
Dance Quotes

There are 5388 quotes

"I celebrate and honor my physical body through dance and movement."
"A human being who doesn't dance is not a fully expressed being."
"Rise up, honor your inner force. Steps are being given. Dance with the universe."
"I am looking for beautiful lines, for great feet, for technique."
"I've never seen something communicate joy so much as to that guy dancing and jumping rope at the same time."
"The default dance is the first place with 40 out of 50 points."
"The default dance... really gives it the edge is the value; it's free, so that's an automatic 10 out of 10 for the value score."
"Humans need to dance and sing. It is part of the human condition."
"You need to dance like you're never going to dance again."
"Britney Spears was like my goal to dance with when I was younger."
"If you don't go to the gym, just dance it out. Just dance it out, and that works."
"I was dancing to my own beat, literally, and it was called ballet. I didn't know anything else."
"If you want to be Abby's Ultimate, your kid better know how to do every genre of dance."
"Why did you call me? Let's dance our signature dance."
"So they dance by the light of the moon, the moon, the moon; they dance by the light of the moon."
"When people dance, it can be captivating. It just means that they do it well to the point where you just really enjoy watching them do it."
"When you're on a dance floor and you can feel your body doing exactly what you wanted it to do... it is wonderful for your body confidence."
"A relaxing dance and dancing with new friends, these are both just so charming."
"I knew I wanted to be a dancer, but I knew that I wanted to be a broadcaster, especially in sports."
"This little dance wall, I love, and I really wish we had something like ballet shoes I could add or a proper bar."
"Southeast Asian dance has its own complicated footwork and expressive gestures and facial expressions."
"This is a lot of fun. I've always loved dancing zombies."
"Dance is the best. We're supposed to dance. It's also linked to verbal ability."
"Let the rhythm change your world on the floor."
"You'd be hard-pressed to find better dancers in modern wrestling than The New Day."
"It's light-hearted, it's carefree, it's sassy, it's confident, it's braggadocious, and it's meant for you to dance to."
"This dance is dedicated to you; you're an inspiration to our kids."
"The entire universe is a dance between Shiva and Shakti."
"Every study has shown this: dancing does more for your mental health than antidepressants or therapy."
"You gotta learn to dance and move with the Rhythm, and that's in the soul."
"In an appearance on 'The X Factor' in the UK, Britney's performance of 'Womanizer' was clearly more of a dance number than a singing one."
"Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels."
"It's nothing personal. I think your dance moves are awesome but they're hurting a lot of people so you have to stop."
"I have such a respect and fascination for dance and how your body can become a vehicle and a channel for your emotions."
"The choreography is in place, the dancers are prepped, the music is playing."
"Dance until you sail beyond your imagination."
"I felt McKaylee took a lot of risks." - Abby Lee Miller
"Britney's first big vocal performance on the show and Heather Morris is such a good dancer and the music video visuals were insane."
"There's a lot of records on the album that are dance records because it was the best dancing that I've ever done in my life."
"India held nothing back nothing nothing not the body not the face the turns were executed everything was amazing she gave the energy she like wanted it."
"For all those who are still moved by the wonders of music and dance."
"August is the perfect time to grab a local and learn how to dance at Tango Buenos Aires."
"Maddie humbled herself after forgetting her solo and became a completely better dancer."
"Maddie busting out the whole routine in the dressing room was a great moment in time."
"Abby knew that Chloe is the most technically sound dancer on that team."
"Open the door. Get on the floor. Everybody feed the dinosaur."
"She's set to graduate from Russia's renowned Bolshoi Ballet Academy this month."
"In dance, the great choreographer George Balanchine used to urge his dancers, 'Don't think, just do.'"
"Does that sound high or low? That sounds high, yeah, it's high like a bird, it makes me want to dance on my tiptoes."
"It just really takes me back to those nights when you have you know the Latin rhythm going on and then the beautiful Latina ladies get up there and just start getting into it."
"I think ultimately she really demonstrated strength through her dancing, and I think that was really beautiful to see."
"Dance can be really helpful to shake the emotions out of your body."
"I feel that our group dance was outstanding. It was absolutely beautiful."
"Every dance routine is working towards a goal. That goal is Nationals and winning a national title."
"Astros mascot Orbit sways to Beyoncé's Single Ladies. Prior to the game against the Dodgers, Astros mascot Orbit dances to Beyoncé Knowles' Single Ladies. What incredible moments!"
"Dance is a tool to break down economic and social boundaries."
"It captures the imagination, essentially, it just makes you smile."
"It's supposed to be a calm dance like look at the difference we'll walk if I'm asked this then I'm saying like I'm focused too much now let me chill a little bit see different swag different slag y'all right."
"So then everyone just kind of breaks out into this massive dance party. It's perfectly choreographed except for this one dancer who couldn't really seem to get it together."
"Connect more with music, with dancing, with movement."
"There are no words to describe how well she danced. That girl was everything."
"She made everyone feel like they could be a part, like dance was this beautiful form of expression, and Tony lived her life to express herself."
"Know nothing and dance Sweet Soul for all will unveil itself to you in Perfect Harmony and timing your heart shall create the steps in response to the Music of the Spheres Happening Now alive and spontaneous and free."
"I just want my legacy to remember as a dancer, that's all I want."
"Dance is how we express ourselves dance could be a means of expressing our emotions."
"A quick fun dance class online can make you feel energized."
"There's a lot of funny shit with dance and like and that's up to show y'all."
"Live every day as if it's our last dance, right? Yeah, we really should."
"Michael Jackson popularized the moonwalk, stopping the world for a moment."
"You can have fun, go out, and dance your life out into the stratosphere."
"I love dancing... it's been my therapy since a kid."
"Breaking expensive things that people really want, especially in this context."
"Nothing impresses a woman more than a man who can dance like nobody's watching."
"I think Chloe bought the Irish dancers in so that we could really see their timing and unison."
"I'm still trying to find something that I love as much as I love dance."
"I'm kind of over dance. I've kind of fallen in love with something else."
"I had the great honor of maybe being the only American woman to dance Giselle on this stage."
"Dance your depression away, it's not that hard."
"You could put on a record by David Bowie and it was accepted as a dance record, it was accepted as a song that could make people move."
"When I'm used to seeing other dancers that I'm like wow, that's a good dancer."
"Your boy has rhythm okay the only reason I'm not going out to clubs every weekend is because everyone's crumping man."
"Every single song makes you want to move. It's about movement, the whole project."
"This dance too is a reference, but not to The Mickey Mouse Club like you might have heard online."
"Not only is this dance iconic, but without it, most of our entries wouldn't even exist."
"Watching these performers dance in unison is stunning."
"It's a positively marvelous piece that comes towards the end of the first act."
"Tonight we dance, my heart and I, in the great rousing music of the beloved's beating heart."
"Lord, we thank you so much for the gift of dance."
"Every dancer has such joy in each movement that it's hard not to love."
"You have to deliver, you have to go out there and dance like your life depends on it."
"I really feel like I'm out of my league here. I'm used to majorette or hip hop, maybe a little Jazz, but this modern technique, it felt different."
"I don't know how to dance, but lean and make the together women put their hands on their knees."
"They all could have used a dance teacher who cared about them."
"Dance to the sacred rhythm of life, unleash your spirit."
"Wherever the music was playing, Melanie would be there dancing right along with it."
"Michael Jackson is the King of the moonwalk."
"A story is a rhetorical representation of reality."
"It's amazing the two manage to stay perfectly in sync given how fast their feet are moving. This scene is definitive proof that this family has plenty of tap talent."
"Kelly tap dances with the cartoon mouse Jerry. The sequence required the utmost care to pull off; animators had to painstakingly use rotoscoping to match the mouse's movements with Kelly's frame by frame."
"Astaire starts the routine by looking cool as a cucumber as he masterfully taps around the stage with a cigarette in his mouth. Suddenly, he takes things up a notch by throwing a firecracker to the ground in time with the music."
"An iconic sequence made the film within a film 'Lullaby of Broadway' unforgettable. The number is absolutely packed with a huge crew of tap dancers. While they all move in sync, it feels and sounds like we're in the middle of a thunderstorm."
"In this scene, Fred Astaire shows off a wide range of his talents with a whimsical flare as Jerry. Not only does he deliver a fantastic song and dance, but he also plays the drums with his feet."
"With this number, Robinson and Temple showed that you don't need more than a simple song and a staircase to perform a captivating dance. Their warm chemistry is tangible in this scene."
"Reportedly filmed in a single take, it's no wonder that Fred Astaire has called this routine 'the greatest movie musical number he had ever seen.'"
"She's only four foot tall, but to be able to hit those moves..."
"I just thought they were just incredible. I mean, my God. I don't know how you could perform some of those dances. They were just amazing."
"What's Up Girl? What's Up Girl? Want me to dance? 200, you owe me a dance over here."
"Sometimes that choreographer, that guest teacher coming into your studio and seeing something else in your child that no one has seen before is the breakthrough that that kid needs."
"Dance is a state of the soul, and I hope to dance in some form in my old age."
"Dance Dance Revolution and Dance Masters are talking dancing to a new level!"
"That's the way the way I'm used to its dance dancing."
"To avoid any trouble during the practice, Abigail suggests the princess dance with her father."
"Everything comes from classical ballet class."
"You and me together, we can make it better, gotta turn the world into your dance floor, determinate, determinate."
"Dancing is almost like an expression of your emotion."
"Every ballerina aspires to dance it and also wants to make it their own."
"Absolutely, yeah, good dancer, great dancer, wiggly arms, yeah, pretty wiggly arms, dangerous, very dangerous."
"Homer Bryant invented hiplet to empower black children."
"I could have danced all night, my fair lady."
"A dance like music and movement gives birth to a lot."
"Listen honey, look, the break dancing beckons to me. I have to leave, it's my purpose."
"Make sure to stretch a ton before you do this dance."
"She's never going to be the dancer she can be if she's constantly having adults make her doubt herself."
"I want something I can twerk to, something I feel and something that gives me tea."
"Perhaps dance is the universal language because it's essentially what we all did as a human civilization before we were to evolve into what we are now."
"People who dance... feel good when they dance because they're moving their energy around."
"Get busy, get busy everybody! If you get busy, I need y'all to report to the dance floor right this minute."
"JoJo would actually have a chance at winning if Abby would just give her some time."
"That was one of my favorite group dances that we've done."
"Spontaneous moments when the public just starts dancing."
"The alternate of whatever the [__] the original genre was. If you're a dancer, think about it as contemporary style. It's taken the rules and then bend them to do the absolute maximum expression of it, yeah, I guess, right?"
"Just Dance has always been about connecting with good company."
"Tony Basil is truly a pioneer in the dance world."
"The Gangnam Style dance is a lot harder than you think. It's like DDR skills."
"The world has their eyes on me, and they should."
"If dance is the poetry of the foot, then I'm Shakespeare."
"We don't need permission to dance right away like this, but uh, that's so sick."
"Dance because it will shift you into a beautiful state. Fear lives in the head, but dancing is the gateway to freedom."
"Hula is the telling of a story with your hands; it's about the Aina and the land."
"She's literally so swaggy, her dancing persona is like she was at the concert we went to in MetLife Stadium."
"Why don't clubs pull songs like these? Literally, this one, the songs that would make everybody go wild."
"All I ever wanted was to just hear the truth, so dance good."
"Tony wears tight pants, he's obsessed with his perfectly quaffed hair, he swivels his hips, he struts and he wears heels."
"Dance had become primal and ubiquitous, a powerful communication tool."
"Dance on your own for no reason other than the fact that you feel like it."
"It's not about hitting all the moves, it's about the hearts."
"When you're talking about creative work, stealing is incredibly important."
"It was such an amazing dance it all had these gorgeous flower crowns."
"Jerry was the Balanchine of Broadway choreography...a once-in-a-century talent."
"One of its binding threads is ballet excitingly linked to the visual arts in a number of prestigious commissions." - Fran Lebowitz
"Single ladies spawned a massive dance craze... the famous moves were choreographed by Frank Gatson Jr. and JaQuel Knight."
"One of Kenny's favorite things to do is turn someone who can't dance into a dancer."
"When I dance with you, I want to dance with all of you, I don't want your brain to be somewhere else."
"China and TikTok are responsible for the dance craze that has just overtaken America. Everybody's a dancer now."
"Definitely something you want to get up and dance to."
"Let's Dance, let's go, come on Romeo, holy moly!"
"Dance before Him, you are literally mocking the devil."
"A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having at all."
"Alex said, 'You can always take time to dance.' Words to live by."
"Appreciate your divinity, appreciate your magic, express yourself through dance."
"I want to dance with somebody... I think that's incredible."
"Remember those moves you used to do with your mom as a kid? Well, I'm bringing them back in this throwback dance workout."
"The sisters can sing either Calamari Incantation or Ink Me Up, and each has its own dance tied to the song."
"Awaken the goddess within you through dance, self-care."
"Ellen's my best friend, yeah I watch her dance and then I dance too, yeah and she would love me and you're like Ellen would hate you."
"I finally joined a dance class. I dreamed of being a dancer."
"Dance is cool, but rapping is cooler, hip-hop."
"Super thankful that you came along, because my hips don't lie no more, Shakira was right."
"All your base returned to the grave, dancing among the stars."
"This is Srimati Radharani and Shri Krishna dancing, beautiful, exquisite."
"Have you ever wanted to play techno dance remixes of 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,' 'Zippity Doo-Dah,' or 'Chim Chim Cher-ee' but with your feet? If so, then this will be your favorite game of all time."
"Classical Chinese dance is able to embody 5,000 years of traditional morality and virtues."
"Thank you so very much for this at the end of the day mashup dance."
"Shantae's transformation dances are a bold and best showcase of art direction..."
"It's more of a dance and less of a competitive thing with yourself. It's really about finding that sweet spot and staying in that sweet spot."
"I just do, I don't know how to call this movement, that's perfect, you know, because you're making that big think and you do a great job using your body."
"Proudly declare his god-given right to dance."
"Dance is very good for changing up the energy; it's exercise, it's fun, it's a great way to spiritually channel things."
"Comparing Michael to artists who sing and dance simultaneously, he still dances while singing in his original keys."
"Let me dance for the people I love, let me do what I got to do."
"When we make this choreo, it's not about the punch, it's about the rhythm."
"There's so many reasons why he's considered a great singer and a great dancer."
"Our dance is not just a dance. Our dance is an Armenian one. It’s one of a kind."
"We're literally in 2023 and we are still at the point if you dance as a guy you're gay. That's pretty archaic, right?"
"So many apologists and Christian fundamentalists are against dancing because they do it so well."
"You are not dancing tango alone. So we have to share the responsibility."
"A professional dancer is never an easy feat. It takes lots of skill and effort to become the best. That is what I aim to teach you."
"Get on up, ow, and shake the butt. All right, okay, okay, here we go."
"Chris Brown gets busy, can dance. He can dance his ass off."
"Open your eyes and see the difference between a dance captain and an amateur!"
"I started dancing, I used it as a stepping stone. I was taking my ones, going to the studio."
"You're not gonna become a ballerina overnight, that's the truth."
"The dance is its own truth, it is the movement that matters."
"As long as you're having fun you're doing the dance right."
"You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, you turn yourself around, that's what it's all about."
"This record is groovy, danceable, and fun to listen to."
"You do you, left shark! You do you. DANCE! DANCE LIKE NOBODY'S WATCHING!"
"She danced graciously, gloriously, and rhythmically."
"A murder on the dance floor, don't kill the groove."