy."
"Information environment, cyber space, bang, is happening now."
"Death Grips is one of the few bands out there to embrace the digital age with such an incredible amount of grit."
"It's a different world. It's a great world. It's great for content creators. It's great for the consumer. It's revolutionary."
"We live in the age of undue influence and digital undue influence and facts and science still matter."
"Being a content creator is almost more demanding than having that nine to five."
"Nowadays all the information is online."
"We had created a system where we had this small office with funny young people and digital cameras and digital everything."
"It was the Digital Revolution, which would completely change the way, on how we do things, and what we do and what we buy and what we use."
"The 21st century is a digital book."
"The indomitable human spirit becomes romanticized through digital spaces."
"It's an amazing time to be in this space... the Internet is just there and it's really cheap to put stuff on the internet."
"I consume it as needed and I don't feel the need to own a physical license to my software any more than I feel the need to own a physical copy of a movie or show that I'm watching on Netflix."
"I had a really unforgettable 20s, you know, like from the age of 20 to 30, that I never would have experienced without YouTube."
"Make no mistake, the future is digital."
"Gen Z has practically spent their entire lives having near instant access to all the information that you could want or need."
"We're living in the Golden Age of media because it's athlete-generated content."
"We have entered a wondrous new age, the age of information."
"In a world saturated with digital images, the photographs of the 1960s are revered for their quality and the undeniable organic essence they exuded."
"We have to talk about this a lot nowadays, that what will happen to us as a society now that we suddenly all know how we look."
"We're in an epoch that we didn't foresee, that was introduced by the internet where everybody became a publisher."
"We have crossed a threshold tonight in the history of digital communication."
"The internet is it; it's all the internet, and this is the beginning. Everything now is still just derivative of the internet."
"It's a really cool superpower to have in this digital world."
"Putting free music on the internet as digital downloads and performing in clubs were essential to building a fan base and achieving career longevity."
"This is totally a streaming movie."
"The world we live in now is no longer physical; the world we live in now is digital."
"There has never been more content than there is today."
"2020 of all years is the year of everything being digital."
"TV's a dead medium; you can do what you need to do online."
"The digital age is heavily upon us, meaning that more and more data is getting created every single day."
"There's so much that I feel like we're living in an era where voices are, I think, at least the digital era has democratized some ways of getting your story out."
"It's content, we're in a content-based world now, you need content."
"People are spending more time in these digital worlds."
"Prince set out to articulate new concepts in the making and selling of music at a time when the digital age was threatening to bring the existing order to its knees."
"The idea that we move through environments in which the digital and the material are all part of the same configuration."
"We're living through the largest cultural shift in human history in the way we communicate."
"The rise of AMVs would truly come with the digital era."
"The Golden Age of YouTube would last 12 years during this time its power and influence grew beyond all expectations."
"Making a living on YouTube is amazing in this time."
"I love the fact that he has moved into this kind of space, this during this digital era where everything is about content."
"We pretty much understand what digital is and why it is important."
"We're in the digital age, and I'm really amazed how advanced technology is."
"Collaboration... is very important in this new digital age."
"This idea of the two-status workload has come up; it's simple, it's practical, it gets to the core of an issue in digital era knowledge work."
"We're moving to this intelligent context of content."
"The voracious appetite for authenticity in the digital age and the fine line that artists must navigate between reality and representation."
"Being a content creator in 2024 is crazy."
"For the first time, money is ready for the digital age."
"Kids 16, 17, 18, 19 years old can make millions, millions of dollars. Everything being digital, it's for sure just content."
"In the digital age, people are hungry for this sort of thing. To be able to see something come to life on stage in this way, audiences have been tremendously receptive."
"This technology is here to stay, it's the next layer on top of the internet."
"From some of the most influential television creators of all time comes a hero for our time, capable of defeating the worst evils given monstrous form that threatened the digital landscape."
"It's crazy to me that we can get so much more information in a short amount of time."
"We're compromising emotion and feel for digital cleanliness."
"The anonymity that the modern digital era offers has made it so much easier for the criminals to con us."
"It's crazy like what YouTube is today, bro, like a lot of people have jobs on YouTube and making a comfortable living off of YouTube, off the internet."
"There's so much incredible music that was made before the digital era."
"It's just the age of the internet."
"We all actually became closer and much more well-acquainted throughout 2022 with everything going on and being online."
"You're starting to get into a very dense music where it was very full and just the sound was better because they were now starting to move towards digital recording."
"The future is digital and it's happening now."
"We are in the age of peak content, and I am deeply grateful for the way that creation and consumption of content has been democratized."
"The world is going digital, but our world, the world around us, is all analog."
"This is the greatest digital transformation of all the digital transformations of the last hundred years."
"God is doing a new thing right now; we are living in a digital age."
"I think the creator economy has very much arrived."
"We live in the age of the internet, we live in the age of access to everybody."
"It's a fascinating time for us to be alive for the profession, so I encourage you to not be scared and take the digital steps."
"We're in the age of the internet now, for better for worse."
"We are in one of the most interesting times in content creation."
"In an interconnected world, access and connections are what people want instead of the ownership of discrete tangible products."
"Especially in the digital age, there is no competition, it's an infinite water of success."
"When there is nothing physical left, that's when the virtual wins."
"The world is going virtual, and this is one of the greatest times on earth to live."
"We are very lucky to be in this era where everything can be digitalized."
"Everybody's online. So the times are changing."
"We have entered into a new modern world, a new digital world."
"Please learn from the lessons that the digital movement just sort of swept away our market."
"It ushered in a completely new kind of era of this digital voyeurism."