
Personal Milestones Quotes

There are 330 quotes

"After waiting so long for this day, allow me a few moments to just savor this."
"This is a breathtaking number that I never would have thought possible when I first started YouTube."
"I'm super excited because so many of you guys have so many exciting things happening to you in your lives in January."
"My wedding's not gonna be the best day of my life. My best days of my life are gonna be so many other days."
"I really feel like by May 11th, you'll have already taken this first step on whatever this is, and I feel like you're really harnessing your inner power in the month of May to really rise up to something new and to also kind of start something new."
"This was the year I truly started playing video games, so pretty much the year I was truly born."
"Birthdays are important to people; they represent a kind of personal New Year."
"This is the moment you have been waiting for."
"I'm excited to say that I just went over 90,000 subscribers and I'm coming up on a hundred thousand which is crazy because that's been a milestone of mine for a really long time."
"Rewarding yourself when you reach little milestones...do something that you enjoy doing."
"Life couldn't be better... driving my dream car, marrying this wonderful, gorgeous young lady."
"Once you find your queen, then life will set out for you."
"That has to be one of the best moments I've ever had in a game."
"Goals in the short-term...I wanted to put into a certain pair of pants."
"Every belt for me that I got in my career is important. Each one helped me to conquer and to build this career."
"It's going to be life-changing, remarkable, the entry and the beginning of a very successful time in your life."
"Nothing's going to bring me down from this, I'm just so excited to be here."
"Lately I just feel maybe a little bit more obligation. My dad just passed away, I turned 50 next month."
"Celebrate when you hit your benchmark this is something that I did not do when this made me very very unhappy"
"He was our first child and we've had other children since and I'm proud." - "He made by whole life."
"Get baptized as soon as possible. Maybe stream it for your husband so you can celebrate together."
"I've got the time that my two kids were born on my wrist."
"You're on the brink of achieving something really big."
"I just love how no one knew when you started."
"I finished the book. I can take out my little bookmark."
"New Year's was the first time that we had met face to face, so it is a special time for us."
"I fired my first employee before I ever broke up with a girl."
"This is the week of an amazing recognition you have been waiting for your moment you have been waiting for this point you have been waiting for this and this is gonna be huge for you."
"I never imagined that I was gonna have 40,000 subscribers."
"September brought milestones, from Landon's run to walk event to reaching 10,000 subscribers on YouTube."
"I feel like all of us, at some point in our lives, have had little checkpoints where we remember feeling incredible."
"God can very easily handle my anger thank you all is fine but also this appreciation that the way that I feel about my faith is fundamentally different because of having to have my faith tested."
"I find myself the recipient of the things that I was praying for because of the circumstances the hard circumstances that were thrown my way."
"My first kiss, the most magical moment of my life."
"It has led him to a lot of great things: an MVP season, a Heisman, a national championship, a Super Bowl."
"London has well and truly been ticked off the list."
"Take time to celebrate your accomplishments."
"Life's pretty much complete... not much for me to do."
"Expect finally getting that promotion, that engagement, marriage that maybe you've been wanting."
"He's fantastic and the other day was the first smile that we got out of him and it's been definitely a whirlwind of emotions from the birth to now."
"Megan Thee Stallion is now a college graduate crossing the stage at Texas Southern University."
"I loved my wife, loved my children, I loved my work, I had just heard that a book of mine had been optioned for a movie."
"I first felt successful when I moved out of my parents' house."
"In 30 years from now when I'm 42, we're gonna look back on this day on the channel and we're gonna say, 'This... this was the day that everything changed.'"
"I felt like a boy who had earned his first guinea, or like a diver who had been down to the depths of the sea, and brought up a great pearl."
"I have been working all my life for this goal and this dream, and I finally have it in my hands- my badge and my credentials."
"You'll be the prom queen of the prom king this week, actually, make that nine months."
"I just wanted to meet my fans, to have one good birthday."
"Congratulations to Ola because Ola just got married the other day."
"Congratulations on the engagement! You and Lizzy are so cute."
"I did it, I hit 800,000 subscribers not just once but three times in the space of a minute."
"It's a lot going on, exciting things though...I'm gonna be a whole wife by the end of this year."
"Starting off with January happened it was actually December but we're going to conclude it today."
"The full moon will bring something really positive in your personal life."
"I hit 50k, I did it! Another zero draft in the bank."
"Kendrick albums are always like a time stamp in my life."
"Anytime you do something for the first time, stands out a little bit more."
"I just wanna, I remember my first goal when I moved to Los Angeles, all I wanted to do is make videos in the day and do spots at night and then tour on the weekend and I'm literally living right that right now."
"Remember, he was in Florida on his honeymoon."
"That moment meant everything. It's the culmination of 35 years of blood, sweat, and tears."
"It's a journey, not the destination. It is definitely not the destination, it's only a milestone."
"You shouldn't feel weird about being 22 and not having a relationship."
"Who would have thought the socially awkward Reginald would have actually got a prom date?"
"For the first time in my life, I felt loved."
"Twenty-five years, that's going to be eight."
"Yeah, I feel like this is gonna be the turning point for me. It was one, there's two, and there's depression."
"I'm back, I think this is the first video I record after my birthday. It was March 18th, your boy is 22 now, 22! That is crazy!"
"It's the first time she felt like everyone in the community was backing her."
"365 was my stars, 350 is my moon, and still pretty cool."
"Instead, I'm going to go to an OB appointment tomorrow to hear the baby's heartbeat. Thank you, Lord."
"Actor Jim Nabors, who's lived in Hawaii for more than 40 years, married his longtime male partner earlier this month."
"Did you start to realize was it just when you took second at that Olympia was it that when you realized that you could win or what was that did that trigger you at that point because before that you said hey look I wasn't really."
"It's a once in a lifetime thing, it's very rare and it doesn't happen for a lot of people."
"I said in my discord around about the time I hit 200,000 subscribers that if I ever got a 250k I would drive the Red Bull X 2010 at Targa Florio."
"Wow, that is amazing. I made it to the Holy Ground. I did it!"
"Probably one of the most exciting times of my life."
"We just cracked 10 gold per month which is a big milestone for me."
"Yo she popped a question last year on my birthday."
"One million was never something I thought was like feasible and then obviously we hit a million so that's pretty dope man."
"I've achieved the number one thing on my bucket list."
"Congratulations warrior, you have made history today."
"I kind of view my life in two major eras: the pre and post-viewing of Ninja Turtles the Next Mutation."
"I'm still not used to birthdays, but let me assure you this was very enjoyable."
"Let's crack off cry because as well as these milestones."
"End it, dog, get your eighth, ninth whatever it is ring."
"This is one of those days that you were going to remember for the rest of your life."
"Hopefully this year will be the year that I get married."
"For me, it's really happening" - Turning dreams into reality.
"The moment I feel comfortable, this is the top."
"There are two most important dates in your life: the first is the day you were born and hope you all know that, and the second is the day you find out why you were born."
"Everything started coming together for me in the year 1995."
"The two most important days of your life are the day that you're born and the day you find out why."
"The universe knew that your one-year anniversary is coming up and so produced this news as a personal present to you, Rashad."
"Days like this don't come too often, see you in Spain."
"My first time in your life, awesome. I hope you're enjoying the experience."
"It's just me seeing my triumphs, and to do it for a whole audience, it was pretty cool."
"I was like, 'Damn, I have arrived. I am here.'"
"Two of the greatest moments in an individual's life: the day they were born and the day that they realize why they were born."
"What a start, gotta say that. It was such a massive relief the other day, this is like something I've been waiting for for literally four years."
"He adds yet another Champions to his collection - a win against Monaco in the final."
"What's the happiest moment in your life so far? Moving out on the back of doing YouTube."
"July 13th, a powerful moment of success and material attainment."
"This is your set time, your moment to take off."
"2007 is my favorite year... the year I got my Xbox 360."
"Every day is a new joy, every day is a new milestone."
"Cat and Raphael welcomed their son leafar in December of 2018."
"Celebrate that you've achieved what you wanted."
"Nothing is small. Celebrate where you're at because this has been a very important part of the journey."
"I now have a husband and a honeymoon baby on the way, my very own family, oh and a shiny backbone."
"Boys, we're close to a hundred, we're close to a thousand solo wins."
"Last night we reached it, I showed my parents, they're like congratulations, there's a really happy moment."
"I am marrying a woman who is a full professor and when she became a full professor we knew that was a very big deal."
"Congratulations on the new introduction to the family."
"Man, this is it. The day we've all been building up for."
"Goals you've forgotten about for 35 years sometimes they get ticked off the list too."
"Happy birthday to me and I'm spending it here with you so congratulations to me I guess."
"I constantly, even though there have been difficult parts of this year, most every year is better than the previous year in terms of like getting to do unbelievable things."
"A victory is a victory, so General Zod's first career AHL game, he gets himself two fights and an assist. I'll take that."
"Listen out for that chime of a big clock, it signifies change and celebration for you."
"Getting elected as president was the biggest day of my life, but this one was bigger."
"This is just the time and season that I'm in right now... I'm very much so trying to enjoy these last 18 days before I become a whole wife."
"Milestone complete get married to BFF and become a parent."
"Nothing particularly wonderful has happened to me in my life but now it appears I'm going to be part of the Space Race."
"Congratulations, you managed to somehow make a goal stay with you after breaking up with her 10 times."
"This is the start of the good old days for me."
"The most powerful moment isn't necessarily when you're going to get the award, it's when you decide you're going to do something."
"If I hit a hundred thousand subscribers on Matt Lane Fitness, I'll get a bygone gym tattoo."
"It's our wedding anniversary as well, married seven days today!"
"Here we are a brand new account and a brand new Journey."
"My favorite moment/memory of the month was definitely surprising my parents with my tattoo."
"We got a hit! The small victories in life, those are the ones that are meaningful."
"Celebrate those short victories on your own, but don't be too hard on yourself."
"Gratitude always overwhelming with the support."
"What if I can be the one people look up to?"
"Thank you for sticking with me through this entire year."
"Patience does pay off... starting to get back up to 261."
"It's awesome...I finally just like ripped that tank top off and it was such an empowering moment in my life."
"That is honestly one of the moments of my life that I've felt the most accomplished."
"It's just an exciting chapter for the Braly family."
"I'm so freaking excited to announce that I will be going for the first time ever!"
"This better be the best thing I've ever done in my entire life."
"Just had my second child too, a lot of blessings to look forward to right now."
"Life-changing moments, launching my own collection."
"I just turned 22. 22 years old. This is the future you're seeing here tonight."
"Ellen's first inspiration for a stand-up bit."
"A major milestone coming in for you, a major celebration."
"This is my first win in Survivor game so we've got managed to get about seven or eight rounds yesterday and I did win two that's cool."
"We're stopping this video to have a huge announcement about Brinley. She got a new car! She got an Audi!"
"It was time to marry the game and I said yeah."
"This bag actually signifies the beginning of my YouTube channel."
"95 is the hard part. Once you get 95, 99 is like super easy, man."
"I want to give a big thank you to all of you for making my 22 year of living the best year of my life."
"You guys actually mad today, Michael Wang with the 100, congrats on the wedding and welcome to adulthood!"
"It's been tough, but we actually landed on a name."
"I didn't realize how important my wedding was to me until this post blew up."
"I want to make it official because we're already boyfriend and girlfriend but there's no like date I thought you need like an anniversary date."
"I'm really happy that I've been to Denmark ticked off a brand new country for me."
"Getting something incredible like the grandmaster title."
"Ruby just graduated and got a job. It was like one of the best days of my life."
"After signing a contract extension with WWE in 2019, it looks like AJ Styles is in his final stop, looking to string a few more priceless memories and matches onto a career already overflowing with them."
"Happy birthday to little llama Bean, you're two years old."
"I think the first one I'll remember forever... Norris gets on the podium for the first time in Formula One!"
"I think it's going to be a really special one."
"Here we are. This is it. I'm ready to declare for the draft. First day of the rest of your life."
"Every milestone counts, no matter how small."
"I think I might be more excited than I was when I got my first teaching job."
"Minecraft Steve is now in Smash. I made that tweet 21 hours ago. I said I made that tweet, I'm like, yo, I'm gonna make this my pin tweet until it's real."
"It was pretty crazy because I did something that I haven't done for the entire history of my YouTube account."
"Fernando Alonso doing something very, very special winning in his first season with Ferrari at Monza."
"I've been waiting for five years for this day."
"Best moments: post-lockdown haircut and new appreciation for things."
"2019 was a pretty great year. I became a father, got engaged, and found out we're expecting a little baby boy."
"I'm ready to start my life. I'm ready to have my baby. I'm ready just to be happy."
"Knowing where I am today for me is everything."
"We're both going to space this year. Like, that's kind of freaking nuts, right?"
"I've been doing YouTube for like can you believe I feel like I've been saying five years for like maybe two years now so maybe it's longer than five years"
"This team lost one of its members, and now he's scoring his final goal before he leaves forever."
"My son's getting his first car! How exciting!"
"Your ancestors are very proud of you for breaking some kind of generational cycle."
"This is like actually a really big moment for me."
"For some of your fourth house is to start a family some of you this is exactly what might be happening."
"If I can love myself a little more each day and it's just it can be as as as meaningless as as maybe brushing my teeth and flossing you know U I did it you know it those little small accomplishments do matter you know uh."
"What does it mean to now just To Be A Champion to be able to celebrate with their family."
"I'm just seriously so excited for his first Easter."
"Thank you all those day one-ish people who loved Luke loved us on the MMA Beat back in the day, came along with us, stayed the course. 100k we made it baby."
"I woke up to a Quest from Demetrius asking for a melon for her goats and then I was like wait my barn is upgraded I can get a goat now too."
"Coachella Valley, you have been the highlight of my 20s."
"Some work that you've been doing in private is coming to a close. It was not easy... but here you are, in a much, much, much better place."
"I turned 30 and 2001 SpaceX was war in 2002 and the Tesla was really technically Incorporated 2003 but really didn't get going till 2004."
"I spread my arms out and said, look where we are, does it look like the place I wanted to celebrate my graduation and my 18th birthday?"
"What are the things in between those major benchmarks that bring joy to your life?"
"I'm expecting that for ck and i it's a different time in our lives it's a different era but it can be the best year yet glory to god."
"Big changes happen very fast when there are eclipses, the eighth house is also the house of getting pregnant, pregnancies, conceptions, life and death."
"Sharing it with you guys, it's gonna be a pleasure and a once in a lifetime experience."
"This could be a big day for me, big-time to win."
"Here I stand proof of what I thought impossible made possible."
"Set business goals. I want this done by this time, that done by that time, set life goals."
"And thank you to my mom for giving birth to me so I could experience this 28 years ago."
"A hundred thousand is a lot and then the idea of a million, that's a lot as well."