
Ethical Principles Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"Healthcare workers, humanitarians, ambulances, and hospitals should be respected and protected in all situations."
"Satya (truthfulness) should always be subject to Ahimsa (non-violence)."
"Ethical journalist should treat sources, subjects, and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect."
"Respecting human dignity means regarding persons not just as means but also as ends in them."
"In order to say don’t be evil, you must already dwell in that space of evil."
"Laws and principles are not for times when there is no temptation: they are for such moments as this, when body and soul rise in mutiny against their rigor."
"With great power, there must also come great responsibility."
"We need to have a moral standard that transcends time, place, and culture."
"Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought."
"Human solidarity demands that we look upon each other as brothers and sisters, and that we forbid activities such as murder, rape, perjury, and theft."
"The Belmont Report does not stop with this abstract principle. It explains a way to implement respect for persons: informed consent."
"It's a non-aggression principle. You don't have the right to hurt me; I don't have the right to hurt you."
"Morality existed before any God...it's not religion that [taught us] 'do as you would be done by'."
"Non-violence is really the only way that we can follow."
"You can't expect them to automatically treat you the same in return. You have to do it out of principle, not for the gratitude."
"You know, the golden rule is not a bad idea. I mean, Jesus said 'test all things and hold fast that which is good.' That's not a bad idea."
"There are right and wrong answers to how humans flourish."
"Morality is not dependent on your group identity."
"This might be the best way to level up the audio for your smartphone."
"I'm one thousand percent against dehumanization of any human being whatsoever."
"When I am weak I ask for free speech because it's according to your principles, when I am strong I deny you your free speech because it's according to mine."
"The soul searching we have to do... is what are the principles that we wish to hold in common."
"What's the foundational principle that allows us to dictate to someone else how their body is going to be used?"
"The harm principle: not to do harm to others or interfere unnecessarily with their choices."
"But such a thing as principle exists. I mean, some things are just wrong because they're wrong. Racial discrimination, putting people in prison because you don't like their political views, these are just wrong."
"Justice must you seek, says the Bible. Why does God repeat the word justice twice? Because justice has at least two elements."
"Two wrongs don't make a right, let's try to get it right in both contexts."
"My right to swing my arm stops at the contours of someone else's face."
"Our values are Humanity, mercy, and compassion."
"I respect you as an individual and your property, your life, as inviolable as mine."
"It's the right thing to do, it's the fair thing to do, it's the just thing to do."
"Rights are universal and should be treated as universal."
"I think that we should be approaching a 'Do no harm' principle."
"It's informed consent, not uninformed control."
"The golden rule contains all the law of Moses and the entire prophets."
"If you don't respect individual rights, you cannot be said to respect minority rights."
"Principles over profit. That's what we need."
"The principle that you are responsible to and for your child should apply in the womb just as much as it does outside of it."
"Justice is impartial. It represents morals and ethics and principles that don't change no matter which side is more demanding."
"The ends don't justify the means because you never meet the ends."
"Liberty is not the license to do it one wants."
"It's fundamentally wrong to profit from someone else's pain."
"Respect for the truth comes close to being the basis for all morality."
"Thou shalt not lie is a very important commandment you shouldn't lie you should try your hardest to not lie."
"Slavery ain't right. All men should be free."
"Either you have integrity and nothing else matters or you don't have integrity and nothing else matters."
"The most important mantra in the world is, 'Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.'"
"Life has inherent value regardless of the circumstances of conception, regardless of the location of a particular life, regardless of the gestational age of a particular child."
"Free speech is a principle. It is a social and ethical principle that applies to Western cultures."
"The truth sets you free. No truth, no Freedom."
"It's always a good thing when you take a set of abstract moral principles and unite them with your own experience."
"This is not about revenge. This is about accountability."
"Some evil that's done is accompanied by a discourse that's a way of stepping out not just in practice but in principle out of moral life."
"Two wrongs do not make a right, and I stand by that a hundred percent."
"Humans have value period... you don't make guidelines based on the exceptions."
"You never had the right to commit murder in the beginning."
"There's no reason ever for people to resort to violence, none, period."
"There's a concept that undergirds the journalism at propublica: the public interest."
"I think many people have the stern don't take advantage of a tragedy principle don't capitalize on someone else's suffering."
"We abandoned the Golden Rule, do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. It's all about me."
"Thou shalt not own another human being as property."
"There's never a justification to destroy innocent human life."
"Love your neighbor as yourself; you have to love yourself first."
"Two wrongs don't make a right, an eye for an eye makes the world blind."
"I mean, it's pretty clear: 'Thou shalt not steal and honest weights and measures.'"
"The solution can never be to kill somebody who's innocent."
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Matthew 7:21
"There is a line we can't cross, no killing. It has to be the only difference between us and them."
"Once you start creating circumstances in which human beings lose their claim to their own bodies you have begun to dehumanize them and that is unacceptable."
"There is indeed a principle of justice, but there is also a principle of mercy. At times these two correct principles collide with each other as the unifying higher principle of the atonement does its work."
"We shouldn't make rules we wouldn't want to live on the wrong side of."
"There's a reason why when we're talking ethics there's a reason why there are things are objectively accepted honestly throughout every single culture that has ever existed."
"People matter more than concepts and must come first."
"Justice, mercy, and forgiveness are a reflection of love of neighbor."
"Every man is to be respected as an absolute end in himself, and it is a crime against the dignity that belongs to him as a human being to use him as a mere means for some external purpose."
"You can never do something evil that good may come of it."
"The basic elementary right to not be killed."
"Evil is closing the barrier to the other person, ignoring their pain."
"The reason that the founders were able to be selfless leaders... shows a tremendous amount of selflessness and control and principle."
"There's something called morality, there's something called spirituality."
"Serve the public trust, protect the innocent, uphold the law."
"You don't have to love animals to agree with the principle of ending exploitation and cruelty."
"Do unto others as others would have done unto them."
"There is no end that justifies an immoral means."
"You do not have the right to infringe upon somebody's life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness."
"There's a difference between being right and obtaining justice."
"We need to make a distinction between basic values of what's right and wrong and what is a faith-specific doctrine."
"Values are everything, and that includes liberty."
"Thou must not strike unless stricken first, this is the main principle of self-defense."
"We're the people who believe in rules and fairness, they don't so they're willing to use the rhetoric of might is right, there is no truth but power to then lie cheat and steal their way to power and that terrifies me."
"The principles behind it are very pure, focused on a public good rather than any particular agenda." - Jack Dorsey
"If a value is good, if an idea is good, then it's good for everybody."
"It just comes down to morals and principles."
"Anything that we're defining as good on that spectrum is going to have to at the very least reduce harm and ideally increase flourishing."
"True peace cannot be established until there is justice."
"Always remember, two wrongs don't make it right, bro."
"Do no harm, and I think that Bitcoin is tailor-made for this."
"We always follow the truth wherever it may lead us."
"Respecting the dignity of people is critical and vital."
"Serotonin itself wasn't officially discovered until 1935."
"Basic human rights, it's right and wrong at this point."
"Respect for the human person entails respect for the rights that flow from his dignity as a creature."
"What's right is more important than who is right."
"The golden rule is really that, and its metallic derivatives, as Pinker calls them. And I like that idea because I think that is basic."
"Religious persecution is wrong no matter who does it."
"Natural rights are the idea that there are certain things that you have the right to just by virtue of being human."
"It's not about the money, it's about being on the right side of justice."
"The most important yet most ignored words in all religious teachings: 'thou shalt not kill.'"
"The fundamental principle is that people should be free to make choices about their own lives."
"The more and more of these soulless faceless entities you can take and put into the realm of the cryptocurrency space the more you can EMB them with some basic principles of reciprocity and fairness human rights."
"No ends justify a loss of personal integrity."
"For the state of Israel to perpetrate in their name such crimes on other people is truly betraying not only Universal human rights but one of the most profoundly important animating principles of Judaism itself."
"I don't think there are any right or wrong rules."
"That's some Jesus principles right there. The left hand don't know what the right hand does right there like he's not bragging about anything."
"I am unconvinced when people tell me that rapid scientific progress which changes fundamentally the ways we provide for our material wants thereby obsolete the fundamental ethical and moral principles Western man has painfully evolved over the centuries."
"The moral law of God is true for all people in all places at all times."
"The real victory lies in the fact that right is right regardless of what others may say about it."
"To remove all liberty from his will is to remove all morality from his acts."
"The vegan principle can help solve many issues in our world."
"We should act only in accordance with moral principles."
"Whenever your approach to morality involves arriving at these hard and fast moral principles, you have a duty to adhere to regardless of what the consequences might be, you always run the risk of being called a little inflexible."
"The first step of solidarity is end complicity. Do no harm."
"It's not black versus white, or man versus woman - it's good versus evil, and access to what is right and wrong."
"We've got to wise up; the wealth of this earth is not stored up to bless the wicked, it is stored up to bless the righteous."
"Aristotle inherited the notion of the four cardinal virtues from Plato: prudence, fortitude, moderation, and justice."
"The road to progress should never compromise one's integrity."
"Truth matters, and good and bad matters."
"These are all principles of knowledge and ethics and spirituality that I'm infusing you with so that you continue to guide humanity."
"Forgiveness does not exclude justice."
"They're just general principles that you can find universally amongst all cultures."
"Principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice."
"Respect for persons, beneficence, and justice."
"People have the right to determine what happens to them, even if it means they come to harm."
"Our organization is built on values like honesty, integrity, and trust."
"Individuals have rights, and there are things that you can't do to them without violating those rights."
"Individuals have rights that limit our pursuit of consequences because individuals can't be sacrificed for the sake of some total amount of consequences for society."
"Rights are what he calls side constraints rather than maximizing principles."
"The highest level of moral development is the application of universal moral principles to all situations."
"The nine noble virtues as stated in the Havamal: courage, truth, honor, fidelity, discipline, hospitality, self-reliance, industriousness, and perseverance."
"Remember that each and every profession in this world, may it be doctors, engineers, lawyers, laborers, or whatever, is governed by ethics."
"It would violate every one of my moral, ethical, and religious principles to own the body and soul of another human being."
"The principles and rules concerning the basic rights of the human person include the prohibitions of genocide, slavery, and racial discrimination, as well as the prohibition of torture."
"There is nothing which cannot be utilized to the ends of the good."
"On this foundation, we can affirm the objective rightness of love, generosity, self-sacrifice, and equality, and condemn as objectively wrong selfishness, hatred, abuse, discrimination, and oppression."
"We understand that it is wrong to take the innocent life of somebody."
"The eternal way of rightness, the eternal right way of living, right thinking, right behavior, right contemplation, right aspiration."
"The issue is morality, not economics, not history; this means that the two systems will be defended on the grounds of fundamental moral principles, not on the grounds of economic or historical statistics."
"The principle of individual rights holds that you should never take an action that infringes on others' agreed-upon rights."
"Matters are judged by their intentions."
"Morality is good, there's something which you don't need to be religious to have."
"We need to make the rules first: Do no harm."
"The moral law has remained; the other laws that contained in other various ceremonial and civic laws, those are to be abolished; they're not forever, only the moral laws forever: do not kill, honor your mother and father."
"Be familiar with the Delta core values: honesty, integrity, respect, perseverance, and servant leadership."
"Human life cannot be bought, sold, or traded for money as profit."