
Medical Care Quotes

There are 400 quotes

"For 70 years, UNRWA has been the largest aid organization in Gaza, providing food, education, and medical care."
"We do have a lot of evidence that trans people have been begging and screaming for medical care like this to be accessible."
"Every child deserves the ability to have private medical care and to not have it publicized and politicized."
"Internal medicine doctors are the generalists of generalists, treating a vast variety of medical conditions, whether common or rare, complex or straightforward, acute or chronic."
"There are so many people who suffer unnecessarily, who suffered needlessly, and there is a way forward."
"It's not up to us to deny medical care, it is up to us to feed the hungry, to clothe the poor, to protect children, and to love all people as our own."
"The ruling would become a powerful tool to challenge legislation restricting access to medical care and other accommodations for trans people, including employment and government benefits, advocates said."
"But Ronald McDonald's house provided shelter and support to families of children undergoing surgeries and medical care."
"Hospitalization stays are substantially shorter, and this is critical."
"Transitioning or at least receiving some care in proportion with the extent of gender dysphoria always seems to help over a statistical average."
"As a physician, I try to open to them a door of hope."
"You didn't provide the necessary care for your daughter."
"Rosie wasn't even released from the hospital until she was safe to go out."
"Tests are up, cases are down, hospital emissions down, the number of patients overall in hospital and specifically those on mechanical ventilation beds both down."
"Nobody should want to come to this Hospital unless you have no other choice, just like me and my family does because it's where we need to be protected."
"Most of the time it's satisfying the tree because I would say the vast majority, if not all of our patients, get better to some extent."
"Fortunately, his final years appear to have held some happiness for him, cared for by doctors and nurses who stopped at nothing to give him everything he wished for."
"All of that treatment that we had with the overnight stays with all the tests they run with the medication zero dollar zero euro it was completely free."
"The sad fact remains that there are people dying now of this infection who would have survived even if they'd had fairly basic medical treatment."
"Health care providers love to hear questions."
"Access to medical care is a basic human right."
"Patients to have sort of ownership and autonomy over their health."
"He was under the care of medical professionals and currently receiving treatment after testing positive for Coronavirus."
"By the grace of God, he was able to get medical attention right away."
"Each person's scar type is unique, requiring personalized care and treatment."
"There's an entire demographic of the population who are routinely denied life-saving medical care."
"I love when the surgeon will spend time with you and make you feel like you're on an equal playing field with them."
"Women are getting inferior care... women are getting inferior care as a result." - Dr. Cheryl Hamlin
"Chopper in doctor mode, sacrificing everything he can to help people to his last breath. This is one of the best things about Chopper."
"It's a doctor chopper MD, don't you want a reindeer operating on you?"
"Medical and social support for trans kids and affirmation of their identity is not child abuse, it saves children's lives."
"Treat the wounded first, then worry about everything else."
"Cian was born at just 22 weeks old and was only given a 9% chance of survival."
"If you're seriously deficient, get under a doctor's care."
"These are folks that showed no remorse. These are people that are being treated quite fairly. These were conditions where they have access to Medical Care 24 hours a day."
"Pray for Donna, surgery for brain, brain surgery. Okay, in Jesus name we're praying for Donna."
"Thanks for patching me up, doc. I really appreciate that."
"Palliative care has a little broader definition... it opens the doors to many more patients who normally would not have access to this kind of care."
"We want to protect the lung from iatrogenic injury. We don't want to be causing any more damage to the lungs."
"Ensure that we're providing these patients with appropriate nutrition."
"If I can see a path forward to help my patients either prevent, postpone, or delay, then something good is coming."
"Negative on the dentist, I only went in for a chipped tooth."
"Just reassurance as we call it or just alleviating that worry can be very satisfying and people are just so grateful for that."
"It's truly a blessing. My son is currently in Shands Gainesville."
"Fantastic man what a good time so much fun so fun to get out there and put out the uniform and be with the guys."
"It was described by the nurse and his doctor as a very peaceful passing."
"I'll try to do my best as a doctor to please you and make sure that I always keep track on all of your bits of health which is very important to me."
"The treatment they receive in there is just next."
"It was a real privilege to care for baby I and to get to know you as a family who always put baby I first."
"The police were called and I was rushed into the hospital."
"Inappropriate care should actually be dealt with prior to families being able to decide."
"What if I told you that after we gave you some medicine we're gonna find you your favorite food to eat and then we'll get you some new clothes and toys as many as you want to play with in heaven? You're safe."
"We're going to put you back together and send you on your way."
"Anesthesiology is the specialty dealing with taking care of patients before, during, and after surgery, or pre-op, intra-op, and post-op."
"Blackbeard's new mission was to try and find medical supplies for his massive crew."
"A true doctor there to actually explain to me what was going on, what he had done, how it had happened. It was very helpful in my understanding of what was going on at that time and what I could do, you know, in the long run for this individual."
"I'm very lucky to have a wife who doubles as a vet nurse from time to time."
"How many of you out there... have had a good competent physician and it's made all the difference at a low time in someone's life?"
"No one in Australia is in intensive care with COVID-19."
"Under her head, they will never return to their previous selves... if he does not receive urgent medical care from the Royal Guards, then he will die."
"These cases proved just how important it is to have an advocate with you when you go to the hospital."
"The optimism of America is making sure that people can get medicine if they're sick."
"The simple fact of the matter is that the rates of detransitioning are incredibly low. Incredibly low, and that incredibly low rate of detransition should not be used as justification to deny care to other people."
"When I finally went in and a doctor took me seriously, it was almost a supernatural experience."
"I really don't want this little guy to end up on a ventilator."
"The kindness of the hospital staff and their accommodation of us having a really challenging experience."
"We operate on the thing that makes you you gives you the ability to walk and talk so once we meet a patient you know we say we're married to them for life because you know this is such a bond between patient and doctor."
"There will be no murders in her infirmary because he was her patient."
"He came running back to help me and carried me to my room and got me medical attention..."
"This is still at its heart a medical procedure and needs to be really cared for in that way."
"She felt light once finally taken to the hospital."
"Your health should never take a back seat to the discomfort you feel having to go into a doctor's office."
"We entered into a world of randomized control trials and evidence-based medicine."
"This protocol is not an alternative to standard medical care, this should be used in addition."
"Pain medication is supportive care."
"We'd reached a point where we thought we'd have to be withdrawing treatment, thankfully he suddenly recovered."
"The team that resuscitated him did a very, very good job."
"My shoulder hurts so bad, I had to go to the emergency care this morning to get it checked out."
"I said but there's not a discharge order she said well you can bring him home said no I'm not going to bring home AMA."
"I think I should get a say in who I want at my own medical appointments."
"You deserve competent Medical Care."
"I'm just trying to save Jr's life to the best that I can."
"It shouldn't be a horrible experience, but it should never really hurt anybody."
"I probably drove that recovery nurse insane because I kept asking her everything... I was like, is this oxygen?"
"...the pain wasn't too bad they had given me pretty adequate pain relief and the right should even mention that they put in as much local as they could as they could to kind of minimize the pain."
"Preemies have such different anatomies even to a full-term baby. NICU is really its own world."
"This is the biggest milestone for me, the lungs are better prepared to breathe but would still need medical assistance."
"The doctor isn't always right, the nurse isn't always right, you are the expert on your body."
"Failure to understand the nature of suffering can result in medical intervention that... becomes a source of suffering itself."
"...lower likelihood of dying in the ICU again."
"I feel sorry, I shouldn't do... You had to be careful because if you refused an operation they would say 'Oh, then we're gonna take this disability away from you.'"
"Women can also benefit from some menopause-informed medical care."
"If something's wrong with you mentally or physically, go to get it seen."
"They thought he was dead they took him down to the field hospital."
"The special forces medics, man, they're relentless. They'll do anything to keep you alive."
"The epidural was great for those postpartum cramps. Wonderful, amazing top perk."
"But what really struck me most about her email was the fact that it wasn't my medical knowledge or my clinical skills that she keenly remembered. It was the fact that I showed compassion for her."
"... if you have an urgent need if you have a problem in a country anywhere in the world and you need treatment continued treatment they fly you back to your local area so you can go to your hospital and you can be treated in your hospital"
"We need an up-to-date weight for us to be able to give the correct dose."
"You know, we already know that his leg was a little smaller than the other, you know, but you're flat, can you fix it? Yeah."
"Regardless of where you go in the world or which Clinic you end up in for a hair transplant, you want to make sure that there's proper strategy."
"We won't go to the doctor, especially black men. We've been taught, 'Yeah, tough it up. Oh man, it's just gas.' No [__], you're having a heart attack."
"...it was gratifying to see when we got the patient out there that it was possible to get somebody so sick and requiring so much oxygen outside into the Sun."
"We're doing these tests and when we get them, we're going to sit down, talk to you about what these things really mean, and we're going to learn about the wonder of your body."
"When you're dealing with a rare condition, you deserve to be seen by someone who has seen your condition before."
"Nick recognized that she needed to be kind of soothed at that point which gives me the room to get this extremity splinted."
"How do you convince a doctor that you are suffering protracted withdrawal if they do not believe it exists? You change doctor."
"Following the patients from the moment they are admitted. Anything I've done up to this point means nothing compared to when you can literally give a bit of yourself to save someone else."
"Although we lack a magic bullet to prevent post-sepsis problems, there are feasible interventions that we can implement now to help improve sepsis care for the many survivors."
"I absolutely love the oncologist that I have. He is incredible, he's brilliant, he's very smart, and he's extremely responsive, which I appreciate so much."
"If we can't help you medically, we'll help you emotionally too."
"If you inherently don't trust the doctor, you're not going to be able to heal the way that you would like independent of what medications you get from that doctor."
"Doctors are paid to come up with plans for patients and medical gaslighting can often be countered by asking doctors specifically about what their plan is."
"Our aim is to keep those cardiac arrest figures as low as they are now."
"We were really fortunate in that, we did have a really wonderful neurologist in California."
"When people throw that around, we had nurses and we had an on-call doctor."
"He uses stitching, eye contact, and bleeding control as the fifth rule of the healer's survival."
"Lily attended it every year and she helped treat the wounded and annoying drunkards."
"So we saved her life actually because if he hadn't referred in the past you know fracture goodbye but he referred to the clinic she got treatment and actually she's she became my primary care patients so she's doing just great."
"We need to do everything we can to preserve his survival time but also enhance his quality of life."
"So our patients, and this clinical presentation is someone who's very, very ill, morbidly obese. And granted we're not totally out of the woods yet, there's more work to be done, but you can clearly see how this patient's moving in the right direction."
"I hope it's not troubling you too much as you see Dr K we've been able to take the plaster off for him I think our medical people have done quite a good job there."
"He feels confident that Turin's shoulder is probably just strained...no stress there."
"Being able to see different doctors in different states and countries and get different opinions has been a huge thing I'm grateful for."
"... so if it's a matter of putting to rest checking a thiamine level or a b6 level once I'll do it."
"There's a lot we can do to help people with neuropathy."
"A wonderful doctor Nora, you figured out what was wrong with me just like that."
"Over the following 24 hours, the medical team were able to confirm that JC’s blood tests, physical and neurological exam were normal, as he was discharged from the intensive care unit, and he was able to make a full recovery."
"Your job is to resuscitate patients who need to be resuscitated and in the rest identify dangerous conditions."
"Parents have the ultimate right to make the decisions concerning appropriate medical care for their children."
"Nine out of ten combat related deaths are preventable before they get to the care of a surgeon."
"I saw my whole body is burnt, so the nurses start to clean my hands."
"If you're watching this video and you have shingles right now please go and see your doctor it can help a lot."
"...putting that out there right now go and see a doctor if you have shingles it will help a lot."
"...do talk to your doctor about getting the shingles vaccine because it can help a lot."
"Fatima's family sought more help for her rare condition when they got to America."
"It made a huge difference because one is preventing infection two it's keeping the grafts moist and alive and promoting cell growth."
"Anything that we can do to get better control of seizures helps to reduce the risk of this dreaded phenomenon."
"She knowingly got into a relationship with someone suffering from a heart condition, a condition which, might I add, you paid the medical bills for."
"We're definitely going to get our son checked for allergies and other possible stuff."
"The most important thing that everyone should be carrying more than the gun, more than a knife, it's medical."
"Oh it's dead like easy dying just his faces got some scratches all right his suits nice and clean I'm game shouldn't we be like doing medical stuff."
"The most rewarding is celebrating the victories. It doesn't matter if somebody is incurable or what we call terminal, but if they have a response, you have got to highlight and make a big deal of the victories because they are very big deals."
"I had an assessment, we kind of just checked on baby checked on Mom."
"How's the medical? The hospitals are pretty good there. You have English-speaking doctors. You go to an English-speaking hospital built to cater to foreigners."
"The next great advance in medical care will not be a magic pill; it will be a miraculous cell called the MSC."
"There's really good reason to think that putting a sleep mask over intensive care unit patients would be a sensible thing to do."
"They made sure that I was stable, so to speak, and started ordering some blood work. I'm so thankful for those guys for being, I mean, they just, they were on top of things."
"Guideline-directed medical therapy during hospitalization is crucial."
"If you listen to one thing in this video, let it be this: seek professional medical help, please. Praying and going to church can be helpful if you have a healthy community and doesn't feed you dangerous misinformation. But don't substitute faith for medical care."
"The doctors in the hospital they thought they could not do anything for me nothing."
"Frequent assessment of vital signs as well as their level of consciousness is crucial."
"Florina resisted at first since the next day was Mother's Day. She said she wanted to get home and spend it with Merill and their baby, but Dr. Goldick promised Florina that she could leave once Dr. Hennessy checked up on her the next day, so Florina agreed to stay."
"Wound dressings are cheap, widely used, and if translucent, you can monitor the wound without having to interfere with it."
"I always just hate like waiting and then you go to the doctor and they're like oh well it all could have been fine if you came in 5 hours ago."
"When patients did not have prophylactic cranial radiation, surveillance with MRI brain is necessary."
"Thank God I saw a dermatologist, changed my life."
"That's an immense amount of information tailored to your case, and I think that teaches us that there can be no, you know, one approach that just applies to everyone."
"Patients often feel reassured simply by giving a name to their disease, previously invisible to the medical world."
"Always prioritize bleeding first, infection second, and position education last in post-operative care."
"Option C is correct because nursing management for a client with a myocardial infarction prioritizes pain management and reducing myocardial oxygen demand."
"Be your patient's detective and advocate."
"Pain is displayed in different ways. But symptomatically, if the systolic is 200, I can match that. Even if it wasn't, I would still call. I hate to see people in pain, regardless of what's going on. 19, 90 years old, I still call."
"TPN is reserved for severe cases when you're given TPN what labs do you want to monitor?"
"The standard of care for Pediatric CRPS is really functional restoration."
"That's not to include monthly review by an ICC psychiatric technician."
"Administering IV fluids is it going to help my patient with this condition? Yes or no. If the answer is yes, go ahead and do it. You have the right order."
"Whether an accident victim survives doesn't only depend on doctors' skills often it simply depends on getting to hospital at all."
"I've got these steri-strips glued to my eye. They said it was so well done both by the doctor and then also in the post care where I did the icing, and the only until I got there was just no swelling."
"Chances are everything's gonna be alright. We're gonna take some blood pressure, we're gonna look at your eyes, tap your kneecaps, and you're out."
"Always do the best for your patient and never be lazy. You cannot do bad by your patients if you are hyper-focused, thinking worst-case scenario, and are there for them."
"I think whenever you can do that, it is advisable if you're not comfortable."
"I would tell anybody with any medical condition, if you're not comfortable and there is another specialist in your area, whenever you can do that, it is advisable."
"Thank you. Always second and third opinions out there."
"...for like Universal Health Care for your entire family you're you're good wow you need like to go to the dentist you're good you need to like get a cast you're good..."
"It was all about the patient, the baby, the toddler, the child. He treated each with utmost respect, never a snide comment, and he gave a hundred percent of himself to each child."
"It saved my life because of those Medicals. You know, I mean, all right, I had the symptoms of prostate cancer, but it wasn't registering like, 'Oh, you know, it'll go away.'"
"A bandage is a piece of cloth or maybe a piece of glue and some other kind of tape, maybe material, that we put over a wound, we put over an injury to help it heal."
"We're very fortunate on the air ambulance with having doctors who can give really strong pain relief."
"Beautiful little children with cleft lips that we took to the operating room and fixed."
"The doctor asked him to come this way."
"Our training is if you recognize signs of excited delirium you should handle it appropriately and appropriate is to call in medical health medical services would be there, okay um."
"I'm so sick of continuing to have to deal with these issues and I would almost at this point rather be in pain than have to go back into any kind of medical office about it."
"If we can prevent that second seizure from occurring, then that's an ideal situation."
"Our treatment goal, no matter whatever treatment we're offering, is seizure freedom and no side effects."
"And then for about two to three hours, this gentleman, elderly, does not remember his name, he does not want to disparage this man, just tried to jam LD's toe back into the socket, just raw, like, no painkillers, no drugs."
"Huge shout out to a loja corner urgent care they were absolutely amazing."
"I had run out of medication for my allergies and decided to call the doctor, but at the same time I was starting to be extremely tired. And it was a deep dark tired that did not respond to sleep or rest."
"I have two doctors that look after me, one of them is at a very strict clinic and the other one, he's a bodybuilder."
"When we push back death, even for a moment, I believe we've performed a small miracle."
"We just finished another wave of patients. It went from zero to 100 really quickly starting with the first gunshot rotation. Pulling my arm, hands just wrapped around my arm and up, grabbing my shoulder, just covered in blood, shivering, so cold and super sweaty."
"Family history is less important for older patients, but crucial for younger ones."
"Planes are equipped with medical kits that cover small health concerns, just let the flight attendant know what's bothering you and they'll likely have something to help for free."
"So, how are you feeling? Oh, you're feeling a little bit dizzy. Okay, take a sip of water. Good big sip."
"He was ill essentially all the time in Indian in and out of bed one thing 8 or the other thing aids here he went to a host of doctors."
"It's just crazy that people think that getting a second or a third opinion regarding something where two doctors have said something completely different means that I'm Doctor shopping."
"No mother wants to see their kid in pain, she goes 'can we get a [__] doctor in here, like you know, help him out?'"
"The key point here is I think we probably can move away from saying you can never let somebody home without normal observations."
"You are not going to lift the patient because if they have spinal injury, if they have back injury, or if they have hip injury, we are not there to lift them up. We will make the situation worse."
"You need to provide non-slippery socks to the patient, non-slippery shoes to the patient, provide all the things in their access like all the belongings of the patients, keep them in patients' reach."