
Breaking Barriers Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"You're going to feel like you can finally expand, and there's no more limitations being put on you."
"She broke down racial and gender barriers, opening doors that had long been closed to performers of color."
"Joel's emotional barriers gradually begin to break away."
"You are the breaker of chains; you break down the limiting beliefs and the barriers of what we're supposed to be."
"Things previously thought to be impossible... may in fact be possible."
"Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier, and we say he broke it because he broke it; he smashed it."
"Learning how to live with love and in peace with the people around us can take a lot of breaking down barriers we've been taught since birth, destroying prejudices, destroying stereotypes, changing the way we think and act."
"Faith is not predicated on understanding and 5-year plans; faith is predicated on trust."
"Let's break some of those chains and shackles off. Those cages. You were not created to live a small life; you were not created to live a safe life. You were created to live a life of faith."
"Just because it's never been done doesn't mean you won't do it."
"We can't exist if we continue to build walls, we have to break those walls."
"We just pulled an error card, we broke the Mime curse!"
"Break the invisible cords of prescriptions and limitations in your life."
"I was a game changer. I took a dump on the glass ceiling, and I shaved my [BLEEP] in the sink of the old boys club."
"Ultimately, it was to break down the masks, break down the falseness, break down those comfort zones so you can have a rebirth."
"Break the chains to anything that's holding you back."
"We break barriers, glass ceilings shatter on this show."
"Be courageous, take charge, break out of illusions, and liberate yourself."
"For girls who love baseball, the field of their dreams is opening up. 'Don't let people tell you what you can't do.'"
"Break through any artificial boundaries and realize your own self-worth."
"Dorothy shattered glass ceilings and became one of the most well respected and popular journalists in the world."
"Dorothy's tenacity and dedication to her goals broke through barriers."
"A new era begins to emerge and brutal barriers are broken down."
"I broke the own taboo in my mind which is challenging myself to break my own taboos."
"This isn't even breaking the fourth wall anymore, this is completely demolishing it."
"You are not beholden to their energy. Hear the sound of that glass breaking as you break through any of those old karmic ties."
"Break free from these limiting mind frames, break free from your safe zone."
"Break free, break all of the chains that are holding you down."
"It's extraordinary how much this show has broken through some of the barriers."
"You need to break that wall down. You need to break down the wall of the ego belief systems that are blocking off your consciousness."
"The historic barrier is long overdue to be broken, and I couldn't think of a better candidate for the job."
"That's the four-minute mile that's that person that pierces a level of consciousness that says it's possible not only is it a footprint in the field quantum field but it's also evidence in three-dimensional in reality and people lean in."
"He read 30,000 words per minute with a comprehension rate of 90 percent."
"This whole thing feels like we're breaking free from our shackles."
"Systems can change and systems can be broken down."
"Somebody has to be the first, somebody has to kick the door down."
"He managed to shatter the mask of the Goddess."
"If the only Gatekeepers to movie stardom came from Tarantino and Scorsese, I would never have had the opportunity to lead a 400 million dollar plus movie."
"Breaking boundaries the way you're doing it with the coding is absolutely amazing."
"Powerful it delivers you from social impediments it breaks generational curses it heals uh congenital disease it it liberates us from economic depression and oppression."
"This is your moment to break loose, break free."
"Breaking the chains to whatever has been keeping you stuck."
"It's time for breakthroughs, breaking limits, puncturing expectations, and setting new standards."
"Breaking barriers... that's what you do when you're different, when you're put on this earth because you're meant to change things."
"Break every curse off of you, you have a destiny."
"This is a situation of glass ceiling being broken."
"Your chains have been broken, every curse dispelled."
"Unlock them from everything that is keeping them down."
"Freedom is breaking your chains and reclaiming them as tools of power. It's about standing up for your convictions and what you believe is right."
"Break free from what's limiting your self-expression."
"All the obstacles are being broken to open the doors... be integrated within the global system."
"We need to keep the communication going, break all these barriers."
"Learning to solo involves listening for the chord progression."
"Don't fix it if it isn't broken, but I want to break through that glass ceiling."
"You're smashing through that glass ceiling or whatever it is that's holding you back."
"Bet on yourself, break the chains, and embrace change."
"We're done with that... we're going into the knowledge barrier."
"This person wants movement forward and it's to do with being open, being honest, communicating their truth, being victorious, cutting the ties to anything that's blocks your connection in the past."
"The era of gatekeepers is over. There is no reason you can't be a great writer, musician, filmmaker."
"Degree does not break the yoke. Anointing breaks the yoke."
"I've done so many firsts, I've broken through walls and doors."
"It's more about how do we break down barriers from one perspective to another."
"The art of life is breaking the wall and breaking down boundaries, and paving their own path in music is what X Japan does best."
"You don't want to fit into a glass slipper that someone has made for you, you break the glass ceiling."
"You are only limited by your imagination and your capacity to build a 'we' that overflows these fake ass lines."
"We need more female game show hosts, and Kiki Palmer made history."
"It's time to pick up the hammer, not for violence, but to shatter the glass ceilings."
"The energy's here to break that once and for all."
"Stray Kids is showing that just because everyone knows what K-Pop is now doesn't mean there aren't new barriers and walls to dismantle."
"This person is coming out of their cage, they're coming out of their own restrictions."
"Breaking limitations, you are shattering the ceiling here."
"Breaking the ties that bind, it's going to change your life."
"You're meant to break out of some of those like limitations that are still like maybe carrying with you in this lifetime."
"I am Breaking Chains, I am facing fears and Healing Daily."
"Freedom is needed, break free of something that's binding or constricting you."
"Expand compassion beyond artificial barriers."
"I want to open up a door that's never been opened for women before."
"Barriers are being broken. The Impossible is becoming reality, and I'm so here for it."
"Breaking Free from past limitations, feeling appreciative of our own individual power."
"You're breaking the chains, standing in your power, doing things differently."
"This is a chance to break that bridge, pull down that curtain, and say hey I'm here."
"Let your light be the stones that will shatter glass ceilings everywhere and inspire generations to come."
"There's always room to break through, no matter what anyone says."
"There are no rules that say this; you want to break the spirit of poverty."
"We will not live in a two-dimensional world. We won’t go in one direction, or zig where we can zag. We will walk through walls. We will not be confined."
"He was a one-man wrecking crew when it came to shattering glass ceilings."
"That sound is going to break barriers like racial barriers, whatever barriers."
"Cena was great on the mic, breaking through the fourth wall."
"I want to inspire the world and I want to just keep going and break barriers and do some legendary [__]."
"You're one of the people that broke the cycle."
"Most people are so trapped in a jail of their own making. When you crush it, you're gonna go ahead of the pack."
"You won't believe it legends, I have just officially broken that right."
"I feel man that that I broke the family curse man that I'm the first millionaire."
"It's very inspirational, Ayana, that you have that sense of breaking the glass ceiling, not just as a woman, but in this particular case, as a Muslim woman in Korea."
"She's not just breaking barriers, she's setting the stage ablaze."
"Charlotte Worthington won the inaugural BMX freestyle Olympic title after becoming the first woman to land a backflip 360."
"Remember, you're breaking free from something."
"I think we're getting there. To those who are breaking glass ceilings, and they're still there, I always say you have to own the fact that you might be a first."
"The best part about the story is as a sergeant, I'm getting calls all week long. 'CBS News, we'd like to talk to Jen Grosso about her coming onto LAPD SWAT, first girl to break the ceiling.'"
"LeBron James's decision broke a barrier no player has ever been able to do."
"She wasn't just breaking a box, she was breaking an idol."
"It just takes that one person to see your light and recognize your talent for you to go out there and just break down all the windows and doors that are standing in your way."
"Break out of that box even if you are trampled dead, then arrive."
"She was breaking down barriers and walls for women left and right."
"She rewritten the rules of the game making history as the first woman to win an Olympic gold the female lightweight boxer."
"...first white guy's won the dunk contest, that's huge, you know? It dispels a heck of a myth that'll be in the record books."
"Barriers are broken in this place."
"...a woman and an African-American busting through barriers and making history along the way."
"We break the curse spiritually, habitually, behaviorally and with our words."
"You're the first one that's gonna graduate, you're the first one that's gonna own a house, you're the first one that's gonna break the curse."
"Where is the fourth wall? The fourth wall is gone from the show."
"Break it, break down walls, breaking down barriers in the life of others."
"Break the seals that keep us from actually experiencing all that we could experience."
"You can't put me in a box. Just give me time, I'll break out of it."
"They must be willing to do what no one before has dared to do. They must be willing to be the first, the breaker of the spell."
"Because of his work breaking barriers, I can stand here today as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff."
"Every wall of limitation will be broken, limitations that family put on you will be broken, limitations that society puts on you will be broken."
"When we did 'Pour Some Sugar On Me,' it was only written because Run-D.M.C. and Aerosmith had done 'Walk This Way.' All of the sudden, rock and rap did mix, so we wrote our own."
"Somebody's gotta do it for the first time, why not it be us? We always like, you know, breaking barriers."
"Records that one didn't even know were there to be broken are broken."
"I really did break down a lot of barriers and we make women feel safe and secure in their skin and then know that it's okay to like love the skin you're in."
"The glass ceiling? It's not here because I've shattered it already, it's in pieces on the ground."
"The first female to pitch in the Southwest Regional since 2002."
"All I want to do is take bricks off this wall. You get to a point in life and you're like all I want to do is take bricks off this wall."
"You're trying to knock down the walls."
"When you achieve a level of success, it breaks boundaries of regular people."
"We're really shattering the glass ceiling."
"If no one could run a four minute mile and then one person does it, that option now is available for everyone in that field."
"How long did they say a four-minute mile was impossible? A long time. How many people broke a four-minute mile after it was done the first time? Quite a few."
"That's the one movie that just breaks free from the comic book confinements."
"Your unique creative expression is breaking some sort of hex."
"Your power is in the chains that you break. My power is in the chains that I break."
"I shatter glass ceilings, I smash spiritual bars and iron membranes."
"I choose to break out of limiting situations."
"We can all find our path forward by breaking out of our boxes."
"I must break that chain of poverty; I will not settle down for mediocrity."
"Jesus is completely breaking down the barrier of sexism and racism."
"Happy Jackie Robinson Day everybody. On this date, April 15, 1947, Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers."
"Breakthrough this imaginary cage and ignore others, your desires take priority."
"This award forever shatters a myth about the musical theater."
"Break the wall around you, the wall of hesitation."
"I have defied the statistics, and I will not falter in my aspirations to dismantle the glass ceilings imposed on women, people of color, and minorities."
"Let's break all these ceilings, let's break all these barriers, a female can do anything in sports."
"You will not be a victim or a rebellious generation, you will be an anointed generation and a generation that breaks the bonds."
"I want to be the guy who kind of breaks down the chains and make them look up to me."
"Mrs. Folorunso Alakija was breaking all the barriers."
"I will break stereotypes and inspire a new generation of women."
"Breaking these stereotypes and all being powerful."
"I want her to grow up knowing the glass ceiling's been broken; she can do anything that she wants."
"Swing that wrecking ball of talent of yours and smash those stupid rules right out of the way."
"She showed that it is possible to transcend the material limitations on black women as exhibited in mass media."
"There's going to be bloodline curses broken, there's going to be satanic covenants broken."
"Tonight such covenant will be broken."
"Every chain you've been worried about is broken."
"It's not so much about teaching them a million things as much as to break the false beliefs, the things that are holding them back."
"Time to quit looking at that wall. There's more out there in life."
"I hope you're a woman who shatters glass ceilings."
"Perhaps through art, we can break walls of race and walls of prejudice."
"Every chain of limitation that has been holding you, it will not hold you again."
"We never take kindly to glass ceilings here; instead, we shatter them."
"We're the generation that we're breaking all those chains."
"Real love breaks down barriers and binds people together."
"I believe this symbolizes the female struggle to break the glass ceiling."
"It takes light to be able to break out of that environment and to master that particular environment."
"Jesus broke down the walls of separation between himself and that Samaritan woman."
"Applauds to him for normalizing breaking gender barriers."
"Multiple streams of income is what they say will help you achieve financial freedom and break those chains."
"You're breaking those generational curses."
"Breaking out of your own limitations, your own limiting beliefs, your own illusions."
"You are a record breaker; what tried to kill you, you just killed it."
"The glass ceilings are there to be broken."
"We are not an experiment; we are the underdog, the underestimated, the ceiling breakers."
"He is for energy, breaking down walls."
"We're going to see some women break away."
"As the lead pastor of V1 Church, I intend on continuing in the legacy of Jesus Christ Himself by breaking this glass ceiling over the marginalized and silenced women of this generation."
"Breaking barriers and challenging expectations about what women can achieve in the world of fitness."
"I refuse. You think I'm going to fall behind? Just like you, I will find a way to shatter through my limits."
"Daily I break the veils of ignorance, spiritual blindness, familiarity with sin, and generational curses."
"Ultimately my faith and my relationship with God motivates me to continue to break down those glass ceilings unapologetically tell the stories that I know will one day impact the world and hopefully Inspire other women and other women of color in my field to do the same."
"You were the oil that was going to break generational curses and help others along the way."
"You are breaking every chain that was holding you bound, that's how powerful you are chosen ones."
"Exceeding the limits, going past where we are, breaking out of limitations, beyond."
"We want to build girls of courage, confidence, and character who not only make the world a better place but who are now shattering through that glass ceiling."
"Breaking free from these limitations, these things that have kept us bound, kept us stuck."
"It's about breaking down walls, breaking down barriers."
"Stereotypes are made to be broken."
"You can break all these glass ceilings by just being yourself."
"The Lion King doesn't just smash box offices, it also smashes glass ceilings."
"You are about to get up and walk out of that invisible box people put you in."
"I want to be here to just really break up a lot of the cultural boundaries and cultural expectations."
"We're gonna show you how to use your high heels not just to look good, but to turn them upside down and break glass ceilings."
"Young women can smash boundaries, they can smash barriers."
"I'm Jackie Robinson, and you name it, I broke it."
"We have broken through the fourth wall."
"You're breaking stereotypes for athletes everywhere."
"We're getting to the point now where we might break that whole stigma that is attached to lions."
"She broke through the glass ceiling."
"Breaking the barriers to what people think is possible in this life."
"Let's break the wall, and if you have walls yourselves, let's break the wall together with our music."