
Physical Wellness Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"I celebrate and honor my physical body through dance and movement."
"Monitor your belly fat. Belly fat is the number one cause of cancer."
"Physical health... as you age, the amount of focus and attention you have to give your physical health does not increase linearly with your age, it increases exponentially."
"My goal is to help people help themselves with their own bodies."
"Keeping a muscle contracted all the time isn't strong. It's not how muscles work."
"Keeping your muscles relaxed and your joints in motion is immensely important to your health and wellbeing as an artist."
"You don't want to spike your pulse rate too much you wanna a low stress long duration type of exercise where you're calm and you're feeling good and you there's no stress that would be the best thing get out there and go walk and and get space."
"Folding over into your standing forward fold."
"Stretching guys, stretching is actually good for you."
"Get outside, walk barefoot on the grass or barefoot on the beach."
"Thanks to you, my back is straightening, and I feel so much better."
"My body feels good, my body feels strong, that nose ain't stopping me."
"Strength, balance, flexibility, stamina - one breath at a time, one pose at a time."
"We just want to open up the body, it's simple."
"Exercise can also help make you feel really good."
"If you take care of your body, your body will take care of you."
"Your health is no joke; focus on taking care of your bones and muscles."
"Just exercising because it makes me feel good and I enjoy this time, and I can be excited to get back into exercise without having to be about bouncing back."
"Let's roll the wrists and the ankles out really quickly, perfect."
"But I think it's just more of those performance goals or experiencing life through your body is how you fall more and more in love with it."
"Sitting for large amounts of time is very unhealthy."
"Does your muscles ache after working hard at the gym?"
"The heat helps with healing and the movement of your body in yoga."
"Anything that increases blood flow is mandatory."
"Ice rolling actually stimulates your lymphatic system."
"Exfoliation is great for the skin and great to keep your circulation going and regulated."
"The heat helps to detoxify your body, deepens the stretches, then safely increases the intensity and benefits of your practice."
"Sauna increases heat shock proteins that help refold proteins and activate your innate immune system."
"Food helps you not get sick, prevent illnesses, food helps your muscles grow stay strong helps your body repair."
"Total human optimization is, of course, you got to take care of the physical aspects of the body - you got to move, you got to get light, you got to get water, you got to get breath."
"It's about leaving physical lifestyle, respecting the body that you're leaving, constantly addressing it, being aware of it."
"This method, Wim Hof method, is supportive both mentally and physically."
"Honoring your body, your mind, your spirit, feeling so grateful for showing up today, doing the work mentally and physically."
"Then come down and from here we're just gonna do that best posture and you okay if you ask me and that's shavasana."
"Health, diet, exercise are key - take responsibility for your physical well-being."
"The results build. Your hair grows, your nails grow, your skin improves from head to toe."
"Physically and mentally, it has so many benefits."
"Finding something that your body likes to do and letting your body do it."
"Massage helps keep the aches and pains away."
"Exercise can just mean a walk on the beach, a hike through the forest, it can mean really easy light mobility work."
"It feels so good, it helps relieve so much stress in your muscles, and it's just really good for relaxation."
"Find those spots that are a little tender and work them out for about a minute."
"Thank you for being here today, thank you for having patience with the stretch."
"Whether you're fallen off the wagon and maybe you want to get back on the yoga horse or you're just a human in modern day world who could benefit from some core connection, some love for your lower back, your legs and the psoas."
"AG1 seemed to have amplified all of these as well as my body feeling loose, less sore, and less aches in the joints after play, amazing."
"Shaking your body allows the energy to move into the right places."
"Sauna is a great way to increase sweating, detoxify heavy metals, and move blood and lymph throughout the body."
"The way your penis works is a very good indicator of your overall health."
"Use your exhale to relax the weight of your body completely and fully into the mat."
"Increasing mobility, breaking up tight, tender areas: promoting recovery."
"Find that spot in your hips or your hip flexor and breathe deeply into it."
"Remember, in order to get flexible, you have to stretch your body, and that's how you become flexible."
"Yin Yoga is a gentle yet powerful practice that involves holding postures for extended period of time."
"Feel that opening sensation in the hips, try to keep your tailbone pointed downward towards the mat."
"Keep it nice and open, just reaching over."
"...helps soothe your legs and that sore achy muscle feeling."
"This is a nice bonus, that I'm, you know, I'm not wheezing when I walk up a flight of stairs anymore."
"If you can move in greater ranges of motion and still maintain good control, good stability, and good strength, then it's great."
"Everyone has a pelvic floor and everyone can benefit from taking some time to take care of the pelvic floor muscles."
"I'm helping my body prevent muscle cramps and fatigue."
"Stretching and the recovery day letting your muscles heal repair from the work that we've done this week it's so important."
"Very, very good stretch to those of you who get really tight in the hips and in the glutes and the thighs."
"Exercising or going for a walk or moving your body is also supposed to help with bloating and gas during pregnancy."
"This is going to feel really, really good on the shoulder."
"Bring those shoulder rolls back, I like this one, it feels so good."
"Thank you very much everybody for joining me in that lovely hip opening class."
"By taking away that stiffness in that first rib, I've been able to restore a lot more normal function to my shoulder and my neck than what I had before."
"Feel the lengthening, the sensations in the back of that right thigh."
"Visualize all the muscles around that hip melting and softening with each breath, finding more flexibility, more mobility, more range in those hips."
"This practice opening up space in the body, helping you feel strong, helping you feel capable, helping you feel aware."
"Keep elongating the spine, breathing life energy into every joint of the spine."
"Feel that nice side stretch, feels so good."
"Feeling that decompression, lengthening, and opening."
"This can reduce the stress and load at the joint area resulting in lower levels of pain and discomfort."
"My body is relaxed and tall; my posture is always perfect."
"Healing energy constantly flows through every organ and joint and cell. I move easily and effortlessly."
"Being physical... to feel the air and the Sun on your face, to me, there is tremendous healing property in that."
"Feel that beautiful stretch all the way down the legs."
"Enjoy the stretch, energy running up the legs."
"Look up slowly, and down, and lift."
"Feel the stretch in the inner thighs, we'll get some movement in our ankles, knees, and hips."
"So for joint mobility, really every joint you want to have, see how it has a good bounce to it right there."
"Let gravity do its work to open up your inner thighs and stretch your hips and low back."
"Feeling that stretch to the back of the body, calves, hamstrings, low back."
"As you press down through your toes, feel your thigh bones lift, hips firm in and down towards your heels, open up across your collarbones."
"Water acts as a lubricant for your muscles, joints, and vital organs."
"In 10 sessions you will feel a difference in your body, in 20 sessions you'll see a difference, and in 30 sessions you will have a whole new body."
"Reach those sitting bones up and back, feel them broaden."
"Thank you so much for joining me for this no feet yoga flow, I hope that you enjoyed it."
"We're gonna strengthen, lengthen, tone the whole body and still find some flexibility and mobility as well."
"Smile, think happy thoughts, belly button in and up, and feel your longest line from fingertips to toes."
"I love the way that it makes my body feel."
"I just got done with a pilates class and it felt really good."
"Stretching and staying mobile through the joys and flexibility is really important for aging."
"Stay lifted in the upper body, that gives you a little more lift."
"Anything you do to let your feet be feet and function will make you a better, stronger human."
"The first and most obvious effect that guys notice is just increased morning wood frequency or just better morning wood."
"It's a really nice posture, I like Baddha Konasana; it really is useful for opening the hips."
"It's very important for a healthy spine to move in every direction."
"Let's strengthen that pelvic floor."
"Lengthening the body like this, open it up; the mind will follow the body, will follow the mind. It works in such a great marriage."
"If you actually lean into that tension instead of backing away from it, you get this really pleasurable stretch response."
"A lot of the tension that comes from a rounded shoulder posture is the fact that the scapula sits too far forward and needs to fall back again onto the rib cage closer to the spine."
"My body just feels fantastic now, and I hope you feel the same too."
"It's an excellent massage for the back, it feels so good."
"Sweating is actually really good for the body because it helps get rid of all the nasty chemicals that are built up in your system."
"Your muscles feel engaged, you have mental clarity, and you're ready to enjoy the rest of your day."
"It's a very grounding meditative practice and it really helps with all of my Vasa flow that I do."
"I absolutely loved the leg days; they were really varied, really interesting, super fun, and I would get pretty sore from these, which I really like."
"We're going to show you how to use these to relieve some of that tension in your hips and gluteals."
"Embrace that stretch in your hamstrings, feeling a soft strength in your thighs."
"I love doing yoga just because I feel like it stretches out my entire body."