
Generational Wealth Quotes

There are 322 quotes

"You know, cash in the money for experiences when you're young, give the money away to your kids when they're younger and they actually can use it."
"When people talk about generational wealth, they believe in the traditional way of building wealth, where there's a whole different way where you could finance your life, build your own wealth, finance your family's life, and borrow from yourself."
"A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children but also gives them the inheritance of the mindset of what to do with the money."
"What I'm telling you is a hack, a system that you can actually take advantage of, create your own bank, have tax-free momentum, become a wealth creator, create generational wealth."
"My end goal is to break generational curses and create generational wealth."
"You're building generational wealth. You're building a solid foundation for yourself."
"The problem is the white families in this country have had hundreds of years to build up generational wealth. The black families hadn't."
"If you do want to give money to your kids, you should give it to them when they're young rather than when you die."
"We have to look to hold these stocks for at least one generation if we really want generational wealth."
"True wealth... is knowing oneself and taking the gift that you have in oneself and using it to create generational wealth."
"You may not have the stuff that you want right now, but you do have ideas that can create generational wealth."
"Generational wealth means to me... teaching you how to set up real estate and the ultimate goal is for me to get you to understand the power of a living trust."
"Invest into the products that I think have real longevity and I don't really care so much about this year. I'm talking about two, three, five, ten years down the road kind of like a generational wealth type of thing."
"Congratulations, because you're actively trying to better your financial life and make some real generational wealth."
"That should pay for their college, pay for their first car, and pay for the down payment of their own first home so that they can go repeat this."
"The secret strategy used by the richest people in the world to build lifelong wealth and generational wealth is pretty simple but it's very, very powerful."
"Generational wealth has a lot to do with high-quality information, not necessarily schooling."
"The GI Bill was an incredibly powerful road towards generational wealth that was denied to black soldiers."
"Properly structured life insurance can serve not just as a safety net, but as a building block for generational wealth."
"Entrepreneurship absolutely helps generational poverty because you're able to transfer something down to somebody else."
"If you were born in the 1990s in this country, you are down to a 50/50 shot [of being better off than your parents], and that is declining fast."
"I'm creating generational wealth and I'm done stressing about finances month after month."
"Generational wealth... it's all about leaving footprints for your offspring."
"You want money left over to give to your family and to make sure they're taken care of."
"The government prevented African American families from getting home loans, cutting them off from generational wealth accumulation."
"Millennials might be going from the poorest generation in recent history to the richest generation of all time."
"My kids get that $4,000 a month. My grandkids get that $4,000 a month. That's generational wealth."
"The idea of building generational wealth has essentially been wiped out because now buying a home, which gives you security and can protect you against tragedy, is so much more expensive."
"70% of the families that inherited their wealth will end up losing all of it by the second generation."
"Generational wealth is giving your children options past when you're not here."
"Instead of leaving generational wealth, we're leaving generational debt."
"Generational wealth is being talked about, and that's a good thing."
"Inter-generational wealth creates inter-generational wealth. The lack of access to that wealth creates inter-generational debt."
"You have the ability to make enough money to handle three generations: you, your children, and your children's children."
"Millennials are about to become the richest generation, going from being the poorest to the richest in very short order."
"The wealthiest generation in history is starting to retire and die."
"It drives me nuts when like boomers have that attitude about like young people are entitled when like they were able to like fall ass backwards into owning a home in their 20s because houses were just so much more affordable back then."
"If people were paid a livable wage with good benefits, they would feel appreciated."
"Everybody under the sun knows in order to build generational wealth, they do it through real estate."
"You're trying to make generational wealth, I don't think your [] kid is going to be like 'yeah, we got a pen, uh, yay, we got this new truck' digging like 'yay, we got some [] food in the backyard or the front yard or something like that.'"
"I'm trying to secure four generations, I want to give four generations a head start."
"I got a dream of taking care of my family creating generational wealth whether it's music diapers uh dog [] dog food I don't give a [] what it is as long as it's legal and it's profitable."
"You deciding what your generational wealth looks like because of the seeds that you plant today."
"Younger generations are now poorer than their parents."
"We're serious about building generational wealth."
"The theme of this week and last week's videos is generational blessing."
"Learn, understand, and grow—generational wealth awaits those who invest wisely."
"That's not only life-altering but potentially generational wealth if you control that."
"Generational wealth is a stretch, this man is 42 years old with a house that's worth a couple hundred grand and a Mercedes."
"You only need $1,400 to be richer than the average millennial."
"I want families to be able to retire with dignity, be able to change their family tree, and be able to live well."
"It's black excellence, it's family, it's generational wealth."
"Your children will be the business owners, the wealth builders, the job creators in the next generation."
"My goal is generational wealth from a portfolio which pays my bills now but also tends to appreciate over time."
"Your wealth is important, it's not just important to you, it's important to generations to come."
"There's a whole generation who just made a fortune in the stock market."
"This is one of the best opportunities for people to really build true generational wealth."
"Millennials and gen zers start realizing that their peers are getting rich with crypto."
"Don't just buy your kids a bunch of toys, buy them some shares of stock."
"You have your whole life ahead of you, I hate the fact that young people are making money."
"You're leaving a legacy, enough money to be passed down."
"What's important about that is building generational wealth sometimes in our community seems like a competition rather than a culture and I want to change that."
"The younger generation can only become rich by investing in something like crypto now which the old guys don't understand."
"Essentially we have generation after generation repeating the same cycle because no one says, 'Hey, this is what you should do with your money.'"
"Real estate is truly a generational wealth-builder and will always be in demand."
"In an ideal world, what would you want for yourself in this cannabis space? - A viable business where I can create generational wealth."
"This is the greatest wealth opportunity of our entire lives, probably multiple lives, probably hundreds of years."
"Investing in yourself is buying back your time... build wealth, create generational wealth."
"This ain't a joke. This is generational wealth building time."
"Income tends to persist across generations instead of a more meritocratic approach."
"My money's so long like... the work I'm putting in now is for the future generations."
"Generational wealth only lasts three generations. Bingo! You've got the first generation that earns it, the children who saw their parents working, and then the grandkids who have no idea."
"God wants to prosper you, to leave wealth for your children."
"Money is generational knowledge. It's something that can benefit you, your kids, your grandkids, and beyond."
"Teaching you how to keep the money... creates generational wealth and brings real equality."
"For generations, I don't buy Nike stock. I mean, lucky shoes. I buy Nike stock. I don't have a new car, but I buy stocks and bonds in their business, so my great-great-great-great-great-grandkids will know my name."
"Real estate is a beautiful intergenerational play."
"Investing is passive. Once you build up the portfolio, it can live on forever, passing on cash flow for generations."
"If you're not happy at your job, leave. You don't owe these companies [stuff]."
"I want more than that, dawg. I'm trying to build like a real [__] something that's going to sustain my generations after me."
"Owning real estate creates generational wealth."
"If you have goals of being your own boss, creating generational wealth, and getting out of that nine to five, then that is exactly why I'm here for you."
"You live like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else."
"Rich is being able to take care of your kids' kids, right? Being able to make it so your generation or the generation after you doesn't have to go through the same problems as you did, right?"
"Here's a hundred thousand dollars and then on to the next generation. It should not be particularly surprising that discrimination in the past has impact on the actual income of people who are living in the areas that were denied loans."
"Half of the wealth in the fort 400 are newly created in one generation."
"It perfectly preserves energy or purchasing power into the future for your kids forever."
"Millennials are the first generation to be worse off than their parents."
"Most millionaire wealth self-made wealth is lost by the end of the second generation."
"If we don't have these conversations, all the generational wealth tweets and everything that's going on that's popular right now, it's not going to matter if we're not actually planning and doing things that actually increase our net worth."
"Crypto might be the last easy way to get rich in my generation."
"I bought this house because Nipsey Hussle put me onto generational wealth."
"The opportunity that you take advantage of becomes the leverage for the Next Generation."
"Building wealth is largely driven by so many other factors and according to one of the largest studies on millionaires 80% of millionaires are first-generation rich."
"This is your chance to really plant a seed that will grow into a sycamore for your family generations down the line."
"Property doesn't turn out to be a good way to store intergenerational wealth."
"So pay yourself 10 percent first. And when I mean pay yourself 10 percent, I mean invest it because if you truly want to build generational wealth, if you start off day one investing 10 percent over your lifetime, you will be wealthy."
"My generation has a lower standard of living than my parents."
"From my experience, you should be able to grow, obtain, and pass down generational wealth."
"Invest in your home for generational wealth."
"If you want to deal with white privilege, open up your company, deal with generational wealth."
"Building generational wealth, assets, investments, and all of that will remove us from the pit of poverty."
"I believe that anyone on any income can take steps to master their money and improve their financial situation for themselves and for generations to come."
"You ain't got to do none of that. Mitt215 has been teaching people that are brand new how to get into the real estate game and start creating generational wealth."
"All the baby boomers who are now mortgage-free homeowners went through paying interest rates three times what they are now."
"The ultra-wealthy used art as a way to store their immense wealth, to protect it for future generations."
"The adults in the room will have their fun in the sun, and the children will lose their money on the meme coins."
"It's not built to last, it's not built to be a home that we're gonna pass down and use to create any kind of wealth story of our lives."
"Generational wealth is really important, but you have to do your due diligence and understand what's going on in those areas."
"Life insurance should be the catalyst to wealth."
"This is generational wealth, yeah, it's not a job that's empire that is an empire."
"You're destined to have generational wealth, destined to have a successful and traditional family life."
"Money is for your family, generate breaking generational curses, all of that."
"Financial legacy is when your wealth lasts for generations."
"Black fathers making power moves and setting the precedent for generational wealth."
"Rich women tended to produce more rich women."
"I want to buy a property paid off over 30 years, live off the cash flow, give it off to my future kids."
"This isn't rich, this isn't even wealth, this is generational money, this is I can buy a few countries and control their economy money."
"Generational wealth is like, listen, if nobody has you, I have you."
"But this is about you being able to take care of your family for lifetimes to come and you guys having Financial Freedom or you being able to give your children something that you didn't have."
"I just want to uplift my community. I wanted to teach my community about real estate, about investing in generational wealth."
"Raise your son to be the team owner... the person who's paying the first rounder, they're making way more than the first rounder."
"Had you bought just a thousand dollars in each one of these periods, your children not even born yet in your family, we'll remember your name."
"We are here to build generational wealth and try to give back to our own communities."
"It's not about 'when Lambo' for people like us. It's about one generational wealth. When are we going to be able to take care of?"
"Build wealth for your kids, build wealth for your grandkids."
"Everyone should have the chance that prior Generations had to own a home."
"I just wanted to have the security of knowing that I'm gonna be a kandacy chief for a long time I'm obviously gonna have enough money that I'll be able to help out future generations my grandkids their grandkids and everything like that."
"I think that's the source of I think a lot of young black men and getting money now and don't have a lot of old geezers around them to tell them what's right and what's wrong."
"There's a difference between retiring with 20 million in the bank and 150 million in the bank for generations."
"Millennials control just one-fourth the wealth of their predecessors, the baby boomers."
"If you become an investor and do it consistently, your grandchildren will be in a much better financial position."
"Generational wealth, it's not having land and stuff, it's having time with the ones you love, and those are the things that we can pass down. The memories is actually what we can take."
"Community builds wealth. Families build wealth generationally. That's the truth."
"You should get mad at the structure that has presented a future for you that is unfortunately not as prosperous as your parents' generation."
"We need to go out here, we need to own some real estate and own investment properties and build our generation wealth."
"Just help more people create generational wealth."
"Every single person watching this video right now in two generations can have a family that's worth over 100 million dollars."
"I hope I can leave something to my children like not just one thing like a long list of some things so that they can have generational wealth."
"Basketball can get you there. Let's face it, my grandkids to be able to eat off. I think you do whatever they want. But like, make sure my grandkids are sick."
"You gotta leave your kids some [expletive], bro. Let's break this generational [expletive]."
"The reason why there's a big gap between black and brown home ownership and white home ownership is because white people take the value out of their homes and help their children."
"70% of wealthy families lose their wealth by the next generation."
"If your father is one of the most famous rappers on earth, your children should be good, your grandchildren should be good, your great triple great-grandchildren should be extra super good."
"Millennials are staring down the barrel of no property ownership stagnant wages and they're mad about it boomers control a disproportionate amount of wealth and for this you are getting the rise of Bernie Sanders and the rise of Trump."
"Generational wealth, in my opinion, and many economists have already pointed to the reason and the reality why the scales are unbalanced here in this beautiful land of ours, America."
"Generational wealth is a head start that was given to people here in America. Even if nobody was alive now that was back in slavery, there has to be some effort to at least help people get on their feet."
"Project 2070 is where we believe that by the Year 2070 if we do what we need to do right here in this generation our grandkids can be the most financially literate financially intelligent people on the planet."
"You can still get rich with it. The life you save might be your own. If it doesn't save you, it might save your kids. If it doesn't save your kids, it might save their kids."
"Every woman deserves to be celebrated, so we're building tomorrow's Legacy with generational wealth."
"In general, knock has the capacity to kill an engine pretty fast. And it should always be avoided."
"Millennials have less invested than older generations."
"This also contains a once in a lifetime opportunity that can and will set you and your family up for generational wealth if you play your cards right."
"That's what's gonna give us a couple trillion in this generation."
"Think about how you're going to maintain or create generational wealth."
"Computers are superior to humans once they become sentient."
"I know everybody hearing my voice is trying to think about creating generational wealth or getting their time back with their family."
"Utilize that value then to set yourself up for generational wealth."
"Not only would I free myself but my family will eat for a lifetime based on the information I apply today."
"If you built up something that's an income generator, allow it to exist for hundreds of years after you've passed and to continue to bless your future generations."
"I'm more obsessed with generational wealth. I want my children to have financial stability."
"You're not buying the watch for yourself; you're buying it for generations to come."
"Shout out to all my black women, all my black men out there on the grind, trying to make a living for your family, trying to make that generational wealth happen, trying to break generational traumas. Like just shout out to us, okay? Like, I'm so proud of us."
"...people are giving their whole lives not building Legacy and building something that is going to be lovely and handed down to their children's children."
"Build your wealth now so that when your children give you, they will feel privileged, not because you are a beggar."
"When you see people with certain transgenerational blessings, it didn't come just by dancing around; it was an experience with God."
"Investing is so important. It is how you build wealth. It is how you build generational wealth. Investing is so good."
"How do you keep that [expletive] going for generation after generation? Money."
"You never know, sometimes it skips a generation."
"I'd rather take my money and build something that at some point will be generational."
"This is life-changing, multi-generational Fu money."
"The reason why I want to be successful is to break those generational curses in my family."
"Succession, hand me down, generational. We need to create that wealth. It needs to start somewhere. And if we don't do it next year, then for the next 50, 100 years, we're going to be sitting and having these very same conversations."
"Americans are reaching retirement in worse financial shape than their parents."
"We should be given back in a way that's propelling upward mobility and building generational wealth."
"So my babies won't have to grow old tending other people's pots and pans and washing their dirty drawers."
"Sustain your future, sustain your future. Leave an inheritance for your children. Bless your grandchildren."
"Generational wealth is one of those terms like platform that they should not have. It escaped the confines of classrooms and now I have to hear it all the time. I don't know what people think it means, like they think it's like just like a big bag of money with your face on it."
"I want to make sure that my daughter, you know, she's reaping the benefits of this as well and she's able to, you know, profit exponentially afterwards, facts, facts."
"Just because the Baby Boomers have all of the wealth right now doesn't mean it's going to stay like that forever."
"A lot of the things that have been passed on to us instead of generational wealth, they passed on generational poverty."
"At 63, you still can have love and create generational wealth for your grandkids."
"Generational wealth means passing on more than just land, money, or assets."
"My long-term goal is generational wealth. I want my kids' kids to be straight for show."
"We can leverage our culture to create generational wealth, and that's what we have to do."
"We're making one generation better off when they're young and making every generation moving forward better off because we're now with this consumption maximizing level of savings."
"How do I build some kind of generational wealth?"
"Make so much money that my daughter's children don't have to worry about nothing, generational wealth, no cap, amazing."
"But I also want Black people to have generational wealth."
"Generational wealth is about putting you in a position to get a better start, not a full stop."
"Give it up for Auntie one time just based off of the talent in the generational wealth and hits that she's already released over the past decade and a half and plus a little bit more."
"I'm trying to build generational wealth for my kids' kids, you know what I'm saying?"
"Wealth could be is probably best being handed over to the next generation bit by bit while you're still alive."
"...these now iconic surnames were the first bearers of generational wealth, also known as old money."
"Proverbs says a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children."
"We're building our bosses, we're showing people how to build generational wealth and just keep it going."
"When Millennials get older and richer, that'll be a huge market."
"We need to start building that generational wealth for ourselves rather than looking at the system and being like, 'Look what it's done; we don't have any generational wealth because of slavery.'"
"If they don't access that money and they pass it on to the next generation, the next generation, or their kids, are going to inherit this money out of a Roth Tax-Free."
"I want to leave my kids that money because it's... generational money and it's cultural change."